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Ryan Reynolds' Viral Match Ad Is A Subtle Masterclass In Finding True Love
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds looking at each other lovingly

Ryan Reynolds' Viral Match Ad Is A Subtle Masterclass In Finding True Love

Finding love has been hard in 2020, with a global pandemic and many people never leaving their houses and all – but then again, when hasn’t finding a match been kind of difficult?

Ryan Reynolds’ new Match commercial touches on just this issue – and shows how, when it’s meant to be, love will indeed find a way.

It also subtly highlights a critical mistake many single people make when looking for the one. (Yes, this especially applies when online dating during a pandemic).

Ryan Reynolds stars in ad

The commercial follows a woman named 2-0-2-0 (get it?) who finds herself matching with a guy who goes by the name of Satan.

Satan is true to folklore, red and mean-looking with big horns, presiding over hell (nothing at all like the fetching Lucifer character on Netflix), but that doesn’t stop him from wanting love. He matches with 2-0-2-0 and discovers it’s a mutual match.

 “The feelings are mutual, so what are you waiting for?” his app reads.

The devil himself was able to find someone

The first date goes like many others.  They meet under a bridge, introduce themselves and stroll off. The video continues with a montage of dates they have throughout the year, enjoying empty theaters and football stadiums as they lead the rest of the world towards a shutdown.

Of course, their dates are against the backdrop of the world around them being a mess, from stealing toilet paper to watching movies in an empty theater, but they are still in their idea of a perfect love story.

Looking for love? Avoid this critical mistake and focus on this

While this video is undeniably funny – it’s also exhibitive of a really important truth that all of us should remember in our own dating lives.

If you think there is nobody out there for you, or if you think that because we're in the middle of a pandemic there is no chance, you are sabotaging your own chances of finding someone from the get-go.

Love is out there, and the perfect person for you is out there (cause if Satan himself can find love in this ad, you sure can despite your perceived shortcomings and imperfections) if you are willing to believe it.

If you want love, don’t make excuses, and don’t deny yourself the chance to find it. You deserve that opportunity.

The important takeaway from this funny video is not that Satan and 2020 are one in the same (though that is debatable), but that no matter what your life circumstances are, you should never stop believing in yourself and in the possibility of meeting someone.

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