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  • Shawn Lim

    Shawn Lim is the founder of Stunning Motivation. He has experience in the personal development industry for more than 7 years and has helped countless success seekers to achieve outstanding success in life. Learn more about him on or follow him on Facebook.
Top 10 Reasons Why People Fail To Reach Their Goals

Top 10 Reasons Why People Fail To Reach Their Goals

When it comes to achieving goals, most people are not serious about it. They will tell you all the targets they want to achieve, but their talks are always louder than their actions. You are what you do, not what you say you'll do. ― C.G. Jung Below are the 10 most common reasons why people fail to reach their goals. Study these reasons and apply the success principles behind each. 1. They are not specific One of the main reasons people fail to reach their goals is because they are not being specific enough. When you ask them what they want to achieve in their lives, they will give you vague and general wishes such as they want to be rich or they want to be happy. Do you know that vague goals will produce vague results? And that your goals will affect your strategy? The strategy to achieve $10,000 a month and the strategy to achieve $1,000,000 a month is totally different. Therefore, if your goals are not specific, you cannot create a specific action plan to reach them. The first thing you must do is to make sure your goals are as specific as possible. 2. They have doubts Next, people often have doubts on their goals and they do not believe in their abilities. They set a goal and then they imagine all the things that will go wrong and ask themselves, “What if I fail?” When you have doubts and you do not believe in yourself, you will never tap into your maximum potential to reach for what you want. Think about it, if you are doubtful that your product can perform, do you think you will go all out and promote it? Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, etc., always believed in their products and services, that is why they are willing to invest millions of dollars into their businesses. If they are doubtful about their businesses, they will never take a bold move and pour all the effort into their dreams. You have to believe in yourself and your ability to reach your goals. 3. They are not working for it This is a very common reason people fail to reach their goals. They say that they want to achieve their goals but they are not doing anything about it. They procrastinate and they are not taking any action at all. You have to understand that action produces results, and if you want results, you must take action. Most people prefer to watch TV or surf the internet and choose to procrastinate on their dreams and their goals. You have to reserve this and choose to work on what is important to you instead. Watching TV and wasting time surfing the internet mindless are not going to help. Decide to take at least one action step to reach your goals each day. 4. Their goals are not motivating Tony Robbins once said, "People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals - that is, goals that do not inspire them." Are your goals excited and motivating? If your goals are not exciting to you, you will never want to take action and you will never have the motivation to work on it. If you want to make your goals motivating, you must associate strong and emotional reasons why you want to achieve them. Your reasons to achieve your goals will become the driving force that fuels your motivation. When you are desperate enough, you will work on it no matter what. Thus, find out why you want to achieve what you want in life. Make your reasons strong and emotional so that they will drive you when you need the motivation. 5. They are not committed Successful people are 100% committed toward their dreams and their goals. They will do whatever it takes to reach their dreams. On the other hand, unsuccessful people will do what is convenient because they are not committed to their dreams. Most people are alright and they feel nothing when they fail to reach their goals. They can still survive and still live well if they did not hit their targets. This is why most people are not achieving their goals. Hence, you have to raise the bar so that reaching your goals become a must-achieve. When something becomes a ‘must’, you will do whatever it takes to reach it. Put yourself in a situation where the commitment is high and you cannot back off. When this happens, you will do all you can to hit your goals. 6. They do not focus Reaching your dreams and achieving your goals are all about focusing on doing the right thing. You can come up with a lot of goals, but you must identify the most important goal to focus on. You cannot be successful if you choose to be the jack of all trades and master of none. It is better to have one completed goal than to have ten failed goals. If you study the story of all the successful people out there, you will notice that they are extremely focused on what they do. Successful people can produce remarkable results in life because they are the best. And the reason they become they best is that they focus on mastering their crafts. Thus, identify your most important and result-yielding goal right now and focus on achieving it first. 7. They give too many excuses How many times have you heard people telling you that the economy is bad, things are tough or the competition is too high? These are excuses given by unsuccessful people. What if the economy is bad? You cannot change the economy, so you might as well just accept it and then come up with a better strategy to cope with it. When you give too many excuses, you will eventually buy into them and this will limit and stop you from moving forward. Always remember that successful people work hard and keep moving forward, while unsuccessful people give excuses and blame on anything. 8. They don't know how to handle failure Too often, you will see people jumping from one company to another and switching business from one to another. When they try a business and they do not see the result, they change and venture into another business or industry. Most people do not know how to handle their failure and they do not have the determination to go on. When they work on something and they do not see any result, they choose to give up and go on to chase the next big thing. The same goes with goal setting. People fail to reach their goals because they do not know how to handle failure. They choose to give up or change their goals when they face difficulties or are not getting any result. Please understand that failures are feedback. They are lessons to show you the right path to success. 9. They get distracted This is another common reason people fail to achieve their goals. They set a goal and they tell themselves that they will do whatever it takes to achieve it, but after awhile, they got distracted by other more important things and they forgot about their goals. This is why staying focused is so important and you just cannot allow yourself to jump from one opportunity to the next without even trying. Success requires time and reaching your goals may take some time. When you fail to produce the result you want, it does not mean that your goals do not work. So do not get distracted and keep working on your goals until you succeed. 10. They give up way too soon "If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." – Michael Jordan Finally, most people give up way too soon when they face with difficulties and setbacks. They choose to let go of their goals and dreams instead of finding ways and improving their strategies to get what they want. Reaching your goals, living your dreams and achieve success in life are not something easy. It takes a lot of hard work and you must be willing to go through the hard times without giving up.

