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Groom and bride at their wedding and a woman with her hair in a messy bun.
Uplifting News

Woman Meets Her Future Husband at the Gym - Then Her Sister Recognizes Him From Her Past

Do you believe in soulmates? That one person you're destined to be with? The "ONE" the universe has already connected you to, long before you even meet?If you don't, this may just change your mind and make even the most skeptical among us believe that fate? Really does exist.

18-Year-Old Weds Someone Else After Parents Forbid Her From Marrying Her Love - But 60 Years Later He Shows Up at Her Door
Uplifting News

18-Year-Old Weds Someone Else After Parents Forbid Her From Marrying Her Love - But 60 Years Later He Shows Up at Her Door

Sometimes, when you meet the person you’re destined to be with, you just know. That was the case for Len Allbrighton and Jeanette Steer when they first met as teens in the 1960s. The couple immediately fell in love and planned to marry. But then Jeanette’s parents — and life — had other plans.Engaged to Be MarriedWhen Steer was 18 years old, she met 19-year-old Allbrighton on the Isle of Wight. They were both there as trainee nurses and found they had a ton in common. They got engaged and planned to move to Australia together to start a new life, reports Daily Mail.But at the time, the age of consent to marry in the U.K. was 21, and Steer’s parents did not give their permission. So, the couple was forced to put their engagement on hold. Eventually, Allbrighton decided to follow the dream and move to Australia. He had never been happy in the U.K. and hoped that, eventually, his love would follow him.However, Steer’s parents would not allow her to move to Australia, and she was forced to write to her fiancé to break off the engagement. He was left with a broken heart and the plot of land he had purchased to build a home with Steer on.A Love Not ForgottenEventually, both parties moved on and fell in love with new partners. Allbrighton met a woman, built the house on the plot of land, and became a father of three. Steer also married and remained on the Isle of Wight. She and her naval officer husband had two kids of their own.All was fine for decades, although the formerly engaged couple thought about each other often. When Allbrighton’s marriage ended in 2015, he decided it was time to look Steer up.He went to the Isle of Wight and looked up her address at the local library. Then, he went to her house and stood outside until she came out to see what he wanted.“I was daunted not knowing what her reaction would be or if I would even see her,” he recalled. “I went on the off-chance. It was not an easy place to find, but I did.”According to the publication, Steer didn’t recognize him initially, with a beard and all those years between them. Then it all came flooding back.“I nearly died when I realized it was him standing by my garden fence,” she said. “I was glad he looked me up — I thought of him a lot at the time.”Fated to Be TogetherAt the time, Steer had to send Allbrighton away. She was still married and didn’t want to hurt her husband, so she lied and said the man was a stranger looking for directions. Allbrighton left, but neither he nor Steer forgot about the interaction. Two years later, when Steer’s husband passed away from cancer, she looked Allbrighton up from an address he’d put on a Christmas card to her.It wasn’t long until love blossomed again, this time with the couple in their seventies. They married last February with the blessing of all their children and great-grandchildren. One of Steer’s daughters even gave her away, says Daily Mail.“We fell in love again,” Allbrighton said. “We read poems to each other and exchanged rings. I got emotional when reading mine. I was overwhelmed with my love for her.”Embracing Life’s QuirksThis story is so powerful because it reminds us that love can conquer all, no matter how many naysayers, years, or even life events get in the way. It’s nice to think that even though this relationship didn’t work out at first, the couple can still have their time together. Plus, they did so many meaningful things, like finding spouses and having children, in between.It’s a nice story for all of us to remember when things get dark, or we feel like life isn’t going the way we’d planned. Sometimes, we’re meant to do other things in our lives before we can revisit what feels like a big moment or relationship. We don’t always understand the weird twists of fate or unfair circumstances we face. But sometimes, life has other plans, and our moment is yet to come.More from Goalcast:Woman Finally Marries “True Love” 43 Years After Her Mother Forced Her to End Interracial RelationshipWoman Marries the Love of Her Life – Then Finds Out She Shares a Crazier Connection With Her Mother-In-LawCouple Forced Apart Reunites After 53 Years And Finds Daughter Given Up For Adoption

Woman Visits Subway Station Everyday for Years - Just to Hear Three Words From Her Love
Love Stories

Woman Visits Subway Station Everyday for Years - Just to Hear Three Words From Her Love

