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Man standing with two daughters, a black purse and a handwritten note (inset)
Uplifting News

Grieving Daughter Goes Thrift Store Shopping - Finds an Unexpected Note In a Purse

Thrifting can net all sorts of treasures. Shoppers can snatch up everything from vintage clothes to mid-century modern furniture to kitschy knick-knacks, all without breaking the bank. But for one grieving woman, she found a hidden gem that was truly priceless.

Picture of Jennifer Garner as a little girl, Jennifer Garner with her mother, and black and white photo of two girls (inset)
Uplifting News

Jennifer Garner's Mom Made Only $1 a Day - But She Was Determined to Change Her Family’s Fate

Growing up, Jennifer Garner’s mom didn’t have much. Patricia Ann Garner’s family lived on an old farm and she earned only a dollar a day babysitting. Despite her mom’s financial struggles, Garner says the woman was determined to change her fate with hard work and resilience.

Person holding a baby and a young man shaking hands with an older man
Uplifting News

Cop Rescues Baby Abandoned in a Box - 24 Years Later, He Learns the Truth About The Child

More than two decades ago, police officer Gene Eyster got a call he'd never forget. It was December 22, 2000. A group of college kids had discovered an abandoned newborn in a cardboard box in the hallway of their apartment complex. Twenty-four years later, Gene received another call...about the same baby, only now he's all grown up.

Woman Goes Through Her Camera Roll - Cant Believe Her Eyes When She Sees This in the Background of a Photo
Uplifting News

Woman Goes Through Her Camera Roll - Cant Believe Her Eyes When She Sees This in the Background of a Photo

Instagram went wild when wellness influencer, Jenn Chia (@soimjenn) posted a startling video that reveals her current husband lurking in the background of a selfie she snapped. Which wouldn't be a red flag at all — if it weren't for the fact that they weren't together at the time.In fact, they wouldn't even meet for another 2 years. The "coincidence" had fans going off with all kinds of crazy theories...but Chia had her own.She Was Going through Her Camera Roll and Couldn’t Believe Her EyesJenn Chia, 31, revealed the plot twist of a lifetime, when she created a mashup video made up of several images, taken over 10 years. Needless to say, the video tells a pretty crazy story — and it's making us question everything we know when it comes to fate."I'm still shaking looking at this." Jenn Chia, InstagramOn Oct. 10th, 2012, Chia's friend snapped a pic of her posing at what appears to be a crowded food court. Chia's head is titled while she smiles wide for the camera. She's blissfully unaware of how this seemingly simple moment she captured on camera, would blow her mind over a decade later.In her Instagram video, Chia zooms in on a stranger hovering over her shoulder. The man has a two-strapped backpack on his shoulders and seems to be looking off in the distance. But even in profile, this then-stranger is unmistakable. His name is Jon Liddell — and he's Jenn Chia's future husband.Watch Jenn Chia's Video: After the photo of Chia snapped in October of 2012, Chia's video cuts to a photo taken of the couple, two years later in 2014.The lovebirds are cozied up on a ferris wheel and Liddell poses with a stuffed animal he presumably won for Chia at a carnival. By the looks of it, it's a pretty swoon-worthy date! But Chia saves the best for last.She shares an intimate black and white photograph, taken on their wedding day. She captioned the pic simply, "Married 9 years later."Jenn Chia, InstagramIt should go without saying, with an incredible twist of fate like theirs, that the comment section blew up with all kinds of responses! Fans Were Calling It “The Invisible String Theory”Chia's post racked up over 45,000 shares and hundreds of comments!People from all over the world were putting in their two cents — and it's priceless. Everything from the heartfelt to the hilarious.Jenn Chia, Instagram [comments]But perhaps the favorite theory was "The Invisible String Theory."If you don't know what the invisible string theory is — don't worry. It may sound complicated but it's a pretty simple concept.What’s the Invisible String Theory?In East Asia, there exists a Chinese folklore legend known as The Red Thread of Fate. According to this myth, two individuals destined to be soulmates are said to be connected by an unseen red cord. This cord ensures that, despite the challenges of time, distance, or obstacles, they will inevitably reunite with each other.Sounds crazy? It may just be — but when you hear a story like Chia and Liddells' it's hard not think that maybe there's something to it?Even though The Invisible String Theory is an ancient legend, it was recently re-popularized on TikTok and we have none other than Taylor Swift to thank for that!They Gave Taylor Swift a Little Shout OutThe massive pop star is known to leave all kinds of obscure "easter eggs" for her fans — and her album Folklore is no exception. In her song Invisible String, Swift sings about how timing is everything and how we're all connected — and it set off an awesome TikTok trend.TikTokers were inspired by this song to share their own love stories — before they even knew their love stories!Including Jenn Chia are her husband, Jon Liddell. After their video went viral, they did a sweet musical tribute to how we're all connected. The song they chose to sing was — you guessed it — T-Swizzle's Invisible String. “The Right Person Will Find You at the Right Time”Perhaps the best part of their rollercoaster love story is how the married couple were able to reflect on how the timing is always right, even if we don't know it yet.Instead of wishing she'd have turned around all those years ago and spare herself two years of dating heartache — Jenn Chia sees it differently."We met at the right time. If it was before, I don’t think the relationship would have lasted. I was a narcissistic monster, unaware and naive. Took me a year of travelling and being single to reflect and realize my own mistakes. That’s when we met."Jenn Chia, InstagramHer husband, Liddell doubled down on the same sentiment.Jenn Chia, Instagram [comments]When it comes to love, we can rush around trying to meet our soulmate or even worse — think they may not even be out there at all.But if Jenn Chia's love story reminds of us anything, it's an anecdote for the famous words: "What is meant to be yours, will always find its way to you."More from Goalcast:

