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everyday heroes

Man sitting in a wheelchair and a man crying, with text overlay "Dead serious man..."
Uplifting News

Desperate Man Needs to Pay Rent - Decides to Give His Money to a Stranger Instead

When an influencer approached a man on the street asking for money one day, he thought he would help him out with a generous gift. What he didn’t count on was an uplifting message to the rest of the world.

Boy Defends Blind Classmate From Bullies - Instead of Applauding Him, He Is Nearly Suspended
Everyday Heroes

Boy Defends Blind Classmate From Bullies - Instead of Applauding Him, He Is Nearly Suspended

Cody Pine, a student who defended a visually impaired boy against a bully, faced potential backlash from his school for stepping in, which prompted an outpouring of support worldwide.Shocking Sight It was lunchtime at Huntington Beach High School when footage captured a visually impaired child being bullied and assaulted by another student. Fellow classmate Grant Morels gave KCAL9 saw it all unfold. "I saw like a half-circle around a group of kids and I wanted to see what was up. I see this kid like getting wailed on by another kid."- Grant Morels, Huntington Beach High School studentA Jarring SaveSuddenly, Grant's step-brother Cody swooped in and knocked the bully down with a single punch. He then hovered above him asking why he was 'jumping a blind kid.'Shortly afterwards, police arrived and arrested the bully for misdemeanour battery and released him to his parents. Meanwhile, the student who intervened was free to go, but wasn't off the hook. Despite the footage and witnesses, the school said it would still investigate Cody's actions, citing their 'zero-tolerance' policy on violence. “The school is now responding to this isolated incident by interviewing students and witnesses to determine exactly what happened," the district said in its statement.A Hero's WelcomeThe incident sparked an online petition that has gathered nearly 80,000 responses. The petition stated that "while violence is never the best option what Cody did to defend his friend and classmate was justified."Commenters flooded the site with words of support.Said one: "The hero did the right thing. Don't punish a kid for doing the right thing!!!!""Great job! Our future is in good hands because of young men such as yourself."- Jeff Smith, petitioner"The day you punish people who protect the helpless is the day you've lost humanity. Don't be STUPID!" protested another. Celebrate HeroesHuntington Beach student Maya Jensen applauded Cody's courage. "A lot of people are calling him a hero and I would as well for stepping in when no one else did and decide to just film it instead."- Maya Jensen, Huntington Beach High School studentIt's often hard to do the right thing, especially when everyone else is standing by. Courage comes with risks of harm or even job loss. However, Cody decided that the biggest risk was standing by as a helpless friend was being abused. And while violence should never be celebrated, his acting to do what's right should. More from Goalcast:Bullied Boy Loses Hope After a Priceless Gift From His Grandmother Is Stolen – But His Best Friends Feel OtherwiseBullies Target 7-Year-Old in Horrific Hate Crime – Little Did They Know 20 Bikers Would Show Up at Their SchoolMiddle School Student Sees Classmate Getting Bullied For Having Old Shoes — Uses Allowance to Buy Him New Pair

Thief Tries to Steal Womans Purse in Broad Daylight - But He Didnt Expect Her 9-Year-Old Daughter to Step in and Fight Him
Uplifting News

Thief Tries to Steal Womans Purse in Broad Daylight - But He Didnt Expect Her 9-Year-Old Daughter to Step in and Fight Him

