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Why Paul Walker Left His Only Daughter With Vin Diesel
Life Stories

Why Paul Walker Left His Only Daughter With Vin Diesel

When the tragic news of Paul Walker's death surfaced, the world was left in shock. As one of the most beloved stars of the Fast and Furious franchise, his passing was felt deeply by fans around the globe. But perhaps the most devastating impact was felt by his daughter, Meadow Walker, who was left without a father.

4-Year-Old Girl Has a Sudden Heart Attack – Her Dad Saves Her With Something He Learned on “The Office”
Everyday Heroes

4-Year-Old Girl Has a Sudden Heart Attack – Her Dad Saves Her With Something He Learned on “The Office”

A quick-thinking father is crediting the TV show "The Office" with helping save his four-year-old daughter's life. Matt Uber was playing a game of tag with his daughter Vera Posy when she suddenly collapsed on the floor. While speaking with NBC's "Today," the 46-year-old said he had assumed his daughter tripped and hit her head but when he picked her up off the ground, "she was limp" and her eyes had "rolled back."It's every parent's actual worst nightmare. Luckily, Uber remembered what to do thanks to a chaotic scene from the NBC sitcom, which originally aired nearly a decade before.What a Father Did To Save His Daughter's Life — Thanks to "The Office"(Flex Point Security Inc./Upsplash)Remarkably, Uber claims he was never taught how to properly perform CPR and credits his entire life-saving maneuver to the two-part episode of the series called "Stress Relief" that initially aired in 2009. While Uber was using CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) to try to resuscitate his daughter, Uber's wife, Erin, called 911 and the operator helped to keep the family calm.CPR is an emergency procedure that can be performed to save someone's life if they've gone into cardiac arrest. During cardiac arrest, the heart cannot pump blood to the rest of the body, including the brain and lungs. RELATED: Teen Calls 911 After Burglars Enter Her House – The Woman Who Answered May Have Saved Her Life"I remembered to lift her neck and make sure that she wasn't choking or having a seizure," Uber recalled. "I was panicked, and it was chaotic. In the meantime, the wonderful 911 operator got on and talked me through the process."When paramedics arrived, they used a defibrillator to jump-start young Vera Posy's heart before she was rushed to a nearby hospital. Doctors diagnosed the four-year-old with calmodulinopathy, a rare and potentially life-threatening condition that causes children to have irregular heartbeats.After her hospital stay, doctors put an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) into Vera Posy's abdomen which would jump-start her heart if another cardiac arrest ever occurred again.RELATED: 9-Year-Old Is Kidnapped by Family Friend and Hidden Behind a Wall – What She Does Next Saves Her Own LifeAfter the diagnosis, doctors put an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) in the girl's abdomen, which will jump-start her heart if it stops again.At the time, Uber said when he was quickly thinking about what to do, his mind "literally went to that episode of 'The Office' where they are doing the CPR training." He admits it was "just what kicked in" to his head and that it was "very fortunate."Since the devastating scare, young Vera Posy is recovering well and the NBC article says she is getting back to a normal life.The Scene From "The Office" That You Can Also Use to Remember CPR(The Office/YouTube)During the "Stress Relief" episode, Michael Scott (Steve Carrell) arranges for a CPR class after his employee, Stanley Hudson, suffers a heart attack.In the iconic episode, the Dunder Mifflin employees attend an at-work CPR training session which comically transformed into an office-wide rendition of the Bee Gee's hit, "Stayin' Alive.""A good trick is to pump to the tune of 'Stayin' Alive' by the Bee Gees. Do you know that song?" asks the trainer in the episode. "Yes, I do. I love that song," responds an always aloof Scott, before signing, "First I was afraid, I was petrified …” mistakenly singing the Gloria Gaynor classic “I Will Survive."RELATED: 19 Funny Michael Scott Quotes to Ease your Day at the Office“No, it’s – Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive,” the trainer interrupts as she instructs the actual song — which turns out to be factually beneficial for CPR.While recalling the episode, Uber says he placed his hands on the right spot of his daughter's stomach and began compression to the beat of the Bee Gee's classic. In the episode, the CPR training session turns absolutely chaotic as the entire office begins singing, completely disregarding the taste at hand. Erin Uber says that every second that her husband didn't use CPR, it increased the risk of neurological damage for their daughter — or worse. "Don't hold back on learning CPR," she said.Even if that means perfecting it from an iconic comedy series. Hey, whatever works.KEEP READING:Wife Brings Husband Back To Life With CPR One Hour After His “Death”

10-Year-Old Twins Save Dad From Drowning Using Technique They Learned From ‘The Sandlot'
Everyday Heroes

10-Year-Old Twins Save Dad From Drowning Using Technique They Learned From ‘The Sandlot'

What started out as a typical day for Alabama dad Brad Hassig and his sons quickly turned into a scary scene from a Hollywood movie.Hassig was practicing underwater meditation breathing exercises in the pool when the incident occurred. His sons, Bridon and Christian, and their 11-year-old friend Sam were hanging out nearby.One second, the 46-year-old chiropractor was sitting submerged in 5-feet of water, saying the Lord's Prayer, the next he was floating on his side, unconscious.“It was a typical afternoon — we had music on the speakers and I was doing breathing exercises underwater to relax,” Hassig told TODAY Parents. “I wasn’t pushing myself or trying to be a Navy Seal. I went from just complete peace, saying the Lord’s Prayer, and then everything was just white.”The boys noticed something was wrong and in true superhero fashion, dove in to save him.Boys Credit Scenes From "The Sandlot" and "Hook" For Helping Them Save Their Dad's Life(ABC13)Christian jumped in first and quickly called for reinforcements. "Christian said I was on my side and shaking and my head was turning blue," Brad said. "He yelled for Bridon and Sam to jump in and they each grabbed a shoulder and pulled me to the stairs."Christian ran to get help. Unfortunately, the neighbors weren't home so he chased down a car and the driver called 9-1-1. RELATED: Struggling Single Dad of 4 Owes $168,000 – His Mortgage Provider Makes an Announcement That Shocks HimMeanwhile, Bridon started performing life-saving CPR on their dad. Did he have training in CPR? No. Had he ever done mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? Also no. What he did have, however, were moves he remembered from scenes from his favorite '90s movies, "The Sandlot" and "Hook."With Sam urging him on, Bridon continued giving his father mouth-to-mouth. All he could think of was that he didn't want this to be the last moment he had with his dad. “I was like, I’ve had some moments with him, with happy, sad, and some mad moments, but I’m like, 'I don’t want this to be the last moment.'”Luckily, it wasn't.Like A Hollywood Movie, This Story Has A Happy EndingEventually, a neighbor of the Hassigs—who is a cardiologist—heard the ambulance sirens and ran to their backyard to help. He dragged Brad's body from the pool steps to the deck. When Hassig regained consciousness he was coughing up blood, foam, and water. He said he heard his sons calling out to him, "Daddy come back. You have to be OK." Paramedics rushed Hassig to the emergency room where doctors admitted him to the cardiac intensive-care unit. They diagnosed him with hypoxia (low levels of oxygen in the organs and tissue.) He also suffered from pulmonary edema (caused by fluid buildup in the lungs) and shortness of breath. Since the incident, Hassig has given up on his underwater meditation practice and vows never to go swimming alone.He believes that without the quick-thinking heroic actions of his sons and Sam (with help from divine intervention) he wouldn't be here today."I'm so proud of my boys. I tell them, 'Remember you guys are heroes' and I will be grateful to them forever," said Hassig. "And Sam is such a kind and gentle kid. It's a bond now."Hassig's experience serves as a powerful reminder that CPR is a vital life skill that even children can learn. The family is now on a mission to help other families get CPR training. As for our pint-sized heroes? They're just glad that this story has a happy ending. And they are proof positive that not only does heroism have no age limit, but assistance can come from the unlikeliest places - including a classic '90s Hollywood film. KEEP READING:17-Year-Old Girl Sent Home in Tears for “Inappropriate” Outfit – Her Angry Dad Fights Back With Powerful Message