Losing someone we love is the most unbearable grief. It is, as they say, the price we pay for love. There is little we wouldn't do for the chance to have just one more day with them or to hear their voice just one more time. For Dr. Margaret McCollum, it is this wish that kept bringing her back to a subway station in London. Every. Single. Day. For almost two decades.What makes this daily pilgrimage extraordinary is the simple yet profound reason behind it – the desire to hear her deceased husband's voice.A Voice Lives OnMargaret met Oswald Laurence while on tour in Morocco in 1992. He was working for the tourism company as a tour guide. It was the sound of his "most gorgeous voice" that first attracted him to her.It was a voice she would quickly grow to love. They stayed together until his death in 2007 at the age of 78.Back in the late 1960s, Oswald, an actor and voice artist, was hired to record the iconic "Mind the Gap" announcement for the London Underground's Northern line. The recording warns travelers to be careful of the gap between the train and the platform. For years, his voice played over the intercom, until eventually it was phased out of all of the stations except one: the Embankment Station.After Oswald's death and desperately missing him, Margaret started going to the station daily. She would sit on a bench and wait for the announcement to air. Just for the chance to hear the sound of his voice once again, saying "Mind the gap."To everyone else, they were just three simple words. But for Margaret, they held a lifetime of love. "Since he died I would sit and wait for the next train until I heard his voice," she told the BBC. "Knowing that I could go and listen to his voice was simply wonderful. It was a great comfort." For five years, this became her routine. Until November 2012. A Voice Is SilencedIn November 2012, Oswald's voice was silenced in the name of progress; his recording replaced by a new digital system.Margaret was devastated. She contacted staff at the Embankment Station, hoping to get a copy of Oswald's recording. The staff told her they'd see what they could do. And because apparently true love ISN'T DEAD, staff at the station, at London Underground, and at the Transportation for London office, all rallied together in the name of love and loss. And together they made the impossible possible.In an amazing display of humanity, archives were searched. Old tapes found and restored. A voice recording was digitized. An entire company-wide announcement system was altered. Reams of customary bureaucratic red tape were cut and in the end, eternal love prevailed. Margaret received a CD recording so that she could listen to Oswald in the comfort of her own home whenever she wanted. However, that wasn't the end of the line. At the time, London Underground director Nigel Holness, told the BBC, "We were very touched by her story, so staff tracked down the recording and not only were they able to get a copy of the announcement on CD for her to keep but are also working to restore the announcement at Embankment station."In March 2013, the restoration was complete.And Margaret once again heard the voice of her beloved announcing, "Mind the gap," over the loudspeaker of the Embankment Station.To this day, according to the London Transport Museum, Oswald's legacy lives on. The Northbound platform of the Embankment Station is the only platform along the Northern line that has a different, non-digital voice delivering the safety message — Oswald's. Three times for each and every train.A Beautiful Testament to Love’s PowerFor those among us who have lost a loved one, there is no greater wish than to be able to hold onto cherished memories. To have a piece of them live with us, long after they are gone. Margaret's enduring love for Oswald is inspiring. But so are the collective efforts of those who joined her in preserving Oswald's voice. A group of people who went so far out of their way to ensure that one person would still have a connection to the person she loved most. Loss is universal but so is love. And it was because of love, for a husband and for a fellow human being, that one man's voice lives on.More from Goalcast: 78-Year-Old Doctor Proposes to High School Crush After 60 Years Apart in an Airport – Proving the Power of True LoveWoman Is Forbidden by Dad to Marry Her Lover – Years Later, Her Daughter Discovers a Big Family SecretVeteran Spends 70 Years Searching for the Lost Love of His Life – At 91, He Finally Finds Her

Lifelong Bachelor Finally Gets Married at 93 - To the Woman He Met at His Sisters Wedding in 1959
Love Stories

Lifelong Bachelor Finally Gets Married at 93 - To the Woman He Met at His Sisters Wedding in 1959