In a Florida town, a brave 9-year-old girl has become a true hero, leaving us all in awe of her fearless and protective spirit. Journee Nelson's act of courage unfolded outside a supermarket, where she fearlessly fought off a robber and chased him away.How a 9-Year-Old Reacted to a Thief Who Tried to Steal Her Mother’s PursePhoto by Kindel MediaIt was just an ordinary day for Journee and her mom, Danielle Mobley, as they finished their grocery shopping at Sabor Tropical Supermarket. As they headed to their car, an unexpected danger lurked nearby. Surveillance footage captured the heart-pounding moment — a man in a gray hoodie, later identified as Demetrius Jackson, 29, lunged towards Danielle, attempting to steal her purse.In the blink of an eye, Journee sprang into action. Without a second thought, she jumped out of the car and confronted the robber head-on. The courageous young girl landed punch after punch, taking the assailant by surprise. Bystanders rushed to their aid, helping them fend off the attacker.Although the thief managed to escape with Danielle's purse, Journee's quick thinking and bravery didn't go in vain. Thanks to her heroic efforts and the assistance of the police, Demetrius was apprehended just two days later and charged with robbery and battery.Journee's valiant actions did not go unnoticed. The West Palm Beach Police Foundation recognized her courage with a well-deserved medal, certificate, and Target gift card. A touching ceremony celebrated her bravery, and she was commended for her unwavering determination to protect her mom.How One Little Girl Proved That Not All Heroes Wear CapesWhile Journee's actions have inspired admiration and praise, the incident left emotional scars on both her and her mother. Despite the challenging experience, they find solace in knowing that justice has been served."I'm very proud of her. That was her initial reaction," Danielle shared, expressing the pride she felt in her daughter's bravery.Looking ahead, Journee stands at a crossroads, torn between dreams of becoming a police officer or a teacher. Whichever path she chooses, her innate protective nature and boldness will undoubtedly shine through, leaving a positive impact on those around her.Journee's story serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and courage that resides within us all, no matter our age. In moments of adversity, it's our response that defines us — the choice to stand up against injustice and protect those we love. As we cheer for this young hero, let us also reflect on the courage we can summon in our own lives, finding inspiration in Journee's unwavering spirit.In a world that can sometimes be unpredictable and challenging, may we all be moved by Journee's example, ready to face whatever comes our way with bravery and love. And just like this fearless 9-year-old, may we discover that within our hearts lies the potential to be heroes in our own unique ways.More from Goalcast:Bike-Riding Domino’s Delivery Guy Helps Cops Catch Thief — Still Manages to Deliver Pizza On TimeMom of Four Has Her Wallet Stolen by a Thief at the Grocery Store—She Confronts the Thief by Herself and Shocks Him With Her Bold Words

Pregnant Woman With 2 Jobs Makes Only $300 Each Week - Then a Stranger Gives Her Some News That Makes Her Sob

Pregnant Woman With 2 Jobs Makes Only $300 Each Week - Then a Stranger Gives Her Some News That Makes Her Sob

One amazing boss's generous gesture for a working mom is both inspiring and instructive. Tami Forbes is a store manager at Key West Key Lime Pie Company. Despite having many responsibilities, she was only making $300/week.With eight-year-old twins and a baby on the way, Forbes was bartending on weekends to make ends meet. Sadly, her situation is all too common. According to a Forbes article, the United States is dead last in paid maternity leave. Women who take 12 weeks are paid for less than eight weeks.A Show of SupportPhoto by PixabayOn CNBC TV show The Profit, host and self-made millionaire Marcus Lemonis invests his own money into businesses that are failing. One episode took him to none other than the Key West Lime Pie Company.When the cameras turned to Forbes, she shared the struggles and frustrations of being a working mom. "That first month of your child's life is so important to have not only with your child but with your spouse or co-parent," she said. "That idea that your family comes first should be more of a mindset in corporations and in small businesses and that's something that I feel has been lost."Moved by her story, Lemonis met Forbes to share some news. Pointing to her belly, he said, "This is more important than any pie you have to make." He then announced that he was giving her 6 months of pay along with a promotion. Forbes would return from leave running the location and earning $1,000/week, ending her bartending days. Lemonis then shared a hug with a teary -- and relieved -- Forbes. "I'm going to give you a cheque and it should help you just be able to rest and take care of your baby."- Marcus Lemonis Working Moms MatterAccording to CNBC, 9.8 million working moms in the United States are suffering from burnout. It's a cycle that starts when they leave the delivery room, where they have insufficient pay or time to spend with their family. In this day and age, that's tragic. While Lemonis's actions were admirable, hopefully in the future it will be universal. Ultimately, a worry-free mom makes for a happy household and motivated employee. Now that's a win-win.There's already proof that investing in people is a winning business model. Beyond that, supporting families and the women who nurture them is also a winning human model. We should all learn from Lemonis and support our working moms. After all, they're raising our future. More from Goalcast:Pregnant Woman Is Unable to Take Maternity Leave – Then, Her Manager Tells Her a Lie to Bring Her Into WorkPregnant Woman Delivers Baby in Chipotle Parking Lot – And the Restaurant’s Response Wasn’t What She Expected

Millionaire Sees 12-Year-Old Boy Studying Under Street Light - Is So Moved He Builds Him a Home
Everyday Heroes

Millionaire Sees 12-Year-Old Boy Studying Under Street Light - Is So Moved He Builds Him a Home

