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Woman and man at a restaurant and a woman carrying a man on her back at the beach.
Uplifting News

Paralyzed Man Vows To Never Return to the Beach Unless He Can Walk - Then He Met Her

When a former MMA fighter named GK became paralyzed from the waist down, he vowed he would only ever return to the beach if he could walk. But then he met a woman named Marte, and everything changed.

High School Sweethearts Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary - Little Did They Know, They Would Be In Tears After Their Date
Uplifting News

High School Sweethearts Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary - Little Did They Know, They Would Be In Tears After Their Date

Finding someone to spend your life with is a special thing. That’s why we should celebrate all anniversaries: they remind us how lucky we are to have love and all of the things we’ve worked through in order to still be with our person.Paul and Dawn Molineux recognize that. That's why, when they learned Paul only had months to live, they decided to make the most out of the rest of their time together. That included celebrating their 50th anniversary a little early.A Chance Meeting Early OnFacebook/paul.molineuxPaul and Dawn were high school sweethearts, reports The Mirror UK. He was only 16 years old when his friend asked him to join him and his girlfriend on a date. Not wanting to feel awkward, he asked if the girl could bring along a friend. She brought Dawn.The pair hit it off right away and started dating. They never looked back. Two years later they married, and they went on to work together for most of their lives, too. They had three children and two grandchildren, making a life full of memories.“She's just such a caring person. She'll do anything for anybody. So thoughtful and just doesn't expect anything in return. She's always thinking of others and not herself,” Paul said of his wife.During the COVID-19 pandemic, Paul received some bad news. He had been diagnosed with bowel cancer. Following a successful surgery, he was cleared. But in early January, he received some more bad news: the cancer had spread to his stomach.Unfortunately, there was nothing the doctors could do. With chemo, they said he could live for up to 18 more months. Otherwise, he had maybe six more months left. Paul chose to do chemo, and he and Dawn decided they were going to make the most out of all the time they had left together.Celebrating 50 Years TogetherFacebook/paul.molineuxWith no time to lose, Dawn and Paul began a new motto: “Live life to the full, and make the best.” They decided to try and keep the situation as light as possible and to make jokes about it when they could as a way to cope.“He's an amazing guy,” Dawn said. “He's definitely my childhood sweetheart. I actually don't know how I will cope when I lose him, but we are making fantastic memories for as long as we can.”“Live life to the full, and make the best.”Paul MolineuxA few weeks ahead of their 50th wedding anniversary in August 2023, the couple decided to enjoy a nice night out to celebrate just the two of them. They headed over to Hickory’s Smokehouse restaurant in Southport, in the UK, where they were happily surprised by a “Happy Anniversary” sign.That wasn’t the night’s only highlight though.A Kind GestureThe couple’s server that night was Deputy General Manager James Davies, and he was curious about the couple’s story. After all, not many couples in their late sixties can say they’ve been married for 50 years. He asked how they met, and eventually, he found out about Paul’s terminal diagnosis.When the bill came, Paul and Dawn were shocked. Their £80 bill (roughly $100 US) had been comped. “Happy anniversary! The bill is on us x,” someone wrote.“My wife was just in tears when she saw the gesture. We just couldn't believe it,” Paul said.In a Facebook review on a local restaurant page, Paul later wrote about the experience he and Dawn had had at the restaurant. “We were spoken to by many of the staff, even the boss, but our main server was James, and what a valued member of staff he must be to Hickory's,” Paul wrote.“Just couldn't do enough for us. A wonderful meal and we even had a dessert which was fantastic. Thank you, Hickory's, for making our night so wonderful. 12/10.”Going ViralPaul also shared several photos of the night, and he and Dawn explained how James is now a friend for life — he even came to their big anniversary bash later that month.Jeff Cavanagh, who runs the Facebook group, asked the couple if he could share what the restaurant did for them. Once he shared it, the post went viral."Many of you have probably seen the Hickory's review with the amazing couple that are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Sadly Paul is bravely battling the big C, so every day and every anniversary is to be celebrated to the full,” he wrote.“I just want to say to James Davies and all the amazing Hickory's staff this act of kindness definitely doesn't go unnoticed. You guys are truly fantastic.”Making the Most of Every MinuteWhile this may be a story about a kind server doing what he could to make a couple’s anniversary feel normal and special, it’s also touching to see how Paul and Dawn continue to see the bright side and just make the most of life.It’s such a nice reminder to all of us that no one really knows how much time we have, but by trying to keep a positive mindset and doing the things we love with the people we love, we will live life to the fullest.So maybe it’s time to take that trip, or start that business, or write that book. Whatever it is you keep putting off until tomorrow, remember that tomorrow is never promised. Make time for the things that matter and the people that you love. That’s one thing you’ll never regret.More from Goalcast:Restaurant Owner Sees Homeless Woman Searching for Food in the Trash – This Encounter Inspires HerElderly Widow Eating Alone For Anniversary is Approached By Three Men For a Heartwarming ReasonSeparated by Coronavirus, Husband Celebrates 67th Anniversary Outside His Wife’s Nursing Home

