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Four teens wearing formal clothes at prom and a totaled car.
Uplifting News

Boy Has Seizure While Driving to Prom Night - Quick Thinking Teens Save the Day

No one knows how they might respond in an emergency until they’re actually in one. Stress affects everyone differently, and sometimes, we’re forced into a stressful situation without any preparation. So when a group of teens acted heroically after their friend was in trouble, a community applauded them.

Teens Struggling Dad Works Hard to Make Ends Meet - So She Takes a 25-Mile Detour to Do This Before Prom
Uplifting News

Teens Struggling Dad Works Hard to Make Ends Meet - So She Takes a 25-Mile Detour to Do This Before Prom

When you’re a teen, prom is a big deal. It’s a chance to get dressed up and hang out with your friends while celebrating all of the hard work in high school that brought you to this moment. The memory is also a big deal for parents, though. It’s a chance to see your kid all grown up in their best dancing gear. To miss that send-off can be an emotional experience.So when one daughter went out of her way to ensure her father didn’t miss her big night, it inspired others and went viral.A Hardworking FatherAn 18-year-old named Vanessa Macedo in California knew how hard her parents worked to take care of her and her siblings. Her father had been previously injured and was now selling fruit from a stand in order to make ends meet.As prom approached, she didn’t want to ask him for anything. She even asked her brother for help in purchasing her dress so that her dad didn’t feel pressured.Still, the father knew prom was approaching, and he was excited to see his little girl attend the big event. Unfortunately, prom was on a weekend, and that happened to be the busiest time at the fruit stand. The dad knew he had to work, so he resigned himself to seeing Macedo all dolled up later in the photos.A Giant SurpriseSecretly, Macedo knew how much her dad wanted to see her, so she hatched a plan. After getting ready for the big night, she went 25 miles out of her way to visit him at the stand and surprised him with a touching moment.Someone recorded the heartfelt exchange that followed, and Macedo later shared it on Twitter.“My dad was upset that he couldn’t see me on my prom day so I decided to surprise him..and let me just say, I love being his ‘güerita,’” she captioned the video.Millions of people saw and shared the post, commenting on the special father-daughter relationship and how sweet it was to witness the pair have that moment together.“I am sorry that I wasn’t able to get her what she wanted, I love her,” the dad later told ABC News.“He has always been such a hard worker and I am very blessed to have a dad like him,” Macedo told BuzzFeed News. “I didn’t think anyone would love [the video] as much as me and my dad, but I’m glad they have,” she added.Making the MemoriesThis story is so special because it highlights the bond between a father and a daughter, but it also reminds us that sometimes we have to be responsible for making memories. It would have been easy for Macedo to shrug off the fact that her dad had to work or to just be bummed out about it.Instead, she went out of her way to create a special memory that she and her father will probably cherish for the rest of their lives. It’s a nudge for us to try and do the same thing in our lives a little more, too.Sometimes, we just have to make the call, plan the trip, or go out of our way to be with a loved one. In the moment it can be a hassle to put in the extra effort, especially when life gets in the way. But at the end of the day we never really know how much time we have with our loved ones, so let’s make the most of the moments we do have.After all, no one ever regrets spending more time with someone they love.More from Goalcast:Teen With Cancer Invites Taylor Swift to His Prom but She Rejects It – Then She Does ThisExcited Teen Is Refused Entry at Her Prom – Is Told to Wear Her Vice Principal’s Jacket for This ReasonBullied Teen Feels “Worthless” Before Prom – Little Did She Know 300 Bikers Were About to Give Her a Night She’d Never Forget

Teen With Cancer Invites Taylor Swift to His  Prom but She Rejects It - Then She Does This
Uplifting News

Teen With Cancer Invites Taylor Swift to His Prom but She Rejects It - Then She Does This

