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Older man wearing a white cap and a man with his wife.
Uplifting News

UPS Driver Makes a Special Stop During His Lunch Break - Every Single Day

We give and receive many gifts throughout the year, on special occasions, birthdays, holidays, and just because. But how often do we stop and think about gifting something that truly matters? One UPS driver delivers many packages throughout his day, but he always makes the time for this one extra special stop.

Tupac Confronts Madonna In Final Love Letter

Tupac Confronts Madonna In Final Love Letter

Madonna and Tupac Shakur were unlike most couples. Despite living in different worlds, they supported each other in secret. But when Madonna became labeled as the “woman obsessed with shocking people”, she took it too far and left Tupac feeling scared. What happened that broke Tupac’s heart? And why did he confront her?

Kim Kardashian Blinded By Love For Kanye West Until He Exposed Their Daughter

Kim Kardashian Blinded By Love For Kanye West Until He Exposed Their Daughter

Kim Kardashian West was raised to never let a man take advantage of her. But her father’s advice couldn’t stop her from falling in love with Kanye West. When Kanye had an explosive breakdown and exposed their daughter, North, Kim was heartbroken. What was the breaking point that made Kim file for divorce? And will she ever trust Kanye again?

High School Crushes Meet Again at 50th Reunion - Then, a Phone Call Leads to Them Getting Married
Love Stories

High School Crushes Meet Again at 50th Reunion - Then, a Phone Call Leads to Them Getting Married

The first time Elaine Hall and Roland Passaro danced together they were teenagers. It was the 1950s and they jitterbugged to the song Kansas City.Seventy years later, they took to the dance floor again. Same song, same dance. Only this time, as newlyweds. Once each other's middle and high school crushes, they reconnected at their 50th high school reunion, and now, in a love story that spans decades, they've finally said, "I do."He Was a Star Athlete. She Was Head of the Cheer Squad.Hall and Passaro, both 88, grew up four blocks apart in Allentown, Pennsylvania. They attended middle school and high school together. They had classes together, played "Spin the Bottle" together, and danced with each other at the local YMCA."In today's parlance, you would say, she was hot. She was the smartest girl in class and knew the answer to every question," Passaro told the Washington Post."Roland was as handsome as could be, he was the star player and all the girls liked him. But he liked me, so that was nice."Elaine HallThey seemed perfect for each other, the quintessential high school couple — he was a star athlete with dreams of becoming a pro baseball player and she was the head cheerleader. But despite their mutual crushes, they remained squarely in the friend zone. It appeared as though they just weren't meant to be. And, as life does, it eventually took them in different directions.Passaro realized his dream of pitching in the minor leagues, went to college, got married, had three children, and ended up working for an airline in Miami. He lost his first wife, Suzanne, after a four-year battle with cancer, shortly after the couple suffered the devastating loss of their 37-year-old son, John. After high school, Hall got a job at a local newspaper and worked her way up the ranks to director of advertising and business development, where she stayed until she retired at 66. She also married, raised three children, and divorced in her 40s.50th High School ReunionFor 50 years, Passaro and Hall lived separate lives but then...FATE. When they received the invitation for their 50th high school reunion, they both decided to make the trip back to their hometown — Hall from Atlantic City and Passaro from Miami.As soon as they saw each other, sparks flew. "There was an attraction between us that night," Hall said. "When I went over to say goodbye, he leaned over and gave me a kiss."They agreed to stay in touch. As soon as Passaro got home, he mailed her a letter. That led to a six-hour phone call. Countless phone calls, emails, and two trips to Miami later, Hall and Passaro decided they didn't want to live apart any longer. Hall moved to Miami.For 20 years, the couple lived together, devoted to their families, traveling, enjoying art shows, golfing, and reading to each other every night before falling asleep. They were there for each other, in the good times and the bad, including when Hall's 67-year-old son, Robert, passed away in 2021.In October 2023, after being together for two decades, they finally decided it was high time they tied the knot."Let's do it," Passaro told Hall after she asked him why they hadn't married yet over a glass of wine. A Wedding Seven Decades in the MakingIn March 2024, Passaro and Hall said "I do." Their wedding was a family affair, with Hall's two daughters, Elizabeth and Patricia, walking her down the aisle. James Passaro (Roland's son) officiated and his other son, Ron, was the best man. Two of their great-granddaughters were flower girls. And in a beautiful full circle moment worthy of a Hollywood romance movie, the two danced to the first song they ever did together, all those years ago. "This was a good climax to a great love story."James Passaro via the Washington PostAs for their secret to happiness? The couple reveals that it's all about sharing values, interests, and history."The thing about getting older is that very few people remember you from when you were young," Hall said. "But I remember Rollie as the vibrant young fellow who could throw a ball as far as the eye could see."Not one to be outdone, Passaro responded, "And I remember how beautiful and exciting she was when she was 15, and I can say that she's just as beautiful and exciting today." (We can see why she loves him.)It may have taken seven decades to get here, but their love proves that it's never too late for second chances. More from Goalcast:High School Sweethearts Break Up After Graduation – 63 Years Later, One Phone Call Leads to Their MarriageWoman Goes With High School Sweetheart on a Date – Finds Out He’d Been Working on a Secret for Months15-Year-Old Feels a Spark With Her Sister’s Prom Date – 70 Years Later the Unthinkable Happens