Bus Driver Suddenly Stops While on Her Usual Route - Surprised Passengers Witness the Exchange She Has With an Elderly Woman
Uplifting News

Bus Driver Suddenly Stops While on Her Usual Route - Surprised Passengers Witness the Exchange She Has With an Elderly Woman

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often rush past moments of profound significance. But sometimes, an ordinary day can transform into something extraordinary, thanks to the kindness of a stranger.Elaine Caraballo, a bus driver for HART, did more than just her job one fateful day -- she delivered a powerful message of compassion, empathy, and community spirit. Her spontaneous act of kindness resonated deeply, showing us the immense impact that small gestures can have.What One Bus Driver Did for an Elderly WomanMelissa Colleran, a passenger on her bus, was there to witness this heartwarming scene. She couldn't help but feel a deep connection to the moment. "It touched me. It really did," she said, capturing the sentiment of everyone who has seen the video of this touching act of humanity.This story unfolded in Hillsborough County, a place where tales of kindness and community spirit are not just heard but celebrated.As Elaine drove her usual route that day, her sharp eyes caught an unusual sight -- an elderly woman struggling at the intersection of 15th and Fletcher. The woman seemed vulnerable and stranded, an image that painted a clear picture of her distress.In an act of pure compassion, Elaine didn't hesitate. The security cameras on the bus captured every detail as she stepped off the bus to assist the elderly woman. She ensured her safety and helped her cross the busy street.Elaine's words reflect the warmth and humanity of her actions. She recalled the woman saying, "Don't get too close; I'm kind of funky." To which Elaine responded with heartwarming reassurance, "Ma'am, I'm not worried about that. I'm just trying to get you safely across the street."When Elaine returned to her bus, she was met with gratitude and appreciation from the passengers. "Everyone was saying 'thank you,'" she remembered. It was a collective expression of thanks, a shared moment of joy and appreciation for a simple yet profound act of kindness.How One Small Act of Kindness Made the Community a Better PlaceThis incident is not an isolated one. In Hillsborough County, bus drivers often go above and beyond their duties to spread love and compassion. It's a testament to the strong sense of community and the everyday heroes who silently make the world a better place.The journey may have ended, but the echoes of gratitude and love continued for Elaine. Her family eagerly awaited her return home, ready to shower her with love and recognition. "I feel good," she said, her voice filled with joy and pride, "because once I got home, I told my husband about it. He was like, 'that's my girl, that's my girl, that's my girl.' And that made me really feel good because I did something good, and he was proud of it at the same time."Elaine's story is more than just a heartwarming incident; it's a narrative of hope, kindness, and the indomitable human spirit. It serves as a reminder that in a world often clouded by negativity, rays of positivity and humanity can shine through, turning ordinary streets into avenues of love and compassion.It's a story that encourages us all to be a little kinder, a little more compassionate, and a little more human. In the end, it's these small acts of kindness that remind us of the beauty of our shared humanity.More from Goalcast:Driver Notices Quiet Stranger on the Bus – Later, He Approaches Her and Utters 5 Words That Changes Both Their LivesBus Driver Spots Two Little Kids Wandering in the Bitter Cold Without Coats – Takes Immediate ActionMom Finds Out Her Son Constantly Gets Into Trouble and Has Befriended the Bus Driver – So She Writes a Letter to the School Board

