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Teen walking in school hallway and a teen crying in a classroom
Uplifting News

Kid Gets Bullied At School - So Students Devise a Plan That Leaves Him in Tears

High school is a tough time for many kids as they figure out who they are while dealing with changing social dynamics, bodies, emotions, and more. Adding to those pressures with something like bullying can be devastating. Fortunately, after one kid experienced bullying at his former school, his classmates rallied around him in a beautiful way.

Little boy making and selling rolls on the streets in Delhi.

Mom Leaves Kids After Husband's Death - So Her 10-Year-Old Son Takes Charge

While other kids his age are riding bikes, playing video games, and hanging out with friends, Jaspreet Singh is bearing the weight of the world on his small shoulders. At just 10 years old, Jaspreet's life literally changed overnight. And now? The little boy is inspiring millions with his courage and strength and teaching us all a valuable lesson in the power of perseverance and resilience.

Stranger Gives Taco Stand Owner $1,000 Tip - But That Wasnt All, There Was More Up the Mans Sleeve
Uplifting News

Stranger Gives Taco Stand Owner $1,000 Tip - But That Wasnt All, There Was More Up the Mans Sleeve

Having a dream is important, but it can be hard to realize that dream without the proper funds. We all know that eventually, hard work and determination will pay off, but sometimes we need a little help from an unexpected source to really manifest those dreams into reality. And that’s exactly what this taco-dreaming cook received one day when he came across a social media influencer.A Viral TikTokThere are plenty of places to eat in San Diego, but it was Blue Fire Bliss that attracted a social media influencer named Jesus Morales one day. The taco stand was owned by a man named Teodoro Jimenez. One day, Morales offered to pay Jimenez for all the tacos he could sell in an hour.This was all captured in a now-viral video on TikTok, of course. Within 60 minutes, Jimenez managed to sell $600 worth of tacos. It was a great little sum for the stand, but Morales had another trick up his sleeve. After paying for the tacos, he also gave Jimenez a hefty, $1,000 tip.Jimenez immediately started to cry. The gesture was so unexpected, and it touched his heart. What Morales didn’t realize was that Jimenez was also crying because the money put him just a little bit closer to making his dream of owning a food truck a reality.Another TwistMorales was touched by the taco stand owner, but he wasn’t the only one. As the video continued to go viral, many wanted to help the cook purchase his taco truck. So they began seeking out the stand and giving Jimenez and his family their business.Meanwhile, Morales began a GoFundMe campaign to gather donations towards the cause as well. Eventually, he pulled together $50,000, which he gave to the touched owner.“Believe me, I didn't expect it; my dreams, I thought were never going to come true, that they were never going to be realized,” Jimenez told an NBC News affiliate. “Thank you for blessing me. I feel very blessed, and I also want to bless you.”The money was enough for Jimenez to purchase his food truck, from which he now serves tacos along with a variety of other handheld items. Even Morales wasn’t sure they would get there, but he was happy to help make it happen.“It gives me great joy because seeing Teodoro, his family, and the business moving forward is a blessing, and I hope it continues like this,” he added.Supporting LocalJimenez is a great example of how, with some hard work and a little luck, dreams do come true. He also reminds us how much we rely on our communities in order for those dreams to happen.Meanwhile, this heartwarming story inspires us to support local shops and vendors whenever we can. When we do, we are helping others to continue to fulfill their dreams. So the next time you can frequent a local restaurant or shop or pick up your groceries at a farmer’s market, remember that doing so isn't just helping out a local business. You may also be investing in someone else’s dream.More from Goalcast:TikToker Raises Over $180K to Help 81-Year-Old Walmart Employee Pay Off MortgageDaughter Posts TikTok to Help Dad’s Slow-Selling Book – Now It’s An Amazon BestsellerThis Influencer Is On A Powerful Mission To Reveal The Truth Behind Instagram Pictures

Little Boy With Autism Fails Test - So His Teacher Writes Him a Letter That Broke His Mom
Uplifting News

Little Boy With Autism Fails Test - So His Teacher Writes Him a Letter That Broke His Mom

