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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson smiling and a screenshot of Dwayne Johnson's post on Instagram.
Uplifting News

Dwayne Johnson Serenades 4-Year-Old Girl in Home Hospice Care With Her Favorite Song

Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson surprised us all with his singing chops as the lovable, shapeshifting demi-god Maui in the Disney smash hit, Moana.But it's his performance off-screen for one very special 4-year-old girl that's currently making waves on social media.

12-Year-Old Reaches Hotel to Have Lunch - Is Shocked to Find Out Dwayne The Rock Johnson Has Taken on a New Job
Uplifting News

12-Year-Old Reaches Hotel to Have Lunch - Is Shocked to Find Out Dwayne The Rock Johnson Has Taken on a New Job

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has played a number of roles over the years — from CFL football player to WWE wrestling champ to Hollywood megastar (and by megastar we mean MEGASTAR. He just nabbed the title of highest-paid actor EVER for his eye-watering $50 million paycheck for the upcoming movie, Red One.) But it's his most recent role, as an undercover waiter, that shows off his greatest talent; being a really awesome human being.The Rock’s Biggest Fan: A 12-Year-Old Girl Battling CancerIn the realm of action movies, Johnson may just be one of the toughest guys on the planet. But beyond his tough exterior and charismatic performances, Johnson has proven time and again that he has the tenderest heart. For the past couple of years, he's been following Luna Perrone's journey as the now 12-year-old battles a rare bone cancer, Ewing Sarcoma. He was first introduced to her back in June 2021 when she reached out to him via social media. Since then, he's kept tabs on his "biggest fan" and when he found out the heartbreaking news that her cancer has spread, he decided it was high time they finally met in person.So, he arranged a special lunch for Luna and her family at the Hotel Bel-Air. With one Hercules-sized surprise — himself. Johnson shared his good deed, worthy of a demigod, on Instagram, captioning the emotional video in part:"Luna’s an amazing and inspiring girl who’s been fighting cancer for a few years now. She’s my absolute biggest fan and always wanted to meet me.My team and I set up this big surprise for Luna at one of my fav “DJ spots” @hotelbelair. Luna thinks she’s having lunch “arranged by The Rock” because unfortunately, “The Rock is out of town” 😉"But The Rock wasn't out of town. He was in the kitchen and he was about to give Luna the surprise of a lifetime.The Rock Poses as a Waiter to Surprise His “Hero”Posing as a waiter, Johnson, chicken fingers and fries in hand, thanked the kitchen staff as he headed out to surprise Luna.Her sweet face says it all. A little speechless and a whole lot shell-shocked at seeing her idol, Luna was barely able to squeak out a "hi." Johnson immediately put her at ease, telling her to bring it in for a hug."You know what I need? Get in here! I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you!" he told her. And while he may be her hero, the feeling is mutual."I’ve had some super cool jobs in my life - but being Luna’s waiter just might be the coolest 😎 👍🏾," he wrote. He added, "They say, don’t ever meet your heroes, because you’ll be disappointed — well I got to meet my hero and she was AWESOME 😊🥰 🙋🏽‍♂️"As for Luna? She felt the exact same way. She posted her own video of the exciting event on Instagram, writing:"Coolest thing EVER happened yesterday! I got to meet my hero, THE ROCK! It was the best day!!!"Using His Fame for GoodOf course, being The Rock, he couldn't just stop there. He also gifted Luna and her family tickets to Disneyland for the day. A brief and welcome respite before she heads back to the hospital for her second round of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.This isn't the first time that Johnson has stepped up and used his celebrity status for good. And, it very likely won't be his last. The Fast & Furious star describes moments like this as the “best part of fame.”But you don't have to be famous to take a page out of his playbook. Johnson believes we all have the ability to make the world a better place, famous or not. And it starts with being nice."When I was 15yrs old I heard a quote that stuck with me for life – it's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."Dwayne "The Rock" JohnsonHe's definitely living it. More from Goalcast: The Rock Films Custom Selfie for Girl Superfan Who Waited Two Hours to Meet HimThe Rock Admits He Used to Steal Chocolate Every Day – Instead of Catching Him, the 7-Eleven Clerk Turned a Blind EyeDwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson Turns Down People’s Choice Award – What He Does Next Is Unexpected

The Empowering Truth Behind John Cena and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Feud

The Empowering Truth Behind John Cena and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Feud

