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Man in a hoodie standing next to a woman in a doorway and a frustrated man
Uplifting News

Homeless Man Is On The Verge of Giving Up - But a Cup of Hot Chocolate Changes His Life

Cian Murtagh builds homes for other people, but ironically, he doesn't have one of his own.He grew up in state care and aged out at 18 years old, landing on the streets. He's lived there ever since. Now 30, he's spent the past 12 years just struggling to survive despite working a full-time job. However not anymore. Thanks to the incredible kindness of strangers and the power of GoFundMe, he finally has a place to call home.

8-Year-Old Loses All His Toys in a House Fire - Little Did He Know His Classmates and Teachers Had a Secret
Uplifting News

8-Year-Old Loses All His Toys in a House Fire - Little Did He Know His Classmates and Teachers Had a Secret

In the face of tragedy, communities often rally to support those who have suffered loss. This heartwarming tale unfolds in Philadelphia, Tennessee, where a third-grade student, Daniel Hunt, lost everything, including cherished toys, in a devastating house fire on September 21.The Surprise One School Secretly Organized for a Little BoyPhoto by Engin AkyurtAs news of Daniel's plight spread, the compassionate staff and students at Philadelphia Elementary School decided to channel their collective empathy into action. Kelly Jones, a school counselor, described Daniel as "one of the most positive, happy students I’ve ever seen." Fueled by this affection, they orchestrated a secret toy drive to replace some of the treasures that fire had cruelly taken away.The covert operation saw Daniel's classmates sneak in toys throughout the week, brimming with excitement at the prospect of surprising their friend. The acts of kindness went beyond material gifts. Doors were held, pencils readied, and chairs arranged – a chorus of care that played out each day.The grand reveal was orchestrated with precision. Sending Daniel on a small errand, the teachers and students transformed a classroom into a toy wonderland. When Daniel returned, the room erupted with joy, and the surprise echoed with a resounding "surprise!" The young boy stood in awe as the warmth of love enveloped him.Philadelphia Elementary School shared the touching moment on Facebook, recounting how Daniel received the toys, expressing his surprise and gratitude. The post reflected the pure joy that emanated from the gathering: "He was so surprised and thankful!"How Students and Teachers Proved the Power of CompassionDaniel, overwhelmed by the gesture, couldn't contain his joy, urging everyone to come closer. In a heartening scene, students and teachers alike joined in a group hug, celebrating the power of compassion. Jones, witnessing this outpouring of love, remarked, "Every adult and even a few students had tears swelling up in their eyes."Daniel's mother, Kristen Hunt, echoed this sentiment, expressing her overwhelming gratitude for the community's support. Overcome with emotion, she cried for 45 minutes after learning about the surprise. In her words, "I’m just so overwhelmed at all the love and the community coming together for us. It’s just very overwhelming and a blessing."Daniel's grandmother, Marsha Hunt, shared his joy, recounting his words, "I’m happy crying and I have joy in my stomach." She appreciated the genuine generosity displayed by the teachers and students, emphasizing the profound impact it had on her special grandson.In a world often marked by challenges, this story shines as a testament to the transformative power of compassion. The resilience of a young boy finding joy amid loss, and a community weaving a tapestry of love, teaches us that even in the darkest moments, light can emerge through the simple act of caring for one another.More from Goalcast:Man Spends His $400 Paycheck on Poor Nephew Who Had No Toys – 15 Years Later, He Has the Perfect ‘Payback’Mom Realizes There Aren’t Any Toys That Look Like Her Adopted Son – Ends Up Receiving an Unexpected ResponsePoor Single Mom Struggles to Feed Her Two Boys – So Her Son Sells His Only Toy to Help His Hungry Family

4-Year-Old Girl Lost in Tsunami  For 10 Years Her Mother Prayed Everyday Theyd Be Reunited
Uplifting News

4-Year-Old Girl Lost in Tsunami For 10 Years Her Mother Prayed Everyday Theyd Be Reunited