Education is an opportunity many of us may take for granted. Whether it is because we grew up in homes that “expected” us to pursue education, or it’s because we live in societies where there is greater access to education, many of us are guilty of overlooking just how grateful we really should be.Street SmartPhoto by Francesco UngaroWell, there is one young boy, Victor Angulo, who did not take his education for granted. In fact, at the young age of 12 years old, Victor was discovered night after night studying underneath a streetlamp.You see, Victor’s family did not have electricity at their home in Moche, Peru, so every night Victor ventured to the streets of Moche to read and complete his homework underneath the outdoor street light.Someone recorded a video of Victor studying at night, and it went viral, for good reason. It is heartbreaking and the image is unforgettable. But, while the photo of a 12-year-old boy laying out on the sidewalk alone completing his studies under a streetlamp at night is a difficult image for the heart to handle, it also prompted one good samaritan into action.From Business Man to BenefactorYaqoob Mubarak, a millionaire and businessman from Bahrain, took matters into his own hands. The issue was clear: Victor’s family needed help. Mubarak decided to venture to Moche himself, and build Victor and his family a new home. Furthermore, he decided to give the family money so that they could start a business."Thank you for the help you are offering, thank you very much because you are helping us to build our school (...) to continue studying."Victor AnguloAnd they say angels don’t exist.The beautiful thing about both Victor Angulo’s actions and Yaqoob Mubarak’s is that they both took matters into their own hands. Victor did not have electricity at home but was determined to obtain an education, and so he went to far lengths to study. Yaqoob Mubarak identified a need and recognized that he could provide the solution, and so he did. Both Victor and Yaqoob did what had to be done, and that is always an admirable trait.Taking Matters Into Our Own HandsWhen we go to far lengths, whether it be for ourselves or for others, we expend energy. As human beings we only have so much energy to expend in a day. However, we allocate this internal resource towards what we believe requires our immediate attention.Victor believed it was worth it to spend his nights studying under a streetlight and Yaqoob believed it was worth it to build him a house so he could do so in privacy, with dignity, and within the comfort of his own home. Both believed in the value of pursuing an education, which at the end of the day truly leaves you to wonder -- what is the real value of an education?Upon closer reflection one may come to realize that the opportunities that come with an education are exponential.The amassing of knowledge and life skills are essential for providing equal opportunities, so that no other young boy like Victor Angulo at 12 years old, has to lay on the sidewalk under a streetlamp so that he can complete his education.More from Goalcast:Homeless Man Bursts Into Tears After Finding Out Strangers Raised Over $15,000 For Him to Buy a HouseAfter Sleeping on Garage Floor, Homeless Boy Sobs When He Learns His Family Finally Has a HouseMom and Her 4 Kids Were Stuck in an Abusive Situation – So She Built Her Own House Using YouTube to EscapeGive back to those who need itWhether it's saving someone at sea or giving up your plane seat, kindness makes a lasting impact.

Restaurant Receives One-Star Review Due to Homeless Man in Front - Instead of Making Him Leave, Owner Defends Him
Uplifting News

Restaurant Receives One-Star Review Due to Homeless Man in Front - Instead of Making Him Leave, Owner Defends Him