What is it about professional wrestling that propels its most prominent players towards movie stardom?It may seem fairly unexceptional at the moment, but it wasn’t too long ago that a jump from a rough-and-tumble fighting gig to a feted career in Hollywood made you a laughing stock in both arenas. Some notable examples of this occurrence include Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and John Cena, both of whom essentially invented the blueprint for this type of professional trajectory. Hardcore wrestling aficionados are no strangers to the two’s long-standing rivalry, which has continued in some form or the other for nearly twenty years.The feud, of course, erupted in the ring, where they spent years ostensibly trash-talking each other to drum up excitement and publicity for their showdowns. However, even as Dwayne and John Cena went on to gain respectable footing in the entertainment industry, the feud didn’t appear to subside, and perhaps may have even worsened. John Cena Admits he Was “Stupid” for Badmouthing The Rock’s Acting Career(George Napolitano/FilmMagic)Dwayne had been the first among the two to end his contract with WWE to pursue full-time acting. As such, John Cena took full advantage of his rival’s departure to make jabs about his emerging film career. This particularly rings hypocritical to our modern sensibilities as we now know John Cena shortly followed in The Rock’s footsteps to carve out his own place within Hollywood. However, back in the early 2010s, John had no idea that he would go on to emulate his greatest adversary. John went on a radio interview in 2010 and condemned Dwayne’s decision to abandon wrestling, given how he claimed to love the sport so much. “Explain to me why he can’t come back for an anniversary show, why he can’t make an appearance at WrestleMania. Simply put, it’s because he wants to be an actor,” he said. The proud Massachusettsian accused The Rock of actively prioritizing his movie aspirations over the bustling wrestling scene. They were insinuations that The Rock was slighting his legion of old-school fans by opting for the glamorous riches of Tinsel Town. “Don’t f*** me around and tell me that you love [wrestling] when you’re just doing it to do something else,” said John Cena. Eventually, The Rock returned to the ring as the host of WrestleMania XXVII to face Cena. As one can imagine, John didn’t miss a beat in viciously tearing at his nemesis. “Fashion advice from the Tooth Fairy,” he yelled out during the prolific clash, referring to Dwayne’s 2010 film. In another WrestleMania face-off, John said The Rock’s best stuff is “either pre-recorded or via satellite,” adding that he’s a “vodka-mixer and a Corvette away from a mid-life crisis.” John clearly didn’t hold back. Reflecting on the heated confrontation, John expressed regret at launching such a harsh, pointed attack on The Rock’s flourishing film career. “It was stupid of me. It genuinely was,” he admitted, adding that his brazenness had been a result of his limited perspective. He’d been oblivious to The Rock’s laborious journey in film, so he pounced on low-hanging fruit and decided to blast the WWE superstar. For me to not be able to see Dwayne’s vision on what he wanted to do personally, and how his personal success could affect a growing global brand, that was just ignorant on my part.John Cena to Sports Illustrated He acknowledged that he had had “blinders” on when he lambasted The Rock for not showing up at high-profile WWE events, as if the Jumanji actor was committing an eternal sin by keeping a low profile and fine-tuning his craft. John simply had been so immersed in the idea of the dedicated fighter, someone who lives and breathes wrestling at every instance, that the possibility of a wrestling champion forgoing his so-called duties seemed nothing short of a betrayal. John is Now "Thankful" to The Rock for the Opportunities He's Had in HollywoodHowever, as a fledgling actor himself, John Cena understands the struggle to break away from your principal identity and establish a name for yourself in an entirely dissimilar environment. That’s why he’s changed his stance on Dwayne’s commitment to acting; instead, he has nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for Dwayne. In a way, Dwayne laid the foundation for how pro-wrestlers can shine in other spheres, and so John Cena will remain forever indebted to The Rock for the way he blazed a trail for wrestlers in cinema. Cena said that he wouldn’t have half the opportunities he does today had it not been for Rock’s contribution to cinema. He’s “thankful” to Dwayne, and he is incredibly appreciative of Dwayne’s determination in breaking stereotypes and showing the world that pro-wrestlers can be more than pro-wrestlers, that they have the capacity to create intuitive art that can stir emotions as effectively as the explosive battles in the ring. I’m very thankful to Dwayne Johnson. His success has gotten me a lot of opportunities that I’m extremely thankful for, and certainly wouldn’t have without him [...] I think his biggest accomplishment is to be one of the bricks that break the wall of the stereotype that we have.John Cena to Sports Illustrated The most ironic detail about the wrestling-to-acting transition is that both fields are strikingly similar to one another. The element of theatricality is endemic to WWE, and the level of showmanship is second to none. So it’s no surprise that these retired wrestlers seem to excel in the movie business; they know what it takes to adhere to a script and tap into their innermost emotions to elicit drama. Yet, John Cena should still be commended for putting aside the competitive impulses and showering his contemporary with such high praise. There’s a tremendous amount of self-aggrandizing and animosity associated with WWE, and as planned and ‘artificial’ as the exchanges seem, it’s still quite out of the ordinary to see the fighters get along. It’s not from one side, either; Dwayne has gone on record to share that he considers John Cena one of his “best friends,” adding that they talk all the time and that he’s always rooting for him to win, either it’s in the ring or on the screen. Judgment Only Limits Our Potential It took John Cena an awfully long period of time to realize that he’d been restricting his own potential by vehemently judging The Rock’s motivations. Yes, you could argue that most of their ringside tirades were motivated by WWE publicity tactics, but there is no doubt that John Cena held unfair assumptions about The Rock and his decision to venture into film. Instead of spending our energies on judging and shaming others for how they choose to pursue their life, we should remain open-minded and presume everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to mimic their actions, but as long as you harbor a reasonable level of curiosity, you’ll be able to unlock your full potential and discover truths about your talent and work ethic.