Everyday Heroes

An Anonymous Man Is Feeding the Homeless at Night Dressed as Spider-Man

Every night in Birmingham, a young man (who wishes to remain anonymous) dons a Spiderman costume and leaves his home at 9:00pm, not returning home until the wee hours of the morning. What heroic work is he doing? Feeding the homeless.The Birmingham Spiderman Dons the Iconic Outfit and Uses It for GoodA bartender by day, he becomes a real-life superhero at night, buying sandwiches and other food from local grocery stores and then distributing it among the homeless population in his community. He’s usually on the streets until midnight, getting around on his skateboard.The Birmingham Spiderman has been serving his community since he was about 17 years old–but he wasn’t always in character. “I love seeing the smiles on people’s faces,” he said. One day, he wondered, if people were happy to see him now, how much happier would they be if he made his rounds dressed as Spiderman?“Dressing as my other childhood hero, my dad, probably wouldn’t have had the same impact,” he jokes.RELATED: Server Refuses to Give Thirsty Homeless Man a Glass of Water – Stranger Who Heard Their Conversation Follows HimIndeed, before dressing up as Spiderman, most people wouldn’t give him a second look when he was out doing volunteer work. Now, he attracts quite a bit of attention. “When they see Spiderman handing out food,” he says, “they come over and ask what I’m doing and are really interested.” And this attention is exactly what he wants. It gives him the opportunity to raise awareness. People have offered money to help the Birmingham Spiderman in his efforts, but he always refuses. What he wants is for others to be inspired and to get involved themselves. So when they take selfies with him, the young man asks them to post the pictures to social media with the hashtag #feedthehomeless.Spreading Love and Awareness The Birmingham Spiderman also has his own social media channels. He uses Twitter and Facebook to educate and bring awareness to the growing problem of homelessness. In one post, he writes: Birmingham has the highest numbers of homeless people in England, with over 925 households. In another, he underlines the fact that MP’s are given an allowance to buy a second home, but the homeless don’t even get help for a first home.“People have seen me on Facebook or Twitter,” he acknowledges, “and they say what I am doing is really good. Some are even saying they want to do the same. I plan to do it for as long as I can.”RELATED: Stranger Passes by Shivering Homeless Man Begging on the Street – But Something Catches His AttentionThirty-four percent of the homeless population in his area are under the age of 24. “These are shocking figures,” the Birmingham Spiderman wrote on Twitter, “and we need to invest more into our young people and make changes.”“I’m just going out like Spider-Man, doing heroic things like feeding the homeless,” he says lightly. But then, taking a more serious tone, “I’m trying to help those most in need in our society by giving them some of the most basic things we need to survive.”How Can You Help Your Community Today?(My Modern Met)The young man has learned a lot in all his years of volunteering. “We’re all part of the human experience,” he says. “We need to look at everyone as human and help each other the same as we would a close friend."These are words that indeed inspire us to help others, in our own ways and in our own communities.KEEP READING:Young Busker Gives Hard Earned Money to Homeless Man for Food – Her Good Deed Spirals Out of Control

Truth or Dare Questions for Your Next Game Night - And What the Answers May Reveal About You
Pop Culture

Truth or Dare Questions for Your Next Game Night - And What the Answers May Reveal About You