Woman Sits Next to Pregnant Stranger on Flight - Ends Up Adopting Her Newborn Baby
Uplifting News

Woman Sits Next to Pregnant Stranger on Flight - Ends Up Adopting Her Newborn Baby

They say that sometimes you can just be in the right place at the right time. That was most certainly the case for two strangers on an airplane a few years back when fate brought them together. Unbeknownst to either of these women at the time, their encounter would forever change both of their lives.A Routine FlightThere are multiple Delta flights from Atlanta to Raleigh, New Carolina, every single day. Yet one day in 2018, a woman named Temple Phipps was seated next to a woman named Samantha Snipes, who had missed her connecting flight and wound up on that one instead.The duo hit it off instantly and began sharing their stories. Snipes was eight months pregnant and had just left an abusive boyfriend. She thought maybe her partner would change after she told him she was pregnant, but it just got worse.“One night when he put his hands on me again, I was scared and insecure, and I wasn’t even sure how to live on my own at that point,” Snipes told ABC News. “The position I was in, [my baby] wasn't going to have a very good life. He was going to have a struggling life, and I didn't want any of that for him.”Phipps was sympathetic and revealed that at 42 years old, she had wanted to be a mother but was afraid her time to have a baby had passed. At the time, she was considering fostering or adopting, but as a single mother, all of the agencies she had spoken with passed her by.“Every time I would inquire, they'd said it ‘really needs to be a two-parent household,’” she recalled.A Fateful MeetingAs the plane touched down, the women exchanged numbers and said goodbye. A few days later, Snipes gave birth. She called Phipps and asked her to come visit. There, she asked Phipps if she wanted to adopt her son, Vaughn.“It just felt right talking with her and seeing her with the baby. She looked like she would be a great mother for him and she already looked like she loved him after holding him for an hour. The stuff that I wasn't feeling, she was feeling,” Snipes explained.After the adoption, Snipes stayed close by and continued to be in contact with the new family. She also began a photography company and wrote a blog about the experience. As for Phipps, she and Vaughn continue to make memories as he grows up.“I would just say to anybody, don't give up hope. I won the baby lottery for sure, miracles do happen and I think you can manifest those things. And this is what manifested,” Phipps added.A Complicated JourneyNot everyone’s journey to motherhood has a happy ending. But what’s so touching about this story is that one woman was able to become a mother in the most unexpected way, while someone who wasn’t ready to be a mom found a happy ending for her baby.It reminds those of us who want to be a parent that there is more than one way to be a mom or dad. Many families deal with infertility, while others, like Phipps, feel like the opportunity to have a child of their own has passed them by. But at the end of the day, there are also many children out there who are in need of a loving home.If being a mom or dad feels like your calling and you’re open to another way, this story of two fated women and an unborn baby is all the inspiration you need to always hold onto hope. More from Goalcast:Abandoned In Dumpster As Baby, He Vows To Make Adoptive Dad Proud – Now He’s A MillionaireWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s Son10-Year-Old Nobody Wanted to Adopt Is Sent to Live With Foster Family – This Would Completely Change Both Their Lives

Father Forcibly Takes Away Teen Moms Newborn - 50 Years Later, an Email From a Stranger Changes Everything
Uplifting News

Father Forcibly Takes Away Teen Moms Newborn - 50 Years Later, an Email From a Stranger Changes Everything

