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Man and woman in formal clothes and a man hugging his mother.

Son Steals Mom's Car and Works On Restoring It for 4 Years

YouTube/ Happily

Son Steals From His Mother - Years Later, She Discovers Why

One son mixes a bold secret and an old promise to give his mother the shock of a lifetime.

It's a gorgeous day. Friends and family surround Ginni Brown. Kids laugh as they play on the bounce castles and slide on the lawn.

Then all of a sudden, something appears that brings her to tears as the memories come flooding back.

A Family Conspiracy

Close up of a person's faceClose up of a person's face Photo by Peter Forster on Unsplash

"She never knew it was gone, which is amazing," marvels Casey Brown.

Think about it: Four long years in secrecy. And he wasn't alone in his plot, recruiting his uncle Fred and cousin Drake, who each have one particular skill needed to pull this off with Oceans 11 precision.

The whole time, Casey's mom Ginni has no clue just what they're up to -- until one lovely day that leaves her stunned and sobbing.

You can understand why. I mean, stealing from your own mother?!

Oh, and we're not talking about Casey taking twenty dollars from his mother's wallet (Also not cool), but her car. He, his uncles, and his cousin shrewdly swap out her car from under the tarpaulin for a scrap ride along with boxes and objects from the garage so she doesn't notice.

What happens next reveals a moment that will move you to tears too.

A Wild Surprise

Woman wearing a gray outfit with her hands covering her face.Woman wearing gray coat with hands on her face during daytime. Photo by Gus Ruballo on Unsplash

When she hears the music from around the block, Ginni Brown already knows. There's her son, behind the wheel of a slick, shiny-red 1964 Plymouth Valiant Convertible.

That's when Ginni's tears start.

She recalls how her husband -- Casey's father -- bought her that very same car back in 1968. Oh, how she loved that car. However, he then traded it in without consulting her, leaving her very upset.

To make amends, her husband bought the same model 10 years later with plans to restore it. Sadly, life sidetracked those plans, and he died before being able to.

Years later, with the motivation to act, Casey resolved to finish what his father couldn't. "I promised myself I would restore that car for her and dad," he said.

And so, in a plot twist that makes George Clooney and Brad Pitt look like amateurs, he teamed up with his family -- all mechanics -- to 'steal' his mother's car and restore it to its past glory. They did this meticulously over four years.

So when Casey rounds the corner for his mother's birthday party, playing his father's favorite song on the radio, she can't contain herself.

You can mark this caper a success.

How One Son Proves That Loved Ones Never Leave Us

Son Surprises Mom With Restored Vintage Car To Fulfil Late Fathers PromiseYouTube/ Happily

Casey says that along with honoring his father and surprising his mom, the experience paid off in other enduring ways.

“I enjoyed the memories I made with my friends and family as we worked to get this car ready – and needed to make sure the surprise did it justice."

Among the quotes about family, one by David Ogden Stiers reads, "Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten."

The what-ifs, things unsaid, regrets, and unfinished business that linger when we lose a loved one are also rarely forgotten and can fester. For many, they remain that way. It's what makes this story about one devoted son a heartwarming reminder to honor our parents, in memory and the moment.

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