Former Addict Stands at a Street Corner and Talks to the School Children Passing By - Spreading His New Addiction
Uplifting News

Former Addict Stands at a Street Corner and Talks to the School Children Passing By - Spreading His New Addiction

Often the simplest actions go the furthest. While an action as basic as a high five may seem inconsequential, with the right intentions the result can be extremely empowering. One New Yorker is proving this daily, by giving out high fives to local students -- every single day. What One Determined Man Does Each MorningPhoto by fauxelsEvery weekday, Eddie Pabon stands on the corner of 56th Street and Hudson Avenue to wish passing students a great day on their way to school. He refers to the ritual as a “high-five for a beautiful school day,” and told a local publication he has been doing it for a year.As students pass him on their way to school, he greets them with a smile, a wave of positivity, and a high five. He continued, “I strongly believe when you do this… you put your positive energy into them, you give them that boost." Take this energy with you into the school, make it through your school day. Bada bing, bada boom.”Eddie knows how important this simple act is, as he has overcome some significant struggles in his own life. In the past, Eddie has struggled with addiction, and even spent time in prison. “Fentanyl. Heroin. I had no willpower,” he said. “I had hopes out the window. I thought I was going to die an active addict.” Despite these depths, and the hopelessness he felt, Eddie never let his past define him. In fact, he did just the opposite.He sees the positivity he now spreads as redemptive, and a powerful way to combat the negativity that once consumed him. “As much as in my dark I took, now I’m giving back,” he said.His new addiction, he said, is putting smiles on peoples' faces -- and he certainly is doing just that. “I’ve had two teachers come up and tell me like, ‘I love what you do. When I see my students, they’re literally still full of energy since they saw you,'” Eddie added. Comments like these only confirm that Eddie is doing the right thing, and encourage him to keep going. How One Man Is Winning Hearts With His New “Addiction”Though we often get lost in our own internal worlds, sometimes all it takes is a simple act of positivity to snap us out and give us a boost. People like Eddie are unfortunately rare, but we can all learn from the example he sets. Simple acts like a high five can spread positivity that is infectious, and have exponential benefits. Even just spreading the same warmth and positivity to a stranger with a smile can achieve the same effect. Eddie has become a staple in his own community, and for good reason. Now, students look forward to crossing paths with Eddie, using his grin and charisma to boost them through a school day. By setting a positive example, he is also showing younger adults in his community how to spread good energy effectively -- leading by example. In a society that often seems self-obsessed, figures like Eddie can be powerful reminders of how important it truly is to uplift those around us. More from Goalcast:10-Year-Old Girl With Autism Bullied At School — Turns Out Her IQ Is Higher Than Einstein’sStudent Refuses to Take His Hat off in School — What the Principal Does Next Goes ViralPeople Think School Police Officer Is “Drunk” After Watching Him – But That Couldn’t Be Further From the Truth

Mom Refuses to Terminate Her Pregnancy After Doctors Suggest It - Now Her Toddler Is Proving Everyone Wrong
Uplifting News

Mom Refuses to Terminate Her Pregnancy After Doctors Suggest It - Now Her Toddler Is Proving Everyone Wrong