"I don't know what else to say. I was just trying not to throw up."One Sister’s Post of FaithPhoto by Brett JordanSiblings look out for each other, so when Victoria McGuire sees her brother Kevin struggle with his big day looming, she swings into action. It's a wild plan, but you only live once. Per CBS, with the motivation to help her bro, Victoria takes to Facebook, closes her eyes and clicks send. And waits. And waits. Then the improbable alert notice pops up on the screen. When they see the response, the hospital room erupts with cheers and clapping. "I don't know what else to say," said a stunned Kevin. "I was just trying not to throw up."18-year-old Kevin McGuire is at New Jersey's Children's Hospital undergoing cancer treatment. With prom day inching closer -- which happens to fall on his birthday -- he's worried that hair loss from the treatment will keep him from landing a prom date. When he shares this with Victoria, they decide to send a star-studded promposal. A Pop PromposalPhoto by Raphael LovaskiThe title of Victoria's post says it all: 'Taylor Swift Please Take Kevin McGuire To The Prom.' Sadly, the megastar declined, but she did have a question of her own."Kevin, I'm so sorry but I won't be able to make it to your prom. But I was wondering, the ACM Awards are coming up.. Would you be my date? Love, Taylor."Good thing that Kevin had a nurse on standby, as that would knock any teen over. An ecstatic Kevin replied, "I have cancer. Cancer doesn't have me. Taylor, I would love to go with you."And with that, Kevin went from dateless to famous. However, fame has its challenges and for Kevin, it's called cancer. After an unsuccessful bone marrow transplant from his younger brother, Kevin was too sick to leave the hospital. This time, he would be the one who would have to bow out. Yet just when it looked like the magic moment was lost, he receives a phone call that changes everything. A Red Carpet EveningFast forward a year. Kevin picks up the phone, and it's from the Academy of Country Music Awards, inviting him and his family out to the event's festivities.And with that, the McGuires are scooped up in a lavish white limousine and driven out to Las Vegas, Nevada for a night to remember. Pulling up to the hotel, they are ushered to the 12-time Grammy winner's room, where she is getting ready for the show as a nominee and performer. The night's a success, as they all hang out in the hotel room, talk and snap pictures.A starstruck Kevin gushed via Twitter: 'If you guys think she's pretty in pictures, I can't tell you how stunning she is in real life.'So much for worrying about being dateless.How Taylor Swift Reminds Us That an Ounce of Hope Is Worth a Pound of CurePer TasteOfCountry, Kevin describes that night as so much more than meeting a star. “Going through what we’ve been through … it’s symbolic, in a way. It started my chapter with my cancer. Now it’s behind me; I can close the book on it.”With a clean bill of health and star-studded self esteem, you can bet that the sky's the limit for his life story's next chapters. Kevin's story is proof that while we might feel down and out, it just takes a ray of hope to let the light shine in.More from Goalcast:Tweets Expose What Taylor Swift Has Been Secretly Doing During Her Eras Tour – And It’s Not Something She’s PublicizingKobe Bryant’s Surprise To Taylor Swift That Created A Legendary BondTaylor Swift Finds Out Her Pregnant Fan Is Homeless – Shocks Everyone by Buying Her a House

Excited Teen Is Refused Entry at Her Prom - Is Told to Wear Her Vice Principals Jacket for This Reason
Uplifting News

Excited Teen Is Refused Entry at Her Prom - Is Told to Wear Her Vice Principals Jacket for This Reason

