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Teen Works a Job for 2 Years - Brings Friend to Tears in Front of Classmates With a Surprise
Uplifting News

Teen Works a Job for 2 Years - Brings Friend to Tears in Front of Classmates With a Surprise

Brandon Qualls uses a wheelchair to get around. The hand-push model he had been using for years was becoming a pain for the Caddo Hills High School senior. “My arms would get really tired,” Brandon told News9 TV. Always There for Each OtherHowever, Brandon’s struggles didn’t go unnoticed by his friend Tanner Wilson. Tanner spent two years of savings (from working part-time at a car mechanic shop) to buy Brandon an electric wheelchair and surprised him with it in front of his classmates.“They came in and my face just blew up,” Brandon told News9. “I was just crying everywhere. I was like, ‘Wow I can’t believe he did that for me.’"“It’s been my dream to just have one of these,” Brandon added. “And my dream came true.”Watching the friends, it’s obvious how tight they are.He’s just been a really good friend and I wanted to do him a favor. I just felt like I needed to do it. … Brandon, he’s just always been there for me.Tanner Wilson to CNNDeserving RecognitionColleen Carmack, Tanner’s mom, told CNN he has been uplifted by all the media attention and smiles when he reads messages people have posted online about his good deed. She says the boys have been friends for years and that she’s proud of them.“They both deserve the attention because they’re both great and wonderful kids,” she said.But she says she’s not at all surprised.That’s him. He’s always been about everybody else and not himself.Colleen Carmack to CNNShe said Tanner has “had some bad experiences over the last year, so him being able to help somebody else has really brought him out -- being able to know that he made a difference. And I can see a difference in him -- like wanting to get out and do more. We’re talking about college. He’s had that goal, but he’s talking about it more now.”True FriendshipGinger Wray, one of Brandon’s teachers, contributed to the surprise by tricking out the chair with orange flames on the fenders and his last name on the back.“It’s awesome,” Brandon told News9, adding that he’s still getting used to driving his new wheels. “I may hit a few doors, but it’s worth it.”Tanner said he wishes “people would care more about others, than just themselves.” Well, his enormous act of kindness is setting a good example. More from Goalcast:Woman Tragically Loses Her Grandson in Accident – But His Friends Start Showing Up at Her House Every Week for Breakfast93-Year-Old Sneaks Out of Retirement Home and Hitches a Ride With Stranger – All for His GirlfriendBullied Little Boy Begs Neighbors to Help Him Find Friends – Looking At His Plight, They Raise $40K for Him

Car Dealership Employee Is Approached by a Customer - Is Surprised by What He Finds in the Trunk
Uplifting News

Car Dealership Employee Is Approached by a Customer - Is Surprised by What He Finds in the Trunk

Cassidy Shear went through the unimaginable, but the kindness of friends, family, and strangers kept him afloat.Shear's wife, McKenzie, had just given birth to the couple's fifth child, a beautiful son named Ridge. The young mother was suffering from numerous health issues, including a blood disorder. Just one day after baby Ridge was born, a blood clot ended up taking her life before she even had the chance to hold her newborn.Suddenly a widower with five children to care for, Shear quickly returned to work to provide for his family, secure insurance benefits, and ensure he’s able to hold on to the family home they had recently purchased. Everybody Stepped UpWhile Shear works full-time at a car dealership, his mom and McKenzie's mom take turns caring for baby Ridge.“He has not complained once about all of the responsibility that has been put on his shoulders,” Staci Christensen, McKenzie’s mother, said to FOX 13.He has me. He has Dixie. He has all of Kenzie’s friends. Everybody’s just stepped up to the plate and willing to help Cassidy in any way that we can.Staci Christensen to FOX 13Special SurpriseOne day, a “customer” pulled up to the dealership during Shear’s shift and said there was something wrong with his truck. The so-called customer -- actually a member of the Fox 13 Dream Team -- popped open the trunk to reveal a stash of diapers, formula, and other baby supplies.Shear's family and friends gathered around and there was one last gift in store for the dad.Pregnant and overcome with emotion, Krystellina Brown, another member of the Dream Team, presented the father with a red box.“Enjoy our gift of mortgage payments for the rest of 2019 -- compliments of the dream team,” the emotional father read from a note inside the box.I don't know what to say. Thank you so much.Cassidy Shear to FOX 13Support Through GriefPeople who have had to say goodbye to their loved ones often suffer secondary losses when friends or family members drift away instead of supporting them in their grief. From providing babysitting to baby wipes, the people in Shear's life provide an example of how to support someone through the grieving process.More from Goalcast:Firefighter Tragically Kills Pastor’s Pregnant Wife – Instead of Getting Revenge, the Widower Befriends HimLonely and Widowed 82-Year-Old Goes Over to New Neighbor’s House – Little Did They Both Know What Was Coming NextWidow Remarries Years Later – Asks Her Previous Husband’s Dad Onto the Dance Floor for This Reason

