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Noah Cyrus with her sister Miley Cyrus

Noah Cyrus on Being Miley's Sister: "Unbearable"

Famous sisters always get compared to one other—hell, even non-famous sisters deal with some level of unhealthy comparison. That's the case with Miley Cyrus and her sister Noah Cyrus, who is 7 years her junior.While Miley rose to fame on the Disney Channel as Hannah Montana and later took the music scene by storm, in recent years Noah Cyrus began releasing music too. But back in May, while discussing the release of her EP, The End of Everything, Noah recalled emotionally what it was like to grow up as Miley Cyrus's little sister. “It was absolutely unbearable,” she said.“Whenever I was younger, there were a lot of comparisons and there were a lot of things said about me and the way I look that destroyed me becoming an adult,” Noah has said. That destroyed my view of myself. That wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t a public person since birth. That wasn’t my choice. I love my family but everybody has their issues. This was mine. It really f***ed me up.Noah CyrusNoah Cyrus was 'in the shadows' of sister MileyAlthough a talented musician on her own, Noah had trouble growing up with Billy Ray Cyrus as her dad and Miley as her older sister. Noah said she wrote the song, “Young and Sad,” based on the experience of growing up hidden in her sister’s “shadows.”The song goes a little something like this:“My sister's like sunshine / Always bringing good light wherever she'll go / And I was born to rain clouds / Blessed in her shadows.”That's why everybody always says to me, that no matter what, I was going to be in that shadow. And I always believed that, and that's so hard for me to overcome.Noah Cyrus“Being born in the family I was in, everybody gave me such a hard time for having a hard time being Miley's little sister, but I always felt like I was that person that no one gave a shit about due to what people said to me online,” she said, while shedding tears. Hopefully, now that she has been more open about her feelings, she is able to start healing from that early trauma. After all, opening up about one’s feelings, no matter how hard they are to express—and no matter how much judgement one might face for doing so—typically does wonders for the healing process.With all that said, Miley and Noah have a close relationship. Contrary to popular belief, there is no bitter rivalry. Sure, they’ve gone through tough times together, but who hasn't – both sisters are completely honest about that.Noah Cyrus and Miley Cyrus set an example for sisterhoodThese days, both Noah and Miley put out amazing music and bolster one another as they’re doing it.To date, Noah has released 2 EPs, 18 singles, and 4 promotional singles. Last January, for Noah’s birthday, Miley took to Instagram to showcase several of Noah’s singles in honour of her sister. But what garnered the most interest about Miley’s selection was her decision to share the artwork from “Love or Die,” Noah’s 2018 song with her now-ex, rapper Lil Xan. As a caption, Cyrus wrote, “Controversial to still love this song? Might delete later.” As the story goes, Noah dated Lil Xan from June to September 2018, and it was a complete hot mess of a drama within weeks, what with accusations of cheating flying both ways, and Lil Xan’s anxiety and drug use being far too much to handle. Miley has always stood up for her sis, claiming that Lil Xan did cheat on Noah, and then tried to turn it around by accusing her of the same. “It's sickening the way he’s trying to manipulate Noah and mess with her mind,” she said, adding that she wanted to help her sister get through the breakup, as that she's better off without him.When it comes to her sister's solo singing career, Miley has expressed real joy. “She didn’t even tell me that this was really happening all of a sudden, which I think she wanted to really do it on her own. So I’m really proud of her that she did. I think she really didn’t involve me as much… I think she just wanted to get out on her own two feet without this having anything to do with me.” In fact, Miley even got on TikTok and did some dancing to promote Noah's song “The End of Everything,” and Noah has done the same for Miley on multiple occasions. These are sisters who build each other up and offer support—in matters of heartbreak and music alike. Not to mention, Miley never took her sister’s expressions of hardship as the youngest in their family personally: she’s wise enough to know that it’s not about her. Impressively, these two have managed to be honest about their less than sunny feelings while still nurturing a close bond. I’d go one further and say that honesty makes you vulnerable, which in turn strengthens any bond that's worth having.Miley, having experienced life on the road as a musician for many years now, has said that Noah’s budding career has made her more relatable. “Now having someone that really understands how hard it can be when you’re away from home for a month, me and my little sister have a new bond over that,” she said.She loves me more now that she knows I do something. She always thought I do nothing and that I went to put two wigs on.Miley CyrusNow, it seems, that Noah gets firsthand how much time and energy goes into being famous, the sisters’ empathy for one another has only grown.Back in October, Noah took to Instagram to express how excited she was to have included a song with her big sister among the tracks on The End of Everything. “No one knows how happy and excited Miley and I are to be releasing something TOGETHER for our VERY FIRST TIME!!!! And it’s NOT the last,” she wrote. This collaboration is the ultimate result of a strong relationship among sisters who are both doing their darnedest to grow and evolve together, rather than separately.More inspiring celebrities:After Yet Another Breakup, Miley Cyrus Finally Realized Her One MistakeWhy Taylor Swift’s Secret Relationship With Joe Alwyn Proves She Finally Learned Her LessonHere’s what Jennifer Aniston Did When Her Ex John Mayer Attacked HerWhat Finally Convinced Jennifer Lopez That She Needed A Divorce From Marc Anthony

