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Woman kissing a baby and a man with a long beard sitting in a car.
Uplifting News

Dad of 2 Daughters Has a Message About "Mom Bods" - Goes Viral For the Right Reasons

It's no secret that a woman's body changes after children. After all, growing a literal human is no small feat. And while men are often celebrated and embraced for their "dad bods," women? Not so much. “Mom bods” are only celebrated if they don’t actually look like they carried or birthed a baby. But one dad is working to change that, and he's setting TikTok on fire with his body-positive anthem of the summer.

What Is Self-Esteem? A Comprehensive Guide
Emotional Health

What Is Self-Esteem? A Comprehensive Guide

Self-esteem is the ruling view you have of yourself. This includes your beliefs about your inner qualities (values, morals, ethics) and how you think others see you. Self-esteem is not always rooted in reality, though, and someone can develop low self-esteem even when they are highly functional and greatly skilled. Understanding this mysterious emotional currency might be the key to unlocking your own self worth.Why some people have low self-esteem We are not born with low self-esteem issues or with problems seeing our true self worth. When we are babies, we demand what we need without thinking of whether we deserve it. We develop self-esteem problems as we absorb negative and low energies from people around us including parents, teachers or mentors, and coaches or friends. We learn to have low self-esteem by internalizing the attitudes of other people’s low self-esteem in our childhood years and by comparing ourselves. (Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Getty)For example, if a parent is always dieting to lose an extra few pounds, chances are you’re going to be hyper-focused on your own weight and may have already attached your sense of self worth to what’s on the scale or on your plate. Such low self-esteem can drive unhealthy dieting behaviors that lead to deadly eating disorders. Low self-esteem can also develop or be further validated in unhealthy romantic relationships and by being the victim of bullying. Unfortunately, it can become a cycle where people with low self-esteem are more likely to be targeted by bullies. Sadly, being bullied only further confirms their beliefs about their low self-worth.Self-esteem does not equal arroganceHaving a healthy self-esteem means seeing yourself in a generally positive way and thinking good thoughts about yourself. It’s about having a stable sense of your capabilities and a deep trust in yourself to guide you down the right path (at least most of the time). (Justin Case/Getty)You don’t always need to feel good about yourself to have good self-esteem, and you can expect stumbles or roadblocks in your journey to disrupt your sense of self-esteem from time to time. In this article, we’re talking about more than fleeting feelings. Self-esteem is the core of what lies underneath those fleeting feelings and your reactions to certain events and situations.Arrogance, on the other hand, refers to having a big ego or being overly confident and unreasonably boastful about your qualities (regardless of their actual quality). It is actually more commonly associated with someone having low self-esteem. As it goes, people with healthy self-esteem don’t need to boast about themselves to others. People with low self-esteem will tell you how much everyone loves them, what a great job they do at work, and how amazing they are at pretty everything under the sun even though they really wonder if it's true. People may see them as obnoxious or “full of themselves.” Do you have a healthy self-esteem?It’s impossible to be objective with yourself (no matter how hard you try), so it can be extremely helpful to have someone in your life who you can talk to honestly about your self-esteem levels. (gawrav/Getty)What do they notice? Your friends and family are great people to ask, if you’re comfortable and trust their perspective. You can also ask your therapist or counselor, but truth be told: If you have to ask someone else if you have low self-esteem, that’s a pretty strong sign you do have low esteem.Self-esteem is generally talked about as either high, low, or somewhere in the middle. Where does your gut tell you your self-esteem sits?If you’re not sure, do you see yourself in any of the following? These are the kinds of thought patterns that chip away at your self-esteem:You see people or situations as either all good or all bad (also called either-or thinking).You see your flaws first when thinking about things you’ve done and accomplished.You downplay your accomplishments with “but” statements that assume you should have been able to do it anyway so no praise is really required.You engage in negative self-talk either internally (this is your inner critic) or aloud to others (e.g. “I’m so annoying, I know”).You assume the worst case scenario even when there’s no valid reason that such a thing would happen (e.g. If your spouse is late from work you assume they are cheating even though they have never cheated). How people contribute to your low self-esteem(JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty)It’s nice to have people who want the best for you, but someone commenting on the ways you can improve your self-esteem is actually harmful for your self-esteem. Do you have someone in your life who is repeatedly “suggesting” ways you can improve your life without you asking? Perhaps you grew up with a narcissistic mother or narcissistic father and you have learned to believe deep down that you are not worthy of unconditional love because you are not good enough. Growing up with a narcissist is also linked to:Damaged sense of boundaries (and how to use them)Inability to fully communicate your true self to othersHaving “walls up” that prevent others from getting too closeBeing overly sensitive Feeling as though you are not lovable Feeling as though you are only lovable if you people please or peace keepFearing speaking up, leading groups, and taking chargeNeeding excessive reassurance from others (to the point where it feels codependent)Working to the point of burnout to prove worthAlways moving the measure stick of what is considered “good”Another type of person that can damage your self-worth and confidence is the charming or narcissist partner. This is the type of person who treats you, in the beginning, like you’re perfect and the world revolves around you. It’s flattering, sure, but this is not how to improve your self-esteem. Once they “win you over,” they reveal their true motives, which are all about controlling, manipulating, and keeping you in a state of self-doubt. This is so you will not leave and you will eventually no longer question their authority. You may even crave their authority because you’ve lost the ability to make choices for yourself. Unfortunately, toxic and unhealthy partners can take advantage of people with low self-esteem because they know they can get away with it for quite some time, if not ever. This may lead to repeat behaviors like lying, cheating, stealing, as well as physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.If you feel as though you lost your self-esteem in the relationship, consider it a massive red flag and talk to someone about how to improve your self-esteem. Improving your self-esteem can help you gain the courage to leave and build a new life. The alternative is that the more you lose, the more control your partner gains by default. Your independence and identity can become easily compromised in such a situation. Sooner than later, you can find yourself accepting behaviors you’d never otherwise accept if you hadn’t already grown accustomed to the self-esteem crushing comments and behaviors over time. The pitfalls of low self-esteem (Aitor Diago/Getty)Having low self-esteem can seriously limit and damage relationships and opportunities. When you are unsure about yourself, you are looking for external validations to provide that assurance that you belong. You’ll be attracted to whoever shows you the slightest attention. So what’s at stake is that being stripped of your self-esteem leaves you in a vulnerable and dangerous place. You may look for these things in unhealthy places like:Toxic romantic relationships (especially where the power dynamic is skewed in the other person’s favor)Domestic abuse situations (may be attracted to the narcissist and charmer archetype)Drugs and alcohol to escape reality and feel a sense of temporary confidenceUnhealthy obsessions or addictions involving food, sex, internet, gaming, or gamblingWhen you don’t believe in your self worth, you’re also much less likely to advocate for yourself. After all, why would you cheer for a losing team? If you have an inner critic and low self-esteem, you have already learned or decided that you are not worth the effort to have, be, or do better. In this low self-esteem state, you can forgo life changes like:Asking someone on a dateApplying to college or universityRequesting more money at your next promotionKnowing your true self and desires Making time to exercise or see a doctor Taking a new job or having a child Trips, vacations, or chances for travel Leaving environments that make you sickBenefits of a better self-esteem(Pekic/Getty)People with a healthy level of self esteem present themselves with a casual confidence and are not shy about sharing ideas, including constructive criticisms of others. They also take care of themselves without second-guessing or apologizing. They are the people we say seem “sure of themselves.” Having self-esteem means you’re more likely to:Have a positive outlook on lifeThink highly of others and speak positively about othersBe someone others want to be around Have emotional resiliency or strength in the face of adversityBe better equipped with the tools to deal with life’s challenges Be a supportive friend Live a generally healthy lifestyleBelieve you’re worth investing in Go after your goals and chase your dreamsSee success because you won’t stop at anything lessHave healthy relationshipsTrust your intuition Conquering poor confidence, low self-esteem, and self-doubt(Cecilie_Arcurs/Getty)While it would be great to know exactly where your low self-esteem comes from, the truth is that it’s from a combination of factors including the self-esteem levels of the people directly closest to your development but also who you choose to keep close as you age. Consider internalized beliefs like poor confidence, low self-esteem, and self-doubt as highly contagious.You can change the way you view yourself but to do so requires absolute honesty and some effort. Evaluate the people in your life: Are they negative or constantly bringing bad vibes or are they helping at improving your self-esteem? Even if their feelings are not directed toward you, that energy (positive or negative) will eventually spread. Choose wisely. Change the way you see yourself: If it’s too challenging to show yourself self compassion right away, picture yourself as your child self (inner child) or another child. Avoid comparisons with other people: Keep your self-esteem away from other people’s journeys and social media reels.Combating negative thoughts to improve self-esteemIf you’re starting to think you may have low self-esteem, you can work on the way you talk to yourself to start improving your self-esteem now. In other words, you can tame your inner critic. When you turn off negative self-talk, you open the floor