The Rock Admits He Used to Steal Chocolate Every Day - Instead of Catching Him, the 7-Eleven Clerk Turned a Blind Eye
Uplifting News

The Rock Admits He Used to Steal Chocolate Every Day - Instead of Catching Him, the 7-Eleven Clerk Turned a Blind Eye

It’s no secret Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson had a tough childhood. The wrestler and performer grew up in Hawaii, where his family faced hard financial times. But he never forgot the people who helped him out along the way, including the employees of a local convenience store who turned a blind eye when he would steal candy.Last week, Johnson decided it was time to finally pay them back. The Rock Pays a Surprise Visit to 7-ElevenInstagram/@TheRockIn an Instagram post from Nov. 27, Johnson explained he was in Hawaii to “exorcise this damn chocolate demon that’s been gnawing at me for decades.” In the video, he explained how in 1987, after he and his family were evicted, he used to swipe a king-sized Snickers bar every day as his pre-workout fuel before hitting the gym. He was 14 years old at the time.“The same clerk was there every day and always just turned her head and never busted me,” he explained. RELATED: The Rock Records a Video With His Stunt Double – But the Real Reason for Filming Left Him in Tears“I’ve exercised a few big demons over the years. I know this one seems very silly, but every time I come back home to Hawaii and drive by 7-11 I always knew I needed to go in and clean out every Snickers bar they had — the right way.”The performer then walked into the store, much to the surprise of employees and a handful of customers. A cheerful Johnson, cameras in tow, grabbed every single Snickers bar in the place and threw them into a brown paper bag. He then brought the bag to the clerk and asked him to ring them all up.How Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Is Paying It Forward As the flustered clerk tried to ring in all chocolate bars, Johnson explained he wanted to right a past wrong. Then, he paid for the orders of all the other customers in the store, which totaled just under $300.He explained it was the least he could do considering all the stuff he used to steal from the store. “We can’t change the past and some of the dumb stuff we may have done, but every once in a while, we can add a little redeeming grace note to that situation — and maybe put a big smile on some strangers’ faces,” he added.RELATED: The Rock Walks His Cousin Into a House With Her Eyes Closed – What Happens Next Brings Her to TearsThen, because he’s The Rock and he can, he spent time taking selfies with fans and saying hello. More importantly, he also tipped the clerks and left the giant bag of candy bars behind. “Thank you so much. I appreciate you. If somebody looks like they're stealing Snickers, give them these so they don't steal them.”How the Rock Proved It’s Never Too Late to Right a WrongInstagram/@TheRockIf there’s one universal takeaway from this story, it is that it’s never too late to right a past wrong. Sure, Johnson may be able to stop by a store he used to steal from and buy up all the candy, and not everyone could financially do that. Still, there are other ways to give back or apologize for your own “demons” from the past.Maybe it’s looking up someone you were mean to in high school and sending them an apology note on social media. Or perhaps it’s volunteering at the same community center you spent time at as a kid. Or you could make amends for something more recent, like missing a friend’s important event and sending flowers or setting time aside to hang out with a friend or family member who has recently felt a little neglected.The point is everyone makes mistakes, and no one is perfect. But as The Rock is here to remind us all, it’s how we pick ourselves up from that past and march forward that truly matters in life. KEEP READINGDwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Rejects a Teen’s Prom Invite – What Happens Next Shocks Her

How Brendan Fraser Helped Dwayne Johnson Land His First Role - Yes, Nice Guys Can Finish First 

How Brendan Fraser Helped Dwayne Johnson Land His First Role - Yes, Nice Guys Can Finish First 