Struggling Student Working 2 Jobs Leaves Car Dealership in Tears - But One Stranger Was Paying Attention to Her
Uplifting News

Struggling Student Working 2 Jobs Leaves Car Dealership in Tears - But One Stranger Was Paying Attention to Her

Kayla Cooper, a nursing student who works two part-time jobs when she’s not studying, visited the Auto City pre-owned car dealership in El Cajon, California, to look for a new car.Unfortunately, after chatting with a salesperson, she left without a new ride because the down payment was out of her price range.“I came to the car and I was just crying. I didn’t know what to do,” she told KGTV, adding that she needed the car to get to work. From Tears to WheelsWhat Cooper didn’t know was that a customer at the next table was paying attention. Dan Laguardia, who was at the dealership that day to trade in his Toyota Scion, overheard her plight and decided to step in."I was getting a car at this particular dealership. I went in with the intention of buying the car. I was going to trade in my car and get the new car and be done. I heard Kayla crying. She got up and left pretty quickly," Laguardia told wanted to know what happened so he asked the salesman who had been speaking with Cooper and when he heard her story, he got him to call her. “I told her, ‘I overheard what happened, I’ve got a car that you might like,’” Laguardia said. “She came back and she looked at the car. I told her, 'This is no strings attached.'” A Jump-StartLaguardia said he gave Cooper his Scion instead of trading it in because “the car had more value to her than it did for me trading it in.”That gives her a little bit of a jump-start in life. Which, if everybody did that for everybody else, we’d be in a much better place.Dan Laguardia to KGTVA MiracleCooper said she was shocked at the stranger’s gesture and couldn’t believe the 2005 Toyota Scion was hers. “I was shaking, because it’s something so unreal. It’s a whole car - how can someone be so generous to give their car away?” she told KGTV.When you think everything is really gonna come to an end, just wait and be patient because anything is possible.Kayla Cooper to KGTVCooper even called the life-changing act of kindness a miracle. Remember that while something may not be very difficult for you to do, it might end up being someone else's miracle. More from Goalcast:Police Officer Intends to Ticket a Parked Car – But the Surprising Note the Driver Had Left for Him Changes His MindWoman Reveals the Truth About Her Stepfather in a Father’s Day Card – But That Wasn’t All, She Had More PlannedThieves Vandalize 65-Year-Old Starbucks Barista’s Car – So Fellow Employees Take Matters Into Their Own Hands

Customer Tries to Purchase Gift Cards Worth $200 at Store - Cashier Immediately Realizes Something Is Wrong
Uplifting News

Customer Tries to Purchase Gift Cards Worth $200 at Store - Cashier Immediately Realizes Something Is Wrong