to positive reinforcements and access the courage to show different sides of yourself. When you notice your inner critic acting up, ask yourself: Would you talk this way to someone you love? Would you treat a child this way?What do you need right now?How can I support a more positive solution?This is not a one-time exercise for people with low self-esteem. Starting to ask yourself these questions is the beginning of expanding your emotional literacy or emotional awareness and shifting perspectives you may have had for decades.Building self-esteem Cliches exist for a reason: They’re often true. When it comes to building self-esteem with the goal of improving self-esteem over time, the old “Fake it until you make it” is excellent advice. So despite how you feel about yourself right now, you need to be your biggest fan. (Design Pics/Getty)It isn’t going to feel good at first, though. If you regularly self criticize, you can expect some backlash. Keep going until it becomes less and less. With some practice and persistence, and maybe even a few awkward laughs in the mirror, you will win this internal struggle to see your self worth. Some ideas to build self-esteem include:Unfollow social media accounts that are self-esteem suckers (you know which ones make you feel lower or bad about yourself after scrolling)Surround yourself with people who love themselves (or are trying to)Set small, attainable goals so you have things to accomplish Write a list of your talents, skills, and achievements for moments of self-doubtGet in touch with your spiritual or religious side (this can be great for building a sense of self-worth and higher purpose)Listen to guided meditations that focus on concepts like confidence, boundaries, and goal settingStart assessing the people who you talk to most and listen to their overall tone with the intention of moving forward with a positive network of peopleRemember that people are not perfect and what’s most important is that you’re trying Let yourself have some time of self-doubt (but keep it short) so you can release these feelingsTry to challenge yourself in safe settings like work or school (you never know what you can accomplish until you try and you learn the most by failing, anyway)Keep houseplants or a small garden so you can see success and how valuable you are over time (as they grow, so does your confidence)How to build self-esteem with counseling In serious cases of low or even non-existent self-esteem, you may want to call in a professional who is trained in a form of psychotherapy called cognitive behavioral therapy or a trauma specialist who is trained in eye movement and desensitization reprocessing. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of well-recognized therapy that has been proven effective in treating mental health problems related to depression, anxiety, eating disorders, alcohol and drug use, and marital problems. (SDI Productions/Getty)CBT can help people with low self-esteem understand their thought patterns and how those patterns are contributing to problems (ie. how their thinking patterns are unhelpful). At this point the work begins to develop healthier coping skills and relieve symptoms associated with low self-esteem. This process, over time, can help you develop a deeper sense of your own capabilities (outside previously limited beliefs). Eye movement and desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) may be able to help by letting you access times you felt low self-esteem or times that hurt your self-esteem and desensitizing your reactions while reprocessing your response to those memories in the future. This includes situations where you felt helpless and experienced trauma. Destabilizing these underlying core beliefs about your value or worth or goodness is necessary in breaking down the unhealthy thoughts contributing to low self-esteem so you can see your true potential. EMDR doesn’t undo trauma, but it makes it much easier to live with. How talking to a mental health professional helps improve self-esteemGood mental health is important, and professionals doing psychotherapy with clients do not pass judgement or give corrections. This encourages their client to speak openly and without worry which is the best for getting at the roots of your real self-esteem problems. (Maskot/Getty)When your counselor doesn’t abandon you, use your words against you, or ridicule you like you may have previously experienced in life, you are able to see a different kind of caring is possible. This is the kind of caring that feeds positive self-esteem rather than diminishes its existence. This is particularly impactful in situations where family and friends may not be the most supportive (which may be a contributing factor behind the low self-esteem). Having that backing from someone else you have come to trust gives you the sense that it matters that you’re working on healing. You matter. Your past doesn’t seal your futureWhile it’s true that trauma can change the way you see yourself, it’s just as much the case that your mind can be changed again. (fizkes/Getty)You have the power to shape a new self perception fueled by loving kindness instead of that inner critic’s voice. It will take some work but your entire life - from your relationships to your body image to your work habits - will be touched with the kind of power that only comes from someone believing in themselves. This is the hardest part, the biggest hurdle, the greatest leap, and so many people don’t take it because of low self worth. You don’t have to let the past determine how you feel about yourself today and tomorrow. With some lifestyle changes and support, you can improve your self-esteem and see how everything else changes as a result. Have that faith and trust the process.