Whether it's around a campfire or at a sugar-fueled slumber party, there are plenty of fun opportunities to test people's personalities and their knowledge of themselves. From old-fashioned parlor games to good-natured conversations intended to extract confessions, friends can submit themselves to challenges, or discern information about each other. In that arena, truth or dare remains the game to rule them all.A Brief History of Truth or DareTruth or dare, or some early version of the party game, dates back to at least the early 18th century. Far, far earlier, if you trace its roots back to the command games, such as the basilinda of ancient Greece.RELATED: Questions To Ask Your CrushThe rules are few, and straightforward. Each player is given a choice between answering a question truthfully or performing a dare. Certain parameters may be agreed upon by the group. For example, the outdoors may be proclaimed off-limits at a sleepover, to avoid waking the chaperones.Despite truth or dare's centuries-old history, it remains as unpredictable as its players. Sure, some "risque" questions or dares have emerged as old standbys, but otherwise, the game is limited by the imagination, or deviousness, of those issuing the challenges.But, in case you're worried about having the perfect "truth" or "dare" at the ready, we've assembled a plethora of ideas that can both meet your friends’ expectations and challenge their minds.Truth QuestionsAny player who chooses "truth" is virtually guaranteed to be met by a few boos. After all, it's generally accepted as the safe option. Unless the challenger is willing to get extremely personal with the question (and risk having to face the same, uncomfortable probing later), truths can get bland, pretty quickly.But nothing in the rules says questions need be embarrassing. Instead, they can be thought-provoking, and revealing in a way that allows you to better know your friends.Truth Questions About FeelingsWho was your first celebrity crush, if you ever had one?Who is your current celebrity crush, if you have any?What was the most awkward moment of your life?Are you able to determine what your happiest memory is?What is your biggest fear? (For the sake of specificity, the question could elaborate on the kind of fear, such as phobias.)What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?What is your biggest regret?When was the last time you cried? (If you feel like, you could ask to specify why.)What are you most insecure about?What embarrassing habit do you have? What aspect of yourself are you the proudest of?What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself?Have you ever been heartbroken? If so, why?Have you ever broken someone’s heart?When was the last time you were angry?In which situation were you the most scared you have ever been?Is there anything about your life that you’d like to change?Any particular thoughts that keep you awake at night?When was the last time you felt jealous?When was the last time you lied, and why?Do you have any secrets that you’ve hidden until you were asked this very question?What do you fantasize most about?What is your biggest pet peeve?Do you feel like people misunderstand you? If so, in what way?What is the worst argument you’ve had?Do you believe in the paranormal?What makes you the most worried regarding your professional life?Does the idea of getting older make you feel scared or worried?What is the worst physical pain you've experienced?Are there any movies or television shows that you watch to make yourself feel better?Is there any unpopular artist or piece of media that you enjoy despite its unpopularity?What’s the most fun you’ve ever had?What is the worst emotional pain you’ve ever experienced?What do you currently consider to be your biggest accomplishment?Truth Questions About RelationshipsWhat do you value most in a friendship?What do you value most in a romantic relationship?Have you ever been in love?Do you currently have a crush on someone? If so, who?Who was the first person you had a crush on?What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?On the flip side, what’s the best date you’ve ever been on?Have you ever been ghosted?Have you ever ghosted someone?Have you ever lost a friend?If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be?How many people have you kissed?Do you believe in soulmates?Have you ever been broken up with?Have you ever broken up with someone?What is the last text you sent?Why did your last relationship end?What is your love language?Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s significant other?What are your thoughts on monogamy?Do you want to get married one day?In general, what qualities do you find most attractive in a person, whether on a platonic or romantic level?What is your biggest turn-off?Do you have a best friend, and if so, who is it?Who do you trust the most in your life?To spice things up, who do you trust the least in your life?Who in this room do you consider yourself to be the closest to?How would you describe your relationship with your parents?Are there any extended relatives that you are particularly fond of?Have you ever considered getting back together with a former partner?What sibling are you closest to, if you have any?What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told your parents?Is there someone that you think of as the first person to contact when you have good news?Have you ever cheated on someone?Have you ever been cheated on?Have you ever been stood up on a date?RELATED: What Are Interesting Questions to Ask a Guy?What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done at school?When did you have your best kiss?When did you have your worst kiss?What is the moment you consider to be the one where you got in the most trouble?Have you ever felt betrayed by someone in this room?Who in this room do you wish you were closer to?Have you ever given someone a second chance?Is there someone that you think of as the first person to contact when you have bad news?If you could trade lives with anyone in this room, who would it be?If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?Who was your first celebrity crush?Who is your biggest role model?How would you describe yourself in three words?What is one conspiracy theory that you actually believe?Other Truth QuestionsWhat is the most scandalous photo you have ever taken?Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal?Can you recall any childhood memory that you particularly fond of?What is your idea for a dream vacation?Have you ever cheated on a test?Have you ever cheated while playing a sport or board game?Have you ever cheated while playing a video game?Who in this room would you bring with you on a deserted island?Has anyone ever spread a rumor about you?What is the best advice you ever received?What would you get a tattoo of if you could get one right now?What is the most inappropriate time you’ve laughed?Do you believe yourself to have any particular talents?On the other hand, what is the worst advice you ever received?What is the last thing you Googled?Where do you see yourself in a decade?RELATED: 5 Serious Questions You Absolutely Have to Ask Your Boyfriend About the FutureWhat is the most inappropriate thing you’ve ever laughed at?Have you ever stood up for someone in a heated argument?What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever done?What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had?What is something you regret lying about?How would you describe your sense of style on a scale from one to ten?What social media platform do you spend the most time on?Have you ever sneaked out of your house as a kid?If you could have any career in the world, what would it be?DaresJust as with truths, dares come with their own risks for the challenger. It may be hilarious to watch as a player performs an embarrassing, or gross act, but be warned. The proverb "What goes around comes around" is seldom more fitting than in a game of truth or dare. Inventive DaresRemove your socks with your teeth.Go next door with a measuring cup and ask for a cup of sugar.Let the group choose an item for you to brush your teeth with.Write your name on the floor with your tongue.Stick a Hot Cheeto in your nose, and leave it there for five minutes.Open your front door and howl like a wolf for 30 seconds.RELATED: Young Boy Bombards Electricians Working at His House With Questions – So, They Send Him a PayslipLet the person to your right put duct tape on any part of your body they choose and rip it off.Put a bunch of honey on your nose and coat it with flour.Take a shot of pickle juice.Talk to a pillow like it’s your crush.Pretend you’re a bird and eat cereal off the floor using only your mouth.Make out with your hand.Let someone else style your hair and keep it that way for the rest of the day.Use a brush like you’re talking into a microphone each time you speak.Weird DaresPick your friend’s nose.Create a fake social media account.Make repulsive sounds while eating and drinking.Cross your eyes when talking.Talk without closing your mouth.Act like an animal of the group’s choosing.Get into a debate with a wall.Squirt your face with a squirt gun continuously while talking.See how many grapes you can stuff in your mouth.Read a sentence of your choosing and hiccup in between each word.Sing the alphabet backward.Disgusting DaresDraw on your face with permanent marker.Dip your sock-covered feet in the toilet, and don't dry them off for the rest of the game.Eat a spoonful of mustard.Lift up the couch cushions, and if there is anything under them, you need to put it in your mouth for 10 seconds.RELATED: 6 Deep Questions Couples Must Ask Each OtherBite into a raw onionSpin around 10 times and try to walk straight.Eat a raw egg.Let the group choose three random things from the refrigerator and mix them together. Then you have to eat the mixture.Stand up and do jumping jacks until your next turn.Rub your armpits and then smell your fingers.Dig through the trash and name everything you find.Funny DaresGo on Facebook Live and read the back of a shampoo bottle.Call a corner store and ask if they’re open.Stand in the backyard and yell at the top of your lungs, “Nooooo! I was adopted!”Go outside in the driveway and do the disco without music.Call a car part store and tell them that you need a part for your Model T.RELATED: Do the 36 Questions That Lead to Love Really Work?Take a selfie with the toilet and post it online.Sniff everyone’s feet and rank them in order of freshest to stinkiest.Call a New York-style pizza place and ask them what the difference is between New York pizza and “real” pizza.Open your front door and loudly sing “Hallelujah!”Go outside and pretend you're cutting the grass with an invisible mower.Call a pizza place and ask if they use cruelty-free wheat in their dough.Embarrassing DaresCall your mom and tell her you can't find a girlfriend (or, a boyfriend) in a panicked voice.Wear your underwear over your pants for the rest of the game.Send a Snapchat of you pretending to cry because you just found out you were adopted.Sniff the armpit of the person next to you, and describe what it smells like to the entire group.Go outside and try to summon the rain.Sing the "Star-Spangled Banner" in a British accent.Take a picture of a tampon and post it on Instagram.Call a random number, and when someone picks up, immediately start singing the national anthem.Call Target and ask if they deliver popcorn.Call McDonald's and ask if they sell Whoppers.Call a pizza shop and ask if you can return a pizza.Eat a spoonful of mayonnaiseCall a car dealership and ask if they have any horse buggies in stock.Change your relationship status on Facebook to "it's complicated."RELATED: 100+ Questions to Ask a Girl You Have a Crush OnCall Macy's and tell them you're interested in buying them.Sing instead of speak for the next two rounds of the game.Call a random number and sing "Happy Birthday."Call a Chinese restaurant and ask if they have sushi.Dance for one minute with no musicRead your last text out loudShow the room your Google search historyKnock on the neighbor’s door and ask for an eggLet someone in the room text your parents or any other loved oneMore Physical DaresDo 10 push-upsDrink a glass of water without using your handsPretend to be the person closest to your leftPretend to be the person closest to your rightUse one word to describe every person in the roomDraw a picture of the closest person on your leftDraw a picture of the closest person to your rightEat ketchup straight from the bottleImitate a celebrity until the group guesses correctlyDump a glass of water over your headLet someone in the room style your hair whatever way they wantSay the alphabet backwardSniff the feet of person to your rightStand on one foot until your next turnEat a snack of your choice without using your handsWear a blindfold for the remainder of the gameRELATED: 9 Things Every Couple Must Discuss Before Seriously CommittingDo your best runway model walkDrink a cup of pickle juiceSpin around quickly five times, then try to walk in a straight lineStay frozen in place until your next turnName a famous celebrity that looks like each playerTry to lick your elbowPut ice in your socks and keep it there until your next turnDo an impression of someone in the roomTrade an item of clothing with someoneLet the person on your left draw on your face with penTake a sip of hot sauce straight from the bottleDo 10 squatsRead the last text your ex sent youOther Miscellaneous DaresGo outside and sing “Let It Go” from Frozen as loud as you canTalk with a British accent for the next two roundsBrush your teeth with peanut butter and take a pictureMix three liquids together and drink the concoctionShare the juiciest piece of gossip you knowCall the eighth contact in your phone and try to hold a 30-second conversationDo jumping jacks for three minutesSing a song of the group’s choosingYell out the first word that comes to your mindBreak an egg over your headTry to perform a magic trickGet in the shower with all of your clothes onGive someone your phone and let them text any of your contactsSpin an imaginary hula hoop around your waist for the next three roundsPost an embarrassing selfie to your Instagram StoryMake up a song about a person in the roomTry to lick your footShow the group what’s inside your purse, bag, or backpackEat a spoonful of the spiciest item in the kitchenText your crush and ask them out on a datePerform a ballet routine for one minuteTry to talk without opening your mouthHave a staring contest with the person to your rightLet the group DM someone on a social media platform of your choice from your accountKEEP READING:7 Deep Questions Every Woman Must Ask Her Romantic Partner – And What the Answers Mean

