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  • Bryan Liquor

    Culture-curator who loves MAD magazine.
Little boy choosing between a bouquet of flowers and a Batman toy and a father hugging his son.

Stranger Finds Poor Child Selling Gum - Tests Him With 2 Choices

The young boy is weaving through people, leading the man behind the camera a couple of short blocks away. "Hey buddy, are we there yet?" asks the man impatiently."Yes, it's here," replies the boy.What the boy reveals is so shocking, his father soon gets involved and the lives of all three are forever changed.

Man and woman in formal clothes and a man hugging his mother.

Son Steals From His Mother - Years Later, She Discovers Why

It's a gorgeous day. Friends and family surround Ginni Brown. Kids laugh as they play on the bounce castles and slide on the lawn. Then all of a sudden, something appears that brings her to tears as the memories come flooding back.A Family Conspiracy Close up of a person's face Photo by Peter Forster on Unsplash "She never knew it was gone, which is amazing," marvels Casey Brown. Think about it: Four long years in secrecy. And he wasn't alone in his plot, recruiting his uncle Fred and cousin Drake, who each have one particular skill needed to pull this off with Oceans 11 precision. The whole time, Casey's mom Ginni has no clue just what they're up to -- until one lovely day that leaves her stunned and sobbing. You can understand why. I mean, stealing from your own mother?!Oh, and we're not talking about Casey taking twenty dollars from his mother's wallet (Also not cool), but her car. He, his uncles, and his cousin shrewdly swap out her car from under the tarpaulin for a scrap ride along with boxes and objects from the garage so she doesn't notice. What happens next reveals a moment that will move you to tears too.A Wild Surprise Woman wearing gray coat with hands on her face during daytime. Photo by Gus Ruballo on Unsplash When she hears the music from around the block, Ginni Brown already knows. There's her son, behind the wheel of a slick, shiny-red 1964 Plymouth Valiant Convertible. That's when Ginni's tears start.She recalls how her husband -- Casey's father -- bought her that very same car back in 1968. Oh, how she loved that car. However, he then traded it in without consulting her, leaving her very upset. To make amends, her husband bought the same model 10 years later with plans to restore it. Sadly, life sidetracked those plans, and he died before being able to.Years later, with the motivation to act, Casey resolved to finish what his father couldn't. "I promised myself I would restore that car for her and dad," he said.And so, in a plot twist that makes George Clooney and Brad Pitt look like amateurs, he teamed up with his family -- all mechanics -- to 'steal' his mother's car and restore it to its past glory. They did this meticulously over four years.So when Casey rounds the corner for his mother's birthday party, playing his father's favorite song on the radio, she can't contain herself. You can mark this caper a success.How One Son Proves That Loved Ones Never Leave Us Son Surprises Mom With Restored Vintage Car To Fulfil Late Fathers Promise YouTube/ Happily Casey says that along with honoring his father and surprising his mom, the experience paid off in other enduring ways. “I enjoyed the memories I made with my friends and family as we worked to get this car ready – and needed to make sure the surprise did it justice."Among the quotes about family, one by David Ogden Stiers reads, "Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten."The what-ifs, things unsaid, regrets, and unfinished business that linger when we lose a loved one are also rarely forgotten and can fester. For many, they remain that way. It's what makes this story about one devoted son a heartwarming reminder to honor our parents, in memory and the moment.

woman and man shopping with their daughter and a person writing on a notepad with money placed on the table
Uplifting News

Surprised Mom Finds Random Note at Kmart - Then, Strangers Find the Mystery Author

It's another afternoon in the outback for Australian native Katherine. She's at the Queensland Kmart department store shopping for candles.That's when her 12-year-old daughter shows her something she's found on one of the shelves. Well, two things.

man holding a red gift box and a woman watching a man open a gift
Uplifting News

Husband Opens Small Package From His Wife - What’s Inside Brings Him to Tears

This scene looks happy, even festive. The lights are bright, and a little girl's toys are strewn across the floor.But something's off.