Teachers have a big impact on our kids. Children spend hours every day in the classroom, so having someone who cares and who is passionate in charge of their learning makes all the difference. Especially when we have sensitive children or those with special needs. That’s why one teacher’s unique way of letting a student know he had failed a test struck a chord. The boy's mom was so touched that she shared the note on social media, where it has since gone viral. An Uplifting Note Ben Twist was a sixth-grade student at Lansbury Bridge School and Sports College in St. Helens. The school is for children with special needs, and in Grade 2 they take Stage 1 of a Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT). Then, in Grade 6 they take another version of it. Ben was diagnosed with autism when he was five. And when he was in Grade 6, he was the only child in the school to take the SAT. Unfortunately, he failed, but the boy’s teacher, Ms. Ruth Clarkson, wanted to ensure that Ben knew exactly what that meant. So she wrote a note home explaining it. “A very important piece of information,” she wrote. “I want you to understand these tests only measure a little bit of you and your abilities. They are important, and you have done so well, but Ben Twist is made up of many other skills and talents.” The educator then listed some of Ben’s other attributes, such as his ability to work in a team, his kindness, his independence, and his ability to express his opinion. “These are all of the things we measure to reassure us that you are always making progress and continuing to develop as a lovely bright young man,” Clarkson continued. “Well done Ben, we are very proud of you.” Going Viral When Ben’s mom, Gail Twist, read the note, she was moved to tears and posted it on Twitter for everyone else to read. There, more than 11,000 people liked it and it was shared nearly six thousand times. “I just didn't expect it at all,” she told ABC News. “For someone to take the time to think about it and write that, it shocked me. It just broke me. It's great when there's something positive to share about such a wonderful teacher.” She added how Ben thought the letter was awesome, and how all of the teachers at the school — including the five in Ben’s class — are standout examples of what educators should be. “Ben is sensitive, and he does worry about things, and I wish more schools did things like this,” she told the Liverpool Echo. “He is all of the things they wrote about him – he is an amazing person. I think their words will stay with him if we keep reminding him what they said about him… It’s just a beautiful thing to do.” Focusing On the Positive Sometimes in life we can become consumed with things like not passing a test, going through a layoff, not getting the job we want, or other perceived failures. But Ms. Clarkson reminds all of us that there is so much more to us than one little thing. It’s a beautiful reminder in life to try and focus on the positives, even when the negatives tend to stick out. There are silver linings if we take time to look and remember the old saying, “This too shall pass.” We’re quick to point out all of the good and positive things for other people in our lives, but this story reminds us that we should also remember to do that for ourselves. No one is perfect, nor should we strive for perfection. Instead, so long as we remember to be good people and to love one another, we’re all going to be okay. More from Goalcast: Teacher Hand Delivers Free Lunches to His Students at Their House – But That Wasn’t All He Brought Teacher Asks Her Low Income Students to Submit Christmas Wishes – What She Reads Breaks Her Heart Parents Find Out Their 9-Year-Old Son Has Given $15 to His Teacher – The Reason Why Brings Them to Tears

Parents Arrange College Students Marriage to Her Cousin - But She Escaped and Joined the Air Force
Uplifting News

Parents Arrange College Students Marriage to Her Cousin - But She Escaped and Joined the Air Force