25 of the Best Love Poems Ever Written

25 of the Best Love Poems Ever Written

When searching for the right words to express how you feel, sometimes it’s best not to turn to great love poems. Poets ranging from Sappho to Emily Brontë to T.S. Eliot have likely already put words what you feel in your heart.RELATED: The Best Love Quotes for Him or HerFrom the William Shakespeare to the Romantics, right up to the present day, love poems are among the most powerful words ever set down. From proclamations of happiness to expressions of heartbreak, the love poem is unique.It can be highly personal yet almost universal. While the poet likely wrote with a specific person in mind, we often relate to the words as if they were penned for us. Or, rather for the object of our affection.Here are 25 great love poems from ancient times to the present. Best Love Poems of Ages Past, from Shakespeare to BrontëPhoto by Max Harlynking on UnsplashIf you want proof that people have been pining for others in written words for a long time now, look no farther than these old but enduring most famous love poems from the past.Istanbul #2461Photo by Jonathan Borba on PexelsThe oldest known love poem, this was written by an unidentified female author to King Shu-Sin, who ruled Sumer and Akkad in 20th or 21st century BCE. Today it's known, rather blandly, as “Istanbul #2461.”RELATED: What Does Passionate Love Really Mean?“Bridegroom, dear to my heart,Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet,Lion, dear to my heart,Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet.”Fragment 16, by SapphoPhoto by Zoltan Tasi on UnsplashThis partial work by famed Greek poet Sappho is a moving tribute the meaning of love. She writes, in part:“Some say a host of cavalry, others of infantry,and others of ships, is the most beautifulthing on the dark earth, but I say it iswhatever a person loves…”'Merciless Beauty,' by Geoffrey ChaucerPhoto by Apostolos Vamvouras on UnsplashGeoffrey Chaucer is revered for The Canterbury Tales, among the most important works in English literature. That alone would have earned him the title of the "father of English poetry." But, of course, Chaucer wrote numerous other poems, including "Merciles Beaute," or "Merciless Beauty," which begins with a bang:RELATED: 50 Inspirational Quotes to Uplift and Motivate“Your eyes slay me suddenly;their beauty I cannot sustain,they wound me so, through my heart keen…”Sonnet 18, by William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare statue in Central Park, New York (Photo by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash)William Shakespeare’s timeless Sonnet 18 slaps, to use the modern parlance. Hey, it still applies to the poem, written sometime in the late 1500s or early 1600s. It opens with a line you've probably heard, even if you never knew where it originated:“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate.”RELATED: Do the 36 Questions That Lead to Love Really Work?If you like that one, William Shakespeare has another 153 sonnets for you.'To My Dear and Loving Husband,' by Anne BradstreetA prominent poet in England's North American colonies, Anne Bradstreet lived from 1612 to 1672. But in this this poem, she wrote of a love that echoes through the ages.“If ever two were one, then surely we.If ever man were loved by wife, then thee.If ever wife was happy in a man,Compare with me, ye women, if you can.I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,Or all the riches that the East doth hold.My love is such that rivers cannot quench,Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.Thy love is such I can no way repay;The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.Then while we live, in love let’s so persever [sic],That when we live no more, we may live ever.”'Love and Friendship,' by Emily BrontëPhoto by Pixabay on PexelsNovelist, and Romantic poet, Emily Brontë asked a timeless question in the opening of this poem from the mid-19th century.RELATED: Boost Your Shot at Intimacy With This Psychological Love Eye Trick“Love is like the wild rose-briar,Friendship like the holly-tree—The holly is dark when the rose-briar bloomsBut which will bloom most constantly?”'To You,' by Walt WhitmanPhoto by Ketut Subiyant on PexelsWalt Whitman’s words are all the more precious today knowing that, as a gay or bisexual man living in the 1800s, he had to keep his love largely hidden. In “To You” he writes:“I have loved many women and men, but I love none better than you.O I have been dilatory and dumb,I should have made my way straight to you long ago, I should have blabb'd nothing but you, I should have chanted nothing but you.”'Loved You First: But Afterwards Your Love,' by Christina RossettiPhoto by Alex Martinez on UnsplashIf you can filter out a few words, like “thou” and “thine,” from this poem by Christina Rossetti, it reads like it was written last week. Not by a poet who died in 1894.RELATED: What Sexual Chemistry Is and Why It Matters in a Relationship“I loved you first: but afterwards your loveOutsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song…”'The White Rose,' by John Boyle O'ReillyPhoto by Rachilli on UnsplashIrish poet John Boyle O'Reilly’s lurid, visual poem reads, in part:“The red rose whispers of passion,And the white rose breathes of love;O, the red rose is a falcon,And the white rose is a dove.”The Best Love Poems from the 20th CenturyPhoto by Manuel Meurisse on UnsplashThe 1900s were a rich time for rich words of love. Some were flowery and beautiful, others raw and savage. But all spoke of love.'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,' by T.S. EliotPhoto by RODNAE Productions on PexelsT.S. Eliot’s masterful poem, often called simply “Prufrock,” is about love, to be sure. But more than that, it is about the entirety of life, during which loves comes — and goes — in many different ways. RELATED: What Does It Mean to Be in a Romantic Friendship?Witness these sorrowful few lines from near the end of the poem and, we can imagine, the end of the narrator’s life:“I grow old ... I grow old ...I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.I do not think that they will sing to me.”"[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in]," by E.E. CummingsPhoto by DESIGNECOLOGIST on UnsplashNot known for easy-to-follow punctuation or easy-to-read poetry, E.E. Cummings nonetheless created beautiful works that are worth the brain power, like this one:“i carry your heart with me(i carry it inmy heart)i am never without it(anywherei go you go,my dear;and whatever is doneby only me is your doing,my darling)”'Poem for My Love,' by June JordanPhoto by Karsten Winegeart on UnsplashJune Jordan was one of the most celebrated Black poets in 20th-century America (by way of Jamaica). Her brief, and poigniant, “Poem for my Love” starts with a question that seems simple:“How do we come to be here next to each other in the night”'Separation,' by W.S. MerwinPhoto by Travis Grossen on UnsplashW.S. Merwin was a masterful in his ability to say so much with so few words. Read this short, beautiful poem, and challenge yourself to think of any way to improve it:RELATED: Love at First Sight: Does It Exist in Today’s World?“Your absence has gone through meLike thread through a needle.Everything I do is stitched with its color.”'Flirtation,' by Rita DovePhoto by A.L. on UnsplashRita Dove is only the second Black woman to be named Poet Laureate of the United States, and the second to win a Pulitzer Prize for poetry. She is alive and well, but this poem belongs to the 1980s.“Outside the sunhas rolled up her rugsand night strewn saltacross the sky. My heartis humming a tuneI haven’t heard in years!”'The Quiet World,' by Jeffrey McDanielPhoto by Eren Li on PexelsJeffrey McDaniel wrote this haunting poem, shared in full, at the end of the 20th century.“In an effort to get people to lookinto each other’s eyes more,and also to appease the mutes,the government has decidedto allot each person exactly one hundred and sixty-seven words, per day.When the phone rings, I put it to my ear without saying hello. In the restaurant I point at chicken noodle soup.I am adjusting well to the new way.Late at night, I call my long-distance lover, proudly say I only used fifty-nine today. I saved the rest for you.When she doesn’t respond,I know she’s used up all her words, so I slowly whisper I love youthirty-two and a third times.After that, we just sit on the line and listen to each other breathe.”'Love After Love,' by Derek WalcottPhoto by Trym Nilsen on UnsplashThis bleak poem by Derek Walcott is about loss magnified by the love that preceded it. It reads, in part:RELATED: The 60 Best Secret Crush Quotes to Help You Thirst in Style“You will love again the stranger who was yourself.Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heartto itself, to the stranger who has loved youall your life, whom you ignoredfor another, who knows you by heart.”'The More Loving One,' by W.H. AudenPhoto by atiabii on PexelsW.H. Auden’s poem is timeless in its language. Here's an excerpt:“How should we like it were stars to burnWith a passion for us we could not return?If equal affection cannot be,Let the more loving one be me.”'To Find a Kiss of Yours,' by Federico Garcia LorcaPhoto by Marcelo Chagas on UnsplashFederico García Lorca was another gay poet who had to largely live in secret, yet he wrote out loud:RELATED: Best Dating Quotes to Keep You Motivated in Your Search for Love“To find a kiss of yourswhat would I giveA kiss that strayed from your lipsdead to loveMy lips tastethe dirt of shadows…”'Having a Coke with You,' by Frank O'HaraPhoto by Edward Eyer on PexelsThis poem by Frank O’Hara is cute, charming and deep, all at once.“is even more fun than going to San Sebastian, Irún, Hendaye, Biarritz, Bayonneor being sick to my stomach on the Travesera de Gracia in Barcelonapartly because in your orange shirt you look like a better happier St. Sebastianpartly because of my love for you, partly because of your love for yoghurt”'Her Lips are Copper Wire,' by Jean ToomerPhoto by Alotrobo on PexelsJean Toomer leans into unique language to express love, like in these words:RELATED: 25+ Fun Date Night Ideas for Every Relationship“whisper of yellow globesgleaming on lamp-posts that swaylike bootleg licker drinkers in the fogand let your breath be moist against melike bright beads on yellow globes”The Best Love Poems from the 21st CenturyPhoto by Cottonbro on PexelsAnd now we move to poems so recent that it’s easy to identify with them, yet many will still be easy to identify with a hundred years hence. Or many more than that.'To the Woman Crying Uncontrollably in the Next Stall,' by Kim AddonizioPhoto by Diana Simumpande on UnsplashKim Addonizio’s poem is just as powerful as its title:“If you ever woke in your dress at 4am everclosed your legs to someone you loved openedthem for someone you didn’t moved againsta pillow in the dark stood miserably on a beach…”'Holdfast,' by Robin Beth SchaerPhoto by Victoria Akvarel on PexelsThis is rather a dark poem by Robin Beth Schaer. However, it’s a beautiful one, too, reading in part:RELATED: Do the 36 Questions That Lead to Love Really Work?“I once loved someoneI never touched. We played records & drankcoffee from chipped bowls, but didn’t speakof the days pierced by radiation. A friendsaid: Let her pretend. She needs one personwho doesn’t know.”'Lines Depicting Simple Happiness,' by Peter GizziPhoto by PNW Production on PexelsPeter Gizzi uses imagery and language in tandem in a poem that is at once intimate and relatable. It contains lines like:“I is for buttondown, O the blouse you wearU is for hair clip, and Y your tight skirtThe music picks up again, I am the man I hope to beThe bright air hangs freely near your newly cut hairIt is so easy now to see gravity at work in your faceEasy to understand time, that dark processTo accept it as a beautiful process, your face”'Bird-Understander,' by Craig ArnoldPhoto by Erik Odin on UnsplashCraig Arnold’s poem is cute and clever, yet no less meaningful for it. It begins:RELATED: Has Your Relationship Lost Its Spark? This Challenge Will Rekindle Your Romance“Of many reasons I love you here is onethe way you write me from the gate at the airportso I can tell you everything will be alright”'Love Explained,' by Jennifer Michael HechtPhoto by Mizuno K on PexelsJennifer Michael Hecht's poem is one many of us can relate to, with lines like:“I promise to try to remember who I am. Wife gets up on one elbow,says, I wanted to get married. It seemed a fulfillment of someseveral things, a thing to be done. Even the diamond ring was something like a quest, a thing they set you out to get and how insanethe quest is; how you have to turn it every way before you can eventhink to seek it; this metaphysical refraining is in fact the quest.”KEEP READING:Questions to Ask Your Crush