One of the greatest despairs a parent can face is losing their child. In fact, "No parent should have to bury their child," as the phrase goes. It is the un-natural order of things.Yet in the face of a deadly natural disaster, order was swept to the wayside. In the middle of Indonesia, one mother's entire world was ripped apart. She didn't just lose her home — she lost her heart. The raging floods stole her two young children from her. Everyone told her they had drowned. That she would never see them again.But there is nothing that compares to a mother's love. Some even say it's the most powerful force there is...but for one mourning mother who'd lost her children, was it enough?They Lost EverythingAchwa Nussa/AAP/SijoriIn the wake of the Indian Ocean tsunami on Boxing Day in 2004 that devastated Indonesia — the Rangkuti family faced a heartbreaking tragedy. The mystery would endure for decades.In the torpedoing rainstorm that ripped their home apart and tore their village in two —Jamaliah Rangkuti and her husband Septi Rangkuti clung to a floating plank of wood. Amidst the vicious floods pulling them apart they struggled to hold on to their young children: Jannah, 4, and Arif Pratama, 7. In the torrent, Jannah and Arif were torn from their parents' desperate grasp — and each other. The two children were swallowed up by the raging waters, and after a month-long search their parents were told to give up hope of ever finding them alive. Even so, Jamaliah “prayed to God every night” that her children were safe and she would see them again.For years the Rangkuti couple clung to the belief that their children might still be alive. A decade passed. Not a trace of their children. It was nearly impossible not to lose heart.Hope was lost...or was it?"I prayed day and night that if this disappeared girl was safe, that we might find her. Even just one month ago, her father was contacting everyone he knows, and kept saying that ‘my sweet child must be alive’ every day after he came back from work."A Chance Sighting Changed EverythingFast forward 10 years later. In an unforeseen twist of fate, the unthinkable happened and hope resurfaced.Jamaliah's brother was visiting a far away island in Indonesia. He was going about his business when he spotted a fourteen-year-old girl walking in the village. He couldn't believe his eyes. Crazy as it may have seemed, the girl bore a striking resemblance to his lost niece. Even though it had been nearly a decade since he last saw her, something about her spirit felt eerily familiar.Even though all reasonable evidence suggested this couldn't possibly be the lost daughter his sister who had prayed God would bring back to was the only thread of hope the family had. Jamaliah's brother refused to leave the island until he had the answers he was looking for and thankfully — he asked the right questions.The Mysterious Girl Had Been Rescued by a FishermanAchwa Nussa/AAP/SijoriAs Jamaliah's brother dug for more information on the young girl — a shocking fact was revealed. It was enough for Jamaliah's brother to believe, this may very well be the child his sister and brother-in-law had been searching for. The village girl — who they called "Wenni" — was an orphan. No one in the village even knew her parents because she wasn't born on the island...she had been brought there. As it turns out, a fisherman discovered Wenni when she was a little girl, stranded at sea. When he found her she was barely alive clinging to a wooden board. Could it be the same wooden board that his long lost niece clung to for dear life all those years ago?Wenni was soon adopted by the same fisherman who rescued her. For the last decade his family had provided the girl with a loving home. Still, Wenni's mysterious background gave Jamliah's brother the crack in the case he needed, to take a leap of faith.Something inside her told Wenni to take a leap of faith too..because when Jamaliah's brother asked her to meet the woman he believed was her birth mother, Wenni agreed.What happened next, was a family reunion for the ages.“My Heart Beat So Fast When I Saw Her”After a tip-off from her brother, Jamaliah and her husband didn't waste a second. The couple made the trip to the far away island as soon as they could. They prayed with all their heart, Wenni was indeed their baby girl that had been ripped from their grasp all those years ago.When Jamaliah laid her eyes on her, she knew the village girl was her long lost daughter. Her name may have changed, she may have grown up — but every fibre of Jamaliah's being knew this was her little girl that she had brought into this world.EPA“My heart beat so fast when I saw her,” Jamaliah said. “I hugged her, and she hugged me back, and [she] felt so comfortable in my arms.”Jamaliah, Agence France-PresseThe emotional reunion unfolded on the remote island where Jannah was swept away to all those years ago.Now 14 years old, Jannah once lost was now found. She stood before her parents, tears streaming down freely and held them tight. Their embrace brought a tidal wave of emotions but their unwavering love bridged the gap instantly.Skeptics Told a Devoted Mother She Was CrazyEven though it was clear, Wenni and Jannah were one — certain naysayers didn't have the same faith.For some, the reunion seemed too good to be true. But in the face of skepticism Jamaliah remained steadfast in her belief. She had no doubt in her mind the girl known as Wenni was her Jannah. To quell any lingering doubts, Jamaliah boldly declared her willingness to undergo any necessary DNA tests. Her offer stood as a testament to a mother's unwavering determination to prove to the world that, against all odds, she had found her little girl.Miracles Happen: They Never Gave Up on Their ChildrenIn a world often overshadowed by tragedy, this story invites us to believe in the extraordinary, to hold onto hope even in the darkest hours. The Rangkuti family's journey is a testament to the belief that, sometimes, miracles do happen when you least expect them. "I am so grateful to God for reuniting us with our child after 10 years of being separate. God has given us a miracle. My husband and I are very happy."Sometimes, the waves return on the shore, what they have taken from us in the storm.Jamaliah said she was optimistic about finding her son Arif, who would now be 17 years old. “We will look for him on Banyak, because we believe he is still alive.”