She studied hard. She got good grades. She took care of her sister with autism. She did everything right...behind her life as a good daughter, the unthinkable happened. It was in her freshman year of college when she was whisked away to Pakistan for a "family trip." She had no idea the horrors that were waiting for her when she stepped off the plane. Her life in America was over...or was it?Her Parents Ambushed Her With a Surprise “Trip”Rasta RoknaWhen Hamna Zafar, 23, was a freshman in University, she went on what she thought was a "normal" family vacation to Pakistan with her parents — but she couldn't have been more wrong.To her shock and horror, Hamna had unknowingly walked into a carefully executed trap. What was supposed to be a simple evening out with her relatives turned into a nightmare when Hamna realized she had just walked in to her engagement party. “I was trying to swallow that pill,” Hamna says. “I was trying to comprehend what was really happening to me.”Her parents had handpicked the man she was going to marry — a man she had never even met and to make matters even worse her "future husband" was her cousin.“I thought it was a normal family trip to Pakistan. Then I saw the jewelry, the dresses,” she says.She Was Proud to Be Born in the USAEven though Hamna was raised in Maryland, her parents are first generation immigrants. Growing up, Hamna knew her parents had difficulty assimilating to the United States and letting go of their culture — she just never expected she'd have to adhere to theirs.It's important to note: while arranged marriages feel like a foreign concept in the Western world, it's a practice that is still prominent in many cultures today, including South Asia. Still, Hamna wasn't sure she was willing to give up her freedom to make her parents happy. She wanted to finish University and find herself. “I was stepping into my 20s," Hamna said, "they wanted to make sure I knew I was engaged and not laying eyes on other guys.”In her own words, Hamna shared that her cousin seemed quite happy about their engagement. Unlike Hamna, he grew up in Pakistan. For him, this "arrangement" was completely normal. For Hamna — she slipped into a fog during the whole engagement party and barely spoke to her intended husband.She didn't know what to do next, but she knew she had to do something.She Was “Totally Dependent” on Her ParentsLike most young adults, Hamna was emotionally and financially dependent on her parents. She was just starting out as a freshman in University — so she couldn't rely on her education to help her become financially independent fast. Facing down a terrifying future, Hamna had bigger fish to fry than four years of exams. “I was completely dependent on them but I knew I had to leave.”Hamna ZafarSure, she was able to identify the problem...but she didn't yet have the solution. Hamna was stuck in what is referred to as a "liminal space." "Liminal space" is the place a person is in during a transitional period. It's a gap, and can be physical (like a doorway), emotional (like a divorce), or metaphorical (like a decision). It's where one thing ends and another is about to begin — but you are not quite there yet, you are in the space between.Hamna Zafar not long after she immigrated from Pakistan as a child. U.S. AIR FORCE COURTESY PHOTO BY HAMNA ZAFAREven though we will all find ourselves here at some point or another, it's no surprise the liminal space can be incredibly difficult to navigate. Certain people even report struggling with their mental health during these times. Hamna wasn't yet independent from her parents, but she couldn't go back to feeling the safety she once felt, when she was dependent on them. They had broken her trust. They had decided they knew what was best for her — without her permission.So she would need to take charge of her own life, without them.Planning Her Escape — How One Navy Recruiter Changed EverythingWhen she wasn't able to reason with her family, instead of giving up her American dream, Hamna hatched a plan — to runaway and join the Air Force. She was only 19 at the time.