Paul Rudd Vs. Wilford Brimley: Why Do People in the Past Look So Much Older Than Us?
Pop Culture

Paul Rudd Vs. Wilford Brimley: Why Do People in the Past Look So Much Older Than Us?

If you type “Paul Rudd Wilford Brimley” into Google Image, you'll be met with dozens of side-by-side photos comparing Ant-Man star Paul Rudd and Cocoon actor Wilford Brimley when they were 51 years old. The contrast is striking. In his early 50s, Rudd could easily pass for a man a decade younger, while Brimley at 51 could be mistaken for someone in his 70s. RELATED: Paul Rudd and Wife Julie Yaeger Are Hollywood's Most Un-Hollywood CoupleWhy is there such a marked discrepancy? As it turns out, there are myriad reasons. The most notable might be that, in the Rudd vs. Brimley comparison, the images of the latter were taken in 1985 during the filming of Cocoon.Brimley, who passed away in 2020, was born in year 1934. Rudd, on the other hand, was born in 1969. Had the two shared a birth year, perhaps they would have looked more like peers in their early 50s. However, part of the reason people in the past look so much older than we do today, even at the same age, is because, biologically speaking, they were older.People Are Aging More Slowly Than EverPaul Rudd in Only Murders in the Building Season 2 (2022)The average life expectancy of an American over the past 170 years has trended, dramatically, toward longer life. Looking at data compiled by Statista, average life expectancy in the United States was a mere 40 years in 1860. However, by the early 1900s, it had risen to 50. Fast-forward to the mid-1960s, the average had surpassed 70 years. Today, it's 80.To live longer, people had to live healthier. Much of that was due to improving medical-treatment options and a greater understanding of disease, aging and immunity. Diet had to improve was well. Another important factor was the reduction of harmful habits like smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol. Add to that the tendency to get more exercise and recreation. It’s also difficult to overstate the importance of preventive measures like wearing sun block and protective clothing have on health and appearance.Paul Rudd and Wilford Brimley Weren't the Same Biological AgeWilfred Brimley in Cocoon (1985)When you lead a healthier life than you predecessors, your body shows it. People today really do look younger than those of the same age from generations past. That's because they are in better shape, right down to their very cells. Skin protected from sun damage ages more slowly. RELATED: Your "True" Age May Not Be Your Birth DateA body nourished with good foods doesn't break down as quickly, with stronger bones and a better ability to heal and maintain itself. Simply put, the biological age of two people separated by many decades (say, Paul Rudd and Wilford Brimley) is likely not the same, even when the two were, in calendar years, the same age.But biological age is not the only reason people in the past look older than we do today. Perception also plays a role. There could also be called bias at play.Why Do People Look So Much Older in Photos from the Past?Photo from Suzy Hazelwood, from PexelsIt's not only photos. People from the past look older in movies, too. Even in audio recordings, people sounded older. Or did they? When it comes to the voices of people from the past, that “old-timey” sound has more to do with recording equipment than it does with their voices. Earlier generations of recording hardware couldn't capture nearly as wide a range of frequencies as we can today. Thus, many overtones were lost, especially lower bass tones. RELATED: Classmates Refuse to Sign Bullied Boy's Yearbook - Then Paul Rudd Stepped InVoices sound less rich and melodic have an almost awkward higher pitch that does, indeed, sound older and out of date. So, the guy announcing the horse race or the fellow reporting on the Hindenburg disaster? They didn't actually sound like that.But as for why people in "classic" photos and films look so much older? That's likely, as we have discussed, because they were older, at least in biological terms. A poorer diet, more direct exposure to the sun, smoking, drinking and other factors may well have aged them. Another factor is that, despite being objectively less-healthy, people in past generations did tend to be trimmer on the whole. And a more slender face looks older than a plump face, while thinner bodies more prominently show bones, veins and the like, which can make someone appear older.In the Battle of Brimley vs. Rudd, Cut Wilford Some SlackWilford Brimley in The Firm (1993)Finally, consider this. Your mind is trained to associate black-and-white images, or grainy color, with age. If you see a photo of your grandfather at age 18 next to one of you at 18, he will likely look older. But now view that photo of yourself with a black-and-white filter (or a grainy color filter), and chances are you too will look older in the altered image.Want to take things a step further? Colorize the image of the person from the past. He or she will suddenly seem younger. The same goes for the clothing. Fashion from, say, the 1950s is destined to look antiquated, even in a modern setting.And one more note. While Wilford Brimley definitely looked older than Paul Rudd at 52, do note that the character he played in Cocoon was "aged up" with makeup so he could later appear younger, as required by the script. So, let’s give Wilford a break, Rudd’s seemingly eternal youth not withstanding.KEEP READING: Here Are Myths About Aging You Shouldn't Believe If You Want a Better Life