Couple Passes by Homeless Man Who Has Lived on the Streets for 3 Years - Decide to Give Him a Christmas Hell Never Forget
Uplifting News

Couple Passes by Homeless Man Who Has Lived on the Streets for 3 Years - Decide to Give Him a Christmas Hell Never Forget

Floyd Carter spent three long years calling the streets of Washington, D.C. home. After falling on hard times, the veteran spent most of his days in front of the Whole Foods on P St., NW, and his nights wherever he could. “You’ve got nowhere to go. You’re sneaking on people’s porches, going into abandoned cars, or buildings [just] to lie down,” Carter told ABC7 News.Despite having a housing voucher — a government-issued voucher that assists very low-income families and people with disabilities in paying for safe and affordable private housing — Carter was unable to secure a roof over his head. That is until two D.C. lawyers showed up with the ultimate gift. How Two Strangers Stepped in to HelpFloyd was on his "last leg, about to give up," when two "angels in disguise" walked into his life and changed it forever. While most people would go out of their way to ignore him, Erik and Rachel Cox aren't like most people. Instead of walking past him pretending he didn't exist, they struck up a conversation and spent a few minutes getting to know him and his story. “He told us he had a housing voucher and waited for months and months, but was unable to get his foot in the door or respect when he tried to get an apartment,” the Coxes said. “We then looked at ourselves and thought, that’s not right, let’s see what we can do.”The duo got to work.The problem with the housing voucher is that participants are responsible for finding a suitable housing unit of their choice where the owner agrees to rent under the program. But unfortunately, when it comes to the homeless, the stigma is real. It's difficult to find landlords willing to take people off the streets. Without a fixed address, you don't have I.D. Without I.D., you can't get a job. It's a vicious circle. To make matters worse, the Coxes discovered that Carter had "become a ghost in a bureaucratic system." The only way he could get a place was to pony up the money for application fees and a security deposit.Money he didn't have. But luckily for him, the Coxes did. Exchanging Christmas Gifts for Christmas JoyRather than spend money on Christmas gifts for each other, the couple decided to play Santa Claus. They used $1300 towards an apartment for Carter.Just weeks after first meeting him, Erik and Rachel were helping their new friend move into his very own apartment. It was a day Carter never thought would come. "They seen something in me that nobody else seen."Floyd CarterNot only did they gift him a home, but they gave him something even more invaluable — hope. “I learned that there are some caring people in this world,” Carter said. “They made this the best Christmas I probably could ever have.”And to make it even greater, thanks to having an address and I.D., he was well on his way to getting a job. All thanks to the kindness of strangers.Spirit of GivingDuring a season often marked by material exchange, the Coxes exemplified the true spirit of giving — exchanging Christmas gifts for the joy of literally changing someone's life. Because of their generosity towards a complete stranger, they were able to take one man off the streets and put him on the road to a successful future.While not all of us can afford $1300, we can afford to rethink our own reactions when we see people struggling. A kind word, a smile, and an acknowledgment of our fellow human beings can go a long way. And just imagine the impact we could have if we were willing to give up even one of our Christmas gifts, in exchange for making someone else's life just a little bit brighter. More from Goalcast:11-Year-Old Returns All of His Christmas Presents – Surprises Everyone With What He Does With the $95A Stranger’s Christmas Card Saved This Soldier’s Life – 48 Years Later, He Finally Meets His AngelHomeless Student Nurse Couch Surfs to Survive–but Christmas Came Early When She Wins $6M Home in Lottery

11-Year-Old Foster Girl Sent to Principals Office for Fighting - Little Did She Know What Was Going to Happen Next
Uplifting News

11-Year-Old Foster Girl Sent to Principals Office for Fighting - Little Did She Know What Was Going to Happen Next