Back in 1959, Frankie Avalon and Ricky Nelson were playing on the jukebox, Ben Hur was dominating the box office, and Joe Potenzano and Mary Elkind laid eyes on each other for the first time at his sister's wedding. Mary, now 83, was the groom's cousin and maid of honor. Joe, 10 years her senior, was the best man.Sixty-four years later, the duo is once again taking part in a wedding — only this time, it's their own. And their love story is finally coming full circle...six decades after it first began. The One Who Got AwayThe first time Joe and Mary met, sparks flew. "I thought he was cute," Mary recalls.They dated briefly but then life pulled them in separate directions. Mary, a professional dancer, went on to perform at Radio City Music Hall and toured Europe with a ballet company. Joe served in the army and graduated with an engineering degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey.In 1962, Mary got married. But not to Joe. And while he might not have been the groom, he did attend her wedding.Mary and her husband went on to have 3 children and stayed together until his death, nine years ago. Joe remained a bachelor. That is, until now."I was lonely, and I had very few friends left," Joe told "But I decided that being lonely was not an option I was willing to die with."The consummate bachelor was finally ready to make a move. Over the years, Mary and Joe would periodically see each other at various family gatherings. However, they always kept their distance.But then last year, while they were both attending a family christening, Joe finally summoned up the courage to ask Mary out. She said yes.A Romance RekindledThe two started dating; enjoying dinners and movies, and spending hours talking on the phone. "I say this unashamedly. I fell in love with her and she told me she fell in love with me," Joe said. "What else do you want?" You could say their love was written in the stars."I had actually wondered about Joe off and on — he'd attended my wedding, and we always saw each other at christenings and Christmas parties," Mary told the Washington Post. "I have even wondered a few times what life would have been like if I'd married him."She's about to find out.Joe proposed last month and for the first time in 93 years, he's going to be a groom.Lifelong Bachelor Finds the Love of His Life Proving It’s Never Too LateAs for leaving his bachelor days behind him? Joe is more than ready."Yes, this is all new to me, but I'm confident there won't be any problems," he said. "We're both in good health, and I haven't met anyone yet who's told me, 'You dummy — love is for the young.' That's simply not true.""Older people like us deserve love too," he added. "And we're going to give it our best in the years we have left." Their families agree. Mary's daughter, Sue Elkind, 55, says her mom is acting like a teenager again. "She has that giddy spirit that comes out when you're in love. We're really happy for both of them."The happy couple plans on tying the knot in October and will honeymoon in Cape Cod before settling into the rest of their golden years -- together. There's a saying, "Love is wasted on the young." But as Joe and Mary prove, this is far from true. Because when it comes to love? You're never too old and it's never too late. More from Goalcast:Homeless Couple Couldn’t Afford to Get Married for 24 Years – Then a Stranger Throws Them a Surprise WeddingBride’s Father Dies Before Wedding – So Her Mom Gifts Her the Ultimate Daddy-Daughter Dance SurpriseWedding of the Century: Grandparents Say “I Do” After 40 Years of Living Together

Plus Size Man and His Size 8 Wife Receive Rude Comments From Haters - Come Up With the Perfect Idea to Silence Them
Uplifting News

Plus Size Man and His Size 8 Wife Receive Rude Comments From Haters - Come Up With the Perfect Idea to Silence Them

