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Man and woman with two young boys and a dad standing behind a high school graduate.
Uplifting News

Teen Is Asked a Question at His Graduation - Turns Around to an Epic Surprise

Graduation is a big deal. It’s the moment when a young person is recognized for their dedication and hard work and a time to celebrate the beginning of an adult life. It’s a big deal for kids to have their support system cheering them on at graduation, which is why this story of a father flying across the world to see his son at grad is so heartwarming.

Poor 84-Year-Old Street Vendor Has Had One Dream for Decades - Wakes Up at 4:30 A.M Every Day to Fulfill It
Success Stories

Poor 84-Year-Old Street Vendor Has Had One Dream for Decades - Wakes Up at 4:30 A.M Every Day to Fulfill It

If you think you're too old to follow your dreams, you might want to think again...For decades, Felipe Espinosa Tecuapetla dreamt of becoming an engineer. And finally, at the ripe young age of 84, the street vendor's dream has come true. How a Poor Street Vendor Beat the Odds and Realized His DreamFelipe's life was marked by hardships from the beginning. Born into a poverty-stricken family in Puebla, Mexico, he began working as a young child.Throughout the years, he took on a number of different jobs, including construction, fieldwork, and enlisting in the army. For the past few years, he's been a street vendor, selling fruit and vegetables at local markets.A widower of 20 years with five children, 10 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren, it was his eldest son, an engineer himself, who inspired Felipe to finally put himself — and his dreams — first.But while his son may be his inspiration, it's Felipe who is his family's true source of inspiration.His granddaughter, Erika Pozos Espinosa, told the media: “I am very fortunate to have such a living example. I don’t think anyone else has a grandfather who graduated from college at that age. He’s a source of inspiration.”“It seems incredible to me that at his age, he doesn’t want to waste a single moment of his life,” she added.Felipe was 79 years old when he made the leap and registered as the oldest-ever student at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. His university journey, like his life, wasn't an easy one. He woke up every day at 4:30 AM to attend classes, taking two buses and traveling up to two hours back and forth. He was the first to arrive on campus and the last one to leave. Additionally, he had to teach himself how to use a computer. All while continuing to sell chiles, tomatoes, onions, lemons, and more at the Tepeaca market. Despite the obstacles, his studies were an incredible time for him and he excelled. What the Octogenarian Has to Say About Following His DreamsAfter five years of study, Felipe completed his degree in process and industrial management engineering.And in a sweet moment of victory captured on video, he was finally, after a lifetime of dreaming, able to ring the university's congratulatory bell.The feat was shared by the BUAP’s president, Dr. Lilia Cedillo Ramírez, on social media. She captioned it: "Don Felipe received his university degree. At the age of 86 he has been an example for everyone and today he concludes another stage in his professional education. We are soooo proud of him. Much success!"And now that he's conquered one dream, he has no plans of stopping. His next step is to start a master's degree. And he's also studying English so that one day he can fulfill another dream — visiting NASA.So how did he do it? The graduate told his university, “self-improvement” was his driving force. (And a whole lot of perseverance). “Overcoming anything is all in the mind, the mind is an incredible thing.”Felipe Espinosa TecuapetlaHe also believes that it truly is never too late, saying, “It is never too late to continue in life. Life is only once, the rest ends when we leave. I beg you, I ask all the young people and all of us, to give it a try." He's not wrong. Life is too short not to be living our dreams. Even if it takes a lifetime (or 80 years or so) to realize them. More from Goalcast:Superbowl Champion Jerome Bettis Never Got His College Degree – So He Goes Back to School to Make Mom ProudEncouraged By Students, School Bus Driver Gets College Degree He Always WantedMom Works Four Jobs for Five Years to Save Money for College – Now Her Son Has Received a Full Scholarship to His Dream School

Student Is Unable to Walk at Graduation, so Teacher Gives Shoes off His Own Feet - But He Asks for a Favor in Return
Uplifting News

Student Is Unable to Walk at Graduation, so Teacher Gives Shoes off His Own Feet - But He Asks for a Favor in Return