“I always thought about my parents. I always thought about my family. I always thought about my sisters. But that night I thought about me.”It's no surprise with all that bravery (and at such a young age), Hamna found herself lining up for the line of duty. Even though it broke her heart to leave her family, Hamna made the difficult decision to forge her own pathSenior Airman Karissa Dick/U.S. Air ForceWhen her parents learned of her plans, Hamna panicked. She knew she had to leave before they could stop her. With the help of one quick-thinking Navy recruiter, she escaped and went into hiding at a cheap motel, where she lay low, until she was able to enlist.Then the COVID pandemic hit.She Almost Gave Up — Then a Family of Strangers Stepped InWhen the pandemic hit in 2020, Hamna was worried for her family's health just like everyone else. The financial and political unrest in the USA took a toll on her, and in the midst of the chaos, Hamna second-guessed herself. She was totally alone in the world, with no safety net to catch her and no family to lean on. There was a hole inside her heart she wasn't sure an unknown "future" could fill.She was tired, broke and almost ready to give in her parents' demands. Then, a friend from college threw her a life raft just in time.When Austin Abarca-Barrera heard about Hamna's struggles, he extended an invitation that would save her life. Even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, he told Hamna to come and live with him and his family. Though they didn't have much they would take care of her in anyway they could — they would offer her the unconditional love her own family never could. Oscar Abarca and his wife Claudia Barrera would become the parents she never had.U.S. AIR FORCE COURTESY PHOTO BY HAMNA ZAFARSoon, strangers became family. Hamna lived with the Abarca-Barrera's until after she earned her associate degree, finally able to enlist in the United States Air Force in 2022.Joining the Air Force Gave Her Back Her LifeIt's no secret that the Navy training is rigorous to say the least. But this was one culture shock Hamna was ready to take on."You need to control your mindset," she says of the training she learned, "because your mind is always stronger than your body.”At 5 foot 2, Zafar admits the physical demands were a reality check. She had to build her body's endurance. She marched endlessly, crawled in mud and pushed her body to the limit, she says: “Your body gets used to the physical activities. Your mind gives up before your body does."Airman Zafar on duty in New Mexico / U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTO BY SENIOR AIRMAN KARISSA DICKThankfully, these lessons she learned in training will never leave her. At 23, Hamna is a proud member of the U.S Air Force in New Mexico. As an Air Force Security Defender she now spends her days protecting the base. Her story and her fortitude has gained the respect of many of her colleagues including Sgt. Robert Stewart, 39.“I told her she just needed someone to believe in you,” says Stewart. “She’s not like any other airman. Her demeanor and her story — she's like a gem.”She Lost Her Family — But She Found HerselfThe hardest part for her was after finishing basic training. She really wanted her family to see what she had achieved, but despite trying many times, they haven't replied to her messages.“I wanted them to be proud of me for who I am and share that with them,” Hamna says. “I really wanted them to see that their daughter has so much potential in her.”But she had people who cared for her there. The Barrera-Abarca family came to show they were proud of her. Even though they weren't her blood family they were her chosen family; and to choose her own fate, follow her own heart, was all she ever wanted.Her Adopted Parents Had a Powerful Message To Her Birth Family:“I hope they realize the mistake they are making by pushing their child aside,” Barrera says of Hamna's family. “Hamna is going to be what Hamna wants to be. And that’s the beauty of the USA — that you get to choose who you want to marry and what kind of life you want to live.”Choosing the Kind of Life You Want to LiveEven when parents may think they are giving their kids "tough love" or they're "just looking out for them," cutting off contact with your child is never the answer. However, "unconditional love" isn't always the reality either.Whether we like it or not, our parents have a direct line to heart. We are born seeking their nurturing because it literally kept us alive. Then we grow up. We make our own choices. It only makes sense that it's not always going to be the same choices our parents would make — because we are not our parents. Still, it's hard to let go of wanting their approval, but Hamna Zafar's story reminds us that no matter how scary the future may seem, choosing your own path makes all the difference."I'd rather be a failure on my own terms than a success on someone else's." Tom Waits, Musician