It's safe to say, high school wasn't the easiest time for most of us. There's a reason why so many coming of age stories follow how difficult it is for teenagers to make the leap from adolescence to young adulthood.When you're still in your teens and pre-teens, it's hard to know exactly what you want in the future. And with so many options and daily mounting pressures — homework, friends, college applications — it's easy to just want to give up. Thankfully we made it through with at least a handful of lasting memories — and more often than not we can recall a special relationship with at least one teacher, who really believed in us. (Pay teachers better! They're shaping the future leaders of tomorrow!)For one struggling student, there was one teacher who made a big impact on her life — and it was the last person on earth she would have ever thought would help her. After all, he'd suspended her...she had no clue his next order of business would be to adopt her.She Was a Foster Kid Flunking OutTo the naked eye, Raven Whitaker, (now 18), was just an 11-year-old foster kid with a bad attitude who was flunking all her classes. To middle school principal Jason Smith and his wife Marybeth Smith? She was a young woman struggling to find her place in the world, with no family to lean on.Her Behavior Was Out of ControlRaven Whitaker was in rough shape when she first met Jason Smith, the principal of Campbell County Middle School. Raven was sent to the Principal's office after a troubling incident in the school cafeteria. She threw a yogurt cup at another student, and the teachers didn't know how to handle her escalating behavior on their own anymore.Out of options, they suspended her (a difficult feat in middle school). After her suspension was lifted, she was sent straight to Principal John Smith's office for a firm "teaching moment." Little did they know, this was one trip to the principal's office that would teach her a life long lesson "detention" never could.When Raven arrived at the Principal's office, she braced herself for another stern talking to — one of many she had faced in her life. With crossed-arms she sat in front of Principal Smith planning to "get this over with." What happened next was more mind blowing than she ever could have imagined.He Asked Her One Simple Question and the Answer Broke His HeartInstead of reprimanding her, Principal Smith used a more gentle approach. He wanted to get to the bottom of what was making Raven act out; needless to say, it didn't take long to crack the case."Would this behavior be acceptable at a restaurant?" Principal Smith asked. "I don't know," Raven Whitaker replied, "I've never been to one."To Raven's own surprise, she opened up to Principal Smith. He was not only easy to talk to, but for the first time in her life, someone was actually listening. Raven didn't hold back. She spilled her guts about the hardship she had been quietly facing, on her own. She Had Lice in Her Hair and Bruises on Her BodyLittle girl sitting on curb in dirty dress looking cold and aloneLooking back, Raven recalls the inhumane conditions she was forced to live in. She was put in a group home with several other kids of all different ages. All kinds of children came and went, it was a revolving door of misery.By the time she was sitting in Principal Smith's office, life had already beaten Raven down -- literally. Her body was covered in bruises, her hair was filled with lice, and her fingernails were packed with dirt. With little resources and hope — it's clear hygiene was definitely not a priority. More heartbreaking still, neither was her physical safety.Raven endured what no child should ever have to.Like so many other kids in the foster system who slip through the cracks, Raven was neglected and abused. At 11-years-old with no inspiring role models to demonstrate proper behavior, Raven was left to her own devices. The heartbreaking result? Acting out against authority figures and her peers. "At that point, I had felt like she just needed a hand, needed help. I recognized that she needed something to go in her favor, maybe for once, that it hadn’t gone in her favor in the past, but she just needed somebody to help her.”Principal John Smith, Good Morning AmericaEven though Raven faced the consequences of her actions over and over, she didn't care. At such a tender age her life had already been more challenging than most face in a lifetime. She didn't feel she had anything to live for or to fight for. Thankfully there was someone who would fight for her.A Weekend Visit Turned Into a Full AdoptionWhen John Smith had returned home that night after first meeting Raven, he immediately shared her story with his wife. Thankfully the couple had the exact same response.With some hesitation (they had problems in the past with fostering children) the couple extended an invitation to have Raven over at their home for a casual visit. She was only supposed to stay the weekend, but once she walked through the Smith's front door, she never left. It was fate. They were family."They say that a mother falls in love with their child at first sight and I can remember Raven walking into that room that day, that scared little kid, and I just knew in my heart this is what's supposed to be."Marybeth Smith, Raven's motherMarybeth Smith / "Adoption Day"She Wasn’t Sure if She Could Trust Anyone Again — She’d “Heard It All Before”“It was really weird at first because, in my mind, I thought of [Jason Smith] as the bad guy because I was always getting in trouble,” Raven Whitaker-Smith told GMA. “I gave them a bunch of trouble to see what would happen, I kind of tested whether or not this was real or not to see if they would keep me no matter what, because they would tell me that but, you know, I’d heard that a lot before.”Even though the Smith's had promised they would take it slow as to not get their hopes up — once again, life had other plans. "The same weekend [I visited]," Raven shared, "we went and painted by bedroom my favorite color — teal."It may seem like a simple act, but for a young girl who has never had her own room, being given permission to pick her own paint color is everything. Without words, it tells her, "get comfortable, you are welcome here, you are safe, we're not going anywhere."She'd been holding her breath and she didn't even know it. Finally, she could breathe out and breathe deep. She was finally home. Despite wanting a family of their own, Marybeth Smith had been unable to have children. The couple clearly had a nurturing side — why else would Principal Smith choose to be an educator? Even though they couldn't see it right away, their prayers would be answered — just not in the way they thought. One Trip to the Principal’s Office Saved Her Life''Honestly, I wouldn't be alive. I probably would have gone down a completely different path."Raven Whitaker-SmithYet as always, love is a two-way street. The Smith's didn't just save Raven's life. She saved theirs.It's common knowledge that the older kids get, the less "desirable" they are for adoption. The sad reality is that children waiting who are older than six probably won't find a forever family. The level of trauma they have suffered means that not many adopters feel able to provide them with the level of care they need to thrive. But Marybeth Smith had a powerful message for all parents and aspiring parents. "If you're out there and you're thinking about fostering a kid, don't be afraid to take a teenager," she said."I couldn't love her anymore if I had given birth to her."Marybeth SmithNow, Raven Whitaker-Smith is completely unrecognizable from the little girl she used to be. With the encouragement of her two loving and supportive parents, Raven went from flunking the fifth grade to a full-blown university student!Raven Whitaker-Smith / FacebookShe's studying at The University of Kentucky and perhaps most heartwarming of all — she's working towards a degree in social work and hopes to help others one day, who are just like her.Life Doesn’t Always Go According to Plan — And That’s BeautifulYou know what they say, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." Raven's story is a reminder that hope can come from the most unsuspecting places.Chance encounters can change our life. In fact, more often than not they are almost always the thing that does. Don't believe it? Think again. Love — the greatest thing we got as humans — is nothing but chance. Take a minute to reflect on all the friends you've met or the partners you've loved and then think of how easy it would have been to have never met them at all.Missed connections and failed plans can feel like the worst thing in the world, but more often than not, with enough perspective hopefully we can realize we shouldn't have many regrets. We are may not always get what we want — but as the Rolling Stones put it best, "you get what you need."More from Goalcast:6 Siblings Were Separated in Foster Care For Over 3 Years – Then 2 Dads Adopted Them AllThree Desperate Foster Children Are Told to Open Their Christmas Presents — The News They Receive Will Warm Your HeartFoster Teen Requests to Feed the Homeless on Show – What the Producers Do Next Changes His Life