Graduation should be an exciting time in a student's career where they can celebrate their achievements with their family, teachers, and peers. You did all the hard work already, now it's time to celebrate your achievements. You'd think walking across the stage to get your diploma would be no big deal right? But for the people who struggle with stage fright? The hard work feels far from over.It's true when they say "our body keeps the score." Some of us can still remember that presentation we had to give in front of our whole class, where we choked. Now every time our boss calls on us at work? We may not know it, but that same fear comes up. We dread getting up in front of our co-workers and fumbling our words. We could be an expert rocket scientist, whose cutting edge research is changing the face of modern tech...and still our stomach is in knots at the thought of public speaking!Thankfully, one teacher at George Mason Elementary in Richmond, Virginia understood how big of an impact these seemingly small moments -- like walking across an award stage without tripping -- can make in our lives.When one of his students nearly missed out on his graduation, this selfless teacher came to the rescue with an act of kindness. How One Teacher Was at the Right Place at the Right TimeVohn Lewis, a substitute teacher known as 'Mr. Lewis' at George Mason Elementary, noticed an embarrassed fifth grader's frustration, when his broken shoe threatened his ability to cross the stage at graduation. The good news was, Mr. Lewis had a solution and he didn't hesitate to act.The student's parents and his guidance counsellor were at a crossroads after several failed arts and craft attempts at fixing the broken shoe. The sticky situation could have gotten a lot more desperate if Mr. Lewis hadn't walked in when he did.“I wasn’t thinking. I just moved with my heart," he said.In no time at all, Mr. Lewis was standing in his socks in the school hallway, swapping shoes with his student.Leading by Example Is the Best TeacherIn a now-private Facebook post, Lewis’ act of kindness went viral. The school took notice of his act of kindness, saying Lewis is often observed encouraging students from all grade levels and walks of life.“He demonstrates my mantra 'Children First!'” George Mason Elementary Principal, Rose Ferguson said, “He serves with a true heart of passion! We’re not surprised at his actions on yesterday and we’re proud to have him as part of the Mason Family!!”With his quick thinking, Mr. Lewis gave us all a lesson in leading with love, but the school wasn't out just yet! After Mr. Lewis handed over his shoes, he asked the young boy for a simple favor in return.“I told him that he had to make a promise to me because it was nothing for me to do something like that for him,” Lewis told the station. “But he has to keep in mind that one day he’s going to be in the position of Mr. Lewis and he has to do the same thing.”Kindness Is a Muscle, Exercise It!At the end of the day, change starts with us. It really is true when Gandhi said "Be the change you want to see in the world." Even though it's easy to tell ourselves we don't have the power to make an impact or we're not in the position to enact change, be careful to not let the feeling of powerlessness be an excuse for inaction. You don't have to be a teacher to set a good example for those around you. You don't need to be Nelson Mandela to change the world. Honestly, you don't even need to change the world. But smiling at your 17-year-old Starbucks barista when they mess up your coffee order, is better than nothing!“People will never forget how you make them feel. Character is so important in life, you should always be willing to give and always willing to be a blessing to someone else.”- George Mason Elementary Teacher, Vohn Lewis.We don't have control over where life takes us. So many of life's curveballs (big or small) are out of our hands. Most of the time, we aren't in control of how people or life itself act towards us -- but the way we react to situations is something we are in charge of. We may not always get it perfect, but the more we practice, the better chance we have at getting it right. If we start looking at "kindness" as a muscle we exercise, instead of a personality trait we (do or don't) have, then we'd all be standing the school hallway with our socks off...and that's a vision worth aspiring to.More from Goalcast:Inspired by Her Son’s Dying Wish, Woman Graduates From College in His Place With the Highest RankWoman Gives Birth to Baby Boy – Less Than 24 Hours Later, She Rushes to Graduate College With a PhDImmigrant Janitor Graduates From Nursing School – And Works at the Same Hospital He Used to Clean

Police Officer Saves 5-Year-Old From Fire - Years Later, She Facebook Stalks Him and Sends Him a Message
Uplifting News

Police Officer Saves 5-Year-Old From Fire - Years Later, She Facebook Stalks Him and Sends Him a Message