Small businesses can live and die by online reviews. So when Nomad Donuts in San Diego was on the receiving end of a one-star Google review due to the houseless man living out front of the shop, its owner could have forced its neighbor out. Instead, the owner responded with compassion, and his response probably earned him a lot more business.Why a Customer Was Upset About a Homeless ManIn the subreddit r/MurderedByWords, user beerbellybegone shared a powerful and thought-provoking exchange from the review section of a San Diego business called Nomad Donuts. In the one-star review, the customer wrote: "A homeless guy has *lived* (morning noon and night) against the front entrance for about a year. Really makes me feel great about spending $5 on a jelly donut."Man Who Lives Outside Shop an AssetOwner Brad Keiller had a couple of options here. He could ignore the negative comment, listen to it and kick the homeless man out, or respond. He chose the latter, and had a lot to say about the homeless man that lives outside his shop."Thanks for coming into the shop," Keiller wrote, as reported by Upworthy. "We've appreciated your support over the years, even at the original one on 30th St! I'm sorry that Ray ruined your experience on your last visit. Know that he would like you to continue buying $4 donuts from Nomad every day and doesn't want you to feel guilty about it."Keiller continued to explain that Ray isn't just an unwelcome guest, but an asset to the store."Our 'new' location on University has a lot more homeless people than the original on 30th St and it had really been an issue until Ray started hanging out outside the shop," Keiller wrote. "He keeps the problematic ones away. Yes we've had many of those on meth, heroin, and such that I've had to almost forcibly remove from the shop but Ray keeps them away."The Owner Said He Likes HimKeiller also revealed that not only does he tolerate Ray, he likes him."Ray is a former computer programmer with some physical and psychological challenges but he is very intelligent and respectful. I speak with him almost every day. I like him. He is part of our community. The outside of the building provides him shelter from the sun, rain, and the building slabs give warmth at night."Keiller concludes by saying that he has no plans to remove Ray, and if he loses business because of him then so be it."I understand how you feel, it's not easy to look at. I know I probably lose some business, probably yours too, because of my choice not to chase him away but I won't. He's not looking for handouts and he tried not to other anyone.""If you stop and talk with him maybe you'll come to like him too."Brad KeillerIn the comments, Keiller was praised for his response."The business owner is clearly socially conscious. That’s great and I’d support that. But it seems to me that the hero of the piece is actually Ray. He needs more love than the business," one user wrote."Every inch of respect for this post is deserved. Ray's a human, with a story, same as everyone," said another.Show Compassion for All Our NeighborsWhile some customers might feel uncomfortable seeing homeless people outside a shop, you know what, the houseless person is probably uncomfortable, too. They are humans with feelings, a past and a future, who have likely been through more than we could possibly imagine.Most of us could never stomach what a houseless person has to go through on a daily basis. The least we can do is show them respect and compassion within a system that ultimately leaves people with physical and psychological problems like Ray at the fringes. Keiller certainly deserves praise, but more than that, his response is a reminder that more needs to be done as a society to help our houseless neighbors.More from Goalcast:Woman Buys Homeless Man Coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts — He Then Hands Her a Shocking NoteMom and Her 2 Kids Are Trapped in an Apartment Fire – One Local Homeless Man Tells Them All to Drop Out of the Window

Man Lures 5-Year-Old With Ice-Cream and Kidnaps Her - But 2 Teens on Bikes Take Matters Into Their Own Hands
Uplifting News

Man Lures 5-Year-Old With Ice-Cream and Kidnaps Her - But 2 Teens on Bikes Take Matters Into Their Own Hands

A strong community can do far more than a single person can. Sometimes, you need someone to watch your back. In Lancaster, Pennsylvania, two teenage boys went above and beyond to protect their community.How Two Teens Used Their Quick-Thinking to Save a Little GirlPhoto by Erik Mclean5-year-old Jocelyn Rojas was playing in her front yard one early afternoon, as she always does. When her guardians went inside, things took a turn for the worst. She was lured into the car of a stranger. Jocelyn couldn’t be found. Her family called the police and issued a search. Jocelyn’s neighbours searched alongside the police for two hours. Just as an Amber Alert was about to be filed, 15-year-old Temar Boggs and his friend Chris came back to save the day. They returned Jocelyn safely to her family -- on their bikes!When the search started, the two teens jumped on their bikes and began to scour the neighbourhood. After a while, they spotted something out of place. “I saw this suspicious car and I looked into the passenger seat, it was a little girl.” They slowly followed the car to try and confirm the identity of the child. When they could see it was Jocelyn, the boys went into a full sprint chasing the car.The driver wasn’t easy to catch, especially on a bike. “Every time we’d go down the street, he’d turn back around, and then … we’ll follow him,” Temar said. They chased the kidnapper for 15 minutes. The driver seemed to realize he was being followed and decided to give the girl up. “He stopped at the end of the hill and let her out,” Temar said, “She stood there for a little and then she ran to me and said that she needed her mommy.” The boys comforted Jocelyn and ensured she was safe. Minutes later, they returned the girl back to her family.How Community Played a Role in Bringing a Little Girl Home When they returned, the whole community took turns giving the two teens flowers and praise. “At first she didn’t want to leave my arms,” Temar said, “She was scared until I told her, ‘They’re going to take you to your mom.’” Temar and Chris showed an unbelievable amount of courage that afternoon by putting themselves in harm’s way to protect their community. Luckily, no one was hurt and Jocelyn was back with her caregivers. “He’s our hero. There is just no words to say,” Jocelyn’s grandmother Tracey Clay said. Jocelyn’s mother also showed her gratitude to the boys that saved her daughter. “It’s amazing that teenagers took it upon themselves and put their lives in danger to make sure my child was okay,” She said.The Lancaster community came together to save Jocelyn. All of her relatives and neighbours played a role in bringing the child home safely and didn’t rest until it was done. Without a strong community, a triumph like this could never happen.