After His Wife Is Left in a Vegetative State, Husband Devotes His Life to Taking Care of Her
Love Stories

After His Wife Is Left in a Vegetative State, Husband Devotes His Life to Taking Care of Her

When David César swore to love his wife "in sickness and in health, 'til death do us part" on their wedding day, he never imagined how severely those vows would be tested.Not long after they were married, his wife suffered a catastrophic medical crisis, leaving her trapped in a vegetative state. David never left her side.Now, six years later, David is still by her side and giving us all a masterclass in the meaning of TRUE LOVE.An Ordinary Day Takes a Devastating TurnIn 2018, David and his wife, Bruna de Sousa, who live in Brazil, were watching television when she complained she wasn't feeling well. Seconds later she began convulsing and her heart stopped. She was in cardiac arrest. “In a matter of 3 minutes, she lost all vital signs. We ran to the hospital, after 25 minutes they managed to revive her, but she was without oxygen for a long time,” David shared.It had devastating effects. Doctors diagnosed Bruna with "coma vigil." She suffered severe brain damage. While her nervous system still functioned, she was no longer aware of her surroundings.In mere moments, Bruna had gone from being lively and vivacious to being trapped in her own body with no cognitive function. She was only 24 years old.Bruna spent the next year and a half in the hospital, bedridden, tracheotomized, and feeding through a tube. Unable to talk, walk, or interact with her loved ones, she was completely dependent on others for all of her basic needs.David refused to walk away. "I made a promise in front of God and in sickness and in health I vowed to be with her."David CésarIn June 2019, nearly two years after that devastating night, David brought Bruna home.Husband Becomes His Wife's Full-Time CaregiverDavid didn't just stick around, he DEVOTED HIS LIFE to Bruna.He dedicated himself to looking after her 24/7, becoming her full-time caregiver. Unable to care for his wife and work simultaneously, he lost his job.When his mother or mother-in-law were able to spend the night with Bruna, he picked up shifts as a driver.With her complex medical needs and his income falling drastically short, David struggled to make ends meet. He turned to the kindness of strangers for help, launching a successful fundraiser. The crowdfunding was used to pay for medicines, special food, diapers, personal hygiene materials, and medical equipment. It also went towards renovating and adapting Bruna's room.Additionally, two lawyers volunteered to help secure financial assistance.Even though Bruna's prognosis is bleak and the chance for recovery is devastatingly slim, David refuses to give up hope. He's scoured the world over to find a miracle. After consulting with neuroscientists in Canada he's currently pursuing a potential treatment. True Love PrevailsBruna's catastrophic brain injury robbed her of the life she knew. But it didn't just rob her, it robbed David too. Once dreaming of their future together and starting a family, he was now living a nightmare.This isn't the life he thought they'd share and he continues to grieve the woman he lost but he leans on his faith to help him navigate this new normal."There is a greater divine purpose that makes me endure," he shared on an Instagram post.The reality is, love is easy when things are good. But when the shadows descend and you're lost in the darkness, that's where true love is found. In the face of truly unimaginable circumstances, David has held fast to the vows he swore to honor. And he still does, six years later. His devotion really is a testament to the enduring power of love. "In practice, love makes us see beyond the storm and act during [it]." David CésarMore from Goalcast:They’ve Been Divorced for 27 Years, but When His Ex-wife Got Sick, He Was the First to Step UpMan Takes Care of the Bills for 4 Decades – After He Passes Away, His Wife Makes an Incredible Discovery“Tough Guy” Dad Loses It After Dropping His Son off at School — His Wife Immediately Started Recording