Beyonce and Jay-Z dressed up on the red carpet

Why Setting Relationship Goals Is Important - And How to Do It

Ever wondered how power couple, Beyoncé and Jay-Z keep their love alive for 16 years? Hint: luck has nothing to do with it. If you've been blaming your failed relationships on "the wrong person"—think again. It may be time to reconsider who is really at fault.

They've Been Divorced for 27 Years, but When His Ex-wife Got Sick, He Was the First to Step Up

They've Been Divorced for 27 Years, but When His Ex-wife Got Sick, He Was the First to Step Up

When couples get divorced, most exes shut the door, lock it, and throw away the key. It's not just the end of a chapter, it's the end of the whole dang book.But for Megan Tai's parents, divorce, as it turns out, wasn't the end of their story.Nearly THREE DECADES later, her dad walked back into her mom's life after she was diagnosed with Stage 4 endometrial cancer. He didn't just show up. He stayed; honoring old love, loyalty, and vows at a time when she needed it the most. A Cancer Diagnosis Brings Love Back AroundMegan's parents met more than 30 years ago in California. Her father, originally from Hawaii, was stationed there during his time in the military.They fell in love and had two children, Megan and her older brother. Shortly after Megan's birth, the couple separated. Her dad returned to Hawaii and her mom became a single parent, raising the kids on her elementary school teacher salary.For more than 20 years, they lived completely separate lives. And then came a devastating cancer diagnosis."Fast forward 20+ years later to my mother's diagnosis - my father was one of the first people by her side when she was released from the hospital."Megan Tai via GoFundMeMegan, who works full-time in domestic violence services and is also a graduate student studying Marriage and Family Therapy, moved back in with her mom to help.Overwhelmed with trying to take care of her mom alongside keeping up with her work AND school, Megan was struggling.So, her dad stepped up. In an incredible act of love, he left his life in Hawaii, hopped a flight back to California and moved in. TikTok Video Goes ViralIn a gutwrenching TikTok clip, Megan shares snippets of her parents battling cancer...together.It may only be 20-seconds long, but boy, it packs a punch. She captions it: "POV: Ur parents have been divorced for 20+ years and ur dad's still the first one there when your mom gets diagnosed w Stage 4 cancer."In the video, Megan's dad lovingly helps his ex with her exercises, spots her going up the stairs, and keeps her company, reading with her and playing video games. Take a look:According to Megan's GoFundMe, this is the first time in her 27 years that she's seen her parents live together under one roof. "He did everything - helped her exercise (even when she felt like she couldn't), cooked her meals, took her out on drives, picked up her medications, and so much more," Megan writes. "They talked for hours. They bickered like they were still married. They laughed.""They helped me see them as they were when they were younger."Megan TaiAnd in doing so, not only did they work on healing her mom, but it also helped to heal a lot of childhood trauma for their daughter.Reaction to the VideoSo far, the video has garnered a staggering 8.1 MILLION views in just one week. Because...LOVE. And while they may not be IN love with each other, it's clear that despite everything, love remains.And it turns out, these exes aren't the only ones to honor a life and love they once shared. A number of people came forth to share their own stories. "My parents divorced 30 years ago and when my mom was on her death bed, my dad came to visit her often with goodies and they told each other they loved each other," wrote Hi_Dee Aye.MVP10210 commented, "My father held her hand when she passed. They were so close. Divorced 25 yrs by that point. Never saw my father cry ever until that woman died.""Parents divorced 20+ years too. Dad was hospitalized 2 weeks, my mom insisted he come stay with her after he was released so he wasn’t alone during recovery. It really is beautiful," said Lon."I took care of my ex-husband during hospice. I loved the life and children he gave me. I owed it to him," shared Brenda Carmichael Da.Enduring Bond of FamilySometimes people just don't fit as a couple and marriages end. But as Megan's parents prove, that doesn't mean that the love just ends with it. No matter how their marriage ended, at some point in their lives, Megan's parents obviously loved each other very much — and that love still counts for something. Even 20-plus years later.As one commenter so aptly put it, "Love has so many forms. This one is pretty freaking great."And it's a powerful testament to the enduring nature of love and the lasting impact it can have.Ultimately, Megan's parents' story serves as a poignant reminder that while marriages may end, the unbreakable bond of family always remains.More from Goalcast:Man Takes Care of the Bills for 4 Decades – After He Passes Away, His Wife Makes an Incredible DiscoveryWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s SonTeen With Cancer Invites Taylor Swift to His Prom but She Rejects It – Then She Does This