Solar Plexus Chakra: The Meaning of the 3rd Chakra
Spiritual Health

Solar Plexus Chakra: The Meaning of the 3rd Chakra

The Chakra system explores how energy impacts and guides our holistic wellness, including our personal power. While chakras that are out of balance can manifest themselves as physical sensations and illnesses, they also act as a form of consciousness and connection to the universe. Chakra is also spelled Cakra, Sanskrit C̣akra. It means “wheel,” and refers to any of a number of psychic-energy centres of the body where bodily functions “merge and interact with each other.” Psychic energy is that which is said to be unexplained or inexplicable by natural laws. There are an estimated 88,000-114,000 chakras situated in the human body, according to Britainnica and Healthline, respectively.Six or seven are considered major chakras. The seven major chakras include: Root Chakra (Muladhara): Your root chakra is located at the base of your spine (tailbone). It represents your central foundation.Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): Your sacral chakra is located along your spine in your lower abdomen. It’s associated with sexual energy and reproductive health. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Your solar plexus chakra is located along your spine and above the navel, in the upper abdomen in the stomach area. It’s said to be responsible for the “butterfly in stomach feeling” or the “gut feeling.” Heart Chakra (Anahata): Your heart chakra is located in your chest. It’s what’s said to hurt when your heart aches from grief and loss. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Your throat chakra is located in your throat and is associated with communication skills or communication problems. People who have been in abusive relationships or grew up in unhealthy households may have to develop a connection to their throat chakra later in life. This is what we call “finding our voice.”Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna): Your third-eye chakra is located at the third-eye location in between your eyebrows and above the top of the nose bridge.Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Your crown chakra is located at the “crown” of the skull. It’s associated with higher consciousness, connection to God or Goddess, or higher power.What Is chakra healing?Chakra healing is all about unblocking energy or removing negative energy in your body that is preventing the proper flow of your energy wheels. (Helin Loik-Tomson / Getty)You can have blocks in all your chakras if you’re new to knowing they exist or your body is storing trauma. You may also only have a block in a particular chakra, like the solar plexus chakra. Working with the idea of energy flowing, though, you can take the right steps explained below (sometimes dubbed “self-care”) to unblock your chakras. The solar plexus chakra meaning Your solar plexus chakra is associated with inner confidence, self esteem, and listening to and asserting yourself and your true needs. When it’s out of balance, we leave ourselves more vulnerable to self-harming behaviors such as self-abandonment and self-compromise. We may struggle with low self esteem and have a hard time seeing the positive qualities we bring to the world. In this state, it’s difficult to feel motivated to reach our full potential. The manipura chakra governs personal power and identity but it is also connected to digestive health and metabolism. Here we can see the emerging intuitive understanding of the brain-gut connection or mental health and mood connection to our gut health. Working to balance the Manipura chakra honors this holistic way of looking at personal health, and can even be a way to mitigate the negative effects of digestive system disorders.What does Manipura mean?Manipura is a Sanskrit word with several accepted English translations including:Mani = jewelPura = place or cityCity of jewelsLotus gemLustrous gemHome of our ego and confidence(Manipura / Getty)Quick facts about the manipura, or third chakraLocation: Upper abdomen in the stomach area (couple fingers or inches above navel but under breast bone area).What it controls: Elements of personal power including self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteemColor: YellowAnimal: RamElement: Fire (manifests as heat in the solar plexus)Stone: AmberAssociated shape: Downward triangle; represents spreading of energy for growth and positive development. Start to balance chakras with a scan of your physical bodyYou can begin listening to what your chakras are signaling by doing a body scan. It can be challenging or even uncomfortable trying to quiet the mind at first, so do this in a safe space where interruptions will be minimized. Clear negative energy from the space with an aromatherapy mist or incense burning.Suggestions for body scanning for your solar plexus chakra:Lie down on your back with a pillow under your kneesPlace your hands over your stomach area (overtop your navel)Close your eyes and take a deep breath, exhaling any negative energyHow does your breath feel coming into your body? Does your diaphragm rise and fall fully? Is the oxygen feeling stuck? What emotions are coming up?If you need to stop here and begin working on balancing your manipura chakra, do so. If you’d like to continue, ask yourself the following:What do you feel?What shape is the feeling?What color?Is it cold, hot, heavy, etc.?What do you want to do with it?Oftentimes we can work through the energy blocks in our bodies by mentally bringing ourselves through the process. This is advanced level inner energy work and is best for people who have worked with an energy healer or trauma therapist before.Signs of an imbalanced solar plexus chakraTraditionally speaking, there are signs of imbalance associated with each particular chakra. Some of these signs can also be signs of underlying health conditions that may require treatment with a medical doctor. It’s always safest to use all the resources you have to ensure you’re taking care of all aspects of your health.Signs include:Domineering attitudeAggressivenessNot feeling motivated in lifeLow self esteemDifficulty making decisionsDigestive issuesSick to stomach feeling