Expecting the birth of a child is often the highlight of any parent's life. Michael and Michelle Bower were no exception; they were overjoyed when they learned they were having a daughter. The Indiana couple's excitement took a turn, however, when they found out about some major complications at the 20-week mark. An ultrasound informed them that their daughter had a condition called spina bifida, a type of neural tube defect that can cause paralysis, changes to the brain, and severe trauma injuries to the nerves.How a Little Girl Proved Doctors WrongThe parents-to-be were devastated when doctors informed them their child would likely be unable to walk, talk, or breathe on their own. They even suggested Michelle terminate the pregnancy -- the odds of a healthy life for a child with this condition so unlikely. However, Michelle and Michael were determined to see it through. They decided to go through with one of the riskiest types of surgery, one that would attempt to close the opening in their baby's spine -- while still in utero. So Michelle underwent surgery on April 27, 2020, with over 35 medical professionals present for the delicate, 3-hour long, operation. Michelle was then confined to a strict bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy.Ultimately, the couple's daughter -- Lacey -- was delivered via a cesarean section on July 20. Lacey was immediately taken to intensive care, where she spent the next 18 days learning to feed and beginning to wiggle her toes and ankles. Doctors determined she was partially paralyzed from the waist down, but Lacey soon began to surprise everyone, and hasn't stopped since. At just 19-months-old, Lacey was able to speak at the level of an average 3-year-old. Soon after, she even began to maneuver her body more than doctors ever expected. The Miracle One Couple WitnessedNow at 3 years old, she has even taken her first steps with the help of a walker. In the above video shared to Michael's Facebook page, Lacey can be seen walking up the family's driveway with her walker. The parents regularly share updates regarding Lacey's development to the Facebook page, which has now become a beacon of hope for others with similarly challenging medical conditions. "Every day you get to witness a miracle," Michael proudly told a publication. “It really is incredible because one year ago, she was standing for the first time,” he marveled. “You know, doing something we never thought we’d see Lacey do. And now it’s been a year, and she can walk in her walker, and I mean completely supporting all of her own weight, which is just incredible, and I truly believe we’re going to get to a point where she doesn’t even need a walker. She has that drive.”How One Little Girl Proved the Importance of PerseveranceThis drive is the most impressive part of Lacey's journey, and precisely what makes her such an inspiration. Despite the bleak outlook of her diagnosis, Lacey is a ray of joy. She is rarely seen without a smile on her face, and is constantly laughing. She remains clever, inquisitive, and determined -- traits her parents believe have helped her defy the odds. Lacey is the embodiment of perseverance. She possesses an unstoppable spirit, and is a shining example of the power of determination. Her progress exhibited on Facebook is now an inspiration to hundreds of thousands who follow the updates. Most recently, her father shared an update that Lacey would begin preschool.By all accounts, Lacey is beating the odds of her diagnosis, and leading a full life. Her story is an inspiration for any facing hurdles in their life, beyond medical challenges. The strength of her spirit is remarkable, and can teach us all to keep going, especially when it seems most difficult. More from Goalcast:Doctors Wanted to Put Baby with Down Syndrome in an Institution – 15 Years Later, She Proves Them WrongGirl Who ‘Can’t Smile’ Is Constantly Bullied by Classmates – Years Later, Proves Everyone Wrong and Becomes a SupermodelBlack Woman’s Family Thinks She’s “Crazy” to Quit Her Full Time Job – Proves Everyone Wrong by Achieving Her Dream

13 Years After Losing Both Legs in Afghanistan Explosion, Double Amputee Reaches Summit of Mount Everest
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13 Years After Losing Both Legs in Afghanistan Explosion, Double Amputee Reaches Summit of Mount Everest