Woman Stops Visiting Her Baby Daughter in the Hospital - So the Married Nurses Taking Care of Her Take Her In

Woman Stops Visiting Her Baby Daughter in the Hospital - So the Married Nurses Taking Care of Her Take Her In

Taylor and Drew Deras have a special place in their hearts for the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Methodist Women’s Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. Not only is it where they both work as registered nurses, but it's also where they met and fell in love. And now? It's where they found their family too, adopting a little girl, Ella, who was once one of their patients. On the Brink of SurvivalElla was only 1 pound, 2 ounces when she was born in May 2021. A micro-preemie, she was roughly the size of a mango.Born months before her due date, at 23 weeks and one day, she faced a long stay in the NICU, and even then, her odds of survival were low. Knowing her complex health challenges, Taylor immediately signed up to be her consistent caregiver. Unable to breathe on her own, Ella spent months on a ventilator. "She was intubated for multiple months at a time," Taylor told ABC News. "She was just very sick. There [were] times where the doctors would tell us, 'Watch her. I don't know if she'll make it through the night tonight.'" Miraculously Ella survived. By the summer of 2021, Ella required less oxygen and was drinking from a bottle. Her biological mother, who was in her early twenties, started working more and visiting less. Unable to cope with Ella's complex medical needs, eventually she just stopped visiting altogether.In December 2021, Ella became a ward of the state. Becoming Foster Parents to a Medically Fragile ChildBy this time, Ella had spent eight months in the NICU and both Taylor and Drew had fallen in love with the tiny fighter. They both spent hours with her, holding her and reading to her. Terrified about what would happen to the medically fragile girl in the foster system, the couple made a bold choice. They reached out to Ella's social worker and asked to be her foster parents. “When Ella’s biological mom heard we were interested in fostering, she said, ‘I want Ella to go to you,’” Taylor said. “She trusted us with her."But Ella wasn't out of the woods yet. Just as the couple were preparing to bring her home, Ella's health took a nose dive. The left side of her heart was failing. Instead of going home, Ella was rushed to the Children's Nebraska.She needed a tracheostomy — a surgically created hole in her windpipe that provides an alternative airway for breathing. As a result, she could no longer eat on her own but had to be fed through a tube in her stomach.It also meant she would require round-the-clock care. Already committed, the couple refused to back out. "As a foster parent, it was just like, the guard that you had prior to protect yourself of not falling in love with someone else's child, it just fizzled away, and you're just like, 'OK, this child needs me and I need them,'" Drew said.Ella Comes HomeOn April 7, 2022, Ella finally came home. Because of her special medical needs, the couple had to hire a nurse to be with her when they couldn't. That summer, Ella's biological parents relinquished all parental rights. And on November 18, 2023, National Adoption Day, Ella, now two years old, came home...for good.In front of a crowd of 40 family and friends, Ella became Ella Deras. And Taylor and Drew officially became “mama” and “dad.”After the judge announced Ella’s new name, the courtroom was quiet. “All you could hear was Ella go, ‘Yay.’ It’s the one thing that brings me to tears every time.”Drew DerasToday, Ella is thriving. With the help of a number of therapists and specialists, she's meeting all her milestones. "Now, she's walking and talking and meeting developmental milestones that a 2-year-old would do. And she'll start preschool in the fall," Taylor shared.It Was Meant to BeTaylor believes it was all part of God's master plan. "There's no other way," she said. There isn't just one road to parenthood. Families come in all shapes and sizes and through all different means. For Taylor and Drew, their family came together when they least expected it and in a way they never saw coming. But now? They can't imagine life without their little Ella. "We just feel lucky that it gets to be for the rest of her life," Drew said. "We just love her so much."More from Goalcast:Man Finds Out His Ex-girlfriend Wants to Put Their Daughter Up for Adoption – Flies Across the World to Stop ItNurse Notices No One Shows Up to Take Care of 14-Year-Old and Her Triplets – So She Adopts Them AllSingle Man Adopts Sick Baby With No Parents – He Grows Up to Make History

Woman Wakes Up to Husbands Dirty Dishes in the Sink - Instead of Cleaning Up, He Left Her a Note With 3 Words

Woman Wakes Up to Husbands Dirty Dishes in the Sink - Instead of Cleaning Up, He Left Her a Note With 3 Words

