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  • Uma Campbell

5 Exercises to Combat Anxiety
Mental Health

5 Exercises to Combat Anxiety

From improving heart health to losing weight, the physical benefits of exercise can be quite evident. Perhaps less well known, however, is how practicing regular exercise is proven to help with mental health as well, and specifically with anxiety. Scientists believe there are numerous reason for this. A study by Princeton University found that physical activity helps create new brain cells, while other studies suggest that exercising stimulates areas in the brain that are responsible for the production of chemicals linked to feelings of happiness and satisfaction. While there are many different ways to get your body moving, here are our top five recommendations specifically for combatting anxiety. 5 Exercises to Combat Anxiety A vigorous five-mile walk will do more for an unhappy but otherwise healthy individual than all the medicine and psychology in the world. - Paul D. White, physician 1. Running Many people turn to running or jogging to help alleviate anxiety. Incorporating this highly beneficial cardiovascular activity into your exercise routine can bring both short-term and long-term benefits. Running releases endorphins, or feel-good chemicals, that improve your mood and give you a happy feeling. Studies have shown that regular running also has helped to alleviate symptoms of depression. Hitting the pavement or treadmill regularly can help to improve your overall mindset as well as improve your physical health. 2. Yoga The many benefits of practicing yoga have been well-documented, as the ancient practice is known to help not just with physical ailments but with mental ailments as well. Yoga is a great form of exercise for releasing anxiety, because it incorporates mindful meditation and breathing techniques that are used to help calm the mind and improve brain health. Yoga is not only a great full-body workout, but several studies have show that its many mental benefits have been specifically shown to help reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. 3. Dancing Dancing is almost always guaranteed to put you in a better mood. Whether you are dancing in your room by yourself or with friends at a club, dancing can help you release anxiety if you are looking for an alternative form of exercise. One study even found that dancing can help alleviate anxiety much more than more than traditional forms of exercise. 4. Hiking Getting outside and spending time in nature is a great way to escape your everyday stresses and anxieties. Spending even just a few hours in nature and away from modern technology can help improve your mood. Hiking is a great way to incorporate both exercise and time in nature. A new trend in exercising called “forest-bathing,” which originated as a practice in Japan, has shown to produce vast improvements in one’s mood. Forest-bathing involves taking a mindful walk through the woods or any other natural environment, and just soaking up your surroundings. 5. Strength training Strength training might not be immediately thought of as a “feel good” activity, but studies have shown that this practice can also help with releasing anxiety and stress. This could be because strength training often incorporates practices similar to meditation and yoga, such as focusing on your body and breath. Whatever you do, keep moving! Many people suffer from symptoms of anxiety, but few people take steps to help release or alleviate the feelings. Incorporating exercise into your daily routine is a great way to help improve your mental health while also improving your physical health.

Keep Moving: 5 Creative Ideas to Get You Active This Summer

Keep Moving: 5 Creative Ideas to Get You Active This Summer

The summer is the perfect time to get outside, enjoy the weather, and be more active in general. Who can resist the allure of the sunshine, anyways? Plus, staying physically active has a wide range of health benefits associated with it, such as helping to maintain a healthy body weight, reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease, mitigating the risk of certain cancers, strengthening your bones and muscles, and even boosting your mood. To help you reap those benefits this sunshiney season, we’ve compiled a list of fun and creative ways to get out, get more exercise, and be more active.Keep Moving: 5 Creative Ideas to Get You Active This SummerA vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world.- Paul Dudley White1. Go for a swimThe summer provides the perfect conditions for a swim -- whether it be in a swimming pool, lake, or ocean (or all three!). Swimming is a great full-body workout: it helps you stay flexible, fights inflammation, lowers stress and depression, and has a myriad of other great benefits. After your swim, you can even take time to lay on a float and enjoy the weather as you bask in the sun, giving you even more motivation to hit the water.2. Play lawn gamesTo go along with your backyard BBQ, throw in some fun lawn games to play with your family and friends as not only something exciting to do, but also as a great way to stay active. We’re talking classic games like croquet, frisbee, badminton, and capture-the-flag as well as games with a modern twist like water balloon dodgeball or Spikeball. Not only are these games the perfect way to bond with your family and friends, but they’ll keep everyone entertained and on the move. 3. Walk your dogYou’re not the only one that wants to get out of the house this summer, your pooch probably wants to enjoy the sunshine, too! Take him or her for a leisurely walk whenever you can to both enjoy the weather and spend quality time together. This will keep your pet in shape, they’ll be happy to be outside, and it’s the perfect way for you to get some steps in. Try changing up your route from one walk to the next to get a change of scenery. 4. Act like a kid againWho says playgrounds are just for kids? Channel your youth by hitting up your neighborhood park or playground to run around, take in the sunshine, and enjoy the playground like you did when you were a wee one. Swing around on the monkey bars, go down the slide, or swing as high as you can to enjoy a bundle of fun all while squeezing in some exercise.5. Beach sportsThe beach is a place that’s great for kicking back and relaxing, but it’s also a quality spot to get some exercise in. From beach volleyball to paddleboarding to simply running on the beach, the possibilities of ways to be active as you listen to the gentle rhythm of the ocean are seemingly endless. Lather up with sunscreen and throw your bathing suit on, because the beach is the place to do it all!Take advantage of the gorgeous weather and sunshine in order to be more active and thus healthier this summer. You’ll love spending time outdoors and there’s nothing better than the good mood that accompanies a great workout!