Man Pressured to Leave Overweight Girlfriend  So He Did What He Should Have Done a Long Time Ago
Uplifting News

Man Pressured to Leave Overweight Girlfriend So He Did What He Should Have Done a Long Time Ago

After sharing a sweet anniversary post with the world, teenagers Emily Phillips and her high school sweetheart, Aidan Harrison, were harassed online for the worst reason. Over the course of two years, Phillips had put on a "significant" amount of weight. The comments called her "too fat." Thousands of strangers urged her boyfriend to "leave her."They Said Her Weight Gain Was “Disrespecting” Her Man@emphillipx/TikTokWhen Phillips posted a sweet "time jump" anniversary carousel for her friends and family, she had no idea the post would go viral — and the horrific backlash they would receive. Phillips innocently shared a photo from their first date titled "Day 1." Next to it, she posted a recent photo titled, "Day 884." "I'm so happy to experience a love like ours, and know what love is," she captioned the post. In both photos it's clear the couple are very in love. They are holding each other and smiling big — but that's not what the rest of the world saw.Instead, they saw a confident woman, comfortable in her skin at any size — and they wanted to tear her down. The comments were sexist, cruel, and endless. Many of the comments were written by men (probably without girlfriends) writing about how unworthy of love this beautiful, young, woman was, simply because of her weight. One Twitter user — who we can only assume is a men's rights activist — went on to write, "This is why you need to be on top of everything as a man to ensure that things such as this do not happen." Some Twitter users speculated that perhaps Phillips was pregnant. Implying that this alone would justify her weight gain — that a woman is only exempt from having the "perfect" body, if she is with child. It's impossible as a woman, to look through the hateful comments Phillips received, and not have your blood boil.How This Boyfriend Graciously Put an End to the “Lies” Her TikTok had a snowball effect. Overnight, her post gained over 30k comments (and we'd advise against looking through them). While some of the comments encouraged the couple to "ignore the hate," most of the comments were devastating, calling the 18-year-old Phillips all kinds of awful names that we have chosen not to share with our readers.While we can only imagine how many tears Phillips must have shed behind closed doors, her devoted boyfriend Harrison, put the haters in their place in the simplest way. Harrison knew if he responded to each mean comment individually, it would only add fuel to the fire. After all, these mean spirited comments are written with the express purpose of hurting the feelings of those reading it.So instead, he posted this — and it was perfect."We're happy and that's all that matters. I love you sweetheart," he wrote.Young Woman Embodied True Confidence and It’s Inspiring Unfortunately, cyberbullying is a very real consequence of living in the digital age. Without even intending to, we have never been more accessible to thousands and thousands of people we've never even met. The good news is, we have seen the wide reach of the internet be used for good.The bad news is, we have also seen it used to spread hate. Emily Phillips's story is the perfect example of how damaging cyber bulling can be. But thankfully, her story doesn't end there. She chose to have an ever bigger impact, by not doing this one thing.Instead of removing her post, or turning off the comments, Phillips would not allow her haters to get the best of her. She left her post up — hateful comments and all. What happened next was even more incredible. Eventually women and men from all over chose to support this couple. They reminded her she was beautiful. They reminded her love wins. Emily Phillips refused to hide her body in shame — and hopefully her strength inspired others to do the same.It's easy to be a back seat driver. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," friends will dismissively advise. But when you're the target of hate, it takes a whole different kind of strength to withstand it.She took a heartbreaking situation and used it to uplift others. Shockingly, Emily Phillips is paving the way for women who struggle with self-esteem issues, one hateful comment at a time.More from Goalcast:Her Daughter Excluded Her Best Friend for Being “Too Fat” – Shocked Mom Takes Matters Into Her Own HandsWoman Goes to the Gym to Work Out – Breaks Down When She Hears These Startling Words From a ‘Hardcore’ Gym BroPlus Size Man and His Size 8 Wife Receive Rude Comments From Haters – Come Up With the Perfect Idea to Silence Them