Stranger Hands Something to Homeless Man on Metro - It Ends Up Completely Changing His Life
Uplifting News

Stranger Hands Something to Homeless Man on Metro - It Ends Up Completely Changing His Life

*Featured image contains photo by Timur Weber and Pixabay“Did anybody see that?!”The man shouts, left stunned and confused, yet no one steps to help him. Little does he know, it sets off a series of events that change his life forever.A Random Metro MeetPhoto by Ron LachWe often hear about unsavory encounters people have on their daily commute, often involving the homeless, unkept, and aggressive.Yet sometimes, the tables turn and it's the homeless person approached by a passerby without warning. As you'll shortly see, it can be just as jarring.Next to the buzzing shuffle of commuters past the metro turnstile is Raymond. He's sitting on his backpack, his winter coat closed tightly to shelter him from the chill. In front of him is what appears to be a rolled-up brown fast food bag, which might be his ration for the day. "Hey man, what's your name?" the stranger asks him. After he replies, the stranger pulls out a paper and says, "Raymond, can you read that for me?"When Raymond replies that he's unable to read or write, the stranger sighs, unfolds the paper and says, "Alright, we'll read it together."With that, Raymond stands up to hear the unexpected. A Man’s Note and SurprisePhoto by Cottonbro StudioOnce the stranger reads the contents of the note to Raymond, he seems to relax and open up. He says that he was abandoned for 12 years, and that he has no children or family. Although he's illiterate, what the man reads to him is so powerful, that Raymond asks if he can have the note, and he hands it to him, saying, "It was for you."It's at that point, with the motivation to do more, that the stranger takes something out of his pocket. "Nah, I don't believe it - you playing!” he responds, stunned. "I'm not playing," the stranger replies. That's when the stranger hands it to Raymond, prompting him to cry, “Did anybody see that?!” A Stranger’s Identity Is RevealedFast forward to the future. Raymond is sitting down eating on a park bench when he hears an unmistakable voice."Raymond, is that you?!""BOND!" he shouts.It's not James Bond, but Peter Bond. And while he's not 007, he's known online as 'Mr $1 Bill.' Bond is known for his viral videos of lifting those who are down and out. When he sees him, Raymond begins to tell Bond excitedly about the impact his gesture to him on the metro that day had on his life.“I got my life together, I’m in a shelter now, bought me some clothes, got me shaved, haircut and everything," he shares. But that's not it. "I’ve been doing good, I even found me a job! They gave me the boots, the hat, the gloves and everything! So now I found me a job, the only thing I’m waiting for is my Osha card (An occupational safety course)"Before they part, Raymond reminds him just what an impact Bond made.“That helped me a lot, I really appreciate it man. I take it from the heart, you helped me a lot!"They then share a long hug before parting ways, forever changed. One Man Proves Kindness Can Change LivesTrue to his name, that day on the metro, Bond handed Raymond dollars bills, 500 of them to be exact. It's what helped him get clothes and clean up.However, what really kept Raymond going was the note that Bond gave him. He said that although he'd lost it on a train, he would always remember what it read when he needed motivation. If you think about it every day, don’t give up on it.Imagine, a dozen words can carry the human spirit a million miles. Speaking to Ladbible, Bond says that his outlook on life is pretty simple: “You can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” More from Goalcast:Freezing Homeless Man Goes to a Closed McDonald’s – Manager Defies All Rules and Does This“Homeless” Man Insists on Paying for an Expensive Lunch at Restaurant – So the Server Tells Him a LieCollege Student Buys Homeless Man a Cup of Tea – Soon It Turns Into $400,000

Mom Comes Home to Find Her Sons Confession on a Piece of Paper - It Immediately Goes Viral
Uplifting News

Mom Comes Home to Find Her Sons Confession on a Piece of Paper - It Immediately Goes Viral