Father Forcibly Takes Away Teen Moms Newborn - 50 Years Later, an Email From a Stranger Changes Everything
Uplifting News

Father Forcibly Takes Away Teen Moms Newborn - 50 Years Later, an Email From a Stranger Changes Everything

In a heartwarming tale of love, separation, and the unyielding power of hope, a mother and son were miraculously reunited after an astonishing 48 years apart.Thuy-Nga Thi Nibblett, a young Vietnamese woman, found herself pregnant at the age of 17, the result of a relationship with an American soldier. Facing societal judgments, her father took a drastic step, placing the newborn in an orphanage without revealing the location to Thuy-Nga. Her son, named Kirk Kellerhals by his adoptive family, grew up unaware of his true heritage.A Quest for IdentityKirk, now residing in Virginia Beach, South Carolina, navigated life believing his parents had perished during the Vietnam War. Despite facing challenges due to mistaken racial identity, he was yet to delve into the depths of his family history. In 2017, prompted by his wife, Kirk took a Family Tree DNA test, hoping for a glimpse into his roots.Simultaneously, Thuy-Nga, now living in the U.S., had undertaken the same DNA test two years earlier, fervently praying for the day she'd reunite with her son.Kirk, skeptical but curious, submitted his DNA, expecting perhaps a distant relative match. To his disbelief, the results revealed a parent-child match. Shocked, he received an email from a stranger that turned out to be the missing link to his past. His mother had been searching for him for almost five decades.The Emotional ReunionThe revelation left Kirk breathless, and a subsequent call with his mother confirmed the impossible. Sheldon "Skip" Soule, Kirk's biological father, was also alive and living in New York. A few weeks later, the mother-son duo prepared for an emotional reunion, with Thuy-Nga driving from Texas to South Carolina.As the door opened, the embrace between mother and son was a testament to a love that had weathered a 48-year storm. Tears flowed freely as Kirk met the woman who had never given up hope of finding him. Amidst the joyous chaos, Kirk also connected with his biological father and siblings, realizing that, despite the challenges, this reunion was a blessing for everyone involved.The Unspoken BondWhile a significant portion of their lives had been spent apart, Kirk expressed that meeting his mother felt like they had never been separated. The parental bond was instant and profound, a connection that words struggled to encapsulate.In the midst of tears, hugs, and a flood of emotions, Thuy-Nga whispered her gratitude to God for bringing her son back to her. Kirk, echoing the sentiment, thanked fate for the unexpected blessing of finding his mother.This miraculous reunion stands as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love and faith, proving that, against all odds, family ties can be rekindled and cherished, even after half a century of separation.More from Goalcast:Firefighter Meets the Son of a Man He Rescued From a Fire 23 Years Ago in an Emotional ReunionAfter 28 Years in Jail For a Wrongful Conviction, Man Reunited With Pen Pal Who Wrote to Him Every Single WeekTwo Sisters Reunited After 75 Years After Being Put Up for Adoption After World War II

Homeless Teens Dream Of Finding Forever Family Seemed Out of Reach - Then a News Story About Him Went Live
Uplifting News

Homeless Teens Dream Of Finding Forever Family Seemed Out of Reach - Then a News Story About Him Went Live