We all have days when we feel down in the dumps. It can be easy to question ourselves and wonder if our dreams or the things we’re trying to achieve really are attainable. But nothing is impossible, so long as you don’t give up. At least that’s the lesson we’re taking away from this incredible story about a double amputee who recently reached the summit of Mount Everest.A Man Makes HistoryThirteen years ago, Hari Budha Magar lost both his legs above the knee after he stepped on an improvised explosive device (IED) while serving in Afghanistan. The former Gurkha soldier (a historical term for a Nepali warrior) who lives in Britain faced many challenges as a result, including a major setback in his dream of climbing Mount Everest — something he had wanted to do since he was a kid.You see, Nepalese officials had previously banned those with disabilities from climbing the mountain in hopes of decreasing the number of fatalities. The Supreme Court later overturned the ban, but then Magar had to wait out the pandemic, when all mountaineering was halted. Finally, this year, the man got his shot to prove himself on the 29,032-foot climb.Magar began climbing on April 17, according to The Guardian. It was a tough trek from the beginning. At one point, he had to wait 18 days for the weather to clear. Along the way, he saw two dead bodies being carried down. And at one point, as he was descending, he ran out of air."My lifetime goal is to change the perceptions people have of disability."Hari Budha Magar“When I came down, we ran out of oxygen. I was bumping down on my bum, and we had 30, 40 minutes of oxygen, and we still had about two, three hours to get down,” he explained, as per the Associated Press.“This was the first time I experienced what it is to be deprived of oxygen. I had the tingling sensation; my hands and feet were cold, and I was gasping for breath.”One of Magar’s climbing partners gave him more oxygen, and he was able to complete the climb. Today, Magar has made history as the first-ever double above-the-knee amputee to climb Everest.An Important Lesson to Impart One of the reasons Magar was so intent on completing the climb was to change the perception of people with disabilities. It’s a cause that’s near and dear to the man’s heart, and it continues to drive him in everything he does.“My lifetime goal is to change the perceptions people have of disability. My life changed in a blink of an eye. But whatever happens, you can still lead a fulfilling life,” he declared after the climb.It was a lesson even Magar had to learn. Growing up in Nepal until he was 19 years old, he saw how disabled people were treated in remote villages. “Many people still think that disability is a sin of previous life and you are the burden of the earth. I believed this myself because that is what I saw. That is how I grew up,” he said, as per The Guardian.“We all have our own weaknesses and disabilities, but instead of the weaknesses, we should be focusing on our strengths, and only then we can all lead a better and meaningful life,” he continued to AP.“If a double above-knee amputee can climb Everest, you can climb whatever mountain you face, as long as you are disciplined, work hard, and put everything into it.”The Importance of Not Giving UpIf Magar was able to realize this extremely tough physical and mental feat after suffering such a huge loss, there’s no reason we can’t all pursue our own dreams and life ambitions. There will always be things to overcome, but this man reminds us all of the importance of sticking with it and maintaining a positive mindset.Besides, life is more than a destination: it’s about the journey. And any journey worth writing home about is filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. It’s how you handle those integral moments along the way that will ultimately determine your outcome.

Stranger Sees Boy Visiting His Moms Grave With Piece of Paper - Then She Discovers the Heartbreaking Reason Why
Uplifting News

Stranger Sees Boy Visiting His Moms Grave With Piece of Paper - Then She Discovers the Heartbreaking Reason Why

Losing a loved one is never easy, but it’s particularly devastating when a child loses a parent. There are so many missed moments and questions about what could have been, making it one of the hardest situations to go through. So to witness a child handling that kind of thing with grace is heartwarming. And it’s one reason why this story has gone viral.Little Boy Suffers a Heartbreaking LossIn April 2023, a TikTok video capturing a little boy visiting his mother’s grave was shared far and wide. In the clip on the since-deleted account, a boy named Kike sits in front of the grave with a piece of paper. He speaks to her in what has become a daily ritual for the child.One day a woman noticed the child, which is how the since-deleted TikTok was born. According to La República, Kike visits his deceased mother as a way of staying close to her.“She died six months ago. I come here for six months to visit her and do my homework,” he explained. “I just got out of school, and every day I come to visit her. When I leave school, I come because she is close.”According to the child, he misses his mom a lot but knows she is with him in spirit. So when he visits her, he brings his homework and always shows off his grades to make her proud.“I miss her a lot, and even though she is in heaven, I know that she sees me and is very proud of me,” he explained. “She died of a pain in her stomach, she died in bed, she screamed a lot, and one day she was no longer capable, so she passed away.”A Community of Support While the TikTok post was active, many people shared their thoughts and sympathies. It’s hard to lose a parent, no matter what your age, but as a child, it seems particularly tough.“It broke my soul,” “My heart breaks,” “It breaks my heart, that boy is so cute,” and “It really is the saddest thing for a child,” were some of the comments people shared, as per La República.“Some ungrateful kids need to watch this video,” wrote one person. “This boy is so strong and brave. He definitely feels his mom’s presence.”“My heart broke into pieces,” added someone else. “It shows he will be an amazing man, regardless of his mom being gone.”The Universal Experience of LossThis story just reminds us that the experience of loss is universal and it can be devastating, but it’s communities, friends, and family coming together that help a person get through. The mourning process is never easy (and it never truly goes away), but by sharing stories of the person you’ve lost, you really do keep their memory alive.The little boy in this story also just makes us want to hug our own parents, children, and anyone else who is special to us while we still can. Never take those you love for granted, and make the time now before it’s too late.After all, tomorrow is never promised, so it’s important to make those memories while we still can.