Boy is crazy about girl. Girl is madly in love with boy. Against all odds and distances, the two join in a beautiful union.A classic love story, right? For some salty souls, this couple is being branded 'uncomfortable,' 'weird,' and 'not genuine.'While it remains a sad sign of the times, their reaction gives us all reason to rejoice.A Couple’s Chemistry Moves OceansPhoto by Andrea Piacquadio You can say that Australia and the UK are worlds away. The distance between them is 15,287 kilometers or 8,254 nautical miles. Traveling by water, it would take about 40 days by boat. And, if you're sailing, it can take as long as 4 months, maybe less if the winds are just right. For 26-year-old Sienna Keera of Australia, the winds were just perfect.That's because while she was traveling to the UK, her real destination was a man named George Keywood. And when they connected, the oceans are no match. Keera first noticed him from the Netflix UK comedy series People Just Do Nothing on BBC. "I was attracted to his smile, his eyes, and of course his big belly," she told in a leap of faith, she reached out to him online. After chatting on Instagram for 6 months, Keera crossed the pond to be with him. Following a magical 6 weeks together that saw them visit Amsterdam and Paris, Keera knew she had a keeper. And so, despite some family friends urging against it, Keera quit her job as a personal trainer and moved to Surrey to live with her beau. After successfully popping the question in Venice, the two were poised to be husband and wife barely six months after their first meeting. So what's wrong with this perfect picture?Sadly for some, everything.A Plus-Sized ProblemAccording to some online trolls, the problem is that Keera is a size eight while Keywood is plus-sized (He declines to reveal his actual weight).The mean spirits are quick to crash this couple's party.“She’s into the wallet, lad. Don’t be deluded!’’ wrote one. “She’s just waiting for my mans to go into cardiac arrest,” chimed in another.Along with online jabs, Keera also admits being out in public can also be a challenge.“A lot of people stare at us in the street, which makes me feel uncomfortable because it’s rude, but I know we look different to other couples," she says."That's the sad world we live in right now, people being judged for being different and happy," adds her husband.Yet far from hiding and pouting, this couple turns the tables on their trolls instead.How a Couple Hits Back at Their TrollsPhoto by Lidya NadaKeera is posing in a racy, high-cut dress. Flanking her is her husband holding their lovely baby boy Oliver on his knee.As JORDY's song Sticks and Stones hits its crescendo, she dances excitedly with hubby cheering her on. The creative credits, popping on the screen of the video are the cruel words posted by their trolls."You two won't last." "This isn't love." "They are both so odd." "It's all fake for TikTok."It's one of several videos that Keera and Keywood record together to rub in their faces.The videos are a success, racking up millions of views. As the clicks grow, the sunshine from supporters came and washed the trolls away."Better cuddles!! You go guys," cheered one while another said, "Absolutely beautiful couple."How One Couple Proves That Happiness Is the Best RevengeHappy and with a bright future, Keera says that she and her husband are now focused on spreading self-love to others. "Our aim is to encourage people to accept themselves for who they are. Thank you to everyone who supports us and sends positive messages our way," she says.I'd be willing to bet that with a little bit of self reflection, those trolls will tell you that the hate they direct at others is really intended for themselves. Like the old adage goes, 'Hurt people hurt people.'Meanwhile, being able to show unconditional love to others -- like Keera and Keywood do --starts with loving who you see in the mirror.For those who are still salty, Keywood has some bad news.“If you want to judge, that’s fine, but we’re not going to change because of the hate.”More from Goalcast:Men Warn They Would Break Up With Plus Size Woman if She Didn’t Lose Weight – But One Personal Trainer Gets Down on One KneePlus-Sized Teen Drives Six Hours to Buy a Dress That Will Fit Her — Her Heart Stops When She Sees the Price Tag

78-Year-Old Doctor Proposes to High School Crush After 60 Years Apart in an Airport - Proving the Power of True Love
Love Stories

78-Year-Old Doctor Proposes to High School Crush After 60 Years Apart in an Airport - Proving the Power of True Love

In a scene right out of a Hollywood movie, a 78-year-old Florida dermatologist recently got the internet swooning after a video of his airport proposal to his high school sweetheart went viral.Not only was it peak rom-com perfection, but it was also a loooooong time coming. Like, 60 years coming.And if this doesn't satisfy the most cynical among us, nothing will. Because true love? Really does exist.A Proposal Six Decades in the MakingDr. Thomas McMeekin and Nancy Gambell first met in high school in Quincy, California. He was a football star and she was a cheerleader."We admired each other from a distance," McMeekin told Fox13. "I never thought I had a chance with her."They did go on a few dates during college but ultimately lost track of each other, flying off in separate directions. Aside from briefly reconnecting at their 50th high school reunion, ten years ago, they remained out of contact.All that changed, however, when McMeekin received an invite to his 60th high school reunion. He RSVP'd and received a surprising message from Gambell saying, "I'm really looking forward to seeing you again."That was all it took. Love.Rekindled.Over the next three weeks, the two spent hours talking on the phone. Then Gambell arranged to fly from California to Florida so they could meet up in person.When they finally saw each other, time just melted away. And McMeekin wasn't about to waste another second.With a soliloquy worthy of Shakespeare himself, the love-stricken doctor got down on his knee (atop the most adorable pillow) and poured out his heart in what may just be the sweetest declaration of love ever. And luckily for us, and the millions of people that have viewed it on TikTok, several of his fellow staff members were on hand at the airport to witness and film the event.Initially, the video was shared by both @jobuns and @angelial.fedrick3 with a musical overlay. However, viewers were quick to request the full, unedited, sound-only version.Grab the tissues, you're going to need them.An Airport Proposal Goes ViralClasping her hand in one hand, and his speech in another, McMeekin, his voice breaking with emotion, said: "Nancy, It’s been 60 years since we first met. Fifty-six years since we first dated. Ten years since I saw you last. And 20 days since we reconnected. You have always been the one I’ve had a crush on since your cheerleader days, which brings a smile to my face, that makes my heart skip a beat." For the last three weeks, I have thought of you every day, every hour, and have talked to you every night for hours. I longed to see you again, hold you in my arms, and tell you how much you mean to me. Oh.My.Heart. "You are the most incredible person I have ever met…You're everything that I have ever wanted in a partner, lover, and friend," he told a sobbing Gambell before finally popping the question.(And if she doesn't marry him, I can think of about a million other women who will.) Of course, she said YES!Reaction to the Epic Proposal The proposal not only received love and applause from excited bystanders, but it also received love from millions of online viewers who were reminded that there is no time limit on true love. "It is NEVER too late for LOVE!! Be brave in LOVE!! How exciting for both of them," one commenter wrote."They were meant to be, nor time, distance tore them apart. When 2 souls are meant to be they will find each other," wrote another."Ladies, this is our reminder to never settle for less than THIS 🥰🥰🥰," wrote a third.As for Gambell, the look on her face says it all. She's just as happy with her man as he is with her. "It's wonderful because we don't have a lot of life left. And to be able to spend it in that way with this person is a dream come true," she shared.The fact that these two were able to reconnect and find love again in their twilight years is beyond heartwarming. And just in case you're drowning in loveless cynicism, let this be the life jacket you need to remind you that it truly is never too late to find love and your own happily ever after. More from Goalcast: WWII Veteran Has Kept a Photograph of a 14-Year-Old in His Pocket for 78 Years – Then His Mystery Girl Showed UpVeteran Spends 70 Years Searching for the Lost Love of His Life – At 91, He Finally Finds HerWoman Is Forbidden by Dad to Marry Her Lover – Years Later, Her Daughter Discovers a Big Family Secret

