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A State Trooper Pulled Over A Doctor For Speeding But Gave Her N95 Masks Instead
State Trooper N95 Masks
Uplifting News

A State Trooper Pulled Over A Doctor For Speeding But Gave Her N95 Masks Instead

Dr. Sarosh Ashraf Janjua was pulled over by a state trooper for speeding. Instead of giving her a ticket, the trooper did an incredible act of kindness and handed her his N95 masks instead.

Right now, doctors are like soldiers on the first line of defense against the coronavirus pandemic. They have been working incredibly long hours, often without the basic protective garments they need to stay safe and prevent transmitting the illness to themselves or taking it home to their loved ones.

Recently, one of these doctors in Minnesota was moved to tears when a police offer pulled her over for a speeding violation and it turned into an incredible act of kindness.

The police officer surprised her

Dr. Sarosh Ashraf Janjua is a cardiologist at a coronavirus quarantine unit in Duluth and was pulled over by state trooper Brian Schwartz for speeding on March 21. She travels from Massachusetts to Minnesota for her work as locums cardiologist.

As she waited for the officer to pronounce his verdict. Dr. Janjua was convinced she would get a speeding ticket. Schwartz did reprimand her for driving over the speed limit, as an accident would be taking up resources they desperately need right now and would also prevent her from helping others by practicing her profession.

He then extended his hand and Dr. Janjua assumed he was returning her driver's license. Instead Schwartz handed her five N95 masks he was supposed to use as protection -- along with a warning to stop speeding, of course.

I burst into tears. And though it may just have been the cold wind, I think he teared up a little as well, before wishing me well and walking away.

Dr. Sarosh Ashraf Janjua on Facebook

He noticed her used masks so he decided to help

Schwartz felt compelled to offer Janjua his N-95 masks after noticing "what appeared to be two used N95 masks in Ashraf's purse that he assumed she was reusing," the Minnesota State Patrol said in a statement to CNN.

There’s a dangerous shortage of N95 respirator masks for health care workers and Janjua, who is originally from Boston, said she was "afraid" of not having proper equipment to protect herself from possibly getting sick far from home.

Like all healthcare workers and emergency responders around the world, I have felt afraid of not having adequate protective equipment, and in my darkest moments, have worried about what would happen if I fell sick far from home.

Dr. Janjua on Facebook

Dr. Sarosh was even celebrated by the Minnesota State Patrol on their Facebook page.

Thank you to Sarosh for her hard work and dedication. Troopers are working hard during the pandemic and are thinking about all the first responders who are caring for Minnesotans during this critical time.

The Minnesota State Patrol

Small gestures go a long way

While the coronavirus

pandemic has changed the world as we know it, the kindness of people like Trooper

Schwartz is a reminder that nothing can take away our unity in times of crisis.

I think we are all just hanging on to something that makes us feel safe. Somehow, for Americans, that something has become N95 masks and toilet paper. Trooper Schwartz' act of kindness became my something.

Dr. Janjua

This goes to show that we all have the capacity to make a difference, even if it's by restoring faith and hope with little acts of kindness. They do mean a lot to the people fighting on the front lines.

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