Grandparents Take 2-Year-Old in and Refinance Their Home for Her - Years Later, Her News Brings Them All to Tears
Uplifting News

Grandparents Take 2-Year-Old in and Refinance Their Home for Her - Years Later, Her News Brings Them All to Tears

In the grand tapestry of life, grandparents often weave a narrative of unconditional love and profound sacrifices. For many, this journey extends to a realm of financial sacrifice, particularly when it comes to their grandchildren's education.They embark on this journey with vigor, tapping into retirement savings, taking extra jobs, downsizing, and, remarkably, even refinancing homes to support the educational aspirations of the younger generation. Their investment in education is more than just financial; it's a testament to family values and the desire to see dreams flourish.One Woman Recalls the Sacrifices Her Grandparents MadePhoto by Sora ShimazakiRecently, the poignant story of Seren Lewis, a 22-year-old TikToker from Cardiff, Wales, unfolded on social media, capturing the hearts of almost nine million viewers. Seren's TikTok video, a snapshot of a deeply emotional moment, portrayed her alongside her beloved grandparents as she received the news of passing the Bar exam and officially becoming a Barrister.The clip, pregnant with nervous anticipation, encapsulates the rollercoaster of emotions Seren experienced while awaiting her Bar exam results. The rawness of her feelings is palpable as tears of joy stream down her face upon realizing that she has indeed passed, marking a significant milestone in her life.In her video caption, Seren expressed, "Passing the Bar and qualifying as a Barrister is my biggest accomplishment to date." Yet, the roots of this accomplishment delve deep into her family history, into the unwavering support of her grandparents.Seren, with gratitude echoing in her words, recounts the selflessness of her grandparents, who embraced her journey from the tender age of two. They retired early to care for her, a profound act of selflessness that set the stage for her future successes.The financial hurdles associated with Bar school are no secret, especially in a landscape where accessibility is limited for many in the UK. Seren sheds light on the extraordinary measures her grandparents took. Having paid off their mortgage years ago, they chose to refinance their home to fuel Seren's dreams.While Seren acknowledges the hard work and countless late nights that contributed to her achievement, she believes this triumph is a shared accomplishment with her grandparents. The comments section of her video is a testament to the emotional impact of her story, with viewers expressing tears of joy and offering heartfelt congratulations.One comment encapsulates the sentiment: "Well, that’s my morning cry out of the way. Congratulations x." Another person remarks, "I’m literally crying for you," echoing the emotional chord struck by Seren's journey.Seren has been transparent about her path through the Bar exams, sharing nerves and the bittersweet feeling of leaving behind five years of law school education in a previous candid video.How Grandparents Are Unsung Heroes In a world where education often comes with a hefty price tag, grandparents consistently emerge as unsung heroes. They go above and beyond, overcoming financial hurdles and making selfless choices to provide opportunities that enhance their grandchildren’s lives. Seren’s grandparents exemplify this commitment, demonstrating unwavering dedication to helping her fulfill her dream of becoming a Barrister.Seren's grandparents stand as a poignant example of this commitment, unhesitatingly refinancing their home to support her dream of becoming a Barrister. Their love and sacrifices echo a broader narrative, showcasing the transformative power of education and the profound impact grandparents have in nurturing their grandchildren's aspirations.These extraordinary individuals go above and beyond, overcoming financial hurdles and making selfless choices to provide opportunities that enhance their grandchildren's lives.In celebrating Seren's accomplishment, we also honor the countless grandparents making sacrifices, ensuring that dreams are not just imagined but realized. Their actions are a testament to the enduring strength of family bonds and the remarkable power of education to shape brighter futures.More from Goalcast:Woman Tragically Loses Her Grandson in Accident – But His Friends Start Showing Up at Her House Every Week for Breakfast5-Year-Old Girl Empties Her Entire Piggybank to Help Others – 13 Years Later She Wins $48 Million All Because of Her GrandfatherTeen Finds Out Her Grandmother Has Been Saving Pennies for Four Years – For One Very Special Reason

Red-Skinned Newborn Baby Is Abandoned by Her Parents - But a Couple Who Can't Have Their Own Kids Take Her In
Uplifting News

Red-Skinned Newborn Baby Is Abandoned by Her Parents - But a Couple Who Can't Have Their Own Kids Take Her In