"Her excitement during this memorable time of her life turned into embarrassment at the hands of adults who are supposed to be leading her."Sadly, these angry words accurately describe an ordeal that brings a girl to tears and a school on blast. A Student’s Bad Dance DreamPhoto by Juan Pablo Serrano ArenasCrying in the bathroom is a far cry from where Amy Steverson pictured this night. Yet after what just happened, it's her only safe space. How did this happen?All the planning, the anticipation, and the excitement of just a couple of short hours ago, destroyed. Now, humiliated and in tears, there's no way out. And, just as if things couldn't get worse, they are about to. What happens next sends one mother and thousands online into a rage, and with good reason. And to think, it was all over a dress? A Dress DisasterPhoto by Marcel StraußPer Metro, Amy Steverson and her friend Bronte Taylor arrive ready for a night to remember. Like everyone else at the Maryville, Tennessee senior high school prom, Steverson is dressed to impress, paining over each detail. However after arriving, she quickly finds out that her dress has another purpose: shame. That's because school administration stops her at the door and tells her her dress is 'too revealing.'It's at that moment that she runs to the bathroom, crying. But things only get worse when, as she emerges from the bathroom, she is told to wear the Vice Principal's jacket to cover up. Then a teacher comes up to her and says, “Us big girls gotta cover up.”So there's Steverson, smiling with silly poses in the prom photo booth with friends, 'covered up' with a middle-aged man's jacket.While she makes a success of her night without making a scene, plenty of voices will be speaking up for her, with one very close to home. A Mother’s Outrage Goes ViralOne person who won't stay quiet is Tiffani Taylor, the mother of Amy's friend and prom sidekick. When she hears what happened to Steverson, she takes to Facebook to scold the school. "This young girl was SHAMED for having breasts. Her excitement during this memorable time of her life turned into embarrassment at the hands of adults who are supposed to be leading her, she writes, adding: SHAME on YOU, Maryville. I think you look amazing, Amy."The post quickly goes viral, shared more than 12,000 times and received over 44,000 likes. Needless to say, the comments are full of outrage at the school and nothing but love for the prom princess. "This young lady is beautiful & classy! It's a shame that administration could ruin such a special day for her! I hope she realizes it was all their problem not hers at all. It's unacceptable that she was called out!" writes one."If she still has any doubts, I hope she reads these comments and knows that she is beautiful, the dress is completely appropriate and she did nothing wrong."It’s Not What You Wear It’s Who You ArePhoto by Eva BronziniAmy has not commented on this story or made any formal complaint to the school about the incident.To be fair, I get the school having their own standard of decorum for those who take part at an event under their roof. But this isn't the time to single out a 'big girl' because her dress doesn't fall on her like all the 'normal' girls. Nevemind that this isn't science class, but one of a teen's last memories before diving into adulthood. Let's hope that after a little self-reflection, the school realizes the same and will let teens be teens.Meanwhile, Amy, don't you change a thing!More from Goalcast:Teen Refuses to Go to Prom With Her Classmate in Front of 2000 People – Crushed, He Comes Up With a New PlanBullied Teen Feels “Worthless” Before Prom – Little Did She Know 300 Bikers Were About to Give Her a Night She’d Never ForgetFourth Grader Makes a Promise to Classmate With Down Syndrome – Years Later, He Shows Up to Fulfill the Pact

Teen Refuses to Go to Prom With Her Classmate in Front of 2000 People - Crushed, He Comes Up With a New Plan
Uplifting News

Teen Refuses to Go to Prom With Her Classmate in Front of 2000 People - Crushed, He Comes Up With a New Plan

"I was pretty much like 'What just happened?' There is no way you can go back from it."Once you hear for yourself what it is, you'd probably agree. But then again, I wouldn't be writing about it if there wasn't a twist worth staying for. Taking Center FieldPhoto by Tim MossholderWe can only imagine the amount of fretting, rehearsing and second-guessing 18-year-old Patrick Smith went through prior. How many times did he ask himself 'Am I really doing this?!' Oh, and cameras were rolling for every second of it. Smith would soon wish they weren't. Wearing a hoodie and joggers, the Park Ridge High School senior walks to the middle of the school's field. He's holding a microphone, his unsure voice blaring from the stadium speakers. Though there are 2,000 people watching, Smith is speaking to only one soul, and she's walking his way. When he finishes speaking, the crowd erupts in raucous cheers. Yet just moments later, the cheers turn to gasps.The Epic Promposal FailIt sure took Patrick Smith every ounce of courage for this moment, because what he said was, "Is there any way you would come to prom with me?"That's when, in front of 2,000 onlookers, classmate Jen Malespina replied, "I already have a date, sorry!" silencing the crowd and making Smith sullen. As per the DailyMail, Smith admits that he was crushed, assuming that he'd have success. "I spent a bit of time planning the proposal, I really thought she was going to be the one," he said, adding that the public rejection hit hard. "At the time I felt pure embarrassment. You can’t even put it into words. I was like, ‘Oh my god, I was just rejected in front of 2,000 people.'"To add insult to injury, the fail was filmed by his friend and posted online. It quickly spread, spawning plenty of sympathy."If that happened to me, I would slither away out of existence...," posted one."That would be so embarrassing 😭 I feel horrible for him," added another.Speaking with Inside Edition, Malespina says that although they'd known each other for years, she didn't see it coming. "I was shocked," she said, "I was not expecting it at all."How a Student Proves That a Setback Is Just a Setup for SuccessYou could forgive Smith if instead of prom, he found the coziest rock to hide under. Instead, like a champ, this resilient romeo got up from the grass and back on the field.He visits his classmate Lilli Abraham, whom he asks out to prom, and she accepts. He adds that this time, he did his homework. "I talked to her friends beforehand to make sure she wasn’t going with anyone," he said, adding, "She was very aware of my first rejection – she found it hilarious."Malespina says that they both can look back at the moment and laugh. "I'm very excited for prom, it's on Friday and now that this is in the past me and Patrick are able to joke about it," she says. As a sometimes shy guy who missed some chances, I give Smith nothing but respect for taking his shot. While rejection stings, so does regret. I promise you that he'd never forgive himself if he passed up this promposal.The real success of this story isn't Smith finding a date, it's knowing that you can play under the bright lights, fall down and get up to play again. Now there's a playbook for life. More from Goalcast:Bullied Teen Feels “Worthless” Before Prom – Little Did She Know 300 Bikers Were About to Give Her a Night She’d Never ForgetFourth Grader Makes a Promise to Classmate With Down Syndrome – Years Later, He Shows Up to Fulfill the PactNobody Asks Teen With Down Syndrome to Prom – But One Man Travels 459 Miles Across the Country to Be Her Date

