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alan tudyk

Man wearing glasses sitting on a couch and a screenshot from a Reddit post.
Uplifting News

Grieving Fan Feels "Awkward" to Talk to TV Star - So He Goes Out of His Way to Remedy It

For a lot of people, meeting their favorite television or movie star is high up on their bucket list. It's why hundreds of thousands of people shell out big bucks and brave massive crowds at various pop culture conventions every year. After all, they aren't JUST celebrities; oftentimes they've been with us through some of the most significant periods in our lives (they just don't know it.)So, when one grieving fan heard that Alan Tudyk, the star of Resident Alien was going to be at the Boston Fan Fest, she knew she had to meet him. She wanted to thank him for helping her survive the darkest time of her life. However, when the time came, her nerves got the better of her and she "blew it." Fueled by embarrassment and remorse and needing to vent, she turned to Reddit to share her experience. And that's when fate...who looks suspiciously like Alan Tudyk...stepped in.