Each year in the United States, more than 23,000 children age out of the foster system. That is to say, they reach the “adult” age of 18 and suddenly find themselves without the same kind of support they grew up with. It’s no wonder, then, that 20% of the kids who were in foster care are suddenly homeless when they age out.Sadly, an 18-year-old boy named Seth Miller found himself in that exact situation. However, he had a very happy ending in store.Growing Up With a DreamSeth grew up in the foster care system. According to USA Today, he had been put up for adoption as a toddler. During his childhood, he suffered through a hurtful failed adoption and then spent the next 10 years in and out of unhappy foster homes.The one thing that got him through was his dream of finding a forever family. But as the clock ticked down until his 18th birthday, that dream seemed less and less likely.When Seth turned 18, he officially aged out of the system and became homeless. He had a car to use as shelter, but he was sad, angry, and hurt that he had never found a family of his own.“Everything around me was pretty much empty,” he told the publication.But then, one day, things changed. Someone from an ABC news affiliate in Dallas ran Seth’s story, and unbeknownst to him, someone very important saw it.An Unexpected Family AppearsThat fateful day the news story ran, the couple who had adopted Seth’s biological sister, Shyann, happened to see it. They reached out to their local reps and got in touch with Seth’s court-appointed special advocate.Robert and Ava Hunt were hesitant at first, but eventually, they decided to reach out to Seth and let go of their fears.“When we let go of the fears, we found forever,” Ara said.They scheduled a meeting, and Shyann got to meet her brother. It was an emotional reunion and seemed meant to be. Sure, there was a transition period, and the family had some growing pains, but eventually, Ara and Robert knew that Seth was where he was meant to be. They asked him to move in and officially join their family.A Dream Finally Comes TrueSeth was so happy about the way things worked out that he decided his fresh start was worthy of a new name: Logan Hunt. In an emotional adoption video shared by USA Today, Robert explained to a judge this was the way things were supposed to be.“From the first time I saw the interview, I knew he was a part of our family,” he said. “We’re just doing this to make it legal. He’s our son.”Finally, after all of those years of wishing and hoping that his life would turn around, it did — and just in time. “It feels awesome,” Logan added. “Like I’m at peace.”It’s Never Too LateIf you ever needed a story to prove that it’s never too late to find your dream or to remind you never to give up hope, this story is it. It’s sad to imagine how hard things must have been for this young boy growing up, not to mention the hardships he probably faced. But he kept the faith and hope alive, and in the end, things worked out exactly as they were meant to.It can be hard to remind yourself that things work out in the end, especially when life gets rough. Everyone goes through dark periods, and sometimes the light at the end of that tunnel feels really far away. In times like these, it’s important to express your feelings and cultivate optimism, perhaps by practicing gratitude or doing a random act of kindness.The important thing to remember is that tomorrow is a new day. And while the storm may last a while, even the darkest clouds eventually break for some rays of sunshine.More from Goalcast:5-Year-Old Girl Officially Adopted After Spending Nearly 2,000 Days in Foster CareFormer Teacher Adopts Student Rejected by 6 Foster Homes – Receives Support From Jamie Lee CurtisFoster Teen Requests to Feed the Homeless on Show – What the Producers Do Next Changes His Life

Doctors Luggage and Equipment Were Seized at the Airport  So He Performs Surgeries in Flip Flops
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Doctors Luggage and Equipment Were Seized at the Airport So He Performs Surgeries in Flip Flops

The surgery Dr. Matt Oliva and his colleagues perform takes just four minutes and costs roughly $75 per patient. It also changes lives.According to the World Health Organization, more than 2 million Africans have lost their sight due to cataracts. A cataract is a clouding over of the eye’s natural lens, leading to blindness. As would be expected, when a person can’t see, their quality of life dramatically decreases —but even more so in a poverty-stricken country where options are extremely limited. They can’t work, and their family members must not only work to feed them but also keep them out of danger. Indeed, in Ethiopia, blind people are called “a mouth with no hands” because they have to be fed but can’t contribute to the household income.Cataract Surgery Changes LivesPhoto by MART PRODUCTIONThis is where Dr. Oliva and the Himalayan Cataract Project saw an amazing opportunity to do so much good for relatively little investment. Dr. Oliva has sat on the organization’s board for over a decade. He performs the simple, affordable cataract surgery in countries where residents would never get it otherwise, countries throughout Africa and Asia. On this particular trip, he joined fellow doctors from the United States and Canada at the Bisidimo Hospital in Ethiopia. Word had spread and the line at the hospital, a former leper colony, was long. Even though the procedure takes only minutes, some of the prospective patients would have to wait a day or two for surgery. They knew it. They had brought tents.A Doctor Without His ToolsDr. Oliva, on the other hand, arrived at the hospital without his bags. They had been seized by authorities at Ethiopian customs. The large amount of medical equipment he had brought with him from Oregon raised a red flag.But the doctor was undeterred. He would just have to improvise. Dr. Oliva donned a pair of flip flops, courtesy of the hotel he was staying at, and green scrubs from the hospital and got to work. In just six days, the team of doctors performed 1600 cataract surgeries. Many patients had just one cloudy eye, but others had two. The most complicated procedures — patients with deeply sunken eyes, for example — might take up to 20 minutes.A New Outlook on Life for Amina Ahmed60-year-old Amina Ahmed was the lucky recipient of one of those surgeries. She had heard about the campaign on the radio. Her extended family was struggling, her children working to feed and care for their mother and their own children at the same time.They worried about Ahmed when they couldn’t be around to watch her. Driven to exhaustion over the last four years of Ahmed’s worsening blindness, they hoped that the surgery be the miracle they had been praying for.And to their delight — especially Ahmed’s — it was. Cataracts develop for a variety of reasons, often with age, from injury or overexposure to sun or even vitamin deficiency. The lens of the eye becomes cloudy, causing the person to lose their vision. But the solution is shockingly simple. Doctors can remove the patient’s natural lens and replace it with a plastic one — a lens that will never become cloudy. And that lens only costs $4.That was exactly what Dr. Oliva’s team did for Amina Ahmed. And in the space of a few minutes, her world changed.“When I went to the hospital,” she said excitedly after the bandages were removed, “I couldn’t see and now I can see everything…I’m very happy. I can see the faces of everybody.” For Ahmed, “everybody” includes her children and extended family — but especially her two-year-old grandson. Before the surgery, she knew her grandson only by voice. “Now I can see his face,” she rejoiced.The Problem of AccessibilityIn Ethiopia, there are only 100 eye doctors. That’s about one eye doctor for every one million people. Dr. Mulu Lisanekwork, an ophthalmologist from Addis Ababa, says that all this untreated blindness contributes to poverty in Ethiopia. “People stop being productive when they get cataracts. And productive people are less productive because they have to take care of their blind family members.”Dr. Oliva knows firsthand the joy the simple surgery brings to his patients and how much it changes their lives. Eventually, the Ethiopian customs office did give the doctor his luggage back. But the minor setback hadn’t slowed him down. On a good day, Dr. Oliva and his team treated 400 cataracts.“It doesn’t really cost very much money,” said Dr. Oliva. The plastic lens itself costs $4, and even with overhead and personnel costs, a patient can have his or her sight restored for a mere $75. It truly is nothing short of a miracle.More from Goalcast:Mom Refuses to Terminate Her Pregnancy After Doctors Suggest It – Now Her Toddler Is Proving Everyone WrongDoctors Predicted He Wouldn’t Live Past the Age of 2 — 18 Years Later, His Heroic Nurse Gives Him This Snazzy PhotoshootPastor Donates Kidney to Stranger He Just Met – During the Surgery, Doctors Make a Shocking Discovery