Bullied Teen Feels Worthless Before Prom - Little Did She Know 300 Bikers Were About to Give Her a Night Shed Never Forget
Uplifting News

Bullied Teen Feels Worthless Before Prom - Little Did She Know 300 Bikers Were About to Give Her a Night Shed Never Forget

Prom is typically a big deal for high schoolers; a night to dress up, dance, and make lasting memories.But for Felicity Warburton, her high school prom meant even more than that. It was also an opportunity for her to send her classmates and tormentors a very clear message — "They can't hurt her anymore."A Bullied Teen’s Mother Rallies the Troops for PromDiagnosed with dyslexia and Asperger Syndrome (which makes social interactions challenging), 15-year-old Felicity has endured years of merciless taunting and bullying at school. It got so bad in high school that she even contemplated suicide.Heartbroken for her daughter, Felicity's mother, Kathryn, wanted to do something to make one pivotal high school experience a positive one. Knowing her daughter's love of bikes and all things leather, she decided to turn to her local U.K. biker gang for help. She posted a gutwrenching plea on the Worcester Motorcycle Club's Facebook page asking for volunteers to escort Felicity to prom.She wrote:"I am after a bit of a favour. My daughter currently goes to school Blessed Edward in Worcester but has been bullied from her very first day of primary school all the way through into her last weeks of high school."She explained that Felicity has Asperger's and finds making friends "incredibly difficult." Kathryn added: "Felicity has been looking forward to her prom as she feels that this will be the point where she can show them (the bullies) that they can't hurt her anymore. They have been bullying her so much she has even contemplated suicide in the past year, so I really want her prom to be everything she wants and needs it to be."Turns out, the bikers did too.Not All Angels Have Wings, Some Have Two Wheels & Leather ChapsFelicity's parents were hoping for 10 or so bikers. What they got was 30 times that amount. In an incredible outpouring of support, nearly 300 burly bikers showed up to escort Felicity to prom, many of whom had their own stories of cruel tormentors growing up. "They kept coming batch by batch until there were so many bikers you couldn't even see Felicity in the middle of them all," her dad, Rich Morris, told Worcester News.And while their black leather and chrome may have been in stark contrast with Felicity's long, sparkling champagne dress, they all shared one thing in common: the unmistakable feeling of belonging. The 5-mile journey from Felicity's house to the school ended up taking over 30 minutes thanks to the sheer volume of the procession. And when Felicity and her best friend Emily roared up to prom on a trike? They were met with cheers and applause from their fellow classmates and teachers.A welcome LONG overdue.The family was blown away by the support, but Felicity most of all. "She was abused every day and it crushed her but we felt that after Monday night we could see our lovely, bubbly Felicity really enjoying herself," Rich said."To see that smile break out on her face was very overwhelming. The confidence it brought out in Felicity was amazing," he added.How a Group of Bikers Proved the Power Found in Showing UpEveryone deserves to feel loved and valued. Full stop. Sadly, so many of our teens feel anything but. According to, 20% of students ages 12-18 experience bullying nationwide. Additionally, according to a 2020 SURVEY conducted by the Cyberbullying Research Center, 50% of children aged 9 – 12 are victims of school bullying.That’s 1 in 2. Let that sink in for a minute. The ramifications of being a victim of bullying are no joke. It is linked to a number of negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and even suicide.Because the reality is that the messages we receive from people matter.While one night and a posse of bikers may not be enough to erase years and years of exclusion and relentless bullying, it did provide a profound and potentially life-changing sense of belonging to a young girl who desperately needed it. (And hopefully taught her bullies a thing or two about inclusion, something they clearly know nothing about).Whether it's 300 people coming together or just one, we all have the power to show someone they aren't alone. And we can do it in the simplest way possible — just by showing up. More from Goalcast:Fourth Grader Makes a Promise to Classmate With Down Syndrome – Years Later, He Shows Up to Fulfill the PactYoung Woman Whose Father Passed Away Steps off the Prom Bus – Finds a Dozen Police Officers Waiting for HerNobody Asks Teen With Down Syndrome to Prom – But One Man Travels 459 Miles Across the Country to Be Her Date