Apart from Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift, this might be the most insanely viral thing to come out of Missouri. It even attracts its brand of celebrity star-power too. However, as you'll find out, this incident is very different. A mother's surprise Photo by Nataliya VaitkevichAs a mother of 9, you can understand if Rachel Bradney isn't phased by much. After all, she's heard all the stories, excuses, and plots to make a motion picture. Until this.She's stopping by her home to pick up her eldest son when she makes a shocking discovery left by her 16-year-old son Adam Holliday. It isn't long before she posts it online, and it instantly goes viral.As in 210,000 shares and 924,000 likes, viral."My son is so excited he was able to make almost a million people smile, say ha, or bust a gut," she writes.Her discovery was even found and shared by actor Joseph Gordon Levitt, who retweeted his favorite part of it to his 4.2 million followers.A Son’s Cheeky ConfessionThere, on a ruled notebook paper, is Adam's confession to his mother. “As your son, I regret to inform you that I’ve missed my means of public transportation,” he starts."I know you must be on a rollercoaster of emotions right now but rest assured, I've stayed home. This was a tough decision to make while you were gone for 20 minutes," he 'reassures' Mom.To show her just how hard a decision it was to make, he instructs Bradney to 'please see the pros and cons chart on the back.'Under 'Pros,' he writes that 'Today was gonna be a bad one, can't get over my hair.' He also states it's his 'first day home this quarter, grade will be fine.'For the 'Cons' (Pun intended), he writes that it 'might become a habit (doubtful)' and joked that his parent has to 'call the school and tell them I've got polio.'Levitt's favorite part? "I'm probably in my bed moping about the fact that I can't go to school, so please don't interrupt me."Ladies and gentlemen, Adam Holliday. Part lawyer, part jester, all teenager. The question is: What's Mom's verdict?How a Teenager Proves That Cleverness WinsPhoto by Julia CameronOne commenter asks Bradney if she let her son stay home, Bradney says his letter ploy is a success -- with one exception.Likely admiring her son's creativity as motivation, Bradney's son won this one -- well, almost. When asked if she let Adam stay home, she responded to a follower: 'Of course I did how could make him go to school after that! I however didn't tell them he had polio.'As it turns out, his mother isn't the only one Holliday won over as the internet claps for the clever kid's motivation -- even if a bit misplaced. “This kid is going places!” writes one.“I’ve legit cried before because my hair wouldn’t cooperate. I feel him,” a sympathetic commenter writes. Another one thinks that Holliday found a loophole, writing, "That definitely deserved a day off if not just for the pro/con list. We shall call it 'creative writing and statistics' home school."I guess sometimes, you get an 'A' for effort and outcome. More from Goalcast:Customer Walks Into Business and Demands a $1000 Hamburger – The Owner Refuses and Does This InsteadDriver Notices First Grader Crying at the Bus Stop – Jumps Into Action When He Learns the Reason WhyCoffee Shop Owner’s Friends Open Up a Competing Business – Then One Piece of News Changes Everything

Shocked Mom Finds Dozens of Notes In Her Daughter's Drawers - Realizes Her Husband Has Given Them
Uplifting News

Shocked Mom Finds Dozens of Notes In Her Daughter's Drawers - Realizes Her Husband Has Given Them