Relationships can be tricky, especially when it comes to domestic labor. Trying to find a balance that is equitable and fair isn't always easy and typically, one partner ends up doing the lion's share of the work. Because after all, someone has to do it. And that someone usually ends up exhausted, overwhelmed, and with a heaping side of resentment. Susan Lehman, a hairstylist, wife, and mother of two teenage sons, shared a now-viral video on TikTok about her husband leaving a sink full of dirty dishes after having a few friends over to watch the Sugar Bowl. Understandably, she was less than thrilled. But what happened next? Is pure relationship goals. Woman Wakes Up to a Sink Full of Husband’s Dirty Dishes“My husband had people over for a big game last night,” Susan, 43, begins in the TikTok video.She then zooms in on the mess that was waiting for her when she came downstairs at the crack of dawn. "Look at all these freaking dishes in the sink."Susan Lehman via TikTokAnd as millions of viewers sit nodding their heads in solidarity and feeling their blood pressure rising — because who doesn't know how rage-inducing this can be? — Susan reveals a surprising plot twist. She pans over to a sticky note on the counter with 3 simple words, "I got it!" and an arrow pointing to the sink.It seems her husband, Matt, knew she would be annoyed by the dishes and would feel like she had to clean them herself so he decided to ward her off with a pre-emptive strike. It worked. (And gained him some serious brownie points).Upon seeing the note, Susan exclaims, "What a good guy!... I just love that he acknowledges that he left a mess in the sink and don’t worry, he’ll take responsibility for it.”She ends the clip smiling and saying, "Ah, we've come so far."Reaction to the Viral Video Susan isn't the only one loving how her husband tackled what could have turned into Dishgate. The short 24-second clip has amassed over 3.5 million views, 521,000 likes, and nearly 3500 comments.And while the majority of commenters love the outcome, praising the communication and writing things like, "The note changes everything! Amazing communication" and "I love this communication. He was too tired to do it after a fun 'party' but knew that if he didn't do it, you would've been annoyed :)" Others? Not so much. Reactions to the clip were mixed, with some people calling the note “the bare minimum” and noting that “the bar is on the floor” for men. Susan decided to address the controversy in an interview with Today and set the record straight.“After we got married, we definitely fell into these very cliche roles, where I did the cleaning and he did the man things, and for a long time, that arrangement worked," she says.“And then one day I was like, ‘You know what? Other people can help me in this house.'"Apparently, it's worked wonders.“Matt and I are high school sweethearts but it feels like a new relationship,” she says. “That bare minimum note was the max for me. Our communication is better than it’s ever been and I’m proud of how far we’ve come. Everybody — our sons included — pitches in now. I can't tell you how much our lives have changed."Marriage Is a PartnershipPitching in and taking responsibility for your own messes not only goes a long way in helping the household run more smoothly but it also has a significantly positive impact on your relationship too. As do effective communication and gratitude.And despite what the critics say, there’s nothing wrong with celebrating your partner for the small stuff. Because it's all that small stuff that adds up to the big stuff. At the end of the day, we all want to feel loved, valued, appreciated, and seen by our significant other. And sometimes? As this story proves, that can be as simple as three small words on a sticky note. More from Goalcast:Man Explains Why He Refuses to Help His Wife and 4 Kids Around the House – And Strangers Are Praising Him for ItMan Accuses Wife With Full Time Job of ‘Doing Nothing Around the House’ – So After Getting Revenge, She Leaves for VacationWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s Son

Couple Hears Cats Fighting Outside - But What They Find in a Blanket Is Something Completely Different

Couple Hears Cats Fighting Outside - But What They Find in a Blanket Is Something Completely Different