In the tapestry of life, sometimes the threads of destiny weave a beautiful and heartwarming story. This is the story of Peter Getz, a retired US policeman, and Josibelk Aponte, a young woman whose life he saved almost two decades ago.Why a Police Officer Was Invited to a Graduation CeremonyIt was 1998 when Peter Getz, then a patrolman, responded to a fire in a Connecticut apartment building. Amidst the flames, he found a five-year-old girl, Josibelk Aponte, unconscious and in dire need of help. With no ambulance in sight, Getz didn't hesitate; he performed CPR on Josibelk right there in the back of a police cruiser as they sped towards the hospital.The fire was fatal, taking the life of one of Aponte's relatives, but because of Getz's quick thinking and bravery, she survived. Getz's actions that day were heroic, but he modestly says, "I did what I was trained to do, what I had to do."Fast forward to the present, and Josibelk Aponte is now 23 years old. She achieved a significant milestone in her life, graduating from Eastern Connecticut State University. What makes this commencement even more remarkable is that Peter Getz, the man who saved her life all those years ago, was there as a special guest, watching proudly alongside her family.Reflecting on the incident that forever bound their lives together, Aponte stated, "I almost died, but I was given a second chance at life. And it was because of Peter and all the authorities, everyone who came to help that day."Getz, a man of few words but immense heart, expressed his pride in Aponte's achievements. "Pretty proud of her, for all the adversity that she has overcome," he said to The Washington Post. "Both physically and mentally, having to go through that, and losing one of your loved ones, that you were very close to. That she had stayed the course and that she had come out as a shining star."How One Cop Became an Important Part of a Young Woman’s LifeGetz also emphasizes that the heroic rescue was a collective effort. Dispatchers ensured that responders received accurate information, firefighters navigated through smoke-filled chaos, and someone even drove the cruiser to the hospital, where medical personnel took over. "This is how the process is supposed to work," Getz humbly stated.The connection between Getz and Aponte didn't end with that fateful day. About two years ago, Aponte reached out to Getz, describing it as "Facebook-stalking" him. They reconnected, and their bond grew stronger. Getz recalled the moment he received that first message from Aponte, saying, "Honestly, a lump came in my throat. It was kind of cool, you know, that somebody would even remember you from that long ago."Now, the retired policeman considers Aponte as family. "Oh yeah," he confirms. "She'll always be a part of me and a part of my family."In a world where kindness and compassion often shine their brightest in the darkest moments, this heartwarming tale reminds us that the bonds forged through selfless acts can last a lifetime. Peter Getz, the humble hero, attended Josibelk Aponte's graduation not as a mere guest but as a beloved family member, proof that sometimes heroes are quietly woven into the fabric of our lives, leaving an indelible mark of goodness and hope.More from Goalcast:Boy Walks More Than 2 Hours to Make It to His Graduation – Then an NFL Star Steps Up With a Free RideSingle Mom Asks Stranger to Cheer for Her Daughter at Graduation – Little Did She Know Just What He Was About to Do

Inspired by Her Sons Dying Wish, Woman Graduates From College in His Place With the Highest Rank
Uplifting News

Inspired by Her Sons Dying Wish, Woman Graduates From College in His Place With the Highest Rank