The camera pans from a mother in tears to the room and they're strewn all over the place. What would motivate anyone -- let alone her husband -- to do something like this? We'll let you decide. A Shocking DiscoveryPhoto by Karolina GrabowskaIt's a natural law that parents are tempted to snoop around on their kids. After all, as they grow up (way too quickly), they do more and share less, leaving their once-informed parents in the dark about their lives.Yet, most parents will do their best to resist and respect their kids' privacy. However, they do have small windows into their world like, for example, placing fresh clothes in their drawers.As per Good Morning America, Sabrina Clendenin, a 33-year-old mother of three girls, gasped when she opened one of their drawers and found something shocking."What I laid out on the tables were not even all of them," Sabrina Clendenin said. "When I came across them all stuffed in a drawer, I was like, 'What in the world?'" she recalled. Indeed, when she figures out what's going on, it sets social media on fire. A Father’s Epic BondClendenin quickly realizes that her husband is the culprit, and he's left them all over. Her utter shock gives her the motivation to go on TikTok and expose it to the world.The video starts with her covering her face in tears as the camera pans around the room. The caption reads 'When you find all the lunch notes your kids keep from their dad.'There, laid out on three tables placed side-by-side, are sticky notes authored by husband Jordan Clendenin. He'd been packing them with his girls' lunches every day, and they cherished them so much they kept every single one.They include messages of love and encouragement like, "I love you very very much! You’re such an amazing daughter!” and "Try to remember a thing that makes you smile or laugh in school today."Clendenin also shares that her husband gets creative with themed days such as "What am I Wednesday, Fun Fact Friday, Motivational Monday."A Father’s Notes Go ViralThe video goes absolutely bonkers with 2 million views and almost 17,000 shares. It also catches the attention of many impressed dads. "What a wonderful father. If everyone had a father like him I can’t imagine how much better our world be," glowed one.Sabrina hopes that her husband sets a new trend for dads around the world. "I think that's really cute. I thought that was sweet to see all those dads be like, 'I'm gonna step up my game,'" she said.How One Father Proves the Importance of Showing UpSadly, many daughters don't have a father around, and the impact is profound.According to Psychology Today, girls who grow up without a father (biological or other) are more likely to endure alcoholism, drop out of school, and go to prison.Yet, it also adds the crucial point that 'Even if a father is physically present, his emotional absence can negatively affect a daughter into adulthood.' In other words, success isn't just about showing up, it's about showing love. In the end, fathers are flawed human beings, learning like everyone else. They can polish their parenting game by looking at this creative and caring pop.As for what the future holds, his wife doesn't see that stopping anytime soon. "I don't think he can stop now. I think he's locked in for life. They're gonna be in college and they're gonna expect those notes."More from Goalcast:Single Dad Delivers Pizza to Make Ends Meet – Then He Pulls Up to a Parking Lot to Find ThisSingle Dad Discovers His 9-Year-Old Son Was a “Bully” — Doesn’t Demand an Apology for This ReasonLittle Girl Needs to Use the Bathroom, but Confused Dad Doesn’t Know Where to Go – Then a Stranger Makes an Offer

Mom Visits Store to Buy Diapers for Her Baby - Finds a Letter That Shocks Her
Uplifting News

Mom Visits Store to Buy Diapers for Her Baby - Finds a Letter That Shocks Her

*Featured image contains photo by Craig AdderleyWhat happens is so shocking, that she goes online in a frantic attempt to find out who is behind it.The Crushing Cost of ParenthoodPhoto by Nicola BartsRaising a child is pricey business, and the cost is only rising.As per CBS, "The cost of raising a child from birth to age 17 will set you back by about $310,000." It's pushed more and more families into homelessness. One of the biggest infant expenses is diapers -- and lots of them. So when Brisbane native Michelle Patricia Bennett is strolling down the aisle at Woolworth's to buy some for her baby one day, she's price-watching. After all, she doesn't want any surprises. Fast forward a couple of days later. Bennett recalls that she was "having a day at home just trying to catch up on the mountains of housework," when a surprise is exactly what she gets. A Stunning Surprise From Aisle 5Photo by Eduardo SoaresThat's because, as she opens up the box of diapers, she discovers something else inside. It's a five-dollar bill -- with a note. What it reads gives her the motivation to share her experience online and it quickly goes viral.Bennett's post is titled 'My Wealthy Wednesday.' "To the kind person that has done this, thank you!!! It is such a wonderful gesture and certainly brought a smile to my face," she writes.She includes a picture of the note which reads:If you having a tough day, I thought maybe I can brighten it up with this little surprise. Go buy a coffee or a scratch ticket. Practice some self-care today. Always remember you are much loved and you are amazing :)Bennett continues, "I'll definitely get a coffee or a scratchy soon."The story had the internet gushing with awestruck comments. "Oh, that's so sweet," posted one woman. "So nice of someone to do such a thing. Lovely little surprise -- a little bit of kindness goes a long way.""This is absolutely beautiful," added another. How a Mother Reminds Us That the Small Things MatterIt doesn't take an economist to know that it's not just parents who are feeling the financial crunch. Per Business Insider, "bankruptcies, foreclosures, and other money problems like car repossessions and loan defaults" have consumer stress levels the highest in four years. While the struggle is real, it's no match for kindness. Among the quotes on kindness, one by Abraham Lincoln reads, " Kindness is the only service that will stand the storm of life and not wash out." It might be a little legal leniency for a single mother, making a waitress's wish come true or repaying a treasured teacher. No matter the situation, through all of life's waves and ripples, kindness endures. Let's all keep that close to heart the next time we're in a bind.More from Goalcast:Single Mom’s Biggest Fear Is Regarding Her 14-Year-Old Son – So His Teacher Makes Her an OfferSingle Mom’s Driveway Is “Stolen” in Broad Daylight – Then a Stranger Makes an Offer She Can’t RefuseBoy Suddenly Goes Missing During Routine Walmart Trip – His Mom Finds Him in an Unlikely Place