The road to parenthood isn't the same for everyone. Some people become parents by conceiving naturally, via surrogacy or adoption, or by becoming step-parents. As for others? Well, they find parenthood on the side of a literal road.The Unusual Road That Led a Florida Couple to ParenthoodLast January, the Polk Sheriff's Department received a 911 call in the wee hours of a Saturday morning about an abandoned newborn baby girl. A couple discovered her after they heard the sound of what they thought were cats screaming and fighting and went out to investigate. Turns out, it wasn't cats. It was a baby, just an hour old, wrapped up in an old blanket with the umbilical cord and placenta still attached.Left in a wooded area just off the side of the road in the Regal Loop Mobile Home Park, the baby was six and a half pounds and "very healthy" although she did sustain several insect bites.EMS took her to a nearby hospital and the Sheriff's office turned her over to the Department of Children and Families.Despite extensive efforts by PCSO detectives, the girl’s mother was never located or identified.When the baby's story first came out, she was known to the world as Angel Grace Lnu."She's as beautiful as an angel. It's by the grace of God she is not dead, and Lnu is: Last Name Unknown," Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said at the time she was discovered.But now — ten months and one day later — she's known by one ecstatic couple as "daughter.""Happy Gotcha Day"In a heartwarming Facebook post, the Sheriff's Department reveals that the little girl has been formally adopted. “We have an exciting update to share with you. Nearly one year ago, on January 28th, at about 1:47 in the morning, PCSO deputies rescued an abandoned newborn baby girl in Mulberry," the post began."The temperature outside was in the lower 50’s, and members of Polk County Fire Rescue checked the girl out and determined that, based on the girl’s temperature, she had been born about an hour before she was found," it continued."Fast forward ten months and one day -- the baby girl has officially been adopted."via Polk County Sheriff's Office Facebook PageThe new parents wish to remain anonymous, however, they did agree to have a couple of photos shared of the special day.“We are thrilled to share with you these photos from this morning of this precious angel with her new mom and dad, along with PCSO’s Detective Green and Sgt. Ryan. Mom & Dad wish to keep their names from being published,” the PCSO wrote, “but they allowed us to share these photos with everyone who followed this child’s story and prayed for her well-being.”The sweet pictures show the beaming couple with their new daughter adorably dressed in a pink dress, ruffled socks, pink shoes, and her hair in pigtails. A Happy BeginningDespite her rocky start, baby Angel is now in the arms of her very own angels, her adoptive parents. And while she may have been found all alone in the world, she's not anymore.The unusual road that led this Florida couple to parenthood may be unconventional but it's obvious that they've ended up exactly where they're supposed to be. And their journey? Is just beginning. And may their story encourage us to find love in unexpected places and embrace the extraordinary paths that lead to parenthood.More from Goalcast: Woman Sits Next to Pregnant Stranger on Flight – Ends Up Adopting Her Newborn BabyWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s Son6 Siblings Were Separated in Foster Care For Over 3 Years – Then 2 Dads Adopted Them All

22-Year-Old Grandson Decides to Become His Grandmothers Caregiver After Refusing to Put Her in a Home

22-Year-Old Grandson Decides to Become His Grandmothers Caregiver After Refusing to Put Her in a Home

At 29 years old, Chris Punsalan isn't exactly living a typical, free-wheeling 20-something life. While other people his age are hanging out with friends, partying, traveling, or chasing their dreams, he's at home — the primary caregiver for his 97-year-old grandmother. He's been taking care of his "Lola" for the past eight years. And while it's not a path that many (or let's face it, any) 20-somethings would choose, he wouldn't change a thing. How a 22-Year-Old Became the Full-Time Caregiver to His GrandmaIn 2015, Chris and his family, who live in Nevada but are originally from the Philippines, were faced with the difficult decision of what to do with his aging grandmother. Bedridden and suffering from severe arthritis and osteoporosis, she could no longer take care of herself. The family had two options: send her to an assisted care facility or hire a full-time caregiver. In his final semester of college, Chris didn't have any opportunities lined up after graduation. So, he decided who better to look after his beloved Lola than him? It was, after all, what she had done for him for years growing up. "She took care of me and I would hate to see her go to homecare, which is where I feel most grandparents go in America. They go to home care because nobody is able to take care of them."Chris PunsalanBarely an adult himself, Chris became her full-time caregiver. Anyone who has ever taken on the role of caregiver, even temporarily, knows it's not an easy task. It's extremely demanding, both physically and mentally. You are always putting the needs of someone else before your own. Chris spends his days doing everything for his bedridden grandmother, who was once an elementary teacher for more than 20 years. From toileting and diapering to meal time and bath time, he even makes certain that she does daily affirmations and exercises for her hands. Even Chris admits that it can be "extremely isolating." But despite the challenges, he has no plans to stop. The Unlikely Duo Go Viral A digital content creator and musician, Chris is passionate about preserving memories and has been sharing his life online since 2014. In 2019, he decided to give the world a glimpse into life as a caregiver. The short 57-second clip went insanely viral with over 6 MILLION VIEWS and he and Lola became overnight sensations. Turns out, people really love tuning in and following along on their journey. "I receive hundreds of messages daily from former, current, and future caregivers that tell me their stories and remind me that I am not alone on this journey."Chris PunsalanInspired by the reaction his initial video received, Chris decided to keep going and now he regularly shares about their daily activities and heartwarming interactions. He also posts a lot of helpful tips for others who find themselves in similar caregiving situations.And he doesn't hold anything back. Not only does he share the obvious joy and incredible bond the two share but he's very candid about the hard bits as well. Including bearing witness to his grandma's failing body and her fight with dementia.People love them so much that Chris has amassed nearly 5 million followers between TikTok, Instagram, and his YouTube channel. Chris didn't just change his grandma's life, he changed his own as well. And like his Lola, he doesn't take anything for granted. “My grandma is probably the most grateful person that I know. Anytime somebody helps her, anytime somebody hands her something, anytime something is happening with or to grandma, you can always guarantee a thank you at the end of it,” says Chris. “I think that's what makes her enjoy life so much is that she's grateful for everything. She can't move and she's bound to her bed. But because she's just extremely grateful for even the smallest things in life, it just makes her life more worth it.”Cherish Your Loved OnesWhile Chris may have discovered fame with his grandma, it's the precious time they have to spend together that means the most to him. He knows that the time they have together is finite and that for now, his life is best served serving her.And that's the biggest takeaway that Chris has learned over the years he's spent caring for his lola."Cherish your grandparents and cherish your loved ones in general," Chris says. "Life is so fragile. It's such a cliche to tell your loved ones you love them because you don't know the next time, you know, that you're gonna get to see them or get to spend time with them."The reality is that if we're lucky, the ones we love will grow old and so will we. And while not all of us are in a position to become full-time caregivers, we are all capable of cherishing and honoring our loved ones.More from Goalcast:Grandmother With Hungry Grandkids Asks to Speak to Manager – His Unexpected Reaction Is Recorded by a StrangerTeen Finds Out Her Grandmother Has Been Saving Pennies for Four Years – For One Very Special ReasonTeen Learns His Grandmother Has Only 6 Months to Live – Plots With His Sister to Make Her Last Moments Unforgettable