15-Year-Old Feels a Spark With Her Sisters Prom Date - 70 Years Later the Unthinkable Happens
Uplifting News

15-Year-Old Feels a Spark With Her Sisters Prom Date - 70 Years Later the Unthinkable Happens

Shirley Peasley is the woman who believed her sister would never forgive her, after a simple prom night went shockingly wrong.Way back in the 1950s, Shirley Peasley's younger sister Kay was getting ready for the night of her life. She had scored a date with her high school's heartthrob, Harold, and he was taking her to the prom! Peasley couldn't have been more excited for her sister and she helped her primp up for her date, but then, the door bell rang too soon.She Said Her Sister "Should Have Been Ready"Patrick Q/FlickrPeasley quickly rushed downstairs to stall her sister's date, but fate had other plans. In a delightful rom-com twist, Shirley and Harold couldn't stop bantering back and forth. Their spark was undeniable. By the time Kay came downstairs, Shirley pulled her aside and confessed she felt a magnetic connection with Harold. She didn't want to play games or try to go behind her beloved sister's back, so she addressed her feelings about him head on. She asked for her permission to "steal" her date.Even though it was early days for Shirley and Harold (less than a few hours), without hesitating, her younger sister Kay sweetly acquiesced to her sister's wishes, opting out of their date — she didn't want to go out with a boy who had eyes for another girl — especially if that girl was her older sister.“She should have been ready when he showed up. She was taking too long getting ready!”Shirley Peasley, PEOPLELooking back, Shirley Peasley playfully poked fun at the situation. WHILE she had never intended to to steal her sister's date — she couldn't deny that Harold had charisma. “I thought he was handsome and I knew he was popular in school with sports and everything,” Shirley explained. “So of course I wanted to date him."With a mischievous grin and unapologetic charm, Shirley recounted how her bold move paved the way for a lifetime of love and laughter with Harold — oh, and did we forget to mention?The couple just celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary!Their 70 Year Secret RevealedCOURTESY SHIRLEY AND HAROLD PEASLEYHarold and Shirley Peasley may have fallen in love in an "unconventional" way, but 70 years later, their fire is still burning and it may just prove the best way to fall in love, is your own way.“He waits on me hand and foot. If I tell him I’m gonna go get the clothes out of the dryer, he’s out there and got them out before I can do it. He takes good care of me.”Shirley Peasley, PEOPLETheir secret to staying in love? It's simple; according to Harold, they "do everything together," finding joy in each moment shared. Despite the passing years, their bond remains as strong as ever, a testament to the power of love and companionship. As they celebrate their remarkable 70th wedding anniversary, Harold and Shirley serve as a shining example of love's ability to endure and flourish, no matter the odds.They Didn’t Even Tell Their Kids How They Met!No one gives Shirley and Harold a tough time about how they met — after all, they were only 15 years old at the time of the "crime."In fact, the couple were so in love, they wed just three short years later as soon as Shirley was of age. Now, Harold and Shirley Peasley share children, Mike, 69, John, 62, Kim, 58, Kris, 55, and their “unofficial” adopted son, Greg Rushton, 60, who grew up near the Peasleys. But their five kids never knew exactly how it all went down — until a surprising revelation on a family cruise vacation about 20 years ago, during their 50th wedding anniversary celebration. During a "Love and Marriage" event hosted onboard the ship, the couple was selected to participate in the game where their endearing love story took center stage. The host asked Shirley and Harold exactly how they met — which is when they revealed the entire story without mincing any details! The host went on to make the questions even spicier when he asked the couple what was the most unexpected place they had ever made love. That's when their grandchildren hilariously piped up exclaiming, "We do not need to know that!"Their Spark Lights Up Every Room They’re InUnlike lots of couples who marry "too young," these long time love birds couldn't have gotten married soon enough. Over 73 years together and the couple still feels like they're living in a fairytale...and the trickle down effect is no joke.“Growing up, my life was like a fairytale,” daughter Kris Flanders tells PEOPLE. “We were camping, we were boating. They were just amazing parents. I hang out with my parents now because they are so much fun.”Love really is infectious. The Peasleys still keep it playful after all the years and it's the most important reminder that while love is patient and love is kind — it also can be fun too. Even in their late 80's, Shirley and Harold Peasley still bring out the 15-year-old spirit in one another, and it's beautiful.Love Is More Than Just Grand GesturesIn the end, it's not just about the stolen moments or the grand celebrations — it's about the everyday gestures, the quiet conversations, and the unwavering support that define their love story. Harold and Shirley Peasley remind us that love knows no bounds and that, sometimes, it's the unexpected twists that lead to the greatest love stories of all.Perhaps the real secret is looking at everyday as a new adventure with the one you love — whether you're sailing the seven seas or just picking up a salmon filet from your local supermarket!More from Goalcast:Teen’s Struggling Dad Works Hard to Make Ends Meet – So She Takes a 25-Mile Detour to Do This Before PromMan Makes a Promise to 11-Year-Old Neighbor – Keeps It Going For Over 20 Years for This Special ReasonTeen Refuses to Go to Prom With Her Classmate in Front of 2000 People – Crushed, He Comes Up With a New Plan

