The Women Who Spoke Out Against Harvey Weinstein
Serial predator of over 3 decades, Harvey Weinstein was Hollywood’s worst well-known secret... Until more than 80 women united together and spoke out on Harvey's sexual misconduct. It was a watershed moment for the #MeToo Movement; Not just about pain, but about powerful EVOLUTION. Now, hear the disturbing yet illuminating stories from stars like Salma Hayek, Lupita Nyong’o, Jennifer Aniston, Gwenyth Paltrow, Sia, and more as they share their traumatic experiences with Harvey Weinstein.
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Australian zookeeper and conservationist Steve Irwin, renowned for his daring encounters with wildlife, captivated millions worldwide. His unexpected and tragic death deeply saddened many. Yet, shortly after his passing, a billion-dollar mining company posed a threat to his legacy. In response, his wife Terri and children Bindi and Robert fiercely defended his memory and conservation efforts.