In a heartwarming tale of love, separation, and the unyielding power of hope, a mother and son were miraculously reunited after an astonishing 48 years apart.Thuy-Nga Thi Nibblett, a young Vietnamese woman, found herself pregnant at the age of 17, the result of a relationship with an American soldier. Facing societal judgments, her father took a drastic step, placing the newborn in an orphanage without revealing the location to Thuy-Nga. Her son, named Kirk Kellerhals by his adoptive family, grew up unaware of his true heritage.A Quest for IdentityKirk, now residing in Virginia Beach, South Carolina, navigated life believing his parents had perished during the Vietnam War. Despite facing challenges due to mistaken racial identity, he was yet to delve into the depths of his family history. In 2017, prompted by his wife, Kirk took a Family Tree DNA test, hoping for a glimpse into his roots.Simultaneously, Thuy-Nga, now living in the U.S., had undertaken the same DNA test two years earlier, fervently praying for the day she'd reunite with her son.Kirk, skeptical but curious, submitted his DNA, expecting perhaps a distant relative match. To his disbelief, the results revealed a parent-child match. Shocked, he received an email from a stranger that turned out to be the missing link to his past. His mother had been searching for him for almost five decades.The Emotional ReunionThe revelation left Kirk breathless, and a subsequent call with his mother confirmed the impossible. Sheldon "Skip" Soule, Kirk's biological father, was also alive and living in New York. A few weeks later, the mother-son duo prepared for an emotional reunion, with Thuy-Nga driving from Texas to South Carolina.As the door opened, the embrace between mother and son was a testament to a love that had weathered a 48-year storm. Tears flowed freely as Kirk met the woman who had never given up hope of finding him. Amidst the joyous chaos, Kirk also connected with his biological father and siblings, realizing that, despite the challenges, this reunion was a blessing for everyone involved.The Unspoken BondWhile a significant portion of their lives had been spent apart, Kirk expressed that meeting his mother felt like they had never been separated. The parental bond was instant and profound, a connection that words struggled to encapsulate.In the midst of tears, hugs, and a flood of emotions, Thuy-Nga whispered her gratitude to God for bringing her son back to her. Kirk, echoing the sentiment, thanked fate for the unexpected blessing of finding his mother.This miraculous reunion stands as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love and faith, proving that, against all odds, family ties can be rekindled and cherished, even after half a century of separation.More from Goalcast:Firefighter Meets the Son of a Man He Rescued From a Fire 23 Years Ago in an Emotional ReunionAfter 28 Years in Jail For a Wrongful Conviction, Man Reunited With Pen Pal Who Wrote to Him Every Single WeekTwo Sisters Reunited After 75 Years After Being Put Up for Adoption After World War II

18-Year-Old Weds Someone Else After Parents Forbid Her From Marrying Her Love - But 60 Years Later He Shows Up at Her Door
Uplifting News

18-Year-Old Weds Someone Else After Parents Forbid Her From Marrying Her Love - But 60 Years Later He Shows Up at Her Door

Sometimes, when you meet the person you’re destined to be with, you just know. That was the case for Len Allbrighton and Jeanette Steer when they first met as teens in the 1960s. The couple immediately fell in love and planned to marry. But then Jeanette’s parents — and life — had other plans.Engaged to Be MarriedWhen Steer was 18 years old, she met 19-year-old Allbrighton on the Isle of Wight. They were both there as trainee nurses and found they had a ton in common. They got engaged and planned to move to Australia together to start a new life, reports Daily Mail.But at the time, the age of consent to marry in the U.K. was 21, and Steer’s parents did not give their permission. So, the couple was forced to put their engagement on hold. Eventually, Allbrighton decided to follow the dream and move to Australia. He had never been happy in the U.K. and hoped that, eventually, his love would follow him.However, Steer’s parents would not allow her to move to Australia, and she was forced to write to her fiancé to break off the engagement. He was left with a broken heart and the plot of land he had purchased to build a home with Steer on.A Love Not ForgottenEventually, both parties moved on and fell in love with new partners. Allbrighton met a woman, built the house on the plot of land, and became a father of three. Steer also married and remained on the Isle of Wight. She and her naval officer husband had two kids of their own.All was fine for decades, although the formerly engaged couple thought about each other often. When Allbrighton’s marriage ended in 2015, he decided it was time to look Steer up.He went to the Isle of Wight and looked up her address at the local library. Then, he went to her house and stood outside until she came out to see what he wanted.“I was daunted not knowing what her reaction would be or if I would even see her,” he recalled. “I went on the off-chance. It was not an easy place to find, but I did.”According to the publication, Steer didn’t recognize him initially, with a beard and all those years between them. Then it all came flooding back.“I nearly died when I realized it was him standing by my garden fence,” she said. “I was glad he looked me up — I thought of him a lot at the time.”Fated to Be TogetherAt the time, Steer had to send Allbrighton away. She was still married and didn’t want to hurt her husband, so she lied and said the man was a stranger looking for directions. Allbrighton left, but neither he nor Steer forgot about the interaction. Two years later, when Steer’s husband passed away from cancer, she looked Allbrighton up from an address he’d put on a Christmas card to her.It wasn’t long until love blossomed again, this time with the couple in their seventies. They married last February with the blessing of all their children and great-grandchildren. One of Steer’s daughters even gave her away, says Daily Mail.“We fell in love again,” Allbrighton said. “We read poems to each other and exchanged rings. I got emotional when reading mine. I was overwhelmed with my love for her.”Embracing Life’s QuirksThis story is so powerful because it reminds us that love can conquer all, no matter how many naysayers, years, or even life events get in the way. It’s nice to think that even though this relationship didn’t work out at first, the couple can still have their time together. Plus, they did so many meaningful things, like finding spouses and having children, in between.It’s a nice story for all of us to remember when things get dark, or we feel like life isn’t going the way we’d planned. Sometimes, we’re meant to do other things in our lives before we can revisit what feels like a big moment or relationship. We don’t always understand the weird twists of fate or unfair circumstances we face. But sometimes, life has other plans, and our moment is yet to come.More from Goalcast:Woman Finally Marries “True Love” 43 Years After Her Mother Forced Her to End Interracial RelationshipWoman Marries the Love of Her Life – Then Finds Out She Shares a Crazier Connection With Her Mother-In-LawCouple Forced Apart Reunites After 53 Years And Finds Daughter Given Up For Adoption

