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Man sitting in a wheelchair and a man crying, with text overlay "Dead serious man..."
Uplifting News

Desperate Man Needs to Pay Rent - Decides to Give His Money to a Stranger Instead

When an influencer approached a man on the street asking for money one day, he thought he would help him out with a generous gift. What he didn’t count on was an uplifting message to the rest of the world.

Homeless Man Sees Careless Stranger Walk Away From His Parked Car in a Rush - Does Something Incredible in His Absence
Uplifting News

Homeless Man Sees Careless Stranger Walk Away From His Parked Car in a Rush - Does Something Incredible in His Absence

It's the reality of urban life. Turn your head for one second, and you just never know what someone is going to do. One man learned that in shocking fashion, returning to a scene that leaves him forever changed. A Careless Man in a HurryPhoto by Ono KosukiHe pulls up by the sidewalk in a black Toyota and stops abruptly. The door swings open and a man in a white dress shirt and gray pants walks in a frenzy while talking animatedly on his cell phone. He's so busy in the bustle that he can't hear the hollers of a strange man on the street waving his arm while holding a sign.This is exactly how horrible things happen, when you're not paying attention. It can be taking your eye off the road, crossing the street without looking, or talking on your phone when you should be watching your back.Sadly, it's too late now as the man has turned the corner. You can't imagine that he'll be happy with what happens next. We've all been in that position and paid a price for being distracted.A Homeless Man Does Something ShockingPhoto by Jon TysonAfter a few paces, the strange man who appears homeless stops giving chase to the busy man on the cell. He looks to his left and sees the man's car, unattended. It's a quiet enough strip and there's no one in sight. It's not like the man has to stay here on this street. Why not go for a quick payday?That's when the man turns, reaches down and does something crazy.It's not long before the man in the white shirt returns, dumbfounded."Hey, how did you get here? Hey, hold on. Hey man. What's up man? What's up man?" asks the man in the white shirt returning, and he's walking straight towards the homeless man. That's because the homeless man is being caught red-handed...doing something incredible.You see, when the man reached down, it was into his cup, where he grabbed some change and put it into the parking meter next to the black Toyota. That's because the man on the phone was too distracted to remember. Try as he did, the homeless man was unable to get his attention. Incredibly, when an hour later the driver doesn't show, up went the homeless man to refill the meter. And 45 minutes later, he does it again.It's at that moment that the two exchange words.The Touching Reason for the Homeless Man’s GestureThat's also the exact moment that the cat is out of the bag. This is not random, but a social experiment. And the absent-minded, fast-walking and talking man is social influencer Johal, whose self-named channel does both pranks and social experiments. This was no joke, just shock. "You've been for the quarters the whole time? Like, the whole time?" asked Johal."Yeah, you took off and I was trying to stop you like 'hey, hey, hey!' Yeah, man, I don't want you to get a ticket," replied the homeless man.Johal was still in disbelief and asked for his motivation for doing what he did."Life, man. From a life perspective, things have been too rough for me and there's nothing I can do. I have nobody to hold me down, nothing, so."Johal was beside himself. "I was seriously standing there tearing up, man. That means a lot to me, dude. Like, you're putting, you're spending your own money just to save me from getting a ticket. Somebody that, you know, dressed nice, somebody that has, you know, everything that he needs.""It's just little coins, man. After all that I've been through, man, I can't do anything else but to help somebody," replied the positive panhandler. After hugging him, Johal asks the man a question that gives this story a feel-good glow up.How an Influencer Reminds Us That Humanity Is Skin DeepWhen Johal asks the man the last time he's eaten, he replies, "Honestly, since yesterday."At that moment, Johal reaches into his back pocket and peels several bills from a wad and hands it to the man, telling him to get a meal and a room."This is a lot of money... I've never received this much money from anybody," replied the stunned man.The amazing video went viral with over 8.5 million views, with over close to 8,000 awestruck comments. "If only more humans could be like him. He has nothing, yet he will offer everything," wrote one."Honestly, the world needs more people like this," added another.Like Johal at the video's start, most of us are caught up in life's hustle with blinders on. As we do so, we pay little mind that those who might have less than us still feel as much as we do. And just like that man, they too feel the pull to help people even when they so sorely need it themselves. No matter who we are, when we give, we're casting a vote for humanity. More from Goalcast:Homeless Man Bursts Into Tears After Finding Out Strangers Raised Over $15,000 For Him to Buy a HousePolice Officer Passes by Struggling Homeless Woman on the Street – The Message on Her Shirt Makes Him Pull OverJudge Issues a $400 Fine to Struggling Homeless Woman Who Has Only $5 – Her Tragic Story Changes His Mind