Mom and Her 2 Kids Are Trapped in an Apartment Fire - One Local Homeless Man Tells Them All to Drop Out of the Window
Uplifting News

Mom and Her 2 Kids Are Trapped in an Apartment Fire - One Local Homeless Man Tells Them All to Drop Out of the Window

Sometimes heroes are the people we least expect. In Phoenix, Arizona, a local homeless man helped save an entire family from an out of control fire. How One Homeless Man Helped a Family Trapped in a FirePhoto by MART PRODUCTIONJust after 4 in the morning on May 18, Claudia Jimenez and her two children were fast asleep while a blazing fire was consuming their apartment building. “I went to the front door and opened it and the flames were already covering my front door. The whole stairs were on fire already,” Jimenez told a local news outlet. "Neighbors started to bang on doors, trying to wake everyone up and get everyone out."Jimenez and her two children were trapped in their second-floor unit, unable to use the main stairwell or even leave through their front door without walking directly into the blaze. Seemingly out of options, Jimenez ran to the back bedroom, opened the window, and began screaming out for help. “I started yelling, yelling, ‘Please someone help me! There’s a fire! I can’t get out! I need someone to help me,'" she recounted. Thats when Joe Hollins bravely became a hero. "I’m gonna help you," Hollins responded. Hollins had been homeless in the area for some time, and was sleeping nearby the apartment building when he saw it go up in flames. Once he heard Claudia's voice, he rushed closer to her unit, and thought quickly on his feet. He told Jimenez to drop her kids and two dogs out the window, and assured her that he would catch them. Originally, he even tried to scale the building, revealing, “I actually tried to climb up the side of window and grab ‘em as far as I could.""Then I said, ‘I got you, don’t worry.’” How a Homeless Man Proved Not All Heroes Wear CapesJimenez, her 1-year-old daughter Valerie, and 8-year-old daughter Natalie were all able to safely exit the burning building without serious injuries, thanks to Hollins. He even caught the families two dogs as well. “I really have no words. I will forever be thankful to him. To me, he was an angel. He was there when I needed, I looked around, he was only one around. Because of him we are alive and my daughters are safe,” Jimenez said.When asked if he felt like a hero by a news crew on the scene, Hollins had a humble response. “Anybody would do it,” he said, adding he did what he had to do and was in the right place at the right time. He also said he was happy to help. This type of nobility is rare, and marks a true hero. Now, others are stepping up in a different way. Though they survived the fire, the Jimenez family lost their home and possessions, and a fundraising campaign has been set up to help them get back on their feet. Remarkably, the campaign has exceeded its $10,000 goal, with support pouring in from all over. The story has struck a chord with all who come across it, and shines a powerful light on the heroic act of Hollins -- though he doesn't ask for any shine.

Homeless Man Sees a Stroller Rolling Into Oncoming Traffic  His Quick Thinking Prevents a Tragedy
Everyday Heroes

Homeless Man Sees a Stroller Rolling Into Oncoming Traffic His Quick Thinking Prevents a Tragedy