Lifelong Bachelor Finally Gets Married at 93 - To the Woman He Met at His Sisters Wedding in 1959
Love Stories

Lifelong Bachelor Finally Gets Married at 93 - To the Woman He Met at His Sisters Wedding in 1959

Back in 1959, Frankie Avalon and Ricky Nelson were playing on the jukebox, Ben Hur was dominating the box office, and Joe Potenzano and Mary Elkind laid eyes on each other for the first time at his sister's wedding. Mary, now 83, was the groom's cousin and maid of honor. Joe, 10 years her senior, was the best man.Sixty-four years later, the duo is once again taking part in a wedding — only this time, it's their own. And their love story is finally coming full circle...six decades after it first began. The One Who Got AwayThe first time Joe and Mary met, sparks flew. "I thought he was cute," Mary recalls.They dated briefly but then life pulled them in separate directions. Mary, a professional dancer, went on to perform at Radio City Music Hall and toured Europe with a ballet company. Joe served in the army and graduated with an engineering degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey.In 1962, Mary got married. But not to Joe. And while he might not have been the groom, he did attend her wedding.Mary and her husband went on to have 3 children and stayed together until his death, nine years ago. Joe remained a bachelor. That is, until now."I was lonely, and I had very few friends left," Joe told "But I decided that being lonely was not an option I was willing to die with."The consummate bachelor was finally ready to make a move. Over the years, Mary and Joe would periodically see each other at various family gatherings. However, they always kept their distance.But then last year, while they were both attending a family christening, Joe finally summoned up the courage to ask Mary out. She said yes.A Romance RekindledThe two started dating; enjoying dinners and movies, and spending hours talking on the phone. "I say this unashamedly. I fell in love with her and she told me she fell in love with me," Joe said. "What else do you want?" You could say their love was written in the stars."I had actually wondered about Joe off and on — he'd attended my wedding, and we always saw each other at christenings and Christmas parties," Mary told the Washington Post. "I have even wondered a few times what life would have been like if I'd married him."She's about to find out.Joe proposed last month and for the first time in 93 years, he's going to be a groom.Lifelong Bachelor Finds the Love of His Life Proving It’s Never Too LateAs for leaving his bachelor days behind him? Joe is more than ready."Yes, this is all new to me, but I'm confident there won't be any problems," he said. "We're both in good health, and I haven't met anyone yet who's told me, 'You dummy — love is for the young.' That's simply not true.""Older people like us deserve love too," he added. "And we're going to give it our best in the years we have left." Their families agree. Mary's daughter, Sue Elkind, 55, says her mom is acting like a teenager again. "She has that giddy spirit that comes out when you're in love. We're really happy for both of them."The happy couple plans on tying the knot in October and will honeymoon in Cape Cod before settling into the rest of their golden years -- together. There's a saying, "Love is wasted on the young." But as Joe and Mary prove, this is far from true. Because when it comes to love? You're never too old and it's never too late. More from Goalcast:Homeless Couple Couldn’t Afford to Get Married for 24 Years – Then a Stranger Throws Them a Surprise WeddingBride’s Father Dies Before Wedding – So Her Mom Gifts Her the Ultimate Daddy-Daughter Dance SurpriseWedding of the Century: Grandparents Say “I Do” After 40 Years of Living Together