Teen Finds Out Her Grandmother Has Been Saving Pennies for Four Years - For One Very Special Reason
Uplifting News

Teen Finds Out Her Grandmother Has Been Saving Pennies for Four Years - For One Very Special Reason

Prom is a big deal for many people. It’s the first event that marks a teen's transition into adulthood. For some, it’s their first chance to dress up and act fancy. And for many, it’s a reason to celebrate their achievements with friends.Having the right outfit can go a long way in helping a promgoer feel special, which is why this story hits home for so many.A Grandmother Saves for YearsJayden Shatzer knows she has a special grandmother. That’s why she decided to share her with the rest of the world via TikTok. In a video from earlier this year, Jayden explained how her grandmother, Kim, went above and beyond to make sure she had the best prom ever.“My grandma has been saving these pennies since I started high school,” she captioned the video, which included jars of pennies being poured into a coin-counting machine. In fact, there were so many pennies that, at one point, they jammed up the machine.“She saved them to buy my senior prom dress,” Jayden explained. “Get a Grandma like mine,” she captioned the overall video.In the end, the coins added up to a little over $357 — $340 after counting fees. It was more than enough for Jayden to pick out a beautiful dress and shoes for her special night. As for the video, it went viral with more than a million views.“For all of you saying you love my grandma, I swear she literally didn’t even know I was posting this,” Jayden added in another video.The Prom of a LifetimeWith so many people invested in Jayden’s dress thanks to her grandmother’s kind act, the teen eventually posted some follow-up videos to show users her prom look. In a May 7, 2023 post, she called her floor-length seafoam dress (with a gorgeous slit) her “penny prom dress” as she posed in various photos.“All thanks to Grandma Kim,” she added to the video overtop a photo of her hugging her grandmother.According to the various photos and videos Jayden shared, she definitely had the prom of a lifetime — and a dress that perfectly encapsulated her grandmother’s love. Although in the caption, she admitted the best part was leaving prom and going to Applebees.In the comments, plenty of people pointed out how awesome Jayden's grandmother is. Others wished their grandmothers were still alive so that they, too, could have moments like these.“She’s our grandma now,” one person wrote.“She seems so sweet,” wrote another. “I miss my grandma so much. Cherish her.”Making the Most of Your MomentsHaving a special bond with a grandparent (or really any other family member or chosen family member) is something worth celebrating. If you’re lucky enough to still have someone like that in your life, this story reminds us all to cherish and make the most of it while we still have it.Time isn’t promised, but you can promise yourself to make the most of the time you do have. Make the call. Plan the get-together. Send the note you’ve been meaning to send. At the end of the day, you’ll never regret the memories you made, but you will regret not making more of an effort while you still could.More from Goalcast:Teen Is Devastated When Her “Friend” Ruins Her $500 Prom Dress – Little Did She Know There Was So Much More to ComeStudent Banned From Prom for Wearing Suit – So Strangers Stepped in to Make It Up to Them in the Best WayTeen Didn’t Have a Date for Her Prom – So Her Grandfather Steps in the Best Way

Teen Learns His Grandmother Has Only 6 Months to Live - Plots With His Sister to Make Her Last Moments Unforgettable
Uplifting News

Teen Learns His Grandmother Has Only 6 Months to Live - Plots With His Sister to Make Her Last Moments Unforgettable