Distraught Mom Orders Meal To-Go After Her Son With Autism Has a Meltdown in Cracker Barrel - Attached to the Bag Is a Note

Distraught Mom Orders Meal To-Go After Her Son With Autism Has a Meltdown in Cracker Barrel - Attached to the Bag Is a Note

*This story appeared on Love What MattersAny parent knows that dining out with kids can be like Forest Gump's famous box of chocolates: "You never know what you're gonna get."It's a real-world game of chance, with the winner getting to actually sit down and enjoy a delicious, hot meal prepared and served by someone else. Ah, bliss. Sometimes, however, the odds are not in your favor. Despite your best efforts, your child just isn't having it. And they have zero qualms about letting the entire restaurant know. And in these moments, what parents need more than anything else isn't judgment. It's grace, understanding, and a whole lot of kindness. Thankfully, that's just what this mama found.The Reality of Raising a Child With AutismJamie Heustess and her husband Chris just wanted a nice family dinner out. It had been a long day with their six-year-old autistic son, Ian. So, after an awards ceremony, karate lesson, and a trip to Walmart, the family headed to their local Cracker Barrel. Raising a child with autism presents its own unique set of challenges. Situations that other children may find overwhelming can be doubly so for kids who struggle with social and sensory issues. While Ian is usually able to make it through at least part of a meal in a restaurant, on this particular day, he was done before it even got started. The breaking point came when Chris gave his son a couple of Finding Dory mystery figure boxes to open while they were waiting to order. After opening up both boxes and discovering that neither of them actually contained Dory OR Nemo, Ian lost it. Unable to calm him down, Chris took him home while Jamie stayed behind to order takeout. In a Facebook post shared on her personal page, Jamie wrote about the incident and the "realities of autism" many people don't understand. "Cue meltdown... he does not understand it is the luck of the draw," Jamie said. "His cries escalate....making it impossible to think straight. So.....i am sitting waiting on a to go order while Daddy takes him home.......Autism is not easy.....some days it totally sucks.... "A Cracker Barrel Waitress Gives Dinner To-Go With a Heaping Side Order of CompassionAs Jamie tearfully explained the situation to their waitress, Kailyn, she couldn't help but have her own meltdown.But not because she was embarrassed by her son. No, she was worried about what the other diners thought of him. Being judged by others stings but when that judgment is directed at your own child it feels like death by a thousand daggers. In a subsequent Facebook post, Jamie wrote: "By this time I was crying and having a moment, not because I was embarrassed that my son is autistic, but because he is a good kid and I didn't want anyone to think he was just a spoiled kid being a brat."Jamie HeustessKailyn was "gracious and sweet" and promised that she would get Jamie's order in quickly. Fifteen minutes later she reappeared with Jamie's take-out — free of charge. In a sweet act of kindness, the waitress decided to pay for the meal herself out of her tips.(After hearing about what she did, her manager, James, reimbursed her the money.)"I started crying all over again. I asked if she was sure and she reassured me it was taken care of, not to worry. I cried walking out, sure the other customers and employees thought I was crazy."An Act of Kindness Turns Into an Unforgettable Message of EncouragementOut in the parking lot, Jamie noticed a piece of paper attached to the bag. She assumed it was the receipt but on second glance realized it was a handwritten note. Not only had Kailyn paid for her meal, but she also took the time to make sure Jamie knew exactly what she thought of her. "Your child is amazing Mommy, be strong. Keep your head up. You are doing a great job. Have a great night. Your server, Kailyn." While the gift of a free dinner was certainly nice, the words of encouragement were priceless. At a time when she needed it most, a stranger told her exactly what she needed to hear. Jamie was so moved by the note that she hung it on her fridge.Parenthood has a lot of amazing moments but it has a lot of difficult ones too. Having someone validate us and support us in the midst of the muck goes a long way. The reality is that we are living in an age where judgment, hatred, and division are rampant. And it doesn't just apply to parents. But we can each do our part to change it. Rather than tearing each other down, we can build each other up. One kind word, dinner, or note at a time.More from Goalcast:Boy With Autism Walks Into Restaurant to Pick Up a Menu – When He Doesn’t Come Back, His Dad Finds Out What’s Going OnSchool Janitor Takes Boy With Autism Under His Wing – So His Mom Raises $35,000 in Response10-Year-Old Girl With Autism Bullied At School — Turns Out Her IQ Is Higher Than Einstein’s