“Forever Young”: 102-Year-Old Woman Leads Exercise Classes at Her Senior Living Home 4 Days a Week
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“Forever Young”: 102-Year-Old Woman Leads Exercise Classes at Her Senior Living Home 4 Days a Week

Just in case you're sitting on the couch, binge-watching Netflix, and thinking you're too old to work out, think again. This centenarian is about to change your mind.Meet Jean Bailey, the 102-year-old fitness guru from Omaha, Nebraska, who leads workout sessions four days a week at her senior living complex.She may be over a century old, but she's not about to let something as trivial as age slow her down.How a 102-Year-Old Woman Became a Fitness InstructorFor the past three years, every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 9:45 am about a dozen of Bailey's fellow residents at the Elk Ridge Village Senior Living Center gather together in the hallway to participate in her fitness class. They spend 30 minutes working out their arms, legs, shoulders, backs, and necks. They do everything from arm circles to leg raises to touching their toes.And while the participants may be seated in chairs to perform the exercises, that doesn't mean Bailey goes easy on them.“You move every part of your body. I’m kind of tough on them because I want them to do it right. I want all of us to keep walking,” Bailey tells TODAY.She started the classes during the pandemic lockdown as a way to keep people moving. Everyone loves them so much, she hasn't stopped. Nor does she want to. “You have to keep your body busy and your mind busy… why would you just give up?” she says.Who Is Jean Bailey?elderly woman wearing a grey sweaterBorn in 1921, Bailey grew up during the Great Depression. She's lived through World War II, the Golden Age of Television, and the Cold War. She's seen a man walk on the moon, witnessed the dawn of the technological revolution, and has been around longer than sliced bread.Bailey's been a J.C. Penny model, a wife, a stay-at-home mother of 3 kids, a 4-H leader, a hospital volunteer (for 34 years), and the owner of a floral business.She's also been a widow, and a bereaved parent, losing her daughter at the age of 55 to cancer. Now, she's a grandmother of five and a great-grandmother of four.Bailey has lived a rich, full, and active life. One that she admits hasn't always included working out.“Well, (I spent) most of my life at home with the kids — I didn’t need to do exercises,” she says. What a 102-Year-Old Has to Say About the Secret to Living a Long LifeBailey says she doesn't know what the secret is to living as long as she has. She credits good genes and keeping busy as part of it. It also probably doesn't hurt that she's spent most of her life "trying to eat the right things and do the right things.”Obviously, she's done something right. She lives in the independent living section of her community, does her own cooking and baking for staff, enjoys creating flower arrangements, and walks to her many activities.RELATED: Woman Finds Her Elderly Neighbor Living in a Destroyed House – Decides to Takes Matters Into Her Own HandsAdditionally, she likes reading mystery novels, dealing blackjack, eating dessert, and indulging in the occasional happy hour.And while she believes in keeping her body healthy, mental health is important too.“I think mainly I’m an optimist,” Bailey says. “You can get down like anybody else… and nobody keeps (optimism) 24/7, but I guess I just try to think positive.”It definitely seems to be working. Bailey is an inspiring example that you're never too old (or young) to stay active and healthy. And she is living proof that the old adage is true: age really is JUST a number.

74-Year-Old Woman Stands by the Highway Every Day and Waves - For a Very Special Reason
Uplifting News

74-Year-Old Woman Stands by the Highway Every Day and Waves - For a Very Special Reason