Signs of a balanced solar plexus chakraA person with a balanced solar plexus chakra walks with a certain humble assuredness in themselves. They are the wise listeners rather than the loud talkers in a crowd. They are in tune with their goals, passions, and personal power. They do not spend time on gossip, putting others down, or questioning their personal actions. People with a balanced solar plexus chakra also find greater ease in reversing negative thought patterns because their sense of self is strong. Signs include:Empowered attitudeCalmnessPassionateStrong self-esteemSense of self and life’s purposeHealthy metabolismHealthy appetiteThe benefits of healing the solar plexus chakraThe exact benefits of healing the solar plexus chakra will depend upon your personal healing journey and where you are in the process. Regardless of your starting point, though, doing inner work can go a long way into balancing your energy wheel or wheels. Be prepared for the feeling of releasing negative energy. This can feel overwhelming at first but will be ultimately relieving. When you spend time opening your manipura chakra, you may experience personal growth, a stronger sense of self, greater respect for your inner intuition or gut feelings, and the ability to say no to things that no longer serve you. (Jay Yuno / Getty)Saying no includes rejecting negative energy and reversing negative thought patterns holding you back from your true potential. How to open your solar plexus ChakraYou can open your solar plexus chakra on your own terms (in solo practice) or with the help of someone experienced in energy and/or trauma work. Some examples include: Reiki workers, energy workers, light workers, energy healers, trauma-informed therapists or counsellors who can talk to you about somatic pain and somatic body work and guide you through the advanced steps mentioned above. Working in this same way with religious guides, spiritual guides, or similar is also an option. Working with more than one type of professional is wise to get a multifaceted treatment approach that covers all bases.Yoga Poses for Balancing the Solar Plexus ChakraChallenging yoga poses for opening and balancing your solar plexus chakra are typically those that focus on stretching and strengthening your core area. Yoga is typically practiced in a session where you warm up your muscles before doing deeper stretches like these popular ones for opening the third chakra: Navasana AKA boat pose(PM Images / Getty)Kapalabhati pranayama or breath of fireAnjali mudra or prayer pose/prayer positionParivrtta Trikonasana or revolved or inverted triangle poseBhujangasana AKA cobra poseConsider joining a practice with a teacher and other students or following one of the many online yoga videos for opening your third chakra. Watching someone else and getting help with body adjustments helps prevent injuries and ensure you’re getting the most of your practice. The best crystals for solar plexus chakra healingWhen it comes to crystal healing and your solar plexus chakra, go for yellows and fiery stones that speak to you on a deep level. It’s always preferable to choose your stones in person so you can feel which ones you’re most attracted to. If this isn’t an option, be sure to ask the seller about their sourcing standards to ensure you’re working with the real deal.Popular choices of crystals and stones include:CitrineTiger’s Eye(Kostrikina Myroslava / Getty)AmberCalciteCarnelianLemon quartzYellow JasperGolden heliodorPyriteSunstoneWays people use crystals in holistic healing include:Wear them as jewelry around the wrist, neck, or fingers. Carry a little satchel of stones and keep them in your pocket, purse, or home. Add the crystals to a healing bath with optional elements like epsom salts, dried flowers, essential oils.Add the crystals to your meditation session (hold them, make a crystal grid, place them in your altar area).Place the crystals under your bed at the solar plexus area while you sleep.Aromatherapy for manipura chakra healingThere are certain plants (herbs, flowers, trees, berries) that may be used in aromatherapy practices like diffusing, burning, and melting. When it comes to working with new ingredients, pay the most respect to the natural gifts by saying a small thank you or by directly asking the herb, for example, what exactly you need or want from it. The best aromas for solar plexus chakra healing are those that are:SweetFieryWoodyWarmingRestoring Examples of essential oils or incense for manipura healing include:MyrrhSandalwood(Getty)Atlas cedarwoodYlang ylangLemongrassHelichrysumLavenderBlack pepperPositive affirmations for healing the manipura chakraThere are mantras also known as positive affirmations or positive life quotes you can say to help balance the solar plexus chakra, too. These sayings can help you feel motivated in your personal power sourcing journey. People typically include mantra work into a meditation or yoga session, but you can make a mantra-only session as well. It may be helpful to sit down with a journal and pen and write down which mantras speak to you. If something else feels better to repeat, write that down and listen to your intuition. The most powerful mantra will be the one you have the strongest pull toward and feel the best saying aloud. Some positive affirmation for manipura chakra healing examples include:I listen to my inner intuition at all times.I honor what my body needs and am open to receiving its messages.I release past wounds that have hurt my self-confidence and I forgive myself for mistakes made while self-abandoning.I love and accept my inner voice and value my own opinion and perspective.I am valid in my feelings and will honor what they need from me.Give yourself graceEnergy work is tiring before it’s rejuvenating! Go easy on yourself and treat each session of working with things like crystals, yoga poses, and aromatherapy a procedure of sorts. Drink lots of water afterwards, rest and move your body as needed, and be gentle with any emotions and negative energy that may become unstuck during this process. (maroke / Getty)Remember you’re amazing for embarking on this self-actualization and self-love healing journey and progress takes patience.