Strangers Accuse Kenyan Woman of Marrying Her Husband for Money - The Couple Hits Back With the Perfect Response
Uplifting News

Strangers Accuse Kenyan Woman of Marrying Her Husband for Money - The Couple Hits Back With the Perfect Response

At first, it seems like a very normal story: a man and a woman get married and share their love and excitement for their future together on social media. But when Phillip Eling of Adelaide, Australia, posted on Facebook that his wife “Susan is the best wife a man could ever want,” he wasn’t just giving a shoutout to the woman he loved. He was defending their interabled marriage against an onslaught of mockery and condemnation.The same thing happened to Susan Eling when she posted online a video of her and her husband dancing at their wedding reception. She was excited to show one of the happiest days of their life. She wasn’t prepared for the thousands of people who responded with negative comments, mostly insisting that Susan and Phillip’s relationship was false and that she must have married him for his money.When a Boy Meets a GirlPhoto by Valentin AntonucciPhillip has a rare disease called Bethlem Myopathy. A type of muscular dystrophy, Phillip’s disability, which weakens his muscles and stiffens his joints, means that he is mostly wheelchair bound. Susan says Phillip’s disability “was never a problem” for her.Originally from Kenya, Susan was interviewing for a job at a facility for disabled people when she met Phillip. It was Phillip who took the first step, reaching out to Susan via email. “Hello,” he wrote, “I hope this email finds you well. I was the man in the wheelchair during the interview – I just felt we had a connection. I hope this doesn’t offend you, but I’d love to get to know you more. From Phil.”In the past, Phillip had avoided romantic relationships because he wasn’t sure how long he had to live. When it became apparent that he could manage his illness and live a long life, he decided to embrace life and all its opportunities. He was instantly attracted to Susan and decided to take a chance. An Instant ConnectionIt wasn’t long before Susan felt the connection, too. The two got together regularly and met each other’s families. They were dating for a year when they decided to get married.A three-hour long video documents their wedding day in detail, everything from the bride laying out her outfits to the end of the reception. In it, Phillip says, “I just cannot explain the joy I felt when I entered the reception and they announced Mr. and Mrs. Eling.” Then, he adds with a laugh, “I thought it was my parents!”The gushing new bride shared a video of their first dance online, but she was horrified to read all of the negative comments later. People not only questioned her love for Phillip — they went so far as to suggest that Susan was marrying Phillip for money or citizenship. One person dared to suggest that Susan would murder her new husband once she had her papers.Susan wasn’t shocked by people’s curiosity. While she and Phillip were dating, people would often stare. It's not often that one sees an interabled couple. “Phil never made me feel embarrassed,” Susan said, “but I knew what people would think when looking at us. They’d assume I was his carer. I hated that.”Support for the Interabled CoupleStill, she was surprised by the outright hateful comments. Phil remembers how his new wife couldn’t sleep at night. Even her colleagues would make underhanded comments about Phillip to her when she was at work. But while the online community tried to tear the couple apart, Phillip and Susan’s families, who had seen them together, fully supported them. They knew how the two adored each other.One day, when Susan went over to Phillip’s house, the radio was on and she danced to a song. Phillip then asked her to turn it off. She was worried that something was wrong, but Phillip insisted that it was the contrary. He told her that he loved her — and he said it in Susan’s native language. Then, continuing in a well-practiced if accented Swahili, he asked her to marry him.Susan describes Phillip as hilarious, caring and kind. Phillip in turn says that the three years they’ve been together “have been the greatest years of my life.”“To everyone who supported us…I’m very thankful,” Susan said. She tries now to ignore the negative comments about their interabled marriage and to focus on all the wonderful memories and she and Phillip are making together. She also asks God to help them keep their marriage strong.Nowadays, the happy couple try to normalize their interabled and mixed-race relationship by making videos about their life together. Through their YouTube channel, Philgood Productions, they share the ins and outs of their everyday life and special events.In the end, the opinions of only two people really matter when it comes to judging Phillip and Susan’s relationship.More from Goalcast:Woman Finally Marries “True Love” 43 Years After Her Mother Forced Her to End Interracial RelationshipBlack Woman Receives Hate Letters for Marrying a White Man – 58 Years Later, They’re Still TogetherVeteran Spends 70 Years Searching for the Lost Love of His Life – At 91, He Finally Finds Her