They've Been Divorced for 27 Years, but When His Ex-wife Got Sick, He Was the First to Step Up

They've Been Divorced for 27 Years, but When His Ex-wife Got Sick, He Was the First to Step Up

When couples get divorced, most exes shut the door, lock it, and throw away the key. It's not just the end of a chapter, it's the end of the whole dang book.But for Megan Tai's parents, divorce, as it turns out, wasn't the end of their story.Nearly THREE DECADES later, her dad walked back into her mom's life after she was diagnosed with Stage 4 endometrial cancer. He didn't just show up. He stayed; honoring old love, loyalty, and vows at a time when she needed it the most. A Cancer Diagnosis Brings Love Back AroundMegan's parents met more than 30 years ago in California. Her father, originally from Hawaii, was stationed there during his time in the military.They fell in love and had two children, Megan and her older brother. Shortly after Megan's birth, the couple separated. Her dad returned to Hawaii and her mom became a single parent, raising the kids on her elementary school teacher salary.For more than 20 years, they lived completely separate lives. And then came a devastating cancer diagnosis."Fast forward 20+ years later to my mother's diagnosis - my father was one of the first people by her side when she was released from the hospital."Megan Tai via GoFundMeMegan, who works full-time in domestic violence services and is also a graduate student studying Marriage and Family Therapy, moved back in with her mom to help.Overwhelmed with trying to take care of her mom alongside keeping up with her work AND school, Megan was struggling.So, her dad stepped up. In an incredible act of love, he left his life in Hawaii, hopped a flight back to California and moved in. TikTok Video Goes ViralIn a gutwrenching TikTok clip, Megan shares snippets of her parents battling cancer...together.It may only be 20-seconds long, but boy, it packs a punch. She captions it: "POV: Ur parents have been divorced for 20+ years and ur dad's still the first one there when your mom gets diagnosed w Stage 4 cancer."In the video, Megan's dad lovingly helps his ex with her exercises, spots her going up the stairs, and keeps her company, reading with her and playing video games. Take a look:According to Megan's GoFundMe, this is the first time in her 27 years that she's seen her parents live together under one roof. "He did everything - helped her exercise (even when she felt like she couldn't), cooked her meals, took her out on drives, picked up her medications, and so much more," Megan writes. "They talked for hours. They bickered like they were still married. They laughed.""They helped me see them as they were when they were younger."Megan TaiAnd in doing so, not only did they work on healing her mom, but it also helped to heal a lot of childhood trauma for their daughter.Reaction to the VideoSo far, the video has garnered a staggering 8.1 MILLION views in just one week. Because...LOVE. And while they may not be IN love with each other, it's clear that despite everything, love remains.And it turns out, these exes aren't the only ones to honor a life and love they once shared. A number of people came forth to share their own stories. "My parents divorced 30 years ago and when my mom was on her death bed, my dad came to visit her often with goodies and they told each other they loved each other," wrote Hi_Dee Aye.MVP10210 commented, "My father held her hand when she passed. They were so close. Divorced 25 yrs by that point. Never saw my father cry ever until that woman died.""Parents divorced 20+ years too. Dad was hospitalized 2 weeks, my mom insisted he come stay with her after he was released so he wasn’t alone during recovery. It really is beautiful," said Lon."I took care of my ex-husband during hospice. I loved the life and children he gave me. I owed it to him," shared Brenda Carmichael Da.Enduring Bond of FamilySometimes people just don't fit as a couple and marriages end. But as Megan's parents prove, that doesn't mean that the love just ends with it. No matter how their marriage ended, at some point in their lives, Megan's parents obviously loved each other very much — and that love still counts for something. Even 20-plus years later.As one commenter so aptly put it, "Love has so many forms. This one is pretty freaking great."And it's a powerful testament to the enduring nature of love and the lasting impact it can have.Ultimately, Megan's parents' story serves as a poignant reminder that while marriages may end, the unbreakable bond of family always remains.More from Goalcast:Man Takes Care of the Bills for 4 Decades – After He Passes Away, His Wife Makes an Incredible DiscoveryWoman Has a Dream About the Same Baby for Months – Fights to Adopt Her Husband’s Dead Ex-wife’s SonTeen With Cancer Invites Taylor Swift to His Prom but She Rejects It – Then She Does This