Unruly Customer Leaves Restaurant Harsh Review - Instantly Regrets It
Uplifting News

Unruly Customer Leaves Restaurant Harsh Review - Instantly Regrets It

Proof that the customer isn't always right.Review describes great food, but Ryanair-style managementSo many of us rely on reviews to determine where to eat. The thing is, oftentimes the bad reviews are about an extremely specific situation that probably would never happen again or they make no sense at all. Still, good and bad reviews seem to level themselves out.In the case of Sticky Walnut in Cheshire, reviews on TripAdvisor portray a damn good restaurant. The Modern European restaurant scores 4.5 out of 5 stars for nearly 2,000 reviews. On Google Maps, it's much of the same with a rating of 4.7 out of almost 500 reviews. The restaurant has also received accolades outside of customer reviews, ranking in the top 100 for the National Restaurant Awards in the UK.But if you dig into the reviews on TripAdvisor, as BoredPanda did, there's one two-star review that stands out. In the July 2021 review titled "Excellent food let down by Ryanair style management," which has since been taken down, the reviewer describes how the food is "very, very tasty," but the "restaurant management doesn't give a toss about customer experience."The review continues: "A restaurant that aspires to offer fine dining experience but has lost the ability to empathize with customers and ignores them when they complain? That really is a shame."The owner claps backWhat's unique about this review is that the owner of Sticky Walnut responded, and oh, what a response it was. "For goodness sake Robert. I'm supposed to be in TwitAdvisor retirement so let's not waste any time," wrote the owner, Gary Usher. "After all, you've waited 11 years since joining Twitadvisor to write your first review. Rob, you reserved a table on a Friday evening and agreed to a 1 hour-45 minute time slot. A standard practice, particularly on busy periods, that guests and restaurants worldwide agree to. After your dessert course, the manager, who you said 'doesn't give a toss,' gently reminded you that we would need the table back shortly. You ignored the manager and proceeded to order another round of drinks.""Perhaps if your party had arrived on time for your reservation this could have been avoided."Gary UsherUsher continued to explain how the manager came back to politely ask the group to leave, but the reviewer, Rob, got up out of his seat, towering over the manager and pointing at him in the face."Sir, can you please stop pointing in my face," the manager said, but the customer and his mother responded by saying he wasn't qualified to do his job.The reviewer then had the balls to ask for free drinks before saying he'd contact the owner, who he's allegedly friends with, about the situation.Owner stands by loyal staffUsher revealed that, of course, Rob isn't his friend. Every few months in a restaurant a rude guest will use the 'I know the owner!' line to try and intimidate team members and bully them into thinking that they will get into trouble because they didn’t look after the owner’s ‘friends’ well enough,” said Usher. "I did ‘give a toss’, but not about you Rob, but about the way you treated the team,” the owner added. "So instead of replying to you we chose to block your number, and your mum’s, and put a note on our booking system to not accept any future bookings from you.”Gary UsherFinally, Usher defended his manager. “With regards to the manager who ‘doesn’t give a toss’ they have managed Sticky Walnut for the last 8 years. Coincidentally the same length of time that Sticky Walnut has achieved a top 100 position in the National Restaurant Awards in the UK. I think that makes them both extremely deserving to be the manager and absolutely qualified to hold that position.” Usher then signed off with "Not your mate, Gary — another owner you don't actually know."Stand up for yourselfWe always hear that the first rule of business is the customer is always right, but in reality, they aren't. This entitled customer thought he could do whatever he wanted despite agreeing to the restaurant's Friday night policy, and then he thought he deserved free drinks. And if all that wasn't enough, he left a poor review that could discourage others from visiting Sticky Walnut.The lesson here is not to fight back against every critique — criticism can make you stronger. But that it's important to stand up for yourself and for those you respect.More uplifting stories:TikTok Prankster Unexpectedly Befriends Homeless Man, Helps Him Get Out Of DebtMan Finally Meets Mystery Neighbor He’s Been Playing Piano Duets With For WeeksAnti-Timeout Mom Reveals Game-Changing Parenting Tip In Viral Tik Tok PostHow A Kidnapping Survivor Who Escaped From A Car Trunk Is Saving Lives