Womans Husband of 14 Years Leaves Her After She Was Paralyzed - Makes a Comeback in More Ways Than One
Uplifting News

Womans Husband of 14 Years Leaves Her After She Was Paralyzed - Makes a Comeback in More Ways Than One

Losing a loved one and being diagnosed with a critical illness would destroy someone's life. Yet, one amazing woman has bounced back stronger than ever. By all accounts, 37-year-old Riona Kelly of Halifax, Yorkshire got off lucky. While a car accident 18 months prior shook her up, she had her health and was able to walk.But one day would change all of that drastically in ways she couldn't imagine. Rushed to the hospital with a spinal stroke leaving her paralyzed from the waist down, she heard the words anyone dreads to hear. "Doctors told me I would never walk again," she recalled to the Sun.However in a cruel twist, she'd soon lose more than just her mobility. A Husband Deserts His WifePhoto by Karolina Grabowska Just five days into her hospital stay, Kelly says that her husband of fourteen years called it quits on their marriage. "It was the time I needed my husband the most."It left Kelly -- a mother of four -- alone to fend for herself in a scary new world in a wheelchair. Her lows were perilously low."The first time I went out in a wheelchair I thought everyone was looking at me, I hated it and hated myself," she recalled, adding that she considered the worst. "If someone had given me the choice I would have ended my life, I didn't want to live anymore.”She thanks her lucky stars for her friend Sarah and her kids for seeing through that dark period. Riona Kelly was not ready to go out without a fight. A Strong Woman’s Comeback StoryKelly did physiotherapy around the clock, determined to get strength and feeling back in her legs. Then one day, despite what the doctors told her, she took her first steps on her own.She says there are four great reasons as motivation to never give up. "It took me 25 minutes to get up 16 steps, and the same time to come back down again, but I was determined to do it for my children."Amazingly, that's just the first act of her incredible success story.During her rehab, she met personal trainer Keith Mason. The two instantly hit it off."After our sessions, Keith and I stayed in contact, he would ask me how I was getting on and our relationship blossomed from there."It's been a love song ever since. "We have now been together for 11 months, the children really like him and I finally feel like I'm living the life I deserve."How One Woman Reminds Us to Walk Our PathPhoto by Dominic SansottaKelly's ex-husband Richard maintains that he told her of the divorce the morning before her stroke. Kelly's just thankful that he's in the rearview. "Looking back, going through what I did was the best thing to ever happen to me."Against all odds, Kelly is literally walking away from her troubles. She only needs her wheelchair to walk longer distances. Like, for example, the two marathons she's completed. Who can imagine how lonely Kelly must have felt in that hospital in the weeks and months after her husband left her?Author Ryan Holiday talks about two choices we have when faced with adversity. We can wallow in the 'Dead Time -- where we are passive and biding.'Or, as Kelly chose, we can choose 'Alive Time,' where we are 'learning and acting and leveraging every second towards their intended future.'With friends and family as motivation, she chose life and is now living her best. Even at our darkest point, it's a path available to us all.More from Goalcast:Woman Marries the Love of Her Life – Then Finds Out She Shares a Crazier Connection With Her Mother-In-LawWoman Is Forbidden by Dad to Marry Her Lover – Years Later, Her Daughter Discovers a Big Family SecretWoman Diagnosed With Rare Genetic Disorder Wonders if She’ll Ever Find Love – Then One Man Steps in With the Answer