The 10 Best Vin Diesel 'Family' Memes That Are Heartwarming AND Hilarious
Pop Culture

The 10 Best Vin Diesel 'Family' Memes That Are Heartwarming AND Hilarious

The Fast & Furious franchise boasts nine films in its core line, with a 10th, Fast X, arriving in theaters theaters in May 2023. Over more than two decades, the Universal Pictures movies have thrilled audiences with car chases, gravity-defying stunts, edge-of-your-seat action. They're also filled with a surprising number of references to family, primarily by protagonist Dom Toretto. It's little wonder, then, that Vin Diesel family memes have become practically a cottage industry.RELATED: Vin Diesel & Paul Walker Were More Than Just Friends, They Were BrothersWhat’s such a delight about the Dom memes is that most are not only amusing, but also heartwarming in their own way. They perfectly fulfill the prime directive of a meme. Namely, rapidly expressing an idea based on the use of quickly recognized images with the addition of text. However, these are, for the most part, upbeat -- a pleasant contrast from the snark so often associated with memes.What Is the Vin Diesel Family Meme?It’s exactly what you expect, really. It's nothing more than Diesel’s Fast and Furious character, added to image from other movies, TV series, or even ads. Dom Toretto responds to the situation at hand with some words about -- you guessed it -- family. Dom may save the day on behalf of family. He may strike someone down in the name of family. He may reply in a way that’s totally nonsensical, but also quite funny, because… family quotes.Examples of Vin Diesel’s 'Fast and Furious' Family MemesLet’s take a look at 10 of the best family memes that are both amusing and, in their own way, touching. Sure, there are plenty more Dom Toretto family memes out there that are funny, but these are also heartwarming and, in some cases, even motivational memes.1. Vin Diesel 'Lion King' Family MemeThe Lion King "family memeIn this mashup of Fast and Furious movies and Disney's The Lion King, Vin Diesel’s Dom saves Mufasa from what most of us know as one of the saddest scenes in animated history. Because when you’ve got family, you don’t fall to your death in a stampede. You get saved.RELATED: Vin Diesel, the Off-Screen Hero Who Wants You to Look Beyond His Physique2. Vin Diesel 'Harry Potter' Family MemeHarry Potter "family" memeThere are plenty of Harry Potter Vin Diesel family memes. Most involve the actor jumping in to help Harry in a wizard battle. However, this one is much more charming and benign, however. An apparently magical Dom Toretto leaps away from young Ron Weasley because he has so much to do, what with having... family.RELATED: 22 The Lion King Quotes Filled With Powerful Life Lessons3. Vin Diesel Loki MemeLoki "family" memeSure, Loki may boast of an army in Marvel's Avengers. But when Dom Toretto replies, “We have a family,” you know which side to back. Dom's family values trump an extraterrestrial army. And, while Hulk may smash, the Furious franchise is fast ... and furious.4. 'Titanic' Family MemeTitanic "family" memeThis family meme turns the saddest moment from the tragic film Titanic into a moment of levity. Dom Toretto saves Jack from the frigid Atlantic, because, “There’s always room for family.”RELATED: Newer Generations Are Critical of Harry Potter - Do They Know Something We Don't?5. 'Pawn Stars' Family MemePawn Stars "family" memeThis Pawn Stars meme takes a jab at Fast & Furious (a hint at weak storylines) and saves the day with a mention of ... yes, family. Which, in this case, is the best Vin Diesel can do.6. Vin Diesel 'Star Wars' Family MemeStars Wars "family" memeThe lightsaber battle between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker is an iconic moment from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. The scene also provides one of the franchise's most-memeable lines: “I have the high ground!” However, when you’re facing Dom Toretto, high ground matters not. It's all about family.RELATED: The Most Motivational Star Wars Quotes From a Galaxy Far, Far Away7. The 'Jaws' Vin Diesel Family MemeJaws "family" memeYou know the iconic line from Jaws, right? “We’re gonna need a bigger boat!” Well, when you have Vin Diesel and family around, no big boats are needed. Only cars, a shotgun, and the gang all together.8. Vin Diesel Extended Warranty MemeExtended warranty "family" memeOne of the funnier, more innocent Dom memes mashes up Vin Diesel with a telemarketer offering an extended warranty on his vehicle. Does he need something like that? Of course not.RELATED: Star Wars Icon Stands Up For Bullied Boy Who Chose Not to Fight Back, as It’s ‘Not the Jedi Way’9. 'Braveheart' Dom Toretto MemeBraveheart "family" memeMel Gibson's Scottish hero William Wallace starts to say the English may take the lives of the Scots, but they’ll never take their freedom. It's the most famous line from Braveheart. However, Dom interrupts with what he considers most important, “our family.”10. The Gravity Family MemeGravity Jump memeThis self-referential meme makes sense of a Fast & Furious 6, in which the laws of physics are defied. Tyrese Gibon's Roman Pearce is able to ignore the forces of gravity and wind because has family!KEEP READING: Five Sad & Heartbreaking Anime That Will Hit You Right in the Feels

Five Sad and Heartbreaking Anime That Will Hit You Right in the Feels
Pop Culture