91-Year-Old Great-Grandmother Can Finally Retire Her Cashier Job - All Because She Took Matters Into Her Own Hands

91-Year-Old Great-Grandmother Can Finally Retire Her Cashier Job - All Because She Took Matters Into Her Own Hands

Betty Glover dreamed of retiring. And no doubt, at 91 years old she has spent more than 70 YEARS working at least one job. Sometimes two. Born during the Great Depression, she started working at the age of 20 after getting an accounting degree at Fresno State and hasn't stopped.Over the years Glover has worked in a bakery and an ad agency, dealt blackjack, run a restaurant with her late husband, and worked for a roofing company. Most recently, while pushing 80, she got a job as a cashier at the local WinCo grocery store in South Medford, Oregon.“It was back when you filled out the old paper applications. I was already in my 70s, so I figured there was no way they were gonna hire me, but they did,” Glover told the Rogue Valley Times.But now, she's starting to slow down and she'd like to spend her final years watching her great-grandchildren and even her great-great-grandchildren grow up.91-Year-Old Grocery Cashier Starts Her Own GoFundMeBetty Glover/GoFundMeUnfortunately, like so many seniors, Glover didn't have the financial means to retire. That is, until now.Taking matters into her own hands, the nonagenarian, with the help of one of her granddaughters, launched a GoFundMe campaign with an initial goal of $40,000.Titled, "Help me retire please," she wrote: "I am a great-grandmother of almost 92, still checking groceries at WinCo. Although I love my customers and the people I work with, I would like to retire. I really need to retire as my eyesight is failing due to macular degeneration."Glover went on to explain that in order to have enough money to cover her monthly bills, including groceries and medications, she needed to pay off the fifth wheel she lives in. "Anything you can do to help would be much appreciated," she wrote.Nearly 3,000 people answered her plea for help and my faith in humanity has officially been restored.Grocery Cashier Raises Over $80K and Can Finally RetireDonations have come pouring in and as of this writing, the GoFundMe has raised more than double the asking. So far it's at a whopping $86,970. “I never even thought I’d make $40,000. It really is heartwarming, and it makes me want to cry,” she said.“I didn’t even know how to do a GoFundMe. My granddaughter did it for me, but I thought, ‘Nobody’s gonna do anything. Nobody cares about others anymore.’ I think all my co-workers have contributed and a bunch of my regulars,” she added.Glover is beyond grateful. And the best news of all? She's finally able to retire. In fact, she's already given her notice. Her last day will be May 1st. 3 weeks before she turns 92.In an update on her GoFundMe, she wrote:"Thanks to all of your support and generosity, my last day in the check stand at WinCo will be May 1st! I am still amazed at the outpouring of support and kindness. Thank you all so much." Americans are Working Longer and Retiring Later The harsh reality is that Betty Glover is not alone. According to the latest data from the Natixis Global Retirement Index, 59% of Americans said they will have to keep working past 65. While "36% believe that they will never have enough money to be able to retire."Additionally, the report found that roughly 41% said their ability to be financially secure in retirement is “going to take a miracle.” Thankfully for Glover, she found her miracle. And she's excited for what comes next.“When you’re 30, 90 feels like forever. Somebody said to me, ‘Well, you’re always so upbeat.’ I said, well, yes, I don’t sit around and think about dying. I think about living. And I think about what exciting things are gonna happen tomorrow."“I look forward to tomorrow … I always have.”And now, thanks to the power of community and a collective act of kindness, she has even more to look forward to.