Unemployed Dad Repackages Soup Kitchen Meals in Panera Bread Bags for This Tearjerking Reason

Unemployed Dad Repackages Soup Kitchen Meals in Panera Bread Bags for This Tearjerking Reason

*Featured image contains photo by Julia M Cameron and Katia Damyan As a parent, you want nothing more than to shield your kids when bad things happen and sometimes, you'll go to great lengths to make sure their innocence is protected. So, when one dad lost his job during the pandemic (alongside nearly 255 million other people worldwide), he did what he had to do to make sure his kids were blissfully unaware of just how desperate times had become. The Lengths One Dad Went to in Order to Preserve His Children’s InnocencePhoto by Mikhail NilovDesperate times call for desperate measures and for this anonymous dad that meant having to turn to his local soup kitchen to help put food on the table. And while it took a lot of courage to ask for help, he didn't want his children to worry. To conceal the harsh reality of their situation he decided to engage in some seriously ingenious bait-and-switch maneuvers. Instead of letting his kids know where the bacon actually came from, he cleverly repackaged it into their favorite restaurant to-go bag before bringing it home. Because when it comes to kids and dinner? There's nothing more exciting than take-out (okay fine, for adults too).The soup kitchen volunteer who witnessed the tearjerking act shared about it recently in a video on TikTok. And while the clip may only be 6 seconds long, I guarantee you'll be thinking about it for a long time to come. “Thinking about when I worked at a soup kitchen during Covid and a man who lost his job would come by and pack the food we gave him into a Panera Bread bag so his kids were excited thinking they were eating restaurant food every night,” Amber Mirrelle wrote in the text overlay. "I hope him and his family are doing alright," she added.How a Simple Act of Love Made a Significant ImpactIn the midst of just trying to survive, all this dad could think about was making certain that his kids had literally no idea. With one small gesture, he turned what could have been scary and sad into something exciting. It wasn't just about putting dinner on the table; it was about preserving a sense of normalcy and shielding his kids from unnecessary worry. It was about ensuring that they felt safe and secure during a time that screamed anything but. And people are having a lot of emotions. The TikTok video has gone viral with a whopping 3.3 million views in just a few days. Commenters were deeply moved by the dad's actions. "The things people do to protect their children. I bet he thinks about you too. ❤️," wrote one."You know that was a core moment for them dad brought Panera bread every day 🥹," wrote another."That is king behavior. Shield the babies from pain and stresses. Provide even if you gotta ask for help. Hope he is doing well!"Other commenters shared similar experiences with their own parents."My dad would go to thrift stores to buy toys and would put them in Target bags to act like he bought them there 😭.""Reminds me of when I got all dollar store gifts for Christmas. My dad told me later. It's still a core Christmas memory. All those gifts. 🥰"Millions of Families Are Struggling With Food InsecurityWhile this happened during COVID-19, the reality is that things haven't gotten better. In fact, thanks to skyrocketing inflation and massive sticker shock in the grocery stores and at the gas pump, more and more people are struggling to make ends meet. Local food banks, soup kitchens, and hunger relief programs feed more than 49 million people every year in the United States alone. That's one out of every six people. And as the cost of living increases, so do the statistics.Donating money, nonperishable food, or even just your time, to food banks, pantries, and soup kitchens in your local area or neighborhood can go a long way in helping people who need it most. More from Goalcast:Unemployed Man Searches for Stranger Who Returned His $273M Lotto Ticket — and Hopes to Share His EarningsUnemployed Father Struggles to Provide for His Family – So He Started Working on the StreetSteve Harvey Was So Moved by an Unemployed Audience Member’s Struggle – So He Decides to Change His Life