It's hard to remember a time when Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson wasn't one of the biggest names in Hollywood. He is, after all, a surprisingly versatile performer, able to carry comedies, action films, and even a Disney musical adventure. Younger fans may not even be aware that he was a wrestler in the WWE - despite the fact that he continued wrestling until 2019.RELATED: Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson Turns Down People’s Choice Award – What He Does Next Is UnexpectedThe jump from sports to acting is a difficult one, with many aspiring performers being known for only a handful of campy performances. It's no surprise that Johnson faced an uphill battle performing in his first film role as the Scorpion King in The Mummy Returns. Fellow The Mummy Returns alum Brendan Fraser also faced an uphill battle during this year's comeback performance in Darren Aronofsky's The Whale. Following its release in the film festival circuit, Johnson recalled Fraser's support during a pivotal moment in his acting career and voiced his own well wishes for Fraser in this upcoming awards season.How Dwayne Johnson Became 'The Rock'Dwayne Johnson has been in the public eye long enough that there are generations of his fans who don't remember his career as one of the most successful wrestlers in the WWE. But only die-hard fans will know that Johnson's athletic career actually started with high school football.Before joining Freedom High School's football and wrestling teams, Johnson had a hard time as a teen. Johnson said he was often involved in petty crime and fights during this time. It was a football coach in the eleventh grade who motivated him to turn his life around. He soon became one of the strongest players on both the wrestling and football teams. It wasn't long before NCAA Division 1 college football programs began to take notice.RELATED: Dwayne Johnson's Most Inspiration Quotes about Success for When You Hit Rock BottomThe University of Miami offered Johnson an athletic scholarship, which he accepted, vying to be eventually drafted in the NHL. But it just wasn't meant to be; he spent most of his college football career in the shadow of more prominent players and was overlooked in the 1995 NFL Draft. He did sign with Calgary Stampeders, in the CFL, but was quickly cut from the team.With his football career struggling to take off, Johnson turned to his other talent: wrestling. He had an in - his father, professional wrestler Rocky Johnson. With his father's help he landed a wrestling contract within a year of graduating college. He found great success performing as a charming trash-talker during the WWE's Attitude Era. Throughout his wrestling career, from which he only officially retired in 2019, he was a ten-time world champion.How Brendan Fraser Helped Dwayne Johnson Get His Acting BreakFans of the WWE already knew Johnson was a charismatic performer by the time he acted in 2001's The Mummy Returns as the antagonistic Scorpion King. Many athletes have tried to make the jump from sports to acting, with varying levels of success. As Johnson recounts it, Brendan Fraser's support behind the scenes helped him nab the role.At the time, Fraser was at the height of his career as an actor. He was reprising his most successful role as Rick O'Connell from 1999's The Mummy and, according to Johnson, he held a lot of sway in the making of the sequel.RELATED: Why John Legend and Chrissy Teigen’s Relationship Offers An Incredible Lesson in Trust and Support"The Mummy Returns, that was Brendan's movie. He had to okay it," Johnson told MTV News. "He had no idea. We had never met. We had never even spoken on the phone. And the word that I got from our director Stephen Sommers was, 'Brendan loves this idea and is so happy you're in the movie.""I'd just come from WWE. I had no acting experience except in the WWE. I had never been on a movie set before ever and, all of a sudden, I'm in the middle of the Sahara Desert making The Mummy Returns," Johnson recalled. "And I get that kind of nod of acceptance from the star of the movie, it really meant a lot to me. So many years later, I never forgot it."Johnson's performance in The Mummy Returns led to him starring in the prequel The Scorpion King. His acting career has only gone uphill from there.Dwayne Johnson's Support of Brendan Fraser's ComebackBrendan Fraser in The Whale (2022)Fraser recently recalled that, despite voicing his support for Johnson, the two didn't actually meet during the filming of The Mummy Returns. Johnson only performed in a prologue to the film - the rest of the Scorpion King's appearance in the film was made possible through CGI."The first time I met him was at the reception after The Mummy Returns," Fraser told Variety. We hadn't met in person before then, actually, although we were fighting onscreen. But every time I 'worked with him' he was just a piece of tape on a stick. So it was nice to go, 'Hey, man. How are ya? We finally meet!'RELATED: Andy Samberg Supports Terry Crews, Calls Him a ‘Miracle’ for Speaking Out on Assault and Shows Power of EncouragementSince then, Johnson has become one of Hollywood's most successful and popular actors, while Fraser has struggled in his professional and personal life. But Fraser has been making a tremendous comeback, receiving standing ovations and awards nominations for his starring role in Darren Aronofsky's The Whale. It's given Fraser's career the boost it needed, and given Johnson a chance to pay back his early supporter.Sharing a video of the ten-minute standing ovation Fraser received at the Venice Film Festival, Johnson tweeted, "Man this makes me so happy to see this beautiful ovation for Brendan. He supported me coming into his Mummy Returns franchise for my first ever role, which kicked off my Hollywood career. Rooting for all your success brother and congrats to my bud Darren Aronofsky." Brendan Fraser Proves Being the Nice Guy Pays OffJohnson went a step further in an interview with MTV News for Black Adam, saying, "I want him to go all the way, man. I wanna see him on that Oscar stage, and hold that sucker up, and deliver, I'm sure, what will be an amazing speech."It remains unknown whether or not Fraser will receive an Oscar nod for The Whale, but he seems to have a good chance, having already received other awards and nominations. Fraser has heard Johnson's support, saying that it "was really nice of him," in an interview with Variety.It can be easy to forget that others need our help and support, especially when we're busy with our own careers. Support can come in all forms. To look outside of ourselves and lend a helping hand to someone starting out or attempting to make a leap into a new profession is one of the nicest and most appreciated acts one can do. KEEP READING: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Inspirational Message To His Fans

Why Dwayne “The  Rock” Johnson Was Mocked By This A-List Actress

Why Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Was Mocked By This A-List Actress