*Featured image contains photo by Thomas ShockeyAmy, a cashier at Fred Meyer, noticed a woman walking around the store talking on the phone for a couple of hours without purchasing anything. The woman eventually bought a $45 gift card and Amy didn’t think much about it -- maybe the person on the other end of the phone was a kid who was giving specific instructions or maybe the woman was having difficulty finding a gift for someone. But when she grabbed another set of gift cards worth $200, Amy knew the woman was being scammed.Why a Customer Was Buying Gift Cards Worth $200Amy decided to approach the customer and explain to her that she might be a victim of a scam.“At first she really didn’t want to believe it. She said that she’d been on the phone with this person for almost three hours," Amy told East Idaho News. "And it was kind of scary.”That’s when Amy asked for the woman's phone and questioned the person, but they wouldn’t give her a straight answer. The scammer went quiet and Amy hung up."I hung up the phone and then we just talked about what she should look out for in the future," Amy said.The woman later told police that the caller had said he was from PayPal and that she had overdrawn her account and had to settle it. He directed her to drive to her nearest store and buy Google Play gift cards to pay that debt over the phone.How a Cashier Saved a Woman From Being ScammedIn these scams, criminals convince targets that they need to purchase a gift card, or “electronic vouchers,” to pay bills, taxes, or some other financial obligation. The fraudster asks for the information on the back of the card so they can collect the prepaid value. Around 1 in 10 people have fallen victim to gift card scams, according to a survey from AARP, the advocacy group for older Americans.It was really nice to be able to help her. And she was really appreciative when she was here.Amy to East Idaho NewsHow One Cashier Proved the Importance of Speaking UpAmy could have just made the sale, but she chose to do the right thing and stopped a scam from taking place, because of which she saved the woman from losing money and becoming another statistic. Don't be afraid to speak up and help someone when you feel something isn't right. More from Goalcast:Elderly Man’s “Grandson” Calls Him Asking For $2,300 – A Walmart Cashier Immediately Stops Him From Getting ScammedVeteran Loses Thousands of Dollars to Scammers – Then a Stranger Finishes the $17,000 Job for FreeGrandma Is Targeted by Scammers but the Trick Is on Them – Thanks to Her Secret Past

Struggling Single Mom Forced to Drop Her Studies - Then, Her Sons Secret Plan Gives Her Something She Wasnt Expecting
Uplifting News

Struggling Single Mom Forced to Drop Her Studies - Then, Her Sons Secret Plan Gives Her Something She Wasnt Expecting

Rui Da Silva’s mother Elnete worked hard for him and his sibling to have a good upbringing in the UK. Now, Da Silva wanted to do the same for her.One Son Wanted to Give His Mom What She Gave HimElnete was working as a dinner lady in London. Da Silva, a youth worker and music producer, told BuzzFeed News that his mother had been cooking for most of her life and had always wanted to study. “Coming from West Africa, formal education is of a certain importance,” he said. “But since coming to England, as a single mother, the opportunity to study has been out of reach."Da Silva said his mother was studying a dental nursing course when they first moved to the UK. But his father had died when he was five and his younger sister was one and his mother had to drop her studies.In 2013, his mother survived a battle with breast cancer. "Post her battle, she found serenity with cooking. So while some had comfort food, my mum had comfort cooking," Da Silva said.Then Elnete was given an unconditional offer from the University of West London to study professional cookery. Da Silva said she was over the moon; but she had to gain a level 2 NVQ before she could study as an undergraduate, and was disappointed to learn that she was not eligible for financial support.How a Son Supported His Mom’s Dreams for an EducationDa Silva was determined to help his mother go to university despite this obstacle. "I spent weeks searching for funds, grants, loans, but came to realise that GoFundMe is the best choice," he said.So he secretly sets up a GoFundMe page and writes: Born and raised in Sao Tome eating Jackfruit for breakfast. Catching and cooking fish for dinner. Moving to Portugal, sampling a range Afro-Portuguese food. Living in England, cooking culturally English food at work. Feeding the family with a beautiful amalgamation of Afro-Portuguese-British food. Countless attempts at appropriating every recipe she can get her hands on. Later catering to her son’s vegetarian diet for the last 3-4 years. My mother’s palette is vast, rich and still, for her, not vast enough.With 164 donations, the campaign raised £2,505 raised of £2,000 goal and many left encouraging comments for the mother.“Wow...what an amazing son you are! I hope your mum enjoys following her dreams. Thanks for making me smile by being awesome!” one donor wrote.“Good Luck!!! Moms are super heroes and your mom certainly deserves to go on her next adventure!” another one wrote."I think she’ll feel a sense of control over her life. Working for many years to pay the bills, at a workplace that doesn’t cater to her creativity. I think being in university would really fuel her to get creative and embrace her self-value as a capable individual."More from Goalcast:Mom Works Four Jobs for Five Years to Save Money for College – Now Her Son Has Received a Full Scholarship to His Dream SchoolMother of 7 Graduates College as Valedictorian After 10 Years – A Note From Her Daughter Helped Her Overcome Various Hurdles

Flight Attendant Notices a Passenger Having a Panic Attack - Her Next Move Is Captured by a Fellow Passenger
Uplifting News

Flight Attendant Notices a Passenger Having a Panic Attack - Her Next Move Is Captured by a Fellow Passenger

