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Woman Unceremoniously Dumps Toxic Boyfriend After Constant Body Shaming
Shelby Johnson

Woman Unceremoniously Dumps Toxic Boyfriend After Constant Body Shaming

One body-shaming boyfriend learned a hard lesson about respect when he crossed the wrong girl.


23-year-old Shelby Johnson has spent years struggling with her weight. 

Things got so serious that as a teen, she had to be hospitalized after dropping down to a brittle 80 lbs. After that scare she managed to put on weight, along with self-esteem, she tells People.

"I haven’t been self-conscious in years. I was when I was underweight, but when I started getting to my goal weight my entire mindset changed"

- Shelby Johnson

“I felt more confident, more whole even. I knew that I was getting where I wanted to be and strived to be"

A devastating DM

Things were going so well that Johnson would even find a boyfriend who she thought loved and accepted her for who she was. 

That was until one day, when he DM'ed her with a particular complaint.

"It’s not like I haven’t told you you’ve been gaining and needed to lose anyway. You’re definitely getting a beer gut babe."

- Shelby Johnson's boyfriend, per her Tweet

In that moment, all of her insecurities returned, she shared.

"His comments did make me self-conscious. I started trying to work out 24/7. A couple friends noticed and expressed concern in my sudden desire to be so fit. ”

As she began to question her own response to her boyfriend's message, Johnson took to Twitter to ask her friends if she was overreacting for feeling hurt.

Dumping dead weight 

She received more than just a second opinion.

Her tweet went viral, gaining nearly 39,500 likes and 5,200 from people telling her to dump her boyfriend, and that she's beautiful already.

"He doesn’t deserve you. No need to keep that negativity around. You look great," said one.

"Girl, dump him and find you someone who loves everything about you,” urged another.

Another commenter recommended an upgrade from her boyfriend.

"Dump him and buy a dog:)"

- @ktmlowe_ on Twitter

Johnson says that the overwhelming reaction "made me realize I wasn’t crazy for being hurt." In another tweet, she announced that she dumped her boyfriend, joking that in doing so she was “dropping a hefty 180 lbs.”

Know your worth

Johnson says that although her now-ex-boyfriend was "really unhappy" about being dumped so publicly, he'll use it as "a learning experience to be a better person."

She just hopes that her painful experience serves as an eye-opener for women with similar experiences.

"Be careful, notice red flags and don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and leave something that is no longer making you feel happy"

- Shelby Johnson

When it comes to relationships, compromises are important. It's part of understanding, accepting and ultimately embracing one another.

However, one thing that's non-negotiable is mutual respect. As Johnson's story showed, anyone who disrespects or demeans you doesn't deserve your time of day, let alone your love.

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