I Would Have Broken Both Legs to Take Her: Husband Refuses to Let Wifes Illness Stop Them From Enjoying Time Together
Love Stories

I Would Have Broken Both Legs to Take Her: Husband Refuses to Let Wifes Illness Stop Them From Enjoying Time Together

When you get married, you promise to love and cherish each other, in sickness and in health. And while no one ever wants to have to face the challenges of illness, it is during those difficult moments that the true strength of love is revealed. A Life-Changing DiagnosisPhoto by Trần LongLife was good for Rick Dorothy and his wife Jan. Married for 15 years with one child and another on the way, they were looking forward to their future as a family of four.But then, life jumped the tracks and Rick lost his job of 18 years. The timing couldn't be worse. Jan, eight months pregnant, had just quit her own job to become a stay-at-home mom.The couple spent countless hours, walking and trying to make sense of an uncertain future. During those walks, they decided to sell their house, build another, and start a wood business. Life got back on track."She was my left hand for the next few years," Rick said of his wife Jan. "We built together, cut wood together, and made money together. Everything seemed to be coming true, and our life was happy and productive. Life was good to us." And jumped the tracks again. This time, Rick's mother became very ill. They decided to move her in with them. It ended up being a difficult time for them but the couple managed to cope with the help of daily walks. "We started making our long walks an everyday thing. It gave us time to reflect on things and plan each day," Rick said.It was during one of their daily walks that Rick noticed that his wife was dragging her right foot. When it wasn't getting any better, they consulted a doctor. Jan was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS).Husband Builds “Rick”shaw So He and His Wife Can Still Go On Walks TogetherAccording to the Mayo Clinic, multiple sclerosis affects the central nervous system. In MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibers. Eventually, the disease can cause permanent damage or deterioration of the nerves.As much as Rick and Jan vowed to continue to live life as usual, the disease eventually took its toll. Jan struggled to do stairs and was no longer able to help out with the business.Finally, her nerves deteriorated to the point that she was no longer able to take those walks the couple loved so much.MS had already stolen so much from them. Rick wasn't about to let it steal this too. So the woodworker came up with an idea. A brilliant, if not somewhat crazy, idea. He was going to build Jan a "Rick"shaw. His kids were skeptical. So was his wife."When I revealed my plan, I got the normal head bob and the good for you response. Even Jan questioned my sanity. I was not exactly a spring chicken, and the idea of me pulling her around in some wooden thing was sketchy at best."True Love Knows No BoundsTurns out, his idea wasn't so crazy after all. He custom-built the rickshaw to Jan's body size and weight and even added a suspension system for a smooth, comfy ride. Despite worrying that she was going to tip over backward, the maiden voyage was a resounding success. Jan loved it. As for Rick? The only thing that mattered was being able to walk with the "love of his life" again."It didn’t matter how it was for me, I would have broken both legs to take her on that first ride."Rick DorothyThere have been countless rides since then. And as long as Rick can still walk, there will be countless more.As for others who find themselves in a similar situation, he has these words of advice:"For other people that have a similar situation in their life, I would give this advice. Take life one day at a time, and when life throws a brick wall in front of you, just build a ladder and cross the wall," Rick shared. "I know as long as my legs are still strong enough to walk, Jan and I will still have those long walks in the woods."Love is easy when life is good. But when you get stuck neck-deep in the mud and weeds of life's trials...when you fear that you will never be able to take another step...right there, in that place, is where true love really can move mountains. The kind of love that knows no bounds.More from Goalcast:Man’s Wife of 50 Years Starts Going Blind – So He Goes to College to Learn How to Do Hair and MakeupMan Meets His Wife During World War II in a Club – 74 Years Later, He’s First to Take the Same Dance Floor Once AgainMan Dresses Up to Visit His Wife Every Day for 15 Years – For One Very Good Reason