They Were Sent to the Principals Office for Kissing on the School Bus - 77 Years Later, a Phone Call Changes Everything
Love Stories

They Were Sent to the Principals Office for Kissing on the School Bus - 77 Years Later, a Phone Call Changes Everything

Bill Hassinger and Joanne Blakkan met on the school bus 77 years ago. It was 1947 and they were both students at North Muskegon High School in West Michigan. Joanne was a junior and Bill was a freshman.They became high school sweethearts, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. Not then anyway. Fast forward seven decades and the two have found their way back. To each other. High School RomanceBill and Joanne started off as friends. Every day, she would save him a seat on the bus. Despite their two-year age difference, they started dating and fell in love."[We] became more and more attracted to each other and then the next year was serious. In those days, you called it 'going steady,"' Joanne told Fox News.They were smitten. "One time we got called to the principal's office for kissing on the school bus."Joanne BlakkanJoanne graduated in 1949. She went off to college at Michigan State and Bill stayed behind, still in high school. She visited sometimes on weekends. But time and distance can be a cruel mistress and the couple drifted apart. They both found new loves, married, and each had three children. They Lived a Lifetime ApartBill married a classmate at 19, just six months before being drafted into the U.S. Army. He spent the next two years in Salzburg, Austria before returning home to enjoy a 32-year career with the Michigan State Police. He was married to his wife for 68 years — until her death in 2021.Meanwhile, Joanne was busy with her own career and family. After her husband died of a heart attack in 1989 at the age of 57, she was content to be on her own. For 73 years, Bill and Joanne never set eyes on each other. “We went our separate ways,” Joanne, now 92, said. “I had lived alone all this time and I certainly wasn’t looking for love or a man. I was content. But he was always in the back of my mind. I loved that young boy.”And then in 2022, fate stepped in. Part of the planning committee for her 73rd high school reunion, Joanne was searching for her former classmates online when she thought of Bill. Curious, she decided to look him up. With the help of her daughter, Linda, she found him living 80 miles away. Seven Decades Later, They're ReunitedJoanne wrote him a letter. Within moments of receiving it, Bill was on the phone. Not long after they met for lunch. It was as if time had faded away. Within hours, the flame of first love was rekindled. It didn't matter that neither one was looking for love, love found them anyway. “We just went back to the same feelings for each other,” Bill said. “We're just as much and more in love today than when we were teenagers.”Now, the two spend as much time as their 80-mile commute allows, walking, talking, and playing cards. “We are having a ball,” Joanne said.And their families couldn't be more excited for them. “Neither one of them were looking for this,” Linda said. “My father died and she never dated after that. I don't think she would've dated anyone besides Bill. Both sides of the family are thrilled.”And in a sweet homage to teenage love, Joanne is once again wearing the green gem bracelet Bill gave her as a birthday gift, so many years ago. The couple are still trying to figure out what the future looks like as far as living arrangements. What they do know, is that they want to spend the time they have left together. Life’s Not Over Because You’re AgingIf there's anything we can take away from this nonagenarian romance, it's that we're never too old for love. And true love? Will always find a way, even if it takes 70 years. As for anyone questioning whether or not they should get into a relationship later in life? Bill and Joanne have one piece of advice. Don't wait."If you feel the love for each other, then just spend time together because life is short, and we realize that now, at our age, we don't know how much time we have together, but we're just making the most of every day," Joanne said. "Just go for it."More from Goalcast:Woman Goes With High School Sweetheart on a Date – Finds Out He’d Been Working on a Secret for MonthsHigh School Sweethearts Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary – Little Did They Know, They Would Be In “Tears” After Their DateHigh School Sweethearts Break Up After Graduation – 63 Years Later, One Phone Call Leads to Their Marriage