Actress Emily Blunt can hold her own when it comes to taking on the usually formidable Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.That was quite apparent when the pair hit the publicity trail to promote their 2021 laugh-filled action-adventure film Jungle Cruise, which was inspired by Walt Disney’s famed theme park attraction of the same name.RELATED: Relationship Goals: John Krasinski and Emily Blunt Show Us Love at First Sight ExistsOne very memorable exchange happened between the two during an on-camera interview that found Blunt and The Rock playfully snipping at each other when they were asked by one journalist if they had to develop any particular skills from scratch for the making of the film. At that point, a smiling Ms. Blunt pointed at the unsuspecting Mr. Johnson and deadpanned, “Acting.”Emily Blunt & The Rock Shared Many Laughs on Jungle CruiseAnd with that, the 260-pound professional wrestler-turned-Hollywood superstar began laughing uncontrollably.Many more jokes and jibes unfurled during their promotional tour, so many in fact that The Rock put a bunch of them together into a reel and posted it on his @therock Instagram page, captioning the montage with the comment, “Here’s the gospel ~ I have never EVER worked with any other costar in my life who makes me laugh harder than this one.”RELATED: The Empowering Truth Behind John Cena and Dwayne Johnson’s FeudEmily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson didn't meet prior to starring in Jungle Cruise together, but clearly they hit it off famously. As evidenced by both their on-screen chemistry and in the charm and comfort they exhibited while publicizing the film, they became fast friends over the course of the film's production.The word was that it took a whole lot of cajoling by The Rock—who also served as one of Jungle Book’s producers—to convince Emily Blunt to co-star opposite him in the movie. For her part, Blunt wasn’t initially interested in the project when plans for its production were being laid out as she was enjoying a short break after filming her well-received movies Mary Poppins Returns and A Quiet Place back-to-back. This, after The Rock left her a slew of messages and videos in an attempt to convince her to sign on for the film!Johnson's persistence, humor and bright attitude went a long way in chipping away at the London-born actress’s seemingly Teflon exterior (boosted by an enthusiastic plea from the film’s director Jaume Collet-Serra). It took a little while, but Blunt finally decided to join the muscle-bound leading man for the colorful cinematic cruise.Emily Blunt Was Initially Reluctant to Embark on Jungle CruiseDwayne Johnson’s success at the international box office speaks for itself, but that face is not all of his big-budget, big-action extravaganzas can be winners—that’s something any cinematic superstar will tell you. And the best laid plans for any large-scale, "can't lose" production can be derailed a host of reasons, be it a controversy, a change in public tastes, a political upheaval or a pandemic.Or, sometimes, it’s as easy as the movie simply not being all that great.RELATED: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Makes a Surprise Appearance at a High School Prom (Sort of)Not that Jungle Cruise was awful, but it didn’t light the critics on fire, scoring a so-so 62% Fresh rating at reviews aggregator Rotten Tomatoes and only a slightly more enthusiastic rating of 6.6 at IMDb. Notably, most of the positive notices make mention of lively on-screen back-and-forth between the two stars, with the UK’s The Times declaring that, “Johnson and Blunt make the most unexpectedly appealing screen couple of the year.”That chemistry was apparently the only combustible element to be found in Jungle Cruise when it was released in the July of 2021, ultimately ringing up a worldwide total of $221 million. With an estimated combined production and promotional cost of $362 million, Jungle Cruise needed to gross approximately $500 million worldwide in order to break-even, meaning that the film lost more than $151 million at the box office.The Fun Continued for Both on the Promotional TourThough it was released at a time when Covid and its variants were stifling people from going to the theaters, one would think that a family-friendly action-adventure vehicle starring The Rock and the always-pleasing Emily Blunt would have elevated the theatrical possibilities and not landed with a thud.Then again, it’s availability on streaming platform Disney+ and subsequent release on Blu-ray and DVD helped to inch it closer to profitability—and to the possibility of Blunt and Johnson returning for a sequel!RELATED: The Rock Walks His Cousin Into a House With Her Eyes Closed – What Happens Next Brings Her to TearsNews of a sequel to Jungle Cruise was officially confirmed only one month after the film’s premiere in theaters and on Disney Plus, with co-producer Hiram Garcia hinting that the second Jungle Cruise would be even more sprawling than its predecessor.“I think one thing fans can expect is our heroes covering more territory. Our first movie mainly went between London and the Amazon, but for this next adventure we have much bigger plans,’ he said.In the meantime, The Rock and director Collet-Serra recently teamed up again for the upcoming DC Comics movie Black Adam starring Johnson, while Ms. Blunt just wrapped the upcoming Amazon Prime The English is currently shooting the crime drama Pain Hustlers. The stars of Jungle Cruise are both busy, indeed, but one imagines they’d up for one more cruise through the jungle, now that they know they can work and play so well together.A Jungle Cruise Sequel for Emily Blunt and The Rock?Whether there’s a sequel of not, it’s simply nice to see a pair of high-profile actors like Johnson and Blunt grow close during a project to the point where a genuine friendship develops, one where they can work with each other, respect each other, and needle each other with affection. (How else to describe her referring to him as "toots" and "cupcake" during the shoot!?)RELATED: What Is Emily Blunt and John Krasinski’s Secret to Staying Fantastic Forever?That audiences and critics most enjoyed the byplay and relationship that developed between Blunt and Johnson, and that they took that feeling with them out on the promotional road tells us a lot about the strength and positivity that comes with a genuine friendship. And that you should never take yourself too seriously, particularly in Hollywood where all eyes are on you. And if you’re keeping it real when the movie that brought you together isn’t considered to be one of the great ones, well, to that we can only say, “Bravo!”KEEP READING: The Rock Records a Video With His Stunt Double – But the Real Reason for Filming Left Him in Tears