3 Most Important Factors You Need  To Reach Your Goals
Career Growth

3 Most Important Factors You Need To Reach Your Goals

Everybody wants to be successful in life, but only a small fraction of us go on to achieve what we truly wanted in life, why is that? When it comes to living a successful life and achieving what we want, most of us set goals, we follow the advice from gurus and write down what we want to achieve, unfortunately, most people’s goals do not materialize. Goal-setting is powerful and the technique can help you to achieve greater heights in life. But, let's be honest, most people who use these techniques will end up never accomplishing what they want. There is more to it than just writing what you want and working to get there. I've noticed that the people who fail to accomplish their goals were missing 3 factors on their path to get there. Below are the 3 main factors you need to adhere to on your journey, to make sure you ultimately reach your goals. "Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." - Tony Robbins 3 Most Important Factors You Need To Reach Your Goals 1. Your Intention Must Be Strong First, most people fail to achieve their goals because their intention is not strong enough. They procrastinate and they put things off. They delay taking actions and put their goals to a later date. If you want to achieve your goals, your intention must be strong. You must have a strong reason behind to support and push your forward. Without a compelling reason to act, you will never do anything about your goals. You must ask yourself, “Why do I want to achieve this goal?” If your reason is not strong enough, it will never create the strong intention for you to act. However, when your reason to accomplishing your goal is strong, you will create a powerful intention that makes you unstoppable. I'm sure you've have seen people who tried to quit smoking for years but failed. Until, one day, either their health became critical or they got pregnant, at which point, they stopped smoking completely. When your health is at risk, you will do whatever it takes to stop smoking. The same applies to your goals. When your reason to achieve your target is strong and emotional, you will do whatever it takes to make it come true. Takeaway: Find out why you want to achieve your goals. Give yourself compelling, strong and emotional reasons for why you must accomplish them no matter what it takes. 2. You Must Think About Your Goals Daily Do you know that the main difference between successful and ordinary people is? Successful people think about what they want most of the time while ordinary people think about other stuff most of the time? You will become what you think about. So what do you think about most of the time? If you are thinking about achieving your goals, living your dreams and what you can do to achieve them, great, you are on your way there. However, most people do not think about their goals and their dreams. They spend time thinking about what they want for lunch, where they can go this week-end, or what movie to watch tonight. Ordinary people spend time thinking how to enjoy their weekends while extraordinary people spend that time building their empire or planning on how to reach their goals. Jack Ma from Alibaba was once told by his wife that he did not belong to his wife, but he belongs to Alibaba. This is because Jack couldn't stop thinking about his business, his goals and his company every moment of the day. Successful people are obsessed with what they want, they can’t help but think about their targets and dreams most of the time. This is what makes them successful. Takeaway: You have to consciously think about what you want to accomplish in your life. You can do so by practicing daily goal setting and review your progress each day. Create a vision board and imagine your success every day. 3. You Must Be Consistent Finally, most people are not consistent with what they want in life. They give up, they change their plans and they jump from one project to another way too fast. You have to understand that amazing results and remarkable success will not come to you overnight. You have to work on it day in and day out and move forward each day to get to where you want to be. Rome was not built in a day. Bill Gates did not become a billionaire overnight and Warren Buffett did not earn a million from his investment within 24 hours. Not when he started, at least. Therefore, stop looking for quick fixes and shortcuts to achieve the success you want. Plan your strategy and take the necessary actions to reach your goals. You will have to be consistent with what you do every day until you produce the result you want. It is the small steps that matter. What you do every day is more important than what you do once in a while. This is why you need to develop empowering habits because your habits are what will shape your life. If you study the life of all the remarkable people out there, you will see that every one of them achieved their amazing feat in the long-run. Extraordinary people achieve great results because they choose to be consistent and stay on with their dreams when everyone else gives up. The difference between extraordinary and ordinary is the little “extra” – the extra effort, the extra hours, the extra determination, the extra commitment, etc. Thus, be consistent with your goals and your dreams. Stay with them and do whatever it takes until you reach them. Takeaway: Commit to taking at least 5 small actions that will move you toward your goals each day. If you follow this advice, you will accomplish at least 1825 small victories in a year. And these small victories will accumulate and build up to bring you the extraordinary success you want. Conclusion Goal setting works because you work on it. It will never work for you if you are not willing to do the work and take action. Remember, you must have a strong intention, think about your goals and work on them consistently to achieve them.