*Featured image has photo by Natã RomualdoA flight attendant is being praised for spending hours comforting a passenger who was having a panic attack.How a Flight Attendant Eased a Passenger’s PanicCeleste Leander was on an Air Canada flight from Toronto to Vienna when the woman in the row in front of her began to panic."It started when even before we were taxiing," Leander told CTV News Toronto. "The passenger clearly knew she was very nervous to fly and started talking to the flight attendants."Leander said the flight attendants kept checking in with the nervous flyer, but she continued getting more anxious.So one of the flight attendants sat with the woman."That's when the flight attendant came over and sat down and said 'I'll get you through this, it's going to be okay,' and started holding her hand and breathed with her," Leander said."For a long time she sat with her. She was just really amazing and it was just a heartfelt moment."The flight attendant returned again to sit with the passenger when the plane was landing, according to Leander.She Deserves a MedalLeander posted a photo of the flight attendant comforting the anxious passenger on Twitter saying she deserved a medal from the airline. The tweet has been viewed over 650,000 times and liked 12,000 times, including by the helpful flight attendant.The flight attendant in the photo responded saying she didn’t realize she was being observed, but is thankful her actions were acknowledged."I was raised by one of the kindest women to ever grace this earth and so I did what she taught me to do for the last 52 years," Loridana Nasso wrote. "At the end of the day, it's my job to do what I did."In a statement to CTV News Toronto, Air Canada said they are proud of Nasso’s actions and that "what occurred on this flight exemplifies the empathy and professionalism qualities that we value in our crew members."How a Flight Attendant Proved the Importance of CompassionMany commenters shared their experiences of flying with anxiety and emphasized how important the crew is.“I got the same care from a @AirCanada flight attendant. She changed my seat and chatted with me almost 6 hours of a 9 hours trip,” one tweeted.“I’ve had PA’s on flights and the crews have always been fantastic. I usually tell the gate agent about them and they let me pre-board. I always tell the crew before we takeoff and they usually check on me throughout the flight. Much respect for the crew,” another commented.“I doubt that most people have personally experienced the horror of full on panic. The flight attendant does indeed deserve a medal.”During a time when we’re bombarded with airline travel horror stories, it’s nice to come across a heartwarming story from the skies.More from Goalcast:Woman Is Afraid of Traveling on Plane – Flight Attendant Does Something That Brings Her Fellow Passenger to TearsFrazzled Mom Struggles With Crying Baby – A Flight Attendant Then Asks Her Something That Embarrasses Her

Boss Is Hesitant When Deaf Employee Asks to Become the Chef - Little Did He Know How Customers Would View Him
Uplifting News

Boss Is Hesitant When Deaf Employee Asks to Become the Chef - Little Did He Know How Customers Would View Him

Deaf people entering the workforce face many hurdles including discriminatory hiring practices and workplaces that won’t accommodate them.A Waffle House restaurant in Hope Hull, Alabama shows us what’s possible when a workplace celebrates diversity and accommodation.How One Restaurant Embraced DiversityPookie White, who is partially deaf, landed a job at his local Waffle House restaurant in Hope Hull, Alabama as a dishwasher. Not long after he started, he told his manager he’d like to try cooking instead.Management worried it would be difficult for him and the staff because he wouldn’t be able to hear the orders.“I wondered how it was going to work,” Waffle House area manager Michael Clements told WSFA.But they gave him a shot and he’s doing an incredible job.To bridge the communication gap, White taught his co-workers some sign language and they were happy to learn.Waitress Jessie Simmons said that sign language was especially important while waitstaff wore masks due to COVID-19.A Beautiful Example of TeamworkClements credits White’s co-workers for helping him succeed. “They could have just not wanted to do that and consequently, he probably would have failed at cooking,” he said.White and Simmons have gotten their language down so well, they even joke around with each other. He jokes that she is slow sometimes with her hand signals. And when asked why she prefers working with White over other line cooks, Simmons jokes, “I’d rather work with him because he don’t talk back."The deaf chef is a hit with customers too. “He has regular customers who come just to see him,” Clements said. “They love the show.”White likes to give customers a hard time when they’re placing orders and he breaks into the chicken dance when someone orders chicken."Pookie is the sweetest soul. He loves to joke with the waitresses, they give each other a hard time and it’s so funny. He knows when we walk through the door exactly what we are getting too," Chelsea Milstead wrote on WSFA's Facebook page.White’s story is a great lesson for business owners and managers. Being more inclusive and accommodating and trusting your team can lead to beautiful things. More from Goalcast:Anxious Deaf Couple Tries a Popular Restaurant – Realizes the Chef Has Learnt Sign Language Just for ThemTwo Deaf Brothers Desperately Want to Learn How to Swim — So a Local Pool Does Something Incredible to Make Their Dreams Come True