Ben Algar was a promising young student who had been accepted into the carpentry program at Durham College. His mom, Danita, says that he enjoyed building things. After following a trade fundamentals program in high school, which exposes students to different types of trades, Ben chose to continue with carpentry.A Dream DeferredPhoto by PixabayThe family was excited for him when he started school in September, but just a month later came the devastating news that Ben had cancer. His aggressive treatments meant that he couldn’t continue school.One of Ben’s professors came over to the house one day to tell the family that Durham College was going to defer his enrolment and that he could pick it back up again next year. “I’m praying for a miracle for you,” the professor told him, “and I want to see an Algar in the front row come Fall.”Everyone appreciated the professor’s kindness, but they were a little surprised by Ben’s response: “I’m hoping for a miracle as well. But if it doesn’t come, I'm going to send my mom in my place.”Tragically, Ben’s miracle never came. The following summer, he passed away. One Life Lost, Another One SavedPhoto by Stanley MoralesIt was in the back of everyone’s minds that his dying wish had been that his mom take his place at Durham College and finish the carpentry program for him. It hung in the air — until Don Fisher, a professor at the college for over 20 years, called Danita.“I said, ‘Ben wants you to do it,’” Fisher remembered. “Honor him and do it.” The college had saved Ben’s spot in the carpentry program and was offering it to her.When Danita thinks back on this, she recognizes how remarkable it is that her son knew she would need a focus when she passed away. Battling grief and with little direction, Danita was grasping at straws — and took the one held out to her by Durham College. She decided to complete the carpentry program in Ben’s honor.“It saved my life,” said Danita, who started the program the following September. “I don’t know how things would have gone had I not been at school.”The Rough Start One Mom Had in CollegeLittle did she know how much she’d enjoy it. At first, it was difficult. She went from being a stay-at-home mom who had never been on a Zoom call to being a full-time student with online classes. And she was still working through her grief.“You know, there's days when you don't want to get out of bed and there's days when you are angry and hurt and upset that your child's not doing this and you're there carrying on,” explained Danita. There were many days when she questioned why she was there. There were days when she angrily thought Ben should be doing this carpentry program, not her. But being at school also meant she had a reason to get up and get moving in the morning. She had places to be. There was comfort in the routine, and that routine saw her through many rough patches along the way.As time went on, Danita realized that, while doing this program for Ben, she was doing it for herself as well. There was a moment when she took a step back and said, ‘Hey, I’m good at this!’ It was exciting.How One Mom Is Spending Her Life Honoring Her SonDanita’s professors loved her. “She would just mentor students,” said Fisher, who believes Danita was a godsend. Danita was always quick to help her classmates and she worked hard to make Ben proud. “I wanted to be in that top position and to be able to say to Ben, ‘I gave it everything I had.’”And by the end of the carpentry program, not only did Danita walk across that stage and receive her diploma — she did so as the highest ranking student in the program.“Knowing that Ben was looking down on her — pretty proud moment,” said Fisher with tears in his eyes.On stage, Danita kissed her diploma and pointed up. “I did it for him,” she says. “Ben was a great kid. He was kind. He was supportive, and we really miss him.”A newly minted graduate, Danita already knows what her first project will be. The family owns land in New Brunswick, and it had always been Ben’s dream to help his parents build their retirement home on the property. Danita has been out to the property since Ben’s death and is clearing land to build a memorial garden for Ben. She’s also going to build a little cabin, which she says “will be Ben’s place.”What a gift Ben gave his mom when he told the college professor that he was going to send her in his place. In doing so, he saved her life, and she will spend hers honoring him.More from Goalcast:Cancer Survivor Convinced She’ll Never Have More Kids — Miraculously, She Gets Double What She Bargained ForWoman Gives Birth to Baby Boy – Less Than 24 Hours Later, She Rushes to Graduate College With a PhD

12-Year-Old Is Forced to Start Working to Pay Bills - Finally, She Decides to Finish What She Started 60 Years Ago
Uplifting News

12-Year-Old Is Forced to Start Working to Pay Bills - Finally, She Decides to Finish What She Started 60 Years Ago

When it comes to accomplishing dreams you set out for yourself as a kid, it’s never too late. One great-grandmother from Queensland is living proof that your dreams stick with you forever.Sharon Sutton didn’t grow up with much. When she was a kid, she wasn’t able to attend high school because of a lack of resources. At age 12, she got a job to help her family pay the bills. Why One Woman Had to Start Working at 12 Years OldPhoto by cottonbro studioFast forward six decades and 73-year-old Sharon is pictured throwing her graduate cap during her commencement ceremony. “I've never stopped learning," Sharon said. “Even in those 55 years between finishing primary school and starting university, I don't think I ever stopped learning. I was always reading something and finding something new.”As a kid, Sharon loved to go to school. She had aspirations of becoming a history and geography teacher when she graduated. “I just assumed I was going on to high school,” she said. “I said something to my mum about, ‘Next year when I go to high school’ — and she told me that there was no high school… because mum and dad didn't have the money to buy uniforms or books or shoes. I was 12 when I started working in a clothing factory, which today would be called a sweatshop.”Sharon always knew she would get her degree one day. Over the next 40 years, Sharon and her husband worked on a cattle farm while raising their children and grandchildren.When she retired, she remembered what she set out to do and enrolled herself at the University of the Sunshine Coast. At school, she studied a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in English and minoring in history and Indigenous studies.How a Grandmother Proved the Importance of Chasing Your Dreams Today, Sharon stands proud of the five years she worked to get her degree. She was constantly surrounded by people much younger than her but always managed to keep her head up. “I didn't just scrape over the line, she said. “I got good marks in so many subjects and so many assignments.” What Sharon found the most difficult in all of her studies was the technological aspect. She had to create PowerPoints and submit online assignments, which she had never done before. “I can remember submitting my first assignment and wondering whether it was going into the black hole of technology and if I'd ever see it again,” Sharon said. “PowerPoint presentations were an absolute nightmare, but I always got over the line with the content.” When Sharon was completing the forms for graduation everything became real. "I started to cry. I thought, 'Gee, it's real now, it’s not something just down the track. It's actually going to happen, I'm actually going to get a university degree,'” she said. “I think Mum would be proud.”Sharon’s message to everyone wanting to further their education is to “just go for it.” It’s never too late to finish what you started. “The environment and the atmosphere is so good, and mixing with the young people and listening to their views on things — it's just a great experience,” she mentioned. “I miss it terribly already.”More from Goalcast:Boy Walks More Than 2 Hours to Make It to His Graduation – Then an NFL Star Steps Up With a Free RideSingle Mom Asks Stranger to Cheer for Her Daughter at Graduation – Little Did She Know Just What He Was About to DoTeacher Thinks His Students Are Looking “Scruffy” at Their Graduation – Gives Them All Free Haircuts in School