In a world where proms are often associated with young love and carefree dances, a heartwarming story unfolds – one that proves that the most beautiful moments can transcend generations. Stephen Vigil, a teenager with a heart full of love for his family, created an unforgettable memory that left everyone in awe.What One Dedicated Teen Did for His GrandmotherUnsplash/ Kajetan SumilaAmidst the melodies and laughter of his high school prom, Vigil stood out for all the right reasons. Instead of following the usual script of dancing with a teenage partner, he held the hand of someone much older yet infinitely dearer – his 92-year-old grandmother, Julia Jarman. As the DJ played her favorite song, they swayed together in a moment that spoke volumes about the bonds of family and the power of simple gestures.The journey that led to this magical prom night began with a twist of fate. When doctors revealed that Julia had only six months to live due to pancreatic cancer, her grandson's world was shaken. Determined to fill her remaining days with happiness, Vigil embarked on a mission to create lasting memories. He took her to Florida, shared meals, and visited family graves, cherishing every moment they had left.But when his sister gave him the idea of prom, it was met with hesitation. Could his grandmother, who had never experienced such an event, attend as his date? The answer came through the compassion of Stafford High School's principal, Joseph Lewis. He granted Vigil's request, allowing Julia to become an unexpected and cherished guest at the prom.“She doesn’t have much time left, so I didn’t even have to think about the decision to take her to prom. I’m so glad we’ll both have these memories,” Vigil said.Dressed in a blue gown that matched her grandson's suit, Julia sparkled not just with her outfit, but with the joy in her eyes. The school embraced her, adorning her with a sash and crown that reflected the queen she was that night, on the eve of her 92nd birthday.As the music played and the dance floor beckoned, Vigil and Julia shared a dance that resonated with love and nostalgia. How One Teen Discovered the Beauty in Small MomentsTheir dance to Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling In Love" was a tribute to their deep connection – a connection that was more than just grandmother and grandson; it was friendship at its finest."She almost had me crying as she was singing it along with me while we were dancing," Vigil recalled.In a world where the rush of life often obscures the beauty of such moments, Vigil's decision to celebrate his grandmother became an inspiration to all. Their story, shared on social media, touched hearts globally, reminding us that it's the small gestures driven by love that make life truly beautiful.As Julia revealed, that night was "just wonderful." And while the dance may have ended, the echoes of their bond continue to resonate. Stephen Vigil, with his act of love, not only fulfilled a promise but also became a beacon of warmth and connection. In a fleeting moment at a high school prom, he taught us that love is ageless, and the simplest acts of kindness can create ripples of joy that touch hearts far and wide.More from Goalcast:Fourth Grader Makes a Promise to Classmate With Down Syndrome – Years Later, He Shows Up to Fulfill the PactTeen Is Devastated When Her “Friend” Ruins Her $500 Prom Dress – Little Did She Know There Was So Much More to ComeTeen Didn’t Have a Date for Her Prom – So Her Grandfather Steps in the Best Way

Fourth Grader Makes a Promise to Classmate With Down Syndrome - Years Later, He Shows Up to Fulfill the Pact
Uplifting News

Fourth Grader Makes a Promise to Classmate With Down Syndrome - Years Later, He Shows Up to Fulfill the Pact