Mom Defends Herself After Rude Woman Body Shames Her At Grocery Store
Emotional Health

Mom Defends Herself After Rude Woman Body Shames Her At Grocery Store

One mother defended herself againast a body-shaming stranger with a passionate message we all need to hear. Frozen section27-year-old Charli Stevens of Columbus Ohio was at the grocery store with her five-month-old sonwhen she noticed a stranger staring at her, who appeared to be speaking to her.Stevens explained that she assumed the stranger was saying "GO BUCKEYES!" since she was wearing the hometown college football team's shirt and they were playing later that day.However, nothing could have prepared her for what the woman was actually saying: “I think your clothes are a little too small on you.”Stevens was floored."I was completely shocked and so caught off guard that the only thing I could say was, ‘Excuse me?’"- Charli StevensThe stranger followed with, “Well no offense, but you’re just a bit big to wear those types of clothes.”When Stevens began to cry, the stranger didn't let up.“I’m not trying to be mean, but you should reconsider your outfit before leaving the house,” she said.A shaken Stevens placed the items from her cart back on the shelf and retreated back to her car.Checkout counter In a Facebook post that has since been removed, Stevens had some choice words for the insensitive stranger, starting with her story. “How are people so rude? It’s no secret that I’ve gained weight throughout life. I’ve birthed two kids so it’s bound to happen. Do I realize I’m overweight? Yes. Do I want to be smaller? Yes. But am I okay with the way I look? Yes!!”Stevens then continued by pointing out that the real damage from these types of mean comments is more than just skin deep."Why would a complete stranger go out of their way to insult someone? What if I was severely depressed? Or what if I was constantly made fun of for my weight and that one comment from that stranger pushed me over the edge."- Charli StevensSupportstormSupportive comments poured in, with many delivering a brutal reality-check to the cold stranger. “When someone judges you. It says nothing about you. But it says everything about them!” commented one follower.“You are beautiful. People who try to bring down others only do so because they hate their life and regret things they’ve done or didn’t do. When people are rude and hateful, usually it’s just a mirror of themselves. Don’t let anyone bring you down,” added another.Kindness is crucialStevens is quick to point out that her message has zero to do with clout and everything to do with compassion. "I really hope those that read my post will just remember to instill kindness in their children’s lives, because our children are our future."- Charli Stevens While the commenters are likely right about the mean stranger's own insecurities, the real power for change lies in us.As Stevens mentioned, it's the power of compassion, of recognizing that we can't possibly know what someone is truly going through. By considering that, we can all be kinder with our words and more attentive with our actions so that we can all thrive.More uplifting stories:Man Defends Mother Who Got Body-Shamed By Rude Plane PassengerInstagram Influencer’s Ridiculous Attempt At Fat-Shaming Woman Quickly BackfiresCompassionate Boss Helps Employee Who’s Sleeping On Job Turn Life AroundWoman Unceremoniously Dumps Toxic Boyfriend After Constant Body Shaming