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After Sleeping on Garage Floor, Homeless Boy Sobs When He Learns His Family Finally Has a House
After Sleeping on Garage Floor, Homeless Boy Breaks Down When He Learns His Family Has a House
Uplifting News

After Sleeping on Garage Floor, Homeless Boy Sobs When He Learns His Family Finally Has a House

Florida family rebounds after one of the hardest times of their lives.

Having your health is everything. One bad accident or sickness can forever change a person’s life and jeopardize everything that they have worked for over the years.

One family in Florida is here to remind everyone of that with their story, which thankfully has a sweet ending.

An Unexpected Illness

Last summer, Mallory Ellis almost lost her husband. He was hospitalized and unable to work for several months, which put huge emotional and financial stress on her and her two sons. “He pulled through [with] a big life-saving surgery,” Ellis wrote on TikTok. “We were so grateful.”

Still, there was a long road ahead, and her husband needed time to recover. Soon, the family began to drown financially. Ellis worked two jobs in order to make ends meet, but it just wasn’t enough, and the family lost their apartment by January.

The family tried to put on a brave face for their boys, but Ellis shared her struggles on TikTok.

“We packed up our life, and we were graciously given a spare room by a friend to live in,” she explained. “[Just] as the rental prices in Florida skyrocket[ed].”

Months of Struggle

Ellis was thankful that her family was together and safe, but they were desperate for a home. Her sons were sleeping on the garage floor and had no space of their own.

Eventually, the family moved into a hotel and began checking in and out of rooms daily. They were exhausted and drained. The worst part was how they were denied home after home that they applied for.

“I tried so hard to make life sweet and smile as much as I could to keep my babies secure in our love and devotion,” Ellis explained. But inside, she was losing it. She went on TikTok and shared a video in which she emotionally shared her family’s situation and how the rental crisis in Florida was out of control.

The post went viral, with more than 400,000 people watching and sharing it. They sent love, prayers, and well wishes. Then, finally, the family’s fortunes changed.

A New Home

In April, Ellis shared a video in which she and her husband surprised their boys with their new home, a sweet space in which they would all have their own areas and could set down their roots once again.

In the video, her youngest son could barely contain his emotions. He began jumping up and down and crying, hugging everyone in his family. “We have a home!” he exclaimed. It’s enough to bring tears to your eyes. His older brother, meanwhile, tried to hold it together for his younger sibling, but he was also emotional as he hugged his brother and his dad.

“It was all worth it for this moment,” Ellis captioned the video. “So happy. So ready to be home.”

Counting Our Blessings

Money is nice, and it certainly helps us to get the necessities we all need, but at the end of the day, it is health that is wealth. We often get so caught up in the daily grind that we forget that. But if we have our health, we’re richer than we know.

This family reminds us of that. Sure, fancy things are nice, and being able to lavish presents and small gifts on our loved ones feels great. But it’s also important to stop and take stock of the things we do have in life on a daily basis. Our health, a roof over our heads, warm food, and people to hug.

Not everyone has those things, and it’s not by choice. By honoring what we do have and by giving back to those who could use more, suddenly, we can all appreciate life just a little bit more.

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