The Rock Records a Video With His Stunt Double - But the Real Reason for Filming Left Him in Tears
Uplifting News

The Rock Records a Video With His Stunt Double - But the Real Reason for Filming Left Him in Tears

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson loves to support his family.The Rock lived up to his reputation as the nicest guy when he surprised his loyal stuntman (and cousin) Tanoai Reed with a new custom pickup truck. The way he surprised him, was equally sweet.The Amazing Surprise the Rock Gave to His Stunt DoublePhoto by Kindel MediaThe pair filmed what looked like a regular behind-the-scenes video, but Johnson had an ulterior motive.As you'll see the moment I put my hands on my hips, that's the drivers cue to pull away and reveal the big surprise.Dwayne Johnson on InstagramReed has been The Rock's stuntman since his first starring role in The Scorpion King 16 years ago and his cousin's career has been anything but cushy."Over the course of my career, my stunt double (and cousin) Tanoai Reed has broken multiple bones, severed tendons, torn ligaments & just been an overall dominating badass achieving several 'Stuntman of the Year' honors," he wrote on Instagram.Reed was moved to tears when he saw the truck with a bright red bow on top and wrote that he was #BlessedBeyondBelief when he shared the gift on social media.RELATED: 'The Rock' Surprises Man Who Took Him In When He Was Homeless With A $30K Truck"Not only does Tanoai represent our family and my career with relentless commitment and passion," Johsnon continued. "He also represents an entire Hollywood stunt community that is truly the backbone of our business. Love you uso [brother] and thank you for the blood, sweat, tears, and years."This isn't the first time The Rock has gifted a new vehicle to a family member — having given cars to both his parents and two other cousins. The Rock teaches us all to be a little bit more generous.KEEP READING:The Rock's Daughter Is Following In His Footsteps - But There's One Thing He Never Wants For Herbe generous"Do all the good you can,By all the means you can,In all the ways you can,In all the places you can,At all the times you can,To all the people you can,As long as ever you can."— John Wesley

Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson Turns Down People’s Choice Award - What He Does Next Is Unexpected
Uplifting News

Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson Turns Down People’s Choice Award - What He Does Next Is Unexpected

From legendary wrestler to larger-than-life actor, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is no stranger to success while performing on a large stage. So when he was recently honored at the People’s Choice Awards, the ‘People’s Champ’ was in his element. Surprise presenter Jeff Bezos heaped Johnson with praise. “The thing that really stands out the most? He's kind… You see, kindness is a choice. And what I admire most in Dwayne is his choice to show unwavering kindness to everyone around him,” he said. Yet, moments later, Bezos and the world would find out just how deep Johnson’s kindness went.How Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson Shocked the Audience at an Awards ShowPhoto by Mirko Fabian on UnsplashDuring his acceptance speech, Johnson reflected on meeting boxing legend Mohammed Ali, the original ‘People’s Champ.'Johnson also spoke about how important his work for the Make-A-Wish Foundation is to him, calling it a ‘privilege and an honor.'RELATED: 'The Rock' Surprises Man Who Took Him In When He Was Homeless With A $30K TruckWith its mission statement to “Create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses,” the foundation states that more than moments, they wish to give kids courage and their parents hope.It turns out that one of those kids, a survivor, was in the crowd, and she was about to get the shock of a lifetime. "There’s somebody here tonight from Make-A-Wish," said Johnson. "Being here tonight with you guys, that was her wish."Her name is Shushanna and, to a standing ovation, the Rock invited her on stage. "I met her earlier. I told her how inspired I was by her story. She is a survivor," he said. She has fought literally for her life. She has inspired her family, her friends, now you guys here, now the world that is watching.Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson “I want to tell you how much you’ve inspired me and everyone around you, and I want to give you this,” said Johnson, as he handed his award to Shushanna.How Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson Showed Real Impact Is Measured in KindnessA shocked Shushanna must have thought she was in a dream. "This is crazy. Thank you so much to you and to Make-a-Wish in general, I never expected something this crazy could happen," she said. You can bet that this was one moment that neither her nor her parents will soon forget. To close out that magical moment, Johnson left the crowd with one of his favorite quotes. "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice," he said.RELATED: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Helps Morbidly Obese Woman Lose 115 Pounds Without Ever Having Met HerIt's easy to assume by his wealth and fame that the Rock is all about image and status. Yet, by saluting a brave girl who beat the odds, he showed that real success lies in creating happiness.Lucky for us all, you don't need millions to lavish others with kindness, just a little motivation. KEEP READING:Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Rejects a Teen's Prom Invite - What Happens Next Shocks Hermake people happy"Service to others is the rent you pay for the room you have here on Earth." - Mohammed Ali