Lewis Capaldi Experiences Tourettes Symptoms on Stage and Is Unable to Sing - The Entire Crowd Steps in Instead
Uplifting News

Lewis Capaldi Experiences Tourettes Symptoms on Stage and Is Unable to Sing - The Entire Crowd Steps in Instead

In a beautiful display of the human spirit, Lewis Capaldi’s fans supported him when he started losing his voice at his recent Glastonbury performance.Three weeks after canceling a string of performances to rest and recover mentally and physically, the 26-year-old singer-songwriter from Scotland struggled to finish his set at the music festival in England. But the crowd was there for him.A Touching Performance by FansBBC Radio 1 @BBCR1/TwitterCapaldi had a difficult time singing his chart-topping hit Someone You Loved as he dealt with what appeared to be involuntary movements and his voice breaking.He gave a beautiful performance full of heart and humor, but as the hour went on, he began struggling.“I really apologize. You’ve all come out, and my voice is really packing in,” he told the crowd. “We’re gonna play two more songs if that’s cool, even if I can’t hit all the notes.”By the time his mega-hit Someone You Loved began his voice was all but gone and the audience took over, singing the lyrics back to him. Capaldi simply stood on stage taking it in while thousands of voices sung the emotional tune in unison.Since revealing his diagnosis on an Instagram live last September, the singer has remained candid with his fans about his struggle with Tourette’s syndrome and anxiety. Tourette’s syndrome is a nervous system disorder that causes repetitive movements, sounds, or tics that cannot be easily controlled. According to the Mayo Clinic, more than 200,000 people, including singer Billie Eilish, report having the condition each year in the U.S.Capaldi said the diagnosis helped him finally understood why he would often get involuntary twitches, and that he noticed his tics in filmed interviews as early as 2018.“I’ve always had it, apparently,” he said. “The worst thing about it is when I’m excited, I get it, when I’m stressed, I get it, when I’m happy I get it. It happens all the time. Some days it’s more painful than others and some days it’s less painful."“It looks a lot worse than it is,” he added. “Sometimes it’s quite uncomfortable … but it comes and goes.”In March, the singer released his documentary How I’m Feeling Now, which gave a closer look at Capaldi’s mental health issues and Tourette’s. It captured how he’s managed his tics throughout his career as he revealed that early on he pushed back on getting treatment, calling the tics a normal part of his life.Prioritizing His Mental WellbeingIn the documentary Capaldi admitted to taking a four-month pause to focus on his mental health, which is when he got his Tourette diagnosis. He also spoke at length about how his anxiety can exacerbate his tics as well.A few days after the festival performance Capaldi announced he will be taking another break."First of all, thank you to Glastonbury for having me, for singing along when I needed it and for all the amazing messages afterwards. It really does mean the world," he posted."I used to be able to enjoy every second of shows like this and I'd hoped three weeks away would sort me out. But the truth is I'm still learning to adjust to the impact of my Tourette's and on Saturday it became obvious that I need to spend much more time getting my mental and physical health in order, so I can keep doing everything I love for a long time to come."Tourette’s in the SpotlightOn the Jonathan Ross Show in October Capaldi said, “People think I’m on cocaine a lot and I’m not! Now I’m the poster boy for Tourette’s, and I’ll accept that.”And at the Glastonbury performance that just what he did – put Tourette’s in spotlight.It is not just that Capaldi has a disability, but his Tourette’s was front and center on the Pyramid stage, along with his talent and incredible performance.In a perfect world, a tic is just a twinge and not a sign of failure. That’s why Capaldi’s performance in Glastonbury was so beautiful. Because the crowd wasn’t just singing the lyrics for Capaldi, they were telling him they accept him and admire him exactly as he is, displaying a beautiful example of true acceptance.More from Goalcast:Woman Tried to Hide Her Hearing Aids – Until Her Son Inspired Her to Embrace Her DisabilityEmily Blunt Secretly Suffered from a Surprising Disability – But One Thing Helped Her Beat It