Patricia Bracey spent the pandemic on a mission. Six days a week at 8:15 a.m. sharp, the motivated 74-year-old would stand on the side of Iron Bridge Road in the town of Chester and wave. Yes, just wave. Oh, and smile. RELATED: Passengers Stunned At Stranger’s Response To Anxious Elderly Woman On FlightFor Bracey, the side of the expressway is her "church," and the passersby her "ministry." "Lord told me to do it… he told me to just wave and smile,” Bracey told WTVR CBS 6.Why an Elderly Lady Chooses to Radiate Kindness in a Post Pandemic WorldA couple of decades ago, Bracey hit rock bottom. She was homeless living out of her car for nearly a year, but her family helped her and she turned to religion. Since then, Bracey has made it her mission to bring positivity to others. And with the pandemic bringing so much misery to her neighbors, she knew just what to do: Smile and wave.It just makes people’s day and when it makes other people’s day, it makes my day.Patricia Bracey"It is the highlight of my day. So I am walking in this crisp morning and feeling good," Bracey told WTVR CBS 6. "I haven’t heard my choir yet though. My birds normally be singing."Why Her Community Appreciates Her Thoughtful ActionsIn a video posted by the local news station, Bracey can be seen smiling and laughing when people honk and when they pass by. In one instance, a woman pulls over to express her gratitude for Bracey's unconditional love.“She brings a lot of joy... she has a beautiful smile and she always has a nice word from the Lord," Tisha Lee told her local news outlet.RELATED: Waiter Causes Elderly Customer to Break Down in Tears in Heartwarming Viral Video“I think that small act of kindness can spur another act of kindness,” another neighbor, Mary Ginet, told WTVR CBS 6. “Some mornings when we leave it’s like… ugh… but I see her and I think, how awesome… how awesome it is.”Whether for safety or politics, the pandemic divided so many people and Bracey demonstrates that we're all humans worthy of love and respect. She also proved, once again, that all that's needed to make someone's day is genuine kindness.More Uplifting News from Goalcast:Waiter Causes Elderly Customer to Break Down in Tears in Heartwarming Viral VideoWoman Has Only $10 to Her Name – Saved by Perfectly-Timed ’30-Day Kindness Challenge’Unlucky Man’s Bicycle Is Stolen – But a Little Boy Steps in with Selfless OfferSingle Mom Asks to Bring Sick Baby to Class – Her Professor Gives a Surprising ResponseSmiling can heal. “Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.”– Christie Brinkley

Student Finds A Bully Has Posted A Hateful Message About Her On Facebook - Responds In An Unexpected Way
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Student Finds A Bully Has Posted A Hateful Message About Her On Facebook - Responds In An Unexpected Way

One day someone broke into 16-year-old Caitlin Prater-Haacke’s locker at George McDougall High School in Airdrie and used her iPad to post a Facebook status update that told her to die.Instead of replying to the message, the grade 11 student took out a marker and some Post-It pads and fought back with positivity: By posting positive messages on every locker in her school.Caitlin Got Into Trouble for Littering After She Left Positive NotesLittle messages like, “‘You’re cute,’ ‘You’re beautiful' [and] 'You look amazing today,’” she told CBC.Bullying is not necessarily addressed, and people get really down about it, I wanted to do something positive- it was about due time. Caitlin Prater-Haacke to the Toronto SunBut the school didn’t like the idea and reprimanded her for littering. According to the student’s mom, Nicole Haacke, a teacher yelled at Caitlin and the student was also taken out of the classroom and told janitors weren’t there to clean up after her.“I don’t understand that when my kid is bullied, nothing happens, but when she tries to do something positive, she is punished,” Nicole said.Airdrie Launched an Anti-Bullying Campaign Called 'Positive Post-It Day'The mom also noted that nothing was done when she approached the school with concerns about the locker break-in. She wrote about the situation on the Airdrie Moms Facebook page, where she received more than 400 comments of support.This sparked a movement and city council launched Positive Post-It Day: An anti-bullying campaign that encourages people to leave anonymous notes of kindness for one another on October 9.The teen’s mom said she can’t believe the support her daughter has received.What's come out of it is 100 times better.Nicole Haacke to CBCCaitlin Proves the Importance of Leaving the World a Happier PlaceAccording to the Calgary Sun, a George McDougall student, who asked to remain anonymous, said that many students kept Caitlin’s positive messages because the notes made them feel special.When faced with the ugliness of bullying, Caitlin decided to make the world a happier, more positive place. Remember that one kind word can change someone's entire day. More uplifting newsHow A Struggling Single Mom With $12 In Her Bank Account Rescued Herself To Become A Millionaire CEOPlumber Refuses To Charge 91-Year-Old Woman For His Services – Then, He Hands Her A ReceiptCouple Finds Out Waitress Walks 14 Miles Round Trip To Work Daily – Hours Later, They’re Back With A SurpriseOwner Has A Surprising Reaction Towards Thief When He Finds His Restaurant Has Been Broken Into At 4 AMspread kindness"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." — Mother Teresa