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Man wearing a white hoodie and a man sitting with a service dog outside.

Employee Refuses to Let Blind Man Enter Restaurant - For this Reason

Navigating life with a disability is challenging enough without encountering discrimination. Yet, this is precisely what happened to a legally blind man and his service dog in Seattle, as they faced disbelief and hostility in a restaurant.

Man in a hoodie standing next to a woman in a doorway and a frustrated man
Uplifting News

Homeless Man Is On The Verge of Giving Up - But a Cup of Hot Chocolate Changes His Life

Cian Murtagh builds homes for other people, but ironically, he doesn't have one of his own.He grew up in state care and aged out at 18 years old, landing on the streets. He's lived there ever since. Now 30, he's spent the past 12 years just struggling to survive despite working a full-time job. However not anymore. Thanks to the incredible kindness of strangers and the power of GoFundMe, he finally has a place to call home.

Jennifer Garner helps homeless man in a wheelchair wear new shoes.
Uplifting News

Jennifer Garner Spots a Homeless Man Wearing Old Shoes - the Paparazzi Records Her Next Move

You don’t often witness moments of celebrities and paparazzi working together for the greater good, but then again Jennifer Garner isn’t like most celebrities. The actor is known for her charitable work and doing what it takes to help others, but this might be one of her most inspiring stories yet.

Police officer standing next to a teenager and a teen standing in front of a row of school buses.
Uplifting News

Bus Driver Passes Out During Route - So 14-Year-Old On Board Springs Into Action

Many kids wouldn’t know what to do if they were in an emergency situation. Heck, when fear sets in, most adults don’t know what to do either. So when a 14-year-old kept his composure and sprang into action when his bus driver passed out, it made headlines.

Woman standing with a little boy and a 11-year-old boy wearing a backpack
Uplifting News

11-Year-Old Steps Up to Pay Off His School's Entire Lunch Debt

"There's no such thing as a free lunch!" Unless you happen to be a student at Thomas Ultican Elementary School in Blue Springs, Missouri.And then...Bon Appétit!Because an 11-year-old student at the school just single-handedly raised $7,300 to pay off his entire school's lunch debt...and then some, giving the leftovers to the local high school to pay down their debt too.

Little boy choosing between a bouquet of flowers and a Batman toy and a father hugging his son.

Stranger Finds Poor Child Selling Gum - Tests Him With 2 Choices

The young boy is weaving through people, leading the man behind the camera a couple of short blocks away. "Hey buddy, are we there yet?" asks the man impatiently."Yes, it's here," replies the boy.What the boy reveals is so shocking, his father soon gets involved and the lives of all three are forever changed.

Two teens in a police car and a teen in a prom dress posing in front of police cruisers

Two Teens Got Stranded on Their Way to Prom - Later, They Pull up in the Back of a Police Car

Prom tends to be a memorable experience for most high school kids. It is, after all, the social event of the year. But for two kids from Dunn County, North Dakota, it's not the prom itself that left a lasting impression. It's what happened on the way that turned it into one heck of a night to remember.

Man in a checked shirt and security camera footage of a boy speaking to an older man.
Uplifting News

Boy Gives His Only Dollar to a Homeless Man - Is Shocked to Learn His True Identity

Friendships can spark in the least likely places. But when one nine-year-old boy tried to do a good deed on a Good Friday, it was the start of a friendship no one saw coming.

Person holding a baby and a young man shaking hands with an older man
Uplifting News

Cop Rescues Baby Abandoned in a Box - 24 Years Later, He Learns the Truth About The Child

More than two decades ago, police officer Gene Eyster got a call he'd never forget. It was December 22, 2000. A group of college kids had discovered an abandoned newborn in a cardboard box in the hallway of their apartment complex. Twenty-four years later, Gene received another call...about the same baby, only now he's all grown up.

Widow Learns About Her Late Husbands Huge Debt - Then She Gets a Message From a Stranger
Everyday Heroes

Widow Learns About Her Late Husbands Huge Debt - Then She Gets a Message From a Stranger

In April 2020, Meng Rui's husband, a fisherman, tragically drowned at sea. He left behind two children, aged 8 and 7 months...and a huge boatload of debt.Meng wasn't just devasted by his death, she was terrified. A stay-at-home mom with no income, the sudden loss of her husband left her not only grieving but also struggling to make ends meet for her family.To make matters worse, the compensation she received from his employer (the equivalent of $150,000) was completely used up, paying down the debt he had accrued years before to treat his father's serious illness. The family was left destitute...until a stranger contacted Meng on WeChat.Money From Mysterious Stranger Starts Arriving Every MonthTo put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads, Meng, 29, found a job in a supermarket earning a paltry $280 a month. While something, it wasn't enough to cover all of their expenses.Meng was drowning under the weight of financial insecurity.But then, one day out of the blue, Meng received a message from a stranger on WeChat. The person, who refused to reveal their true identity, had heard about her family's plight from a social worker and wanted to help.Shortly afterward, Meng received a money transfer of $200. Then again the next month and the next...And every month for the past four years. Extra cash arrives for important festivals and holidays, like the Lunar New Year. The money, which nearly doubles her monthly income, has been life-changing. Anonymous Benefactor RevealedFor four years, Meng's mysterious benefactor remained anonymous. However, with the help of the Chinese media, the single mom of two finally uncovered her fairy godmother — or in this case, godfather.He lived 20 hours away, in Zhoushan, China.Last month, Meng, along with her mother-in-law and her four-year-old daughter, hopped aboard a coach and a train to make the long trek to thank Yu Xiaolong in person."To thank this benefactor face-to-face has been a wish in my heart for a few years," Meng said.Her wish finally came true. Meng and her entourage met Yu in person at his company, a marine technology enterprise business."Thank you so much. Without your help, we could not live. Your monthly donation gives us hope." Meng Rui to Yu XiaolongIn addition to their heartfelt gratitude, the family also came bearing gifts, a silk appreciation banner and a bag of peanuts. "We do not have precious things to give you. These peanuts were planted by us. We hope you like them," Meng told Yu.Despite his significant impact on the Meng family, Yu remains humble telling them that his generosity is "not a big deal." It also isn't stopping any time soon. He plans to continue funding the family until the kids are 18 years old. Paying It ForwardYu's monthly donations don't just positively impact the family financially, they also have a profound side effect, one that can't be measured in dollars and cents.They instill a sense of hope and security for their future. And that? Is priceless.Meng hopes to pay his kindness forward someday and is teaching her kids to follow in their benefactor's footsteps."I will regard Mr. Yu as a family member. I will educate my kids to remember his kindness and make their own contribution to society in the future," she said.Yu heard about a stranger in need and decided to do something about it. And his recurring act of kindness is the difference between making it and not for one young family. Not all of us can afford to keep another family afloat financially, but we can all commit to spreading a different kind of wealth — kindness.More from Goalcast:Widowed Veteran Comes Up With an Incredible Idea to Combat His Depression – And He’s Doing It for FreeFirefighter Tragically Kills Pastor’s Pregnant Wife – Instead of Getting Revenge, the Widower Befriends HimRich Widower Shocks Relatives by Leaving $276,000 to Hotel Bellboy After His Death – Has a Heartwarming Reason Why