Man Explains Why He Refuses to Help His Wife and 4 Kids Around the House - And Strangers Are Praising Him for It

Man Explains Why He Refuses to Help His Wife and 4 Kids Around the House - And Strangers Are Praising Him for It

It's no secret that when it comes to domestic duties such as childcare, cooking, and cleaning, women tend to take on the lion's share of the work, even when both partners are working full-time.To be fair, a lot of husbands do shoulder their fair share of the housework, however, let's face it, many do not. The domestic gender gap is REAL.So, when a husband took to TikTok to sound off on NOT HELPING his wife with chores and their four young children, people weren't exactly blown away by surprise. But what was unexpected was his reason why. And suddenly? This guy's gone from zero to hero in the eyes of 7 million people and counting. Why a Husband Doesn’t “Help” His Wife Around the HouseTexas UPS driver, J.R. Minton, grew up in a "traditional" household. His mom did typical "motherly" things while his dad brought home the bacon and left the domestic duties alone. But Minton's determined to do things differently. The father of four young kids ages one to seven, took to TikTok to share his message on partnership.His video, which has been viewed by millions, starts off with him contentiously stating, "I don't help my wife cook. I don't help her clean, do laundry, take care of the kids — none of that."Uh-huh. Or, as one commenter expressed, "I was ready to fight 😅👏🏾." (You and about 7 million other women, give or take.)But hold on a minute, Minton's not done. And another commenter's decision to hold her breath and "trust the algorithm" pays off. Because this is where he jumps the tracks and takes a hard left."Because I do what I am supposed to do as a father and a husband. I cook. I clean. I do the laundry. I take care of the kids. I can't help my wife do those things because they are my job too."J.R. Minton"Change the way you speak. Change the way you think and grow the f--- up and be a man," he adds. Mic drop.Husband’s TikTok Take On Sharing Responsibilities Goes Viral and People Are Loving ItResponse to Minton's video was swift, racking up 1.4 million likes and nearly 16,000 comments. People came out in droves, praising him for his perspective.On the flip side, however, it seems that many households still follow conventional gender norms and attitudes, with a number of men viewing doing basic duties as "helping" their partners. "Had to tell my husband stop saying, '…for your mother,' to the kids. Empty the dishwasher FOR ME? No. Those are everybody’s dishes." wrote one."My ex used to say 'I did the dishes for you.' FOR ME! Thanks and bu-bye," wrote another.Others revealed that when it comes to domestic labor, they're on their own. "My husband sometimes doesn’t even flush the toilet.""Not me seeing this while crying in the bathroom cause I'm just so damn exhausted."In a follow-up TikTok, Minton thanks his fans but warns that he's not some "unicorn." He's a husband and dad, just doing what his wife does every single day. A fact he had driven home during a recent trip to Target.“I was wearing the baby and I had two kids in the cart, and this lady comes up to Brittany and she’s like, ‘Oh my God. Is this your husband!? Look at him. You should take a picture of him,’” Minton told Today. “I get so much credit for doing nothing. How low is the bar?"Trust me, it's low. Society has a tendency to perceive moms and dads VERY differently. Fathers tend to get a lot more credit for showing up as parents in ways that moms are expected to do all the time. Marriage Is a PartnershipAs far as we have come in balancing the scales, the reality is that we still have a long way to go in shifting attitudes and achieving true equality where domestic labor is concerned. And science proves it. According to a recent study from the Bureau of Labor Statistics American Time Use Survey, women spend 37% more time doing domestic tasks than men. And if the woman happens to be bringing home the majority of the bacon? They're actually taking on an even greater share of the housework as per a study from the University of Bath.Obviously, as Minton proves, this isn't the case for every family. There are plenty of husbands and fathers who view their marriages in a similar light — as a partnership. Minton just hopes that his message hits home with the ones he thinks need to hear it. "When you're in a partnership with your spouse, it's not help," Minton said. "Everything is a shared responsibility in the house when it comes to taking care of each other's needs, the children's needs, especially the needs of the home."At the end of the day, every family needs to decide what works best for them. And when it comes to the division of domestic labor? It should be what is equitable and fair for both partners. More from Goalcast:Woman Learns Her Exhausted Co-worker Bikes Three Hours to Work – So She and Her Husband Come Up With a PlanWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s SonStrangers Accuse Kenyan Woman of Marrying Her Husband for Money – The Couple Hits Back With the Perfect Response