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Shaquille O'Neal holding a microphone and smiling, teen opening a box, and teen holding a pair of big red shoes (inset)

Teen Can't Find Shoes to Fit His Large Size 23 Feet - Then Shaq Shows Up

A teen in Missouri was having trouble finding shoes that fit him. He appealed to local news outlets and tried to find a solution online. But because of his large size, it was hard to find a reasonable and affordable option. Then Shaq stepped in to save the day.

Black and white picture of a young man and an elderly man in a black leather jacket
Uplifting News

He Thought He’d Be the First Black Man in Space — Now the 90-Year-Old’s Dream is Coming True

Back in the sixties, an American named Ed Dwight thought he would be the first Black astronaut in space. He never made it, but years later, the 90-year-old is preparing for his inaugural flight.

Little boy choosing between a bouquet of flowers and a Batman toy and a father hugging his son.

Stranger Finds Poor Child Selling Gum - Tests Him With 2 Choices

The young boy is weaving through people, leading the man behind the camera a couple of short blocks away. "Hey buddy, are we there yet?" asks the man impatiently."Yes, it's here," replies the boy.What the boy reveals is so shocking, his father soon gets involved and the lives of all three are forever changed.

Two teens in a police car and a teen in a prom dress posing in front of police cruisers

Two Teens Got Stranded on Their Way to Prom - Later, They Pull up in the Back of a Police Car

Prom tends to be a memorable experience for most high school kids. It is, after all, the social event of the year. But for two kids from Dunn County, North Dakota, it's not the prom itself that left a lasting impression. It's what happened on the way that turned it into one heck of a night to remember.

A young interracial couple and an interracial couple holding a photograph

Couple Marries 10 Years After Interracial Marriage Becomes Legal — Now They’re Goals

When Mike and Jeralyn Wirtz wed more than four decades ago in Virginia, interracial marriage had only been legal for 10 years. Fast forward to today, and their love story is inspiring a new generation thanks to the couple’s active participation in social media.

Picture of Jennifer Garner as a little girl, Jennifer Garner with her mother, and black and white photo of two girls (inset)
Uplifting News

Jennifer Garner's Mom Made Only $1 a Day - But She Was Determined to Change Her Family’s Fate

Growing up, Jennifer Garner’s mom didn’t have much. Patricia Ann Garner’s family lived on an old farm and she earned only a dollar a day babysitting. Despite her mom’s financial struggles, Garner says the woman was determined to change her fate with hard work and resilience.

Woman and man wearing formal clothes, man standing with three women and pile of letters (inset)
Uplifting News

USPS Worker Goes 400 Extra Miles To Make a Special Delivery - 8 Decades in the Making

There's something special about a letter; just ask Alvin Gauthier. As a U.S. postal worker for the past 20 years, he's seen his fair share.So when he stumbled across some long-lost letters postmarked 1942, Gauthier delivered. Literally. He hopped in his car and drove TEN HOURS round-trip — on his day off and at his own expense — to ensure they finally reached their destination...82 years later.

Person reading an anniversary card and a man and a woman hugging each other.
Uplifting News

Man Continues Sending Ex-Wife Anniversary Cards - 22 Years Following Divorce

When a couple divorces, it’s because they can no longer be together romantically. But that doesn’t mean that love can’t still exist between two former partners, which this man has proved for the past 22 years.

Young woman crying and a woman smiling at her child
Uplifting News

Teen Is Incarcerated for Helping Drug Gang - Years Later, She Passes the Bar Exam on First Try

According to the American Bar Association, a mere 2% of lawyers are Black women. This Black, formerly incarcerated, single mom is working to change that.