Mans Wife of 50 Years Starts Going Blind - So He Goes to College to Learn How to Do Hair and Makeup
Love Stories

Mans Wife of 50 Years Starts Going Blind - So He Goes to College to Learn How to Do Hair and Makeup

We all dream of finding that one great true love. But true love isn't about being swept off our feet. Or grand, expensive gestures. True love, real love, the kind that lasts-a-lifetime love is the one where we would do anything for the other person simply because we love them.When one elderly man's wife was going blind and she was struggling to do her own hair and makeup he took it upon himself to take cosmetology classes. He did it for no other reason than because he knew that her appearance was important to her. He did it, for love.And it's possible my heart may explode.True Love in ActionPhoto by Ron LachAccording to a Facebook post on Hair Design By Britney's page, the 79-year-old gentleman (who wishes to remain anonymous) walked into Red Deer, Alberta’s Delmar College of Hair and Esthetics and asked if there were any upcoming classes he could join. He told the school's director, Carrie Hannah, that his wife's vision was failing and she kept burning herself. Knowing how much pride she took in her appearance, he wanted to learn how to do her hair himself.Turns out, he was in luck. Hannah immediately set him up with one of the college students and a mannequin. "This lovely gentleman came in today to learn how to curl his wife’s hair," the Facebook post reads. "His wife is unable to curl her own hair and often burns herself, so he stepped up to the plate and learned how to curl her hair."Within an hour, he learned how to do volume curls on short hair and how to protect his wife's skin from being burned. He also asked for tips on how to apply mascara and received a makeup lesson too.In the course of the lesson, the elderly man shared lovingly about his wife of more than 50 years. Hannah told news outlets, "He lovingly pulled pictures from his wallet, showing everyone his wife, and boasting about how beautiful she has always been and how talented she was with the skillset of typing over 100 words a minute when she was working."Hannah also added that this was a first in her 31 years in the industry, but it was one of her best days as an instructor."That's what real love looks like and I'm glad our staff and students had an opportunity to be part of this too," Hannah said. "In an age of staged social media photos it was really great to see an authentic real human gesture of love."And his lesson paid off. The couple paid a visit to the college to express their gratitude. "They both also are impressed with his new professional skills and her hair is looking great!" Hannah said. Facebook Post of Elderly Man Learning How to Curl Hair for His Wife Goes ViralNeedless to say, people have been super touched by the husband's sweet gesture for his wife.The heart-melting story quickly set social media on fire. It went viral, garnering over 150K likes, 27K comments, and 405K shares."I think this is the single most amazing, important and loving post I have read in over a year," wrote one commenter. "The love this man has for his wife to learn this and do this for her. Your willingness to take time to teach him is such a beautiful thing as well."Another wrote, "Heartwarming story from both angles. His wife is so blessed to have him. I had one of those husbands. Thank you for your kindness in teaching him. Too many people don’t want to spend time with us elderly folks."Others shared their own stories of true love in action: "Love this! My mom lost her battle with AML 2 months ago. My stepdad learned how to give her pedicures, and did so every month for almost a year.""My Dad did this kind of thing for my Mom who had Alzheimer’s. He would get her dressed each day and put on her makeup and fix her hair. She had always looked classy before and he made sure she remained that way."A Love That Inspires the WorldLove doesn’t get any truer than this. And it’s a love that really has lasted a lifetime. Married for over 50 years, they've grown old. Together.And despite the changes the years have wrought, this husband still sees his wife the way he's always seen her — beautiful. But he doesn't just see her outward appearance, he truly sees HER. It's not just about learning a new skill so he can help her when she's struggling. It's about doing something because it's important to her and therefore important to him. And isn't that what true love is really all about? More from Goalcast:Elderly Man Lost His Wife Over 50 Years Ago – Breaks Down When He Gets to See Her “Come to Life”Elderly Man Heartbroken Every Christmas After the Passing of His Wife — Then, He Receives Something Shocking in the MailElderly Farmer Is Heartbroken After Losing Everything – But a Stranger Has Other Plans for Him