Not everyone is able to jump into action when they see a bad situation unfold. Fortunately, Ron Nessman isn’t one of those people. His quick thinking may have saved a baby’s life recently when a stroller started rolling straight into traffic.A Potential AccidentIt all started outside of a car wash station in California, where a woman was unloading her car. Suddenly, her stroller started rolling backward toward the road, where cars were zipping by. The woman’s great-nephew was inside that stroller, and as she went to catch him, the woman fell repeatedly.In security footage that was shared with ABC News, you can see the woman trying to get up as the pram inches closer and closer to traffic. Suddenly, right before the stroller reaches the side of the road, a man appears on the screen and stops it.“She sees the child going into the street and that's all she sees,” Nessman later recalled to CBS News. “She can't do nothing. I seen her and I felt so bad for the lady,” he continued. “I got nephews and nieces and I couldn't imagine something like that.”An Unlikely Hero(ABC)“It was sudden, and I didn't want to do anything,” he recalled to the outlet.The man was there that day, however, for a job interview at Applebee’s. He’d finished the interview and taken his sister to the car wash when he saw the runaway stroller. “The wind was blowing so hard, by the time I got to it, it was at the top of that driveway," Nessman told ABC News.In another interview with KTLA, he explained how the woman was in shock following the incident. “Her knees were bleeding, she was traumatized from falling and from the baby going into traffic,” Nessman said. “I can only imagine what was going on in her head. It was heart-wrenching.”Nessman believes he may have been there that day for a reason, though, and he’s taking the incident as a sign. “If you want something different, you're going to do something different, and today, I want something different out of life,” he explained to ABC News.Everyday Heroes(ABC)Nessman’s story is a simple reminder to all of us that it only takes one small act to be somebody else’s hero. Sure, this was a life-saving act and one that the baby’s family will forever be grateful for. But there are all kinds of other small acts that can make a big difference as well.Checking in on loved ones often goes a long way, especially when they’re feeling down or you haven’t heard from them in a while. Randomly doing something kind for someone in your life just because you want to is also a heroic thing to do. After all, no one ever really knows what someone else is going through.And if you are out in public and see someone struggling, just lend a hand. Opening that door, offering to take a photo of a mom struggling to snap a selfie, or giving up your seat to someone else on public transit are all small acts that pack a punch.At the end of the day, you never know just how much someone else may need your kindness… or how much you may need theirs in return tomorrow.

Pastor Has a Casual Conversation With His Pharmacist - Then She Makes Him an Offer He Cant Refuse
Uplifting News

Pastor Has a Casual Conversation With His Pharmacist - Then She Makes Him an Offer He Cant Refuse

We’ve all been guilty of using hyperbole in our relationships before. We promise our loved one we would take a bullet for them or give them a kidney without question.However, when push comes to shove, many of us would never risk our own lives to help someone else. Especially someone we are not related to.Only the very kindest, most generous souls would ever give a stranger a kidney. Luckily for one pastor from North Carolina, there are some generous souls out there willing to help. How a Pastor Formed an Unlikely Bond With His PharmacistPhoto by Alexandros ChatzidimosDonnie Pickeral is a pastor at Aycock Fellowship Ministries in North Carolina. Now middle aged, Donnie has been battling kidney disease since he was only 19 years old. Back then, he was told that he wouldn’t live to see his hair grow gray -- his kidneys would fail long before then. Donnie, though, has never been one to take bad news lying down. He decided to take his health into his own hands and do whatever he could to extend his life. He made enormous lifestyle and diet changes, all while keeping up with his rigorous medication regimen.Needless to say, Donnie became fast friends with the pharmacists who served him given how much he had to go pick up medication. One day, he went into Kathleen Kirkland’s CVS and was blown away by the customer care he received there. He immediately switched pharmacies. Donnie started going to Kathleen’s pharmacy in 2017, but in 2019 his kidney function had dropped to under 10% and things were not looking good for the pastor. For the first time in a long time, Donnie began to fear that the end was near.In casual conversation, Donnie mentioned to Kathleen that he was on a transplant list, but that things were not looking very good. Kathleen immediately offered to give him her kidney. "She said, 'I want to give you my kidney.' Tears came to my eyes cause I wasn't expecting her to say that. We talked a bit more and found out we’re the same blood type. We did a fist bump and she started doing her tests and she was a perfect match for me. I felt in my heart when I walked out of that store that the Lord was saying to me she was the one. No one else was even testing. She was the one,” Donnie said."I feel like God puts people in your path for a reason and I feel like Donnie came to my pharmacy for me to help him," Kathleen added.How One Pharmacist Proved the Importance of SelflessnessKathleen never had any doubt that she was doing the right thing by donating her precious kidney. Not only for herself and for Donnie, but for the world. "I knew he had so much more left to give the world. I was happy to be able to help him do that," she said.The operation was successful and both Kathleen and Donnie were thrilled about the results -- and about the unbreakable bond they had created.Donnie now considers Kathleen his family. He will never forget what she did for him. Even before the amazing organ donation, she always made him feel welcome and well taken care of at her pharmacy.As far as Kathleen is concerned, nothing she did is extraordinary. "I just feel like I did a good thing and helped someone when they were in need. I was in the right place at the right time and God put us there together," Kathleen said.There are guardian angels everywhere, we just have to be in the right place and the right time for them to reveal themselves!