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How to Develop Your Self-Discipline

How to Develop Your Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is extremely vital for our wellbeing because we need to be in control of our behaviors and our lives to achieve our goals.

A recent study found that self-discipline is a better predictor of happiness and goal attainment than most other personal traits that were studied. It makes sense, people who lack discipline tend to develop different kinds of poor habits, obsessions, fears, and addictions. Having self-discipline keeps you focused on your goals and guides you on the right path.

Here's How to Develop Your Self-Discipline

To develop self-discipline, you must first identify which areas need to be kept in check. A lot of common areas where people feel they need are things such as bad eating habits, bad drinking habits, work life, shopping addictions, gambling, smoking, and obsessive behaviors.

To develop self-discipline also means first to identify what emotions you’re lacking control of. This could be unhappiness, anger, fear, frustration or even dissatisfaction. We often let these emotions take over our thoughts and actions, but we don’t realize that we can prevent these emotions from taking control by identifying the thoughts that that push us towards adopting our uncontrolled behavior.

According to Martin Meadows’ book ‘How To Build Self-Discipline’, it is extremely hard to rid of bad habits, and that is why we need to monitor our thoughts and be in control of our actions. He says that meditation is also a good way to stay focused on your goal and not become distracted easily, and that is how you develop self-control too. It’s a highly entertaining book and also includes an audio version so you can listen while driving or doing your chores.

During the day, at least, several times, especially when you think you need to show that you are in control of your life and your behavior, remind yourself of the following things:

  • I’m in charge of my own actions
  • Self-control is enjoyable and relaxing
  • I am in control of my own thoughts and emotions
  • I am in control of my reactions
  • I am in control of myself and my life

Visualizing yourself is also another way to develop self-discipline. When you visualize how you would instantly react or respond to a certain situation or something put in front of you, in a negative manner, and then visualize yourself in that same situation but with a more calm and controlled manner, it will help you to choose gradually the calmer demeanor when the time comes.

Once you’ve mastered the art of self-discipline, you will soon realize how it benefits your life. Having self-control means having a sense of balance in life. You will become more in control of your moods and emotions. When you develop self-discipline, you become and feel more confident and gain self-esteem . Self-control also helps you feel independent. Overall, you become a more trustworthy and responsible person who knows exactly where you are going and what you need to do in order to succeed.

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