Mom Refuses to Terminate Her Pregnancy After Doctors Suggest It - Now Her Toddler Is Proving Everyone Wrong
Uplifting News

Mom Refuses to Terminate Her Pregnancy After Doctors Suggest It - Now Her Toddler Is Proving Everyone Wrong

Expecting the birth of a child is often the highlight of any parent's life. Michael and Michelle Bower were no exception; they were overjoyed when they learned they were having a daughter. The Indiana couple's excitement took a turn, however, when they found out about some major complications at the 20-week mark. An ultrasound informed them that their daughter had a condition called spina bifida, a type of neural tube defect that can cause paralysis, changes to the brain, and severe trauma injuries to the nerves.How a Little Girl Proved Doctors WrongThe parents-to-be were devastated when doctors informed them their child would likely be unable to walk, talk, or breathe on their own. They even suggested Michelle terminate the pregnancy -- the odds of a healthy life for a child with this condition so unlikely. However, Michelle and Michael were determined to see it through. They decided to go through with one of the riskiest types of surgery, one that would attempt to close the opening in their baby's spine -- while still in utero. So Michelle underwent surgery on April 27, 2020, with over 35 medical professionals present for the delicate, 3-hour long, operation. Michelle was then confined to a strict bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy.Ultimately, the couple's daughter -- Lacey -- was delivered via a cesarean section on July 20. Lacey was immediately taken to intensive care, where she spent the next 18 days learning to feed and beginning to wiggle her toes and ankles. Doctors determined she was partially paralyzed from the waist down, but Lacey soon began to surprise everyone, and hasn't stopped since. At just 19-months-old, Lacey was able to speak at the level of an average 3-year-old. Soon after, she even began to maneuver her body more than doctors ever expected. The Miracle One Couple WitnessedNow at 3 years old, she has even taken her first steps with the help of a walker. In the above video shared to Michael's Facebook page, Lacey can be seen walking up the family's driveway with her walker. The parents regularly share updates regarding Lacey's development to the Facebook page, which has now become a beacon of hope for others with similarly challenging medical conditions. "Every day you get to witness a miracle," Michael proudly told a publication. “It really is incredible because one year ago, she was standing for the first time,” he marveled. “You know, doing something we never thought we’d see Lacey do. And now it’s been a year, and she can walk in her walker, and I mean completely supporting all of her own weight, which is just incredible, and I truly believe we’re going to get to a point where she doesn’t even need a walker. She has that drive.”How One Little Girl Proved the Importance of PerseveranceThis drive is the most impressive part of Lacey's journey, and precisely what makes her such an inspiration. Despite the bleak outlook of her diagnosis, Lacey is a ray of joy. She is rarely seen without a smile on her face, and is constantly laughing. She remains clever, inquisitive, and determined -- traits her parents believe have helped her defy the odds. Lacey is the embodiment of perseverance. She possesses an unstoppable spirit, and is a shining example of the power of determination. Her progress exhibited on Facebook is now an inspiration to hundreds of thousands who follow the updates. Most recently, her father shared an update that Lacey would begin preschool.By all accounts, Lacey is beating the odds of her diagnosis, and leading a full life. Her story is an inspiration for any facing hurdles in their life, beyond medical challenges. The strength of her spirit is remarkable, and can teach us all to keep going, especially when it seems most difficult. More from Goalcast:Doctors Wanted to Put Baby with Down Syndrome in an Institution – 15 Years Later, She Proves Them WrongGirl Who ‘Can’t Smile’ Is Constantly Bullied by Classmates – Years Later, Proves Everyone Wrong and Becomes a SupermodelBlack Woman’s Family Thinks She’s “Crazy” to Quit Her Full Time Job – Proves Everyone Wrong by Achieving Her Dream