Lone Employee Struggles to Feed Hungry Crowd - Then One Customers Actions Lead to Something "Bizarre"
Uplifting News

Lone Employee Struggles to Feed Hungry Crowd - Then One Customers Actions Lead to Something "Bizarre"

Working in the food industry can be a tough gig, especially these past few years following the pandemic, the rise of food delivery apps, and the general struggles that come with working in the customer service industry.That’s why this story of customers coming to the rescue of one lone restaurant worker is so heartening.A Hungry CrowdEthan CrispoCustomers at a Waffle House in Birmingham, Alabama were getting pretty hungry one night when they entered the restaurant following a Saturday night out. It was now officially Sunday morning, and there was only one employee there to serve and feed the customers.According to Ethan Crispo, he came into the establishment just after midnight. There, he noticed the employee tending to a crowd of about 30 people.“I sat down at my table and I was like, ‘I’m not getting my waffle,’” Crispo recalled to The Washington Post. “The look on [the employee’s] face was maybe fear, maybe shock, maybe bewilderment. There was literally no one else working but him.”Then, much to his surprise, Crispo witnessed one customer stand up, ask for an apron, and get to work.“It was a transition so smooth I initially assumed it was a staff member returning to their shift,” Crispo continued. “It wasn’t. It was a kind stranger. A man who answered the call. Bused tables, did dishes, stacked plates.”Inspiring OthersIt didn’t take long for other customers to follow suit and jump up to help the poor employee out. Crispo recalled one woman in a dress and heels who figured out how to work the coffee maker.“She tried to take an order or two, but then she went to busing tables. It was bizarre to see someone doing that in a sequinned dress and heels,” he said.Soon people from all walks of life were serving, washing, cooking, and doing whatever it took to feed the crowd and keep things running smoothly. Eventually, everyone got their midnight snacks in a real act of teamwork and collaboration.A Big Miscommunication In his interview with the Washington Post, Crispo said the server told him that two other employees had been there that evening but left. According to Fox4 News, there was a miscommunication in scheduling workers that night, which resulted in a staff shortage.Spokesperson Pat Warner told the outlet that security footage collaborated Crispo’s story, and he thanked those who helped out that night.“We really appreciate their efforts… though we do prefer our associates to be behind the counter,” Warner said. “The key to our concept is, we’re there to serve you, not the other way around.”As for Crispo, he did get his waffle that night. “It was surprisingly fantastic,” he told the Washington Post. “Ben did an incredible job,” he continued, adding the customers who helped that night did too. “Humanity isn’t good. It’s great.”Lending a Helping HandWhile this situation was rare, and even the busiest of restaurants tend to be well-staffed during busy periods, this story hits home because it’s nice to see that there are people out there who are willing to assess a situation, use their best judgment, and pitch in to help without being asked.It’s a nice reminder that we can do kind acts in our everyday lives too. It can be something big, like offering to watch an overwhelmed mother’s young kids or dropping off groceries. Or it can be small, like holding the door for an elderly person or helping them carry their bags to the car.The point is to keep your eyes open in your community and relationships and look for ways to help, then step in when it may be needed. Sometimes a person may politely decline, and that’s okay. But other times, your helping hand may be just the thing that person needs to push through their day.