Mom Realizes There Aren't Any Toys That Look Like Her Adopted Son - Ends Up Receiving an Unexpected Response
Uplifting News

Mom Realizes There Aren't Any Toys That Look Like Her Adopted Son - Ends Up Receiving an Unexpected Response

When five-year-old Archer Coffman walks down the aisles in toy stores, he never sees himself reflected in the toys. And he notices."When there aren't toys like him, he asks why," Niki Coffman, Archer's mom, told Kid Should Have Toys That Look Like Them"Everyone should have that," the little boy tells "It makes them happy."So, when Archer received a gift from Fisher-Price – a Little People toy that looks just like him – and he was overjoyed. "I opened the box and started crying," Niki Coffman said. "Archer asked why. I said, 'Archer, they made you.'"He snatched the box out of his mom’s hands and started shouting “It’s me! It’s me!”After experiencing infertility, Niki Coffman and her husband Andrew adopted Archer shortly after he was born.The couple matched with Archer's birth mother, KKay, who wasn’t in a great spot and didn’t have a lot of support."There are few moments as devastating to me in my life as the moment she put him in our arms. It was so clear what it was costing her for our dreams to come true.""She kissed his tiny little face and was whispering 'I'm sorry' over and over again," Niki adds. "I'll never forget it."Coffman says she tries to honor KKay in how she parents Archer, noting that it’s a complicated and huge responsibility when you’re a white parent adopting a child of another race.Mom Asks Companies to Do BetterFor years, Niki has searched for toys and books that look more like her son.When she notices a company providing diverse toys and products, she contacts them to say thank you. And when she notices they are not, she sends a letter asking them to do better.On Archer's fifth birthday, Niki asked everyone to donate diverse and inclusive toys and books to Archer's predominately white preschool.Many of the donations were Fisher-Price's Little People — figurines featuring children with different skin tones, hair textures and physical abilities."What is hard to find is a toy with brown skin and red hair," Niki says. "So I wrote to Fisher-Price, thanked them profusely for the work they were doing and then left a P.S. that said something like: 'If you ever decided to design a Little Person with brown skin and red hair, please let us know.'"Niki received a response from Gary Weber, the vice president of design at Fisher-Price. "Your story has been shared with everyone who worked on the Little People figures you mentioned, and to say that it made our day would be an understatement," Weber wrote. "You and Archer have inspired us! We know that when kids play with Little People they are playing out scenarios they see in the world around them, and feeling like they are a part of that world is critical."The email ended with Weber asking for the family's address.Then one day, Niki received a special box from Fisher-Price. Inside the box were perfectly packaged boxes that had a little Archer figure in them.“They got the whole outfit perfect – the sweater, the green shorts, his little loafers. They got his hair perfect,” she told was a letter included from The Little People team — a beautifully printed, framable letter that everyone in the department had signed."The amount of work and effort and care they put into this toy was astounding," she adds. "The thing that just keeps blowing my mind is the number of people who obviously worked on's hard to describe how impactful it feels, to think of people I don't know in boardrooms somewhere looking at a picture of my kid and thinking: 'What else can we do?' Because as a mom I think about that every day: How else can I smooth the path for him?"It’s More Than Just a Toy, Representation MattersNiki says Archer's figurine is so much more than a toy — it's a reminder that representation matters."I worry about things I can't control — I worry about him getting killed by police or people viewing him as an adult," she says, adding that Archer is "big for his age.""I can't control any of that, but what I can do right now is to make sure that the spaces he's in right now help him know how incredible he is; that his school takes the time to understand that he has brown skin and that not seeing color doesn't help.""I need them to have toys and books that look like Archer, because that's how they understand that brown skin isn't less than," she continues. Niki explains that she's in a unique position as a white woman with a Black kid to help people understand why representations matters. "Black parents are tired and they already know it's important."Archer has continued donating Little People toys "with brown skin like me," to his preschool, saying that he has "an Archie Army." One mother, or one company, really can make difference helping more and more kids see themselves in the world around them. More from Goalcast:Black Couple Adopts a White Child – Shows Everyone What It Means to Be Family