Woman Gives Birth to Baby Boy - Less Than 24 Hours Later, She Rushes to Graduate College With a PhD
Everyday Heroes

Woman Gives Birth to Baby Boy - Less Than 24 Hours Later, She Rushes to Graduate College With a PhD

Anyone who has ever birthed a baby knows how intense it is. Amazing, yes. Really, really, really exhausting? YES.Postpartum recovery is no joke. A mother's body has been stretched to the limit, literally. There's all sorts of pain and walking feels like torture by a thousand daggers with each step.But that didn't stop one new mom from taking the stage for her college graduation less than 24 HOURS after giving birth and only 3 HOURS after being discharged from the hospital. I am woman. Hear me roar. Sometimes Life Has Other Plans...It was a busy week for doctorate of nursing student Abby Bailiff, 28, of Thomasville, North Carolina. “I passed my boards on Monday, induced Tuesday, had baby Wednesday, graduated Thursday,” Bailiff told CBS-17.For the past three years, Bailiff has been attending the UNC Greensboro School of Nursing while simultaneously working full-time as a registered nurse. Oftentimes, she working the overnight shifts so she could attend school during the day, according to Good Morning America.As if that wasn't grueling enough, she also completed the last part of the doctor of nursing practice program WHILE pregnant. Whew. Bailiff knew her due date and graduation date were going to be close, but she had no idea they were going to be THAT close.The plan was to have her baby a week before the ceremony, giving her a chance to recuperate before donning her cap and gown. But apparently, Bodie had other plans. Mom Has a Baby and Graduates With a PhD in a Span of 24 HoursAs her due date came and went with no sign of baby Bodie, Bailiff got increasingly more and more nervous. "Every day past 40 weeks I was like, 'Oh gosh. This is getting closer and closer,'" Bailiff told GMA.So close, that just 2 days before she was supposed to walk the stage to receive her PhD, doctors finally induced her, concerned about Bodie's lung development.On May 3, at 3:08 p.m, Bodie James Bailiff said hello to the world, and Bailiff said hello to a new title, mom. Born 8lbs 11oz and 21.5 inches long, Bodie arrived safely, without any complications. After spending one night in the hospital, Bailiff and Bodie were discharged the following day — graduation day."I was still debating on whether I was going [to graduation] or not, because I didn't want to be, like, a bad mom and just up and leave him right when I got home," Bailiff said. "But around 1:30, I was like, 'I think I should really do this.' My sister and mom were here, and they were like, 'Well, let's get you ready.'"Just three hours after leaving the hospital, Bailiff crossed the stage at her graduation ceremony, gaining her second title, "Doctor," in less than 24 hours.Super.Woman.TikTok Video Goes Viral, Garnering Over 1.3 Million ViewsBailiff's sister, Hannah Allison, posted a video of the incredible accomplishment on TikTok, where it quickly went viral. She captioned it: "POV: you become a mom & doctor in the same 24 hours."The 9-second clip shows Bailiff's journey from the hospital to the stage, with a cameo from a very special guest of honor.The video garnered over 1.3 million views, nearly 170K likes, and 1300 comments. Bailiff was "blown away" by all of the support."This is the most bada$$ thing I’ve ever seen. 😍" One commenter wrote.Another wrote, "I don’t think Ive ever been so proud of someone I don’t know.""no one except women will understand how unreal amazing this is…. YOU GO GIRL."Commenter after commenter praised the new mom (and doctor!) and for good reason."At the moment, I was just like, I'll just go and do it, and then when my sister made the video, it just kind of put everything in perspective," Bailiff said.“I just felt like a superhero,” she added.One Woman’s Journey Is Inspiring OthersBailiff hopes that one day, Bodie will be inspired by his mom's story. And in the meantime, she hopes she can serve as an inspiration to other women out there, who are questioning if they really can do it all."Women are just so capable of doing whatever we can to accomplish our goals and still be a mom and still have career goals as well," Bailiff said.Her husband, Ben, agrees. He adds that this is just "a small sampling of how inspiring his wife truly is."Parenthood and pursuing one's dreams are not mutually exclusive. Women don't have to lose themselves in motherhood. “We as women can do whatever we set our minds to,” she concluded.More from Goalcast:Man Asks for Stories From People Who Only “Became Successful” After 40 Years and Twitter DeliversImmigrant Janitor Graduates From Nursing School – And Works at the Same Hospital He Used to Clean89-Year-Old Retiree Proves That Age Is Just a Number – He Defies All Odds and Gets His Ph.D. In Physics From Yale