15-Year-Old Dwayne Johnson Saved His Mom From Taking Her Own Life - And It's A Moment He Will Never Forget
Uplifting News

15-Year-Old Dwayne Johnson Saved His Mom From Taking Her Own Life - And It's A Moment He Will Never Forget

Millions of people are affected by mental illness each year. In the U.S., 21% of adults experienced mental illness in 2020, including conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. That means even if you haven’t experienced mental health struggles yourself, you probably know someone who has.That’s why Dwayne Johnson, a.k.a. The Rock, has made a point of speaking out about mental health in recent years, including this very personal story that proves no matter how successful or well-off you are, mental illness doesn’t discriminate.How Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Saved His Mother's LifeHOLLYWOOD, CA - DECEMBER 13: Dwayne Johnson and his mom, Ata Johnson attend the ceremony honoring Dwayne Johnson with a Star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame held on December 13, 2017 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Michael Tran/FilmMagic)In an Instagram post from February 2018, The Rock shared a still from his HBO series Ballers. In it, he is dressed in character and standing at his fictional brother’s grave with a beer in his hand in honor of his sibling’s memory. William (played by Donovan Carter) had died by suicide and it was a deeply personal moment for Johnson.“Got me thinkin’ though bout how many of us have been affected by suicide of our friends, family. Struggle and pain is real. We’ve all been there on some level or another,” the notorious family man wrote in the caption.RELATED: 'The Rock' Surprises Man Who Took Him In When He Was Homeless With A $30K Truck“My mom tried to check out when I was 15. She had a glazed look over her eyes that I had never seen before and she walks right into the middle of I-65, and continues to walk down into oncoming traffic. Big rigs and cars swerving outta the way not to hit her. I grabbed her and pulled her back on the gravel shoulder of the road,” he continued.Johnson revealed to this day his mother, Ata Johnson, has no recollection of that moment and it’s probably best that she doesn’t.Why The Rock Believes Speaking Up About Mental Health Is IntegralThe Rock has also opened up about his own struggles with mental health in the past, which fans have always related to and appreciated. For Johnson, it’s important to speak up when you need help and to remember you’re not alone.“We all go thru the sludge/shit and depression never discriminates,” he wrote on Twitter in 2018. “Took me a long time to realize it but the key is to not be afraid to open up. Especially us dudes have a tendency to keep it in. You’re not alone.”RELATED: The Rock's Daughter Is Following In His Footsteps - But There's One Thing He Never Wants For HerIn the post about his mother, Johnson also reminded fans about the importance of paying attention to loved ones, practicing active listening, and not brushing someone’s feelings or hurt away.“Help ‘em thru it, get ‘em talkin’ about the struggle and remind ‘em that they’re not alone. We got lucky that day when I was 15 and that ain’t always the case,” he concluded.We always gotta do our best to really pay attention when people are in pain.Dwayne JohnsonHow The Rock Proved That Mental Health MattersSANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA - DECEMBER 07: Dwayne Johnson is honored with the People's Champion Award during the 2021 People's Choice Awards at Barker Hangar on December 07, 2021 in Santa Monica, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for DJ)It can be hard to know whether a loved one is struggling with their mental health if they’re not ready to talk about it, but there are some common mental illness signs you can look for. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health those include:Excessive worrying or fearFeeling excessively sad or lowConfused thinking or problems concentrating and learningExtreme mood changes, including uncontrollable “highs” or feelings of euphoriaProlonged or strong feelings of irritability or angerAvoiding friends and social activitiesDifficulties understanding or relating to other peopleChanges in sleeping habits or feeling tired and low energyChanges in eating habits such as increased hunger or lack of appetiteChanges in sex driveDifficulty perceiving reality (delusions or hallucinations, in which a person experiences and senses things that don't exist in objective reality)Inability to perceive changes in one’s own feelings, behavior or personality (”lack of insight” or anosognosia)Overuse of substances like alcohol or drugsMultiple physical ailments without obvious causes (such as headaches, stomach aches, vague and ongoing “aches and pains”)Thinking about suicideInability to carry out daily activities or handle daily problems and stressAn intense fear of weight gain or concern with appearanceIf you do believe a loved one needs help, don’t be afraid to reach out. Learn all you can about mental health, look for local resources, or if you or someone you know needs immediate help, call 911.It’s also important to speak openly about your experiences if you’re able to. The Rock proved we’re all in this together, and the more we talk about mental health the more we can help to destigmatize it.KEEP READING:Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Rejects a Teen's Prom Invite - What Happens Next Shocks Hermental health matters"Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they're never weakness." — Brené Brown