Not everyone is born with the same advantages in life, but we all deserve to be here. That’s something a woman named Mui Thomas took time to realize growing up after abandonment, bullying, and mental health issues took a toll.Thankfully, her inspiring story is now motivating others around the world to accept themselves for who they are, as well.A Rare ConditionThomas was born in Hong Kong with a rare genetic condition known as harlequin ichthyosis. That means her skin is thicker than usual and is dry and flaky. As a result, she is prone to infection, and her skin has a red hue. Her bones are brittle, and she needs to watch her sun exposure.When she was born, her parents abandoned her. A couple named Tina and Rog Thomas came across her when she was a year and a half old, and even though they were told Mui didn’t have long to live, they decided to foster her. “We wanted to give her a family life in the time she had,” Tina explained to CNN.The couple could not have a child of their own, and they thought their time with Mui was temporary. So, when she began thriving at the age of three, they decided to adopt her.They learned to care for the condition and bathed her twice daily for two hours each bath. They also equipped her with a backpack filled with three or four creams that she needed to use to prevent her skin from drying out.Through it all, Mui continued to grow and is currently the fourth-oldest person alive with harlequin ichthyosis at the age of 30.Dealing With BulliesGrowing up, things weren’t easy for Mui. At first, she wasn’t aware she was different than other kids. When she began secondary school, however, things changed drastically. At school, she needed an educational assistant, which made it hard for her to make friends.Online things were even worse as a result of cyberbullying, and Mui considered taking her own life. She stopped taking her medication or applying her creams, she refused to bathe, and she considered jumping off the balcony of her home.“They’d say things like ‘You shouldn’t have been born’ – and very personal things that only people who knew me would know,” she told CNN.“It made me very wary of everybody. Even when people tried to be nice, I didn’t repay it. I didn’t trust them.”After about 10 months, the police became involved, and the bully was outed. He turned out to be someone Mui thought was her friend.Turning Things AroundBy the time Mui left school, it was with no qualifications due to the things she’d endured. Still, she wanted to make a difference and speak out about her experiences. Eventually, she found a job working with people with special needs and began booking public speaking engagements. On stage, she speaks about living with a visible difference and the dangers of cyberbullying.Today, people contact her via her online platform, The Girl Behind the Face.“It’s difficult for her because she spent so long denying it,” her father told CNN. “The more she confronts it, the more she is aware of it – it will build confidence.”On the weekends, meanwhile, Mui has unlocked another passion: rugby. The sport is dear to her father, and she wanted to get involved. She knew playing wasn’t an option, so she became a ref for kids’ matches instead.“Being in the kit allows me that feeling that I've always dreamed of, fitting in with everybody else because if people shout at me on a rugby field, it's one of the coaches complaining about a decision that I've made,” she shared in a TEDx Talk.Now, Mui has a whole new outlook on life.“Meet people, make connections, have a really strong support network, and also be open,” she shared online. “If you're struggling, it's okay to speak out and smile — smiling helps a lot.”Embracing Our DifferencesIt isn’t our job to judge others for how they look or live their lives. Our job is to love. This story reminds us of that and of the importance of treating others with kindness and respect no matter where we are, in person or online. Words matter.More importantly, this story reminds us that while we cannot control the actions of others, we can choose how to view ourselves and tell our story. So the next time you’re feeling down or overwhelmed, remember The Girl Behind the Face and how she used her experiences to inspire an entire world.More from Goalcast:Woman With Rare Skin Condition Is Called a “Monster” – But the Man She Met Online Ignored Haters and Married Her AnywaysTwo Brothers With Rare Heart Condition Die 3 Years Apart — 2 Hours Later, One of Them Wakes UpWoman Diagnosed With Rare Genetic Disorder Wonders if She’ll Ever Find Love – Then One Man Steps in With the Answer

Struggling Employee Reveals the Bitter Truth About His Job to Undercover Boss - He Responds by Giving Him a $250,000 House
Uplifting News

Struggling Employee Reveals the Bitter Truth About His Job to Undercover Boss - He Responds by Giving Him a $250,000 House

We spend a good chunk of our lives working. On average? At 40 hours a week, 49 weeks a year (assuming vacation time) multiplied by 45 years...I don't even want to do the math.It's A LOT. So, it would be great if, during that time, we felt appreciated and valued for the job we're doing. Unfortunately, however, oftentimes it feels like the opposite. And yet, despite this, one employee still managed to maintain such an inspiring positive attitude that he ended up changing an entire company's culture, impacted his community for good, AND got a new house. What One CEO Discovered While Going UndercoverPhoto by energepic.comIn an episode of Undercover Boss, Rick Forman, Founder and CEO of Forman Mills Inc., a quarter billion dollar A YEAR discount clothing outlet, decided to go undercover as "Brad" to see what needed to be changed before embarking on a huge expansion.Donning a mullet and mustache and giving off serious '70s vibes, Forman pretended to be a new Forman Mills management trainee.While training under maintenance supervisor, Kurtis, at his flagship store in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he really got the dirt on what working at the company was like. Literally and figuratively.From scrubbing toilets to removing urine from, well, everywhere, Kurtis's job was about as far from Forman's plushy corner office as he could get. At one point, while breaking down cardboard boxes, Forman asked, "Is morale good in this store?"Kurtis didