woman crying on a beach
While life is beautiful in so many ways, it is also filled with struggles and obstacles. We can’t truly appreciate happiness without experiencing some sort of pain.
Pain is inevitable. No matter how much we try to prevent bad things from happening, life will strike. Maybe you will have to face grief, betrayal or a broken heart. These experiences can tear you down in unspeakable ways. Some of them will cause so much pain that you’ll do anything that comes to mind to avoid it or feel a bit of joy, even if just for a few seconds.
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What’s Holding You Back?
I’ve always wondered what the world would be like if everyone spent less time focusing on other people’s lives and more time focused on their own goals.
Life is just different when you focus on yourself instead of others. Actually, it’s better. Instead of worrying about things you can’t control, you are a second away from changing anything at any given moment. It’s liberating and exciting.
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The best part is when you find something you are passionate about. A combination of passion, control, and focus is what leads to success in any endeavor. In conjunction, you will naturally be inclined to work hard. The consistent hard work you do will change who you are as a person.
And once that happens, you’ll never be the same again. It’s not even tempting to worry about what other people are saying and doing. The opinions of others stop mattering, and you begin meeting your needs for fulfillment and joy through your labor.
In time, hard work becomes the vehicle that sets you free. Each one of us is equipped to live life on our own terms, make choices that empower us, and work each day toward fulfilling our dreams.
Unfortunately, most people don’t. For some, it’s the fear of failure, so strongly ingrained that they never even try. The ones that do start usually give up as soon as things get challenging.
In all likelihood, there’s an area of your life that you aren’t happy with. Have you ever wondered what would your life be like if your sole focus shifted toward improving this area?
The only thing separating you from where you are and where you want to be is consistent and intentional hard work. That should be liberating. You should feel ready to start now.
If you aren’t, ask yourself: what’s holding you back?
Why haven’t you started yet? What’s standing in your way from getting started?
The world we live in does not give you permission to lack a strategy for achieving your goals. If you’re able to read this blog post, you have access to strategies. The path you start with won’t be the one you finish on anyway, so pick one and get started.
What if you have a strategy and still can’t do it? That’s called self-sabotage.
Self-sabotage means there is a part of you resisting the change you supposedly desire. It’s up to you to get deep and figure out what that thing is, and then change it. Ask yourself the questions that scare you. The faster you get real with yourself and figure out what’s holding you back, the faster you will achieve your goal.
Is it intimidating to think about the work it would take for you to have the job you’ve always wanted?
Are you afraid of what your spouse might think if you finally lose the weight?
What if you fail this time too? What will people think? Is that too painful to even starT?
Something inside of you is resisting change. Whether it’s a 1% hang up, or 99% is arbitrary. Achievement is driven by nature and requires your full commitment. I don’t know your goals, your situation, or what’s stopping you, but I can tell you with certainty that what’s plaguing you is within your control.
It will never be your fault that you haven’t gotten the results you’re looking for up to this point, but it will always be your responsibility to do what it takes to make it right.