11-Year-Old Grabs Microphone at Fathers Wedding - Reveals the Truth About His New Wife
Uplifting News

11-Year-Old Grabs Microphone at Fathers Wedding - Reveals the Truth About His New Wife

Unfortunately, not everyone grows up with two parents. Sometimes, kids are raised by a single parent due to divorce or life circumstances. It can be hard, but the single-parent/child bond can also be an incredibly close one. When someone new enters the picture, it can mean a big period of adjustment.So, when one 11-year-old boy told the truth about how his dad’s new wife was there for him on their wedding day, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.A Beautiful SpeechIn a video shared to Newsnercom, an 11-year-old boy grabbed the microphone at his father’s wedding. At first, no one knew what he was going to say, but he was prepared. As everyone waited in anticipation, the boy began nervously reading from a prepared speech.“I feel very, very blessed being here today,” he began as his dad and new mom looked on. “Not only because I have such an amazing father, but because I get to see my father marry someone as equally amazing as him.”The proud father smiled, and his bride beamed as the boy continued. He explained how, when he first met Ashley, he was worried she wouldn’t like him very much because he thought she was just a “common friend” of his dad’s. When he realized she was more than a friend, he was a bit “grossed out” but quickly changed his mind.“She was very caring and treated my father well. Seeing my father happy around her made me understand that she was pretty cool,” he continued.A New Family of ThreeThe thoughtful kid also explained how, for years it was just him and his dad. He didn’t feel like they needed anyone else and that they always had a great time together. Then Ashley came around, and he had a big realization: they hadn't been complete until she joined their family.“It was different in a way that made us even stronger,” the wise boy continued, adding how his dad has always been a terrible cook and Ashley “saved” him from that.“With lots of love in my heart I just want to say thank you, Ashley, for everything. You make my dad a better person by enlightening our lives and being so welcoming. I always thought we were the ones welcoming you into our lives, but the truth is you opened your heart and welcomed the crazy Moderno boys into yours.”He added that now he has the “coolest” stepmom and step-grandmom. Then he wrapped it all up with a cheers. The family hugged and toasted together, celebrating their new life.Adapting to ChangeThis story is touching and heartfelt because it reminds us that family is more than just the traditional unit we see so often in media and pop culture. Families can be blended, adopted, or chosen, and sometimes, it isn’t until we participate in one of those things that we really feel as though we’ve found our people.This boy’s speech is also a great reminder that sometimes change really is a good thing. So if you’re struggling, try and see the positive in a situation and understand where and how it might be good for you, and even make you stronger. If an 11-year-old boy can do that (and give such a great speech about it!), certainly we can, too.More from Goalcast:Single Dad Reaches His Stepdaughter’s School for Mother’s Day Event – But He Wasn’t Dressed as Himself9-Year-Old Girl Loses Her Mom – Years Later, She Pens a Message About Her Single DadBride Makes Her New 4-Year-Old Stepson Sob by Reading the Wedding Vows She Had Specially Written for Him