The Rock Walks His Cousin Into a House With Her Eyes Closed - What Happens Next Brings Her to Tears
Uplifting News

The Rock Walks His Cousin Into a House With Her Eyes Closed - What Happens Next Brings Her to Tears

It’s no secret that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has had a lot of success in life and now he loves being able to give back — especially to his family members. In the past, he’s bought his mother, Ata Johnson, several houses, including one earlier this month that he filled with ancestral Samoan artifacts and lost family photos. But his fans were extra teary-eyed following his latest lavish gift, which he bestowed upon his cousin.The Generous Surprise Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Gave His CousinPhoto by Obed Hernández on UnsplashThe Rock and his cousin Sarona Snuka have a lot in common. Like her former WWE superstar cousin, Snuka is a WWE fighter named Tamina who has also made a name for herself in the sport. This strong woman and Johnson grew up together and over the years, they developed a solid bond. But even she was taken aback by her cousin’s latest act of generosity.In a video posted to Instagram on June 16, Johnson shared his cousin’s teary reaction after he surprised her with a brand new house. “Hard to explain these emotions for all of us as I led @saronasnukawwe through her new door,” he wrote. “This one felt good.”RELATED: Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Makes a Surprise Appearance at a High School Prom (Sort of)In the video, Johnson walks his younger cousin through the front door with his hands over her eyes. “We love you so much cuz, we’re so proud of you. Welcome to your new home,” he says. In response, the 44-year-old covers her mouth, and the tears start pouring down her face.According to Johnson, he wanted to help his younger family member out after seeing the inspiring way she’s pushed through life. “This girl’s gone through some tough times, but regardless of what life’s thrown her way she was always determined to break the cycle and become a strong and inspiring single mom [and] example to her two greatest inspirations — her daughters, Milaneta and Maleata,” he wrote.Why Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Bought His Cousin a HouseIt’s hard to watch the video and not get choked up at Snuka’s genuine and surprised reaction. Seeing it, it’s clear how much this gift means to her and what it will mean for her family going forward. According to The Rock, it’s still not enough.“She deserves a lot more,” he retweeted a WWE analyst who shared the video online. “Been a single mom, raising two kids all while living the hard life as a pro wrestler — on the road, wrestling nightly for YEARS.”She deserves a lot more... I wanted to bring a little stability in my cousin’s life for her and her kids.The RockMothers everywhere who are trying to balance their own dreams while raising kids and dealing with life curveballs can probably relate, as can the 1.6 million people who have since liked The Rock’s original post and commented on how inspiring Snuka’s story is.RELATED: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Rejects a Teen's Prom Invite - What Happens Next Shocks Her“It’s so damn hard to make it as a pro wrestler,” The Rock continued in that caption. “And it’s even way harder to make it if you’re a woman. Sarona (like many amazing women in pro wrestling) made her mind up long ago that she was gonna walk the walk and earn her respect in pro wrestling and make sure that the hard times she’s experienced were always her REASON to WORK HARDER and never let it become the EXCUSE to GIVE UP.”Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Proves the Importance of Appreciating PeoplePhoto by John Fornander on UnsplashSome may question why Johnson continues to share these types of posts every time he gives a gift or spreads kindness. Many would argue he does it to inspire others to give back. Not only does it feel good to help someone in need when you yourself have the resources to do so, but it’s also nice to think that if you were ever down someone would be there for you, too.RELATED: 'The Rock' Surprises Man Who Took Him In When He Was Homeless With A $30K TruckOf course, not all of us are as fortunate as The Rock, and sometimes it can be a struggle to balance our own finances. However, you don’t need to buy someone a house in order to show your love and gratitude. Simple flowers, a thoughtful drop-by, baked goods or any other small token can always help to turn someone’s day around when they’re going through a tough time.Even more importantly, simple acts of kindness can make us feel seen. And as anyone who is ever struggling knows all too well, sometimes feeling like you’re not alone is what can make a giant difference in your small corner of the world.More Uplifting News from Goalcast:‘The Rock’ Surprises Veteran Who Puts Everyone Else First By Giving Him His Own TruckDwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Helps Morbidly Obese Woman Lose 115 Pounds Without Ever Having Met HerDejected Teen NBA Prospect Can’t Find Prom Outfit – So Shaq Does Something AmazingWhen Shaq Discovered A Teen Boy’s Mom Couldn’t Afford Extra-Large Shoes, He Did Thisshow your appreciation“Not only do I think being nice and kind is easy, but being kind, in my opinion is important.” – Dwayne Johnson