Five Sad and Heartbreaking Anime That Will Hit You Right in the Feels

Transformers: The Movie traumatized a generation of young viewers raised on the animated weekday adventures of the robots in disguise. Kids accustomed to the consequence-free rivalry between the Autobots and the Decepticons suddenly were confronted with the big-screen slaughter of Optimus Prime and his allies. For many, the 1986 film served as a gateway to more mature content found in the mainstream anime that had migrated from Japan to the United States. However, the emotional gut-punch of the death of Optimus Prime pales in comparison to some of the saddest anime.RELATED: Inspirational Anime Characters That Are Absolutely Perfect for Each OtherHere are just some of the most profoundly devastating anime in the history of the medium. Robotech to the Emotional Depths of Sad AnimeRoy Fokker in RobotechA year before the release of Transformers: The Movie, fighter pilot Roy Fokker died a heroic death in Robotech, the anime series created for U.S. release by stitching together five Japanese shows.RELATED: 120 of the Best Anime Quotes of All TimeHowever, Roy was a supporting character. And, although his loss in the episode "Farewell, Big Brother," was more visceral, it was also less resonant. Robotech nevertheless established for its young audience that anime took greater risks than American animated series, which at the time were largely used to market toys. Lynn Minmei was introduced as protagonist Rick Hunter's love interest. However, despite how much the series devotes to their implicit courtship, the two are not destined to be together. The space opera is encased in layers of uncertainty, eschewing convention with rigid discipline, resulting in greater nuance and unexpected emotional reactions. In the tradition of the best, and saddest, anime, Robotech invited viewers into the minds of its characters by incorporating inner-dialogue into the narrative. The series never flinched in its depictions of war, and often framed its pursuit in allegorical terms full of dissident iconoclasts and a duty-sworn military apparatus. The potential loss of civilization loomed large in Robotech, at a time when nuclear destruction was a very real fear.Berserk Featured the Most Heartrending Betrayal in AnimeBerserkToday, Berserk exists in multiple iterations, all based on Kentaro Miura's renowned dark-fantasy manga. Debuting in 1997, the original anime consisted of 25 episodes, 23 of which followed the exploits of mercenaries known as the Band of the Hawk. The main character, Guts, was a sword for hire who drifted from one battle to the next, devoid of any nurtured aspirations. The band's leader, Griffith, eventually evaluates Guts' battle prowess, and he's brought into their service. This somewhat-involuntary initiation resolves over the course of their collaboration into true respect and friendship. After many decisive victories, the Band acquits itself as a significant force in the regional political landscape. Guided by the tactical brilliance of Griffith's second-in-command, Casca, the Band is loyal to their leader -- to the point of zealotry. However, Griffith's ambitions and momentary lapse of judgment brand them as outlaws, which results in his capture and subsequent torture. Griffith is little more than a tongueless husk when the Band rescues him a year later. Still, the mercenaries swear to fight in his name, and protect him with their lives.RELATED: 15 Amazing Female Anime Characters and What Your Favorite Says About YouA quartet of powerful demons selects Griffith to become its fifth member, but only if he sacrifices his loved ones. He not only accepts their offer, he also assaults Casca while Guts is forced to watch. Guts loses an eye and a forearm in the struggle but is unable to stop his former leader. The series ends with Guts vowing revenge and setting off into the wild to exact his penance. As brutal as the dismemberment of the Band of the Hawk is, Casca's assault is stomach-churning. Guts saved Griffith from unending torment only moments earlier. And now he's repaid for his loyalty with unspeakable atrocities. The shift takes place over the final two episodes, and nothing in Berserk to that point suggested that Griffith was capable of such treachery. Granted, Griffith always made clear he would let nothing stand in the way of his desires. But this evil moment is beyond anything the audience was prepared for. It remains one of the most reprehensible acts in fiction. Basilisk Is Romeo & Juliet Meets Hunger Games, Only SadderBasiliskA centuries-long feud between two ninja clans, the Iga and the Kouga, ends in Basilisk only after they're forced into an uneasy truce beneath the shogun's banner. But when a succession dispute ignites between his two grandsons, the old shogun tries to impose stability by arbitrarily assigning a clan to each of them. The last clan standing will determine who seizes the mantle of leadership. RELATED: These Disney “Failures” Prove Your Idea of Success May Be WrongGennosuke and Oboro, the chiefs of the Iga and Kouga, respectively, are engaged to one another. Their connection represents hope that centuries of animosity can be set aside. However, the competition between 10 of the best ninja from each family goes on without their knowledge. That is, until the mounting body count becomes impossible to ignore. Once Gennosuke and Oboro become aware, they must go along with the contest, or else risk the futures of their clans.Basilisk unveils its merciless format in the first episode as, one by one, each of the primary characters is slaughtered in combat. Finally, only Gennsuke and Oboro remain. In honor of their love for one another, they refuse to fight. However, Oboro won't doom what remains of her clan. She turns her blade on herself to spare Gennsuke from making a similar decision. He, in turn, commits suicide so might reunite with his true love, in a realm far from war. Fullmetal Alchemist Is the Saddest Family Drama of All TimeFullmetal AlchemistEdward and Alphonse Elric are two brothers who lose their mother to illness. In the world of Fullmetal Alchemist, alchemy is an established scientific discipline with concrete rules that revolve around the principle of equivalent exchange. This maxim is both a narrative engine and a thematic cornerstone of the series. The two young prodigies use their academic understanding to attempt a forbidden rite, human transmutation, in an effort to resurrect their mother. RELATED: Walt Disney’s Life Story: A Mouse, Eternal Life, and a Stolen RabbitThe botched experiment consumes Alphonse's body, as well as Edward's left leg. Edward sacrifices his right arm in the process, to attach his brother's soul to an empty suit of armor. Edward is so guilt-stricken that he spends the rest of the series attempting to recover Alphonse's lost body. Sacrifice, and the power it represents, are central to Fullmetal Alchemist's themes. Children are abandoned in pursuit of technological advancement, and genocide is a tool of indigenous vengeance. Every action is balanced by counterweight of repercussions that ripple throughout the series. The Elric brothers find a measure of redemption and healing through their good works and passionate pursuit of the truth. Grave of the Fireflies May Be the Saddest Movie of All TimeGrave of the FirefliesUnlike the other entries on this list of saddest anime, Grave of the Fireflies is a film instead of a series. Nevertheless, it crafts more heartache in its 89 minutes than all of the other titles combined. The movie is based on the childhood of Akiyuki Nosaka, an artist and politician who lived through World War II. His short story of the same name inspired the cinematic adaptation, written and directed by Isao Takahata, with some notable distinctions. RELATED: 20 Sad Movies on Netflix That Make You Appreciate What You HaveGrave of the Fireflies begins with the narrator, a boy named Seita, describing the date of his death. The audience watches his emaciated form, leaning on a pillar of a railway platform. The entire film is a flashback to how he wound up alone and discarded in a train station during the final days of the war. With his father serving in the Japan's navy, Seita must care for his ailing mother and 4-year-old sister, Setsuko. His mother then dies in an air raid, ieaving Seita to watch after his sister. They travel to the home of their aunt, who's resentful of their presence and objectively cruel. Seita discovers a pair of man-made caves nearby, and convinces himself he can provide Setsuko with everything she needs. The two children set out for an adventure that reveals itself to be an exercise in misplaced hubris. Setsuko's bright energy is animated with all of the authenticity and innocence inherent to a toddler. Grave of the Fireflies never blinks as it examines her dimming buoyancy under the rigors of starvation. Seita is willing to do anything to keep his sister alive, but neither his thieving from local farmers nor the burglary of their neighbors during frequent aerial bombings is enough to support them. Sestuko's subsequent death is all the more tragic because it's wholly unavoidable. They spend their nights in laughter among the fireflies. However, Seita never confronts the hard truth: He could have gone back to his aunt's home at any time. The children's decay is marked by triumphs among hardships, and an incredible devotion shared in their suffering. Watching them succumb to the quiet horrors of war is more shocking than the whistling bombs that serve as the dirge of their short lives. KEEP READING: Why Prey Did Not Kill [REDACTED] - and How That Subverts a Traumatic Trope