You Come First: Why Treating Yourself is Healthy, Not Frivolous

You Come First: Why Treating Yourself is Healthy, Not Frivolous

“Treat yo-self” has become a popular mantra in today’s world, but why is there so often guilt associated with someone doing something nice for themselves? Everyone deserves to feel pampered and special once in awhile, and it goes beyond the superficial reasons for wanting a treat. In fact, doing something indulgent can have a positive effect on one’s mental health as well as a host of other benefits. In this article, we explore those perks and get to the bottom of why it is not frivolous to treat yourself, but instead is healthy to do so in moderation. You Come First: Why Treating Yourself is Healthy, Not Frivolous Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. - Lucille Ball Deprivation leads to unhealthy feelings and habits The first reason it’s important to treat oneself is that deprivation is simply not a healthy way to form good habits. Completely cutting out things that are you crave can have the opposite effect than intended when you are aiming to live a healthy and happy life. A life devoid of any indulgences is one that will prompt feelings of resentment, frustration, and depletion. Thus, those feelings will inevitably lead to breaking a good habit, as the craving for the treat will become so great that one will cease to care about the formation of the habit at all. Instead, a reward or treat should be built into the building of these routines and habits, as these will help individuals stay on track, and to be happy while doing it. Indulging can rejuvenate you In a world of constant chaos, it can sometimes be difficult to find ways to avoid burn out and to help yourself feel rejuvenated and reenergized. That is where the role of indulgence comes in. Doing something nice for yourself is an easy way to hit your internal 'reset' button and to motivate you to keep up with all the hard work that goes into your day-to-day life. While some may associate the words “indulgence” and “pampering” with lavish and costly extravagances, that does not have to be the case. Simply having a home spa day, going for a walk on the beach, or making your favorite meal are all reasonable yet effective ways to center yourself and to feel completely pampered. It reduces stress Self-care is an important part of stress management, and treating yourself can do wonders when it comes to reducing your stress levels. Stress can wreak havoc on our bodies, both physically and mentally. It can prompt sleep disorders, increase the risk of hypertension, compromise our immune systems, and increase the risk of cardiac and inflammatory disease. Approximately three-fourths of the human population undergoes some level of stress within each two-week period, making it a prevalent factor in most people’s lives. However, pampering yourself from time to time negates stress and reminds you that you and your needs are important, too. This can contribute to a higher level of confidence in yourself and your life and it can also contribute to long-term feelings of well-being. It’ll boost your mood No one wants to be a grump, but let’s face it -- we all get into slumps once in awhile. To turn a frown upside down, treat yourself in some way, whether it be big or small. Self-care is oftentimes associated with selfishness, which can prompt those pesky feelings of guilt when it comes to indulging. However, that guilt is unmerited as doing something nice for yourself when you’re feeling blue can be just what you need to improve your mood or to turn a day around. Again, these don’t need to be grand gestures, but instead small indulgences or treats can be just as effective in practicing self-care and to help yourself feel better. You come first It’s not always easy to prioritize yourself amidst a busy life filled with hustle and bustle. But doing so ensures that you will reduce your stress, boost your mood, and help promote healthy habits throughout your life. Use this opportunity to treat yourself to something fun, relaxing, and completely indulgent -- you deserve it!