Boy Walks More Than 2 Hours to Make It to His Graduation - Then an NFL Star Steps Up With a Free Ride

Boy Walks More Than 2 Hours to Make It to His Graduation - Then an NFL Star Steps Up With a Free Ride

It was grade 8 graduation day for 14-year-old Xavier Jones. But before he could step onto the stage to receive his diploma, he had to take a few thousand steps first to get there.When his grandfather's car wouldn't start, Xavier knew he had to come up with an alternative plan to get to the ceremony which was being held across town. So, he did what most of us do, he turned to Google for help. “I looked up Harris Stowe University on Google Maps, and then I saw the walking distance, and then I said I could probably make it,” Xavier told News 4. "I wanted to walk across the stage."It was a journey that would take him 6.6 miles and over two hours to complete.Determined Boy Walks Over 6 Miles and Two Hours to Receive His DiplomaBut it was a journey he didn't have to walk alone. Enlisting his brother and a friend for company, the trio trekked through the blazing hot sun, walking from north St. Louis to midtown.Jones' mentor, Darren Seals, who works with him at the Sankofa Community Center told KSDK News, "The shoes that he walked in had holes in the bottom, holes in the top. Two-and-a-half-hours walk. A long road, I wouldn't have walked it."He might not have walked it, but Xavier did. And he made it. Just in time to walk across the stage to receive his diploma from Yeatman Middle School and a standing ovation from the crowd. But that's not all the 4.0 grade-point-average student received.A University Steps Up and Gives Xavier Jones a Free RideThe president of Harris Stowe State University, Dr. LaTonia Collins Smith, was so impressed by Xavier’s determination that she decided to take a few steps of her own."When I heard that story and to see that young man who was so bright and excited and driven, it spoke volumes to me," Dr. Collins Smith said. "It spoke resilience, persistence, perseverance." His persistence paid off. She awarded Xavier with a full-ride presidential scholarship that will cover four years of tuition, books, and fees. It will be waiting for him when he graduates high school.However, it wasn't the only "free ride" in Xavier's future. When word got out about the teen, Miami Dolphins NFL player, Terron Armstead, decided to gift him with a literal ride. NFL Player Joins Forces With Others to Give Teen a Literal Lift Times Two Armstead partnered with Ryan Pritchard EV, Bommarito Automotive, and others (including his Miami Dolphins teammate, Tyreek Hill) to give Xavier and his family not one ride, but two. During a celebrity basketball game at Cahokia High School in the Cahokia suburb of St. Louis, Armstead surprised Xavier with a $5,000 E-bike. But he didn't stop there. He then gifted the boy and his family with a brand new Honda Odyssey, courtesy of the generosity of Bommarito Automotive.And while the minivan may not be the NASCAR race car Xavier hopes to professionally drive one day, it'll definitely get him where he needs to go."We hear a story like Xavier. It's only right. Follow Xavier's example. He's a leader whether he wanted to be or not. His story is inspiring. It's motivating. That's what leaders do."Terron ArmsteadXavier may only be 14 years old but he's no stranger to overcoming adversity. Growing up in poverty, his mother passed away several years ago and he and his six siblings are being raised by their disabled grandfather. Additionally, the teen has sickle cell anemia, which, according to the Mayo Clinic, is a disorder that affects the red blood cells and can cause fatigue, periodic episodes of extreme pain, swelling, vision problems, and frequent infections.And yet, despite his challenges, Xavier isn't about to give up. He continues to put one foot in front of the other and is inspiring others along the way. "At the end of the rainbow, there’s a pot of gold. I learned a lot from Xavier that day,” Dr. Collins Smith told KMOV. “Even on your worst day keep pressing forward.”More from Goalcast:Single Mom Asks Stranger to Cheer for Her Daughter at Graduation – Little Did She Know Just What He Was About to DoTeacher Thinks His Students Are Looking “Scruffy” at Their Graduation – Gives Them All Free Haircuts in School