70 Best Relationship Memes to Share with Your Partner
Pop Culture

70 Best Relationship Memes to Share with Your Partner

Romantic relationships come in all shapes and sizes, and develop from numerous and varied circumstances. However, even with the diversity that naturally emerges out of a universal phenomenon, there are still ways to find unison. Throughout the years, people have created funny memes about their own relationships that reflect common experiences for most, if not all couples. Some are even relatable enough that they rank among the absolute best relationship memes. RELATED: What You Should Expect from Couples CounselingThese funny relationship memes will likely strike a chord for most people in a relationship. Both you and the special someone in your life can get something out of them. If you can make your partner laugh by sending them these memes, then it is even better.Relatable Relationship Memes1. Few things offer the comfort and relatability more than a beloved pop-culture icon like Kermit the Frog.2. Developing a relationship inevitably involves the use of terms and nicknames only known to you. Of course, there's always the chance of accidental public exposure of those terms, and the ensuing embarrassment.3. By the time you begin sharing a bed with your partner, you might realize your sleeping quirks clash with each other, and that compromises should be made.4. Some couples love using social media to share as many posts about their relationship status as possible. Sometimes, their introverted counterparts just like to mock them.5. In a rather common attempt at dark comedy, dating someone might be comparing to one of the best-known ocean disasters of all time.6. A gentleman who truly respects women will not give her his jacket under the guise of chivalry. Instead, he will remind her of her own autonomy.7. Sometimes, a trip to the bathroom is just an excuse to avoid an even duller movie-viewing experience.8. Some elements of a relationship (like pet names!) are better off kept secret. However, it can be immensely gratifying to publicly recount how you fell for your partner -- if only for the expression on the face of your proud girlfriend or boyfriend.9. Tom, of Tom and Jerry fame, is subjected to frequent pain in the classic cartoons. However, he can also prove useful in the creation of funny relationship memes.10. Miles Morales donning the iconic Spider-Man costume is worthy of comparison to partners sharing clothes.RELATED: Dedicated Father Regrets Never Having Been to Prom – Teen Daughter Steps in and Brings Him to Tears11. Sometimes, making things easier for your partner can backfire, as indicated by Baby Yoda;s entertaining expression.12. We will never know how these tools became so small, or how they were acquired, but a loyal partner has to fix what he can.13. Even with all the butterflies and initial romantic gestures, mild forms of physical intimacy can sometimes lead to clumsy surprises.14. With the ubiquity of texting, conversations between partners can get a little lazy after a while.15. A gecko of melancholy is goofy enough to contrast with the genuine disappointment of having to leave your loved one for the day.16. Like Tom and Jerry, SpongeBob SquarePants provides plenty of meme-friendly frames. What's more, SpongeBob's nosiness applies perfectly to certain couples.RELATED: Police Find a 2-Month-Old Baby Who Stopped Breathing – What Happens Next Brings Everyone to Tears17. Pingu is just as goofy when he's upset as when he is happy. To some people, seeing their partners pout lightheartedly can turn into comedic material.18. Concerning imagery nonetheless, there are times where one partner needs to take risks for the sake of a loved one.19. Over its more than three-decade history, The Simpsons has become ingrained in popular culture, and provided no shortage of memorable quotes that can be applied to any relationship.20. Some of your partner's habits become a lovely, and expected, part your daily life. So, on the rare occasion when he or she forgets, you have to suck it up, buttercup.Relationship Memes to Make Your Partner Laugh21. Endless support for your special someone, even during the most mundane times, is part of the beauty of being in a relationship.22. Even when you start sharing a bedroom, you don't have to abandon conveniences. No need for blanket fights. 23. Our moods can influence what we say and, perhaps just as importantly, how we say it. The thing is, a bad mood can pass quickly, but the fallout from poorly chosen words? That can take a bit longer.24. The intensity of what your heart might feel during these situations is perfectly reflected through exaggerated cartoon poses.25. Even when you're single, the relatability of turmoil in relationships can get to you..26. When one person in a couple is used to being the driver, a role reversal may prove more challenging than expected.RELATED: 135 Friendship Quotes: Best Friend Quotes That Show the True Meaning of Friendship27. If the smiling tree frogs can endure the heat while expressing joy, then so can you in the most affectionate of times.28. Another smiling frog mirrors the support a good partner will provide for your significant other's interests -- no matter how little you understand them.29. A passive person can easily complement their boisterous counterpart in times of need.30. Most people have probably experienced your partner's indifference when you're assembling the potential choices for a night out.RELATED: Mean Employees Mock Woman’s Appearance and Outfit – Her Response Goes Viral and Stuns Everyone31. The sign of a good relationship indeed, fun harmless pranks and all.32. Goofy lizards return in another representation of eccentric affection exclusive to your romantic relationship.33. This is one of the most literal uses of emojis in the history of texting.34. If hedonistic impulses are too strong, then perhaps the single life is the best way to live.35. Never has there been a quicker way of proving the other party right during an argument.36. Frogs and toads can reflect the human experience in unexpected way, as these memes have shown. This one is a reminder that, sometimes, the only fish in the sea for you is your current partner.37. A Bob Marley quote may might encourage men to avoid the shallow traps imposed by our culture, and the expectations that come with romance.38. A symbol of love is right in front of you, as you start your day.39. Mike Wazowski is a charmer in Monsters, Inc., and his romantic side has clearly spoken to the millions who have seen the film.40. Sometimes, the same memes show up so frequently that a break is necessary to keep them fresh.RELATED: Three Unwanted Children Bounced Between 16 Homes – Until One Single Dad Changes Their Lives ForeverMemes for Your Boyfriend41. Height differences in relationships can make for a unique cuddling experience.42. Even when one party is frustrated, the true colors of a blossoming relationship quickly reemerge as they regain composure.43. The dominance of video games tends to make us forget about other commitments, much to the dismay of our loved ones.44. One of the best ways to be a supportive partner is to provide your loved one with the self-esteem they never thought they had.45. Yes, phones can spark light jealousy, especially when you pay a little more attention to the screen than to the person beside you.46. Another variation of the meme about easily proving a point about your partner’s flaws.47. We hear all our lives that actions speak louder than words. Just as in most situations, that tends to be true in relationships.48. This may be a strange meme to share when you're not single. However, it can be read in an ironic light after finally finding that relationship you thought you would never get.RELATED: Deaf Man Receives Ear Implant – The First Thing He Hears His Wife Say Makes Him Break Down in Tears49. You might even want to share the memes in this article to make your partner laugh. But this one, in particular, may cheer them up during their busiest time of day.50. Just because you may be displeased with each other now doesn't mean the spark is gone.Funny Girlfriend Memes51. Everyone has that one moment when they're confident about a point, only to be proved wrong.52. The random expression of one’s insecurities can come at the most inappropriate time.53. In an attempt to be generous to your significant other, you may disappoint yourself by losing out on the treat you wanted.54. Another way for a meme to turn an Everyman Muppet like Kermit the Frog into a sufferer of universal woes.55. Even all the self-affirmed gamers in the world might find someone who can accommodate their dream scenario -- and even join the fun. 56. Overestimating the time it takes to get home is a mistake we all make. However, sometimes, the delay of your partner’s arrival can prove itself to be worrisome.57. If your significant other fancies French fries, they may order more on your behalf, if only to eat your leftover portion.58. The inevitable results of connecting with a person on such intimate levels, and possibly inhabiting the same space as them.59. It can be a little jolting when your partner refers to you by your name, rather than "hon" or "babe." But your significant other using your full name? That's like being scolded by your parents.60. One person's "crazy" is another's "eccentric." But the Michael Myersi and Jason Voorhees costumes can earn a chuckle from horror enthusiasts.RELATED: This Sexy Ancient Ritual May Save Your Relationship61. Valentine’s Day passes quickly, and can be easy enough to forget. So, getting gifts for your loved one at the last minute can be a stressful, but rather common, experience.62. On certain occasions, your tastes in art, culture and media will clash with your significant other’s interests. Sometimes, leaving them to do their own thing is for the best.63. There's a significant difference between what's expected in public and the freedom of your own home.64. Is there anything as satisfying as late-night pizza after a long and tedious day?65. Family events can be awkward and alienating, but the shared experience makes for fun conversations.66. Another example of how we behave in public versus how we are in private.67. A trip can take hours, or even days, to plan out -- and the results may be clumsier than intended.68. A partner's inability to share the sheets while sleeping inevitably lead to one cold person in the relationship.69. Even after already confirming you're not hungry, cravings can make something irresistible.70. To round it off, here is a representation of how one partner can be overprotective.KEEP READING:Frightened Mom Gets on Bus With 3 Kids – Teen Driver Jumps Into Action After Learning the Reason