Meet Ben Moser and Mary Lapkowicz, two incredible souls whose friendship has stood the test of time since they first crossed paths in the second grade. Mary, a remarkable individual with Down syndrome, found an unwavering friend in Ben, a young boy who defied the norms of childhood to stand by her side.The Promise a Fourth Grader Made to His FriendPhoto by NEOSiAM 2021While many might have shied away from Mary due to her condition, Ben's heart held no boundaries. He championed her inclusion in all activities, always ensuring her radiant smile never faded, even in the face of adversity. For three years, they shared the same elementary school classroom, and a beautiful connection was formed that transcended the ordinary.In the fourth grade, Ben made a promise that would touch hearts and bring a spark of joy into Mary's life. As he watched his older cousin prepare for the prom, Ben turned to Mary and whispered a pledge that warmed her heart – when they were old enough, he would be the one to take her to the prom.Life led them to separate high schools in Pennsylvania, but fate had a reunion in store. Their schools faced off on the football field, and amidst the excitement of the game, Ben remembered his promise to Mary. With a heart full of dedication, he orchestrated a surprise promposal that would forever be etched in their memories.Mary was elated by the unexpected invitation. She had planned to go with friends, but this moment was beyond her dreams. Dressed in their finest attire, the two friends shared a magical night at Mary's high school prom, creating a moment that radiated pure joy. Their fourth-grade teacher, Tracey Spogli, who had witnessed their friendship blossom, was there to see them off. She fondly remembered the days when Ben's watchful eye ensured Mary's happiness, and she called Mary the "Little Mary Sunshine" of their classroom.How One Young Man Proved the Importance of Keeping PromisesMary's brother Tom expressed the profound impact Ben had on his sister's life. He spoke of the renewed faith in humanity that Ben's actions ignited, a simple yet powerful act of kindness that put a radiant smile on Mary's face. "A lot of grade-school aged kids may have stayed away from my sister Mary or thought she was weird because she has Downs [sic] Syndrome. But not Ben," Tom wrote on Facebook.For Lisa Moser, Ben's mom, this friendship was a testament to the values she had instilled in her children – to put others first, love wholeheartedly, and stand up for what they believed in. "My heart just overflows with love watching (Ben and Mary) tell the story of their friendship," she said.As this heartwarming story captivates the world, Lisa revealed that her son, humble as ever, doesn't see his actions as a big deal. So, as we celebrate this beautiful friendship, let's share the magic of this story. Because in the end, it's the small gestures of love and friendship, like the one between Ben and Mary, that remind us of the beauty in the world, and the powerful impact of a promise kept.More from Goalcast:Teen Is Devastated When Her “Friend” Ruins Her $500 Prom Dress – Little Did She Know There Was So Much More to ComeTeen Didn’t Have a Date for Her Prom – So Her Grandfather Steps in the Best WayTeen’s Prom Date Couldn’t Afford a Dress — So He Taught Himself to Sew and Made Her One

Teen Didnt Have a Date for Her Prom - So Her Grandfather Steps in the Best Way
Uplifting News

Teen Didnt Have a Date for Her Prom - So Her Grandfather Steps in the Best Way

One California teen’s prom pictures have gone viral on social media but not only for her beauty and exquisite dress but also because of her dapper date -- her grandpa.Not having a date for her grade twelve prom photos, Lancaster High School student Kaylah Bell’s grandpa took the matter into his own hands.Kaylah’s plans were to attend the dance with a group of her friends. But her grandpa, Alvin Hackett, had a special plan for her big night.The Special Way One Man Stepped in for His GranddaughterKaylah Bell/TwitterKaylah and her classmates met up before the prom to get ready together and take group photos before their big night.Once the girls were grouped in the front yard, Kaylah’s grandpa walked outside the house, wearing a sharp pinstriped suit, violet dress shirt and pink tie that color-coordinated perfectly with Kaylah’s pink and violet ballgown style dress and custom cape.Hackett wanted Kaylah, 17, to have memorable prom photos and decided that he would be her prom photo date. Hackett even bought his granddaughter a rose corsage and a coordinated boutonniere for himself.“I asked my grandpa to take pictures with me because I knew that he had never had a prom, and he hadn’t experienced getting dressed up and buying a corsage and all of that,” Kaylah told Fox News. “I also know how well he dresses every single Sunday for church,” she said, adding that her grandpa is their congregation’s pastor."My friends thought it was so adorable, because they knew how hard it was for me to find a date, and they know how much I love my grandpa," gushed Kaylah."Everyone was taking pictures of us. I think it made his day!" said Kaylah. She later shared the photos on Twitter with the caption, “My papa knew I didn't have a date to my prom, so he matched me!”How One Grandfather Helped a Teen Create a Special MemoryKaylah Bell/TwitterKaylah’s post quickly went viral, with over 91,000 likes, 10,000 shares and hundreds of comments.One person commented that Hackett was “dapper AF,” remarking, “I really hope I age this well.”Kaylah received compliment after compliment on her gorgeous dress and her own beauty. One fellow stated she was “fine as hell”, which was why “no man was worthy enough to be her date.”Hackett wasn’t able to attend the prom with Kaylah (the age limit of 21 disqualified her 67-year-old grandpa) but he chauffeured her to the event, taking more photos once they arrived.Hackett succeeded in making Kaylah’s night one that she will never forget."My papa matching was truly a blessing to me, it makes me emotional to think about it because we are super close," Kaylah told Fox. "I really just felt blessed that I was able to create this memory with him.”Kaylah is now studying at Azusa Pacific University and said that she’ll forever cherish the “happy memory” of the prom pictures with her beloved grandpa.