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  • Vance Larson

    Vance Larson has spent the last 3 decades working as counselor, coach and EAP consultant on both the local and national level. He currently is in practice as a Life Coach and Hypnotherapist in Delaware and Maryland, but continues to work with clients around the globe
A Healthy Relationship Requires That You Put The Phone Down

A Healthy Relationship Requires That You Put The Phone Down

I think the greatest compliment I ever got was from a female friend who said: "I want what you have". She was speaking of my marriage and the relationship I have with my wife. I was really proud of that because it made me feel like I have done my job as a husband. My wife and I do have a great relationship, and at this time, we have been married for 12 years. I get asked both personally and professionally what makes a successful marriage? I don't know if I have all the answers, but in today's age, I'd say "put the phone down". A Healthy Relationship Requires That You Put The Phone Down Working in mental health for the past 30 years, I have done my share of working with relationships. Some things will always ring true, but today so many people let their phones interfere, and in some cases, destroy their relationship. Let me give you a few examples. In this day and age, people are slowly losing their interpersonal skills as they replace it with their phones. I was truly shocked when I looked up this statistic. The average person looks at their cell phone 110 a day, and in the evenings we check out phones every 6 seconds. That can't be! So I did a little more research. It turns out, I was quoting one of the lower numbers. Everyone jokes about a zombie apocalypse. Don't laugh. It’s here. So I'll say it again. If you want your relationship to survive, "Put the damn phone down"! A few years back I received 2 pieces of really good advice. I was in a board of directors meeting and we were discussing a sensitive subject. The president said something that has stayed with me to this day. He said: "If you're going to put something in writing, be it letter, text or email, you have to assume that it is going end up on the front page of the New York Times." Wow! I never thought of it in those terms. But he was right. The minute we text, email or put pen to paper, we no longer own or are in control of what happens next. So, from a professional standpoint, it better be correct. I have since applied that principal to my relationship. The other piece of advice I got was never to say anything to a member of the opposite sex that you wouldn't say in front of your spouse. Brilliant! Sometimes in these environments over the course of years we get close to a coworker. We have all heard terms like work-wife or work-husband. And while many times these conversations are harmless, it's good to check-in with yourself and your spouse to make sure you're not creating a problem. I think most of us are guilty of it. So start with being honest with yourself and your motives before causing any issues. "If you're going to put something in writing, be it letter, text or email, you have to assume that it is going end up on the front page of the New York Times." Getting back to the zombie apocalypse. I cannot tell you the amount of clients I have worked with while running EAP (employee assistance programs) about problems they cause in their relationship because they got caught up sending inappropriate messages to someone other than their spouse. Remember that whatever you write and send out to others, you no longer own. Believe me, the rate of return is pretty high. In other words, it could and most likely will come back to bite you. I'm not talking about innocent flirting. I'm talking about specific language that can be damaging to your relationship. I go back to never say (or write) anything to another that you would not be comfortable saying in front of your spouse. It's a betrayal of trust and intimacy if you do. It's funny because in these situations when I confront a client about doing such actions, I inevitably hear something like its just fun, no one knows. Or, I'll never follow through with it. Two things to consider. First, then why do it at all? And secondly, how would you feel if you knew your spouse was doing that to you? More often than not, the person will answer: "I wouldn't care". Well if you really don't care that both you and your wife are giving away intimacy, freely, maybe it's time to reexamine the relationship. But I think the first step is to have this conversation in front of your spouse. Be honest. Be intimate. The last point I would like to make in securing a healthy relationship concerning mobile devices is courtesy. When you're with your partner eating dinner, on a date or trying to have a conversation, put the phone down. It's impossible to connect in a meaningful way if you're staring at your phone. Remember when you were first dating and you didn't check your phone every 5 minutes and didn't answer every text/email? Do that! You can't build a relationship when you're mentally disconnected from the conversation. So while there are many things you can do to strengthen or build a relationship, start here. Put the phone down. Know your worth. Know the worth of your relationship. Intimacy starts by being connected. And you cannot connect with your significant other when you’re on the phone.

Why New Year's Resolutions Fail

Why New Year's Resolutions Fail

It's that time of the year when you're feeling like this past year was a complete bust. You want change. So, like everyone else, you decide to come up with a list of Resolutions for this New Year. You are full of enthusiasm and excitement because you tell yourself that this year it's going to be different. According to the American Medical Association (AMA), some 40-50% of people partake in this yearly tradition, but depending on which statistic you look at, only 10-15% of these people will eventually succeed in reaching their goals. And that's being generous. So where do we come up short? The answer is simple. We don't have a plan and therefore we focus on the wrong things. In actuality, making resolutions is not a bad thing. The problem usually comes from the lack of motivation and accountability that inevitably follows this period of excitement. You have to transform your enthusiasm into concrete and sustainable plan. To increase your odds of success, you will need some accountability. Yes really. Those without it reduce their chance of success by half. It's the same principle with Rehab programs. Why do you think they suggest the addict go to daily meetings? It's not so much that they will be learning new tools and skills (although that is part of it), but most of the benefit from those meetings comes from the support and accountability that they get from their peers. So where do we get accountability? There are many places. Enlist friends and family. Tell as many people as you can. (Note: Tell people that will be supportive and hold you to realistic expectations.) Have a plan on how to accomplish your goal. List the steps. If you're not sure where to start, think about hiring a Life Coach or a professional mentor. Join a support group. You can even do it online. Just make sure there is a measure of accountability. If you have a goal in mind, start right away. Don't wait until the end of the year. Just start! Why wait until the end of the year? It's very seldom that conditions will be perfect. So go ahead and make that jump! The new year does not hold the answers, but you do. The real question is, are you ready to embrace change? Think about it. You've been stuck in a dead end job, or you've wanted to quit smoking. Or maybe you want to lose weight or quit drinking. What is that worth? If your resolution has been on your mind for awhile, don't you owe it to yourself act on it? Don't get caught up in the trap. Put the cigarette down, get rid of the junk food in your house or start putting resumes in. Action brings results. Start now. Not tomorrow. Not tonight. But now! You've thought about it and talked about it. The only thing that is stopping you is you. If you take nothing else away from this article but this one thing, I hope that it’s that there is never a perfect time except right now to start acting on your goals. Jump!