Police Officer Spots Woman and Her Kids in Jail - Does Something Without Informing His Own Precinct
Uplifting News

Police Officer Spots Woman and Her Kids in Jail - Does Something Without Informing His Own Precinct

The police officer tells them to follow him. They do, and their lives will be forever changed.A Shocking Police Station ScenePhoto by Francois OlwagePolice officers like Brian Russell have pretty much seen it all. At least that's what the 25 year veteran of the Butler County, Ohio force thought.But one evening when he saw someone, it prompted him to do something they don't teach at the academy. He even made sure to be discreet about it. However, all the details are eventually made public when the other person posts them online. When they do, it causes an uproar both on social media and the precinct.What One Police Officer Saw in the LobbyThere they were, sprawled out in the jail lobby. When the officers see them, they do what they can. One thing is for sure: the unexpected visitors don't have much time. When Russell catches wind of their story, he goes off script, telling them to get up and follow him to his police cruiser. They pack in as he calmly drives them to...Walmart.Wait, what?That's because Russell isn't driving a felon but a family. It's Tierra Gray and her two young sons, Zaire and Shawn. As per the Daily Mail, they had been sleeping in the Butler County jail lobby after Gray had been evicted after missing one rent payment. "I never thought I'd go through that, I mean, to that point. That right there was my breaking point," recalls Gray.They were staying with friends and family, however when that ran out, they turned up in the lobby as a last resort. Police officers provided them blankets and let them stay that night. That's when Russell decides to dispatch his brand of social justice.How a Kind Cop Helped a Family in NeedPhoto by Tierra MallorcaWith the motivation to take action, Russell takes the Grays to Walmart to buy the boys new shoes and clothes. Then, when unable to find them a shelter, he puts them up for 10 days at a local Comfort Inn -- all on his dime."The kids shouldn't be sleeping in a jail lobby. The kids shouldn't be sleeping under a bridge," Russell tells Inside Edition. Yet, that only buys the family a few days before they face the same dire fate of being in the streets. That's when this case takes one last wild twist.Accompanied by Officer Russell, Gray ushers her boys into a room and counts to three. "Open your eyes - this is your new place!" she bellows. The boys excitedly explore their new home like it's Christmas Day. It's courtesy of Russell, who manages to find them a place at the eleventh hour. Gray was so touched by Russell's kindness that she shared it all on Facebook."This officer, Officer Brian Russell, from Butler County Sheriff's Department, has truly blessed me and my family," she posts, with a picture of her family and the officer.It's not long before the world catches wind.How a Cop Proves the Importance of GenerosityThe news eventually finds Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones, who admits that the gesture was news to him as well. "This is a true act of kindness. He did not tell anyone at work what he had done but the lady took a picture with him and posted it on Facebook," he says. As for Russell, helping a family find a happy home is motivation -- and reward enough."It's nice, it's a nice feeling. They're happier than what they were a week ago," he says humbly. When police officers are often asked about their biggest success, many will point to the big arrest, taking a criminal off the street. It's nice to see an officer who took one family off the street and into a home. Now that's sweet justice.More from Goalcast:92-Year-Old Veteran Calls Police for Help – Responding Officer Makes Horrific Discovery at His Home4-Year-Old Boy Accidentally Calls 911 – Shares Something With the Police Officers That Has Them Coming BackEx-con Witnesses a Police Officer Getting Shot During a Fight – Doesn’t Hesitate to Make the Right Choice