Woman Tried to Hide Her Hearing Aids - Until Her Son Inspired Her to Embrace Her Disability
Uplifting News

Woman Tried to Hide Her Hearing Aids - Until Her Son Inspired Her to Embrace Her Disability

For decades, Kaja Montgomery had been wearing flesh-coloured hearing aids. In her late 40s now, Montgomery was three years old when she first got hearing aids and doesn’t remember a time without them. Her two sons also suffer from hearing loss. But when she saw her older son happily looking over the bold colour choices for his own hearing aids, she was inspired to “come out of hiding.”“We couldn't hide our hearing aids,” Montgomery explains, “so we might as well be bold, have fun and wear them with pride.”Another decade went by before Montgomery suspected that there was problem with one of her hearing aids. During a routine visit, her audiologist explained that the device was no longer sufficient for her right ear and gave her a referral to a cochlear implant clinic. Montgomery was surprised but decided to follow her doctor’s advice. When the cochlear implant clinic confirmed her need for an implant, she tried to prepare herself mentally for the surgery.Why One Woman Wanted to Hide Her Hearing AidsPhoto by Julia M CameronCochlear implant surgery is not a small affair. Although it’s a relatively straightforward surgery and the success rate is very high — Montgomery’s surgeon described it as “a miracle” — the recovery period takes several months. The patient must retrain their brain to interpret audio signals picked up by the implant.Montgomery admits that she was also worried about how she would look. The implant is placed under the skin, just behind the ear; but the processor, which attaches to the implant with magnets, measures about 9 mm by 6 mm. But Montgomery was once again encouraged by her son’s unapologetic stance to wearing flashy hearing aids. She also had to admit that she was now missing out on things because of her inability to hear. So she confirmed with the clinic that she was ready for the surgery.Montgomery was in the hospital for only a day, but the results of the surgery were far from the miracle that she was expecting. Voices sounded computerized to her. Her own children’s voices were indistinguishable from strangers’. She suffered from intense headaches and painful swelling around the incision. She began to doubt her decision to replace her hearing aids with the implant.Montgomery’s family rallied around her, helping her to relearn how to hear and pronounce words. She listened to hours and hours of TED Talks with the subtitles turned on. She followed along with the text while listening to audiobooks. Her sons would hide their mouths while speaking to her, forcing her to rely on the implant. They made it into a game, one that Montgomery hopes demystified a process that they, too, may undertake one day.The retraining was exhausting and progress was slow. Montgomery started to panic. She knew that the first three months were critical to put the patterns of relearning in place. Would the whole ordeal be for nothing in the end?How One Boy Inspired His Mom to Embrace Her Disability Slowly but surely, Montgomery started to recognize the progress she was making. Voices were not only starting to sound less computerized — she was also able to distinguish between different tones of voice and accents. The headaches were easing up. The pain around the incision was gone. And then, one day, she realized that she could indeed hear better than she could before the surgery, with her hearing aids. The surgery was a success.The experience was empowering and overflowed into other areas of Montgomery’s life. She decided she wasn’t going to hide the cochlear implant processor; she was going to wear it with style. She cut her hair short. “If someone looks at me and sees only my hearing loss, that's on them.” When a friend asked her why she doesn’t brush back her hair to cover her implant, Montgomery proudly responded, “Because I am a cyborg and proud.” She doesn’t let her hearing loss hold her back in any area of her life. She dances and plays the flute; she’s a kindergarten teacher for children with special needs.Her son’s reaction to an array of bright and flashy hearing aids is inspiring. He embraces his difference and is proud of who he is. Montgomery knew that she had to live her life the same way. That’s why, when her younger son gifted her with a bright and playful processor cover for her birthday, Montgomery was delighted. The cover is blue with an image of a white cat playing with a red ball of yarn. Montgomery thinks it looks perfect in her black hair.“Each morning before I walk out the door, I push away my hair to make sure everyone can see it,” she says confidently.