Woman Miraculously Escapes Kidnapper By Using Emotional Intelligence
Everyday Heroes

Woman Miraculously Escapes Kidnapper By Using Emotional Intelligence

One triathlete used her brains, not her body, to escape a deranged kidnapper.AmbushedAustrian triathlete Nathalie Birli was biking back home after training for an upcoming event, eager to see her partner and 14-week-old son.En route, Nathalie was hit by her car and sent flying off her bike. A man exited the car, knocked her unconscious, bound her and threw her into the backseat. Birli woke up in an old house on remote property, naked and tied to a chair. Her captor, who she described as "full of hate," gave her clear instructions."Do what I want -- you will be free again tomorrow.""He blindfolded me, forced me to drink wine and schnapps and he always held a knife in his hand"- Nathalie BirliAs Birli's kidnapper became increasingly violent, she knew she would have to do something to change her circumstances.Stop and smell the orchidsShe found that something was hiding in plain sight: Orchids, on display throughout the house/prison. They must have meant something to her captor. And so, she took a chance."I admired them and suddenly the perpetrator was nice to me. He was a gardener, he said, and suddenly told me about his botched life"- Nathalie BirliHe confided in her, telling her that he is a gardener, and how loss, addiction and infidelity from past girlfriends took him down a dark path. Having made a connection, Birli amazingly persuaded him to let her go, telling him: “let's say it was an accident.” He agreed to free her.Humanity beats insanityFortunately, the man brought Nathalie back home along with her bike, which was equipped with GPS tracking. Police used the technology to find and arrest her kidnapper.Safe now, Birli is nothing but grateful to have escaped from "a bad dream.""Thank God I was able to free myself and am well except for a broken arm and a head injury"- Nathalie BirliA life-saving connectionNathalie is even more remarkable for being able to connect with her captor on some human level despite the suffering he inflicted on her.Her ability to recognize that the orchids might be important to him -- and expressing it --- could very well have saved her life.More uplifting stories:Clever 911 Dispatcher Saves Woman From Domestic Abuser By Noticing Subtle CueWoman Finds Love With Stranger Who Donated Half His Liver To Save Her LifeQuick-Thinking Man Acts Like Woman’s Friend To Save Her From Creepy StalkerQuick-Thinking Man Acts Like Woman’s Friend To Save Her From Potential Assault

Perceptive Flight Attendant Saves Teenager From Clutches Of Human Traffickers
Everyday Heroes

Perceptive Flight Attendant Saves Teenager From Clutches Of Human Traffickers

Flight attendants spend much of a plane route making sure passengers are comfortable, and perhaps passing out a pillow or a beverage. But recently, an eagle-eyed flight attendant noticed something that seemed suspicious and ended up saving a life. Quick thinking“The girl looked like she had been through pure hell.”Shelia FedrickShelia Fredrick, a flight attendant working for Alaska Airlines, saw a young teen who was traveling with a well-dressed older man. It set off red flags.Fredrick tried to be chatty with the pair to see if all was well, but the man seemed defensive.“I left a note in one of the bathrooms,” Fredrick said. “She wrote back on the note and said ‘I need help.'”Fredrick then told the pilot, who arranged to have police waiting in the airport terminal when the plane landed.“I've been a flight attendant for 10 years and it's like I am going all the way back to when I was in training and I was like I could have seen these young girls and young boys and didn't even know." Fredrick to WTSP. Sharing the signsFredrick has kept in contact with the girl she rescued over the past few years, who is now attending college. The experience inspired Frederick to lead seminars for flight attendants on what to look out for when seeing potential trafficking situations on a flight. "I love to smile, like being around people, that's why I'm a flight attendant. Loving working with people and taking risks," shared Fredrick in a Star Now profile. The risk is worth the rewardEspecially in a time like this, with a global pandemic ravaging the world, flight attendants are constantly putting themselves at risk to make sure their passengers arrive safely at their destination. What an amazing gift this woman is. Not only did she save a young girl's life, but she also turned the situation into an opportunity to pursue efforts to raise awareness about human trafficking. More uplifting news:4 Years Ago, He Was Homeless–Today, He Bought His First HouseCashier Trusts Her Instincts And Rescues Woman From Kidnappers Who Assaulted HerDomestic Abuse Survivor Marries The First Responder Who Saved Her LifeHeroes of the Week: Eagle-Eyed Hawaiian Airlines Flight Attendants Save 3 Girls From Human Trafficking