Single Mom Asks Stranger to Cheer for Her Daughter at Graduation - Little Did She Know Just What He Was About to Do
Uplifting News

Single Mom Asks Stranger to Cheer for Her Daughter at Graduation - Little Did She Know Just What He Was About to Do

Everyone deserves a cheering squad. It was graduation day at Desoto Central Middle School and single mom, Brandy, wanted what all parents want — for her daughter, Aria Thomas, to feel loved and celebrated.So, the self-professed "party of one," decided to recruit a fellow parent to "holler for her baby" when Aria's time came to get her certificate. To say he understood the assignment doesn't even come close to doing his response justice. And thankfully for us and the 12 MILLION other people (give or take) who have watched his hilariously heartwarming reaction unfold, his wife, MJ, caught it all on camera.TikTok of Stranger Cheering for Single Mom’s Daughter Goes ViralPhoto by Emily RanquistMJ shared the now-viral video on her TikTok account @talkgerman2me, captioning it: "My hubby is hilarious. She don't know who she sat by."She's about to find out...The clip begins with MJ’s husband, aka Pop Pop, assuring Brandy, “Oh I ain't playing.” Clearly, it is GAME ON.As Brandy turns toward MJ, MJ asks her: “You recruited him to holler for your baby?” "Yes, I'm gonna holler," Pop Pop responds in the background (like his wife had any doubt!)“Yeah because we’re a party of one," Brandy tells her, jokingly referring to herself as "we." "So help this single momma out and holler for my baby.”While the two moms are chatting, Pop Pop is getting down to business warming up his vocal chords like he's a rock star about to play to a sold-out crowd. Leaving nothing to chance, he spends the next few moments hilariously "practicing," stretching his mouth wide and making loud noises, to the point that his family begs him to "Stop it."The Big MomentFinally, Aria's big moment arrives. As Aria prepares to take center stage, Pop Pop excitedly whispers, "Right here." And this is when the train starts barreling out of the station and tumbling off the tracks.While Brandy and MJ cheer, Pop Pop jumps to his feet. Despite all of the time he spent practicing, he doesn't yell. Instead, he puts his fingers to his mouth and whistles. Loudly. Not once, not twice but three times.“I didn’t even know you could do that,” MJ tells him as he sits down. “You didn’t do that for Jade! I didn’t know you could whistle like that.” For context, Jade is their own daughter who also happened to be walking in the graduation ceremony.The video resonated with millions, receiving more than 2M likes, 87K shares, and nearly 8K comments. TikTok viewers loved it, praising Pop Pop for his incredible response and infectious energy."As a single mom I absolutely love this!! I’m so glad he was all for it," one commenter wrote.Another said, "Honestly as a kid who was embarrassed having no one but my nana at my grad, this made me so happy.""Him practicing is hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂"Even Brandy herself commented on the heartwarming moment, thanking the couple for showing up for her daughter.“Listen 👂🏽 I am so appreciative! I just wanted to make sure my baby felt celebrated 🎉and y’all definitely did that! It was the energy ✨ for me!” she wrote.For the naysayers who questioned why Pop Pop didn't whistle for his own daughter, Jade, fear not. In a follow-up TikTok, MJ shares her husband's response to Jade's graduation moment and assures viewers that he is the "ultimate hype man" for his kids.When Jade's name is announced, Pop Pop gets to his feet, cheering her on.When It Comes to Raising Kids, It Really Does Take a VillageYet, the harsh reality is that many single parents don't have one. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly a quarter of kids are being raised by a single parent. That amounts to more than 23 million kids.And while some have large extended families and friends to help fill in the gap, many do not, including Aria Thomas. But thanks to the kindness of a literal stranger and a mom courageous enough to ask for help (kudos to her!!), for this day at least, Aria definitely did not feel alone.Frankly, we could all use a Pop Pop in our lives cheering us on. His amazing response is a reminder that sometimes, we all need to step up and become a part of someone else's village. More from Goalcast:Teacher Thinks His Students Are Looking “Scruffy” at Their Graduation – Gives Them All Free Haircuts in SchoolTeen Is Photographed Walking at 4 AM to Reach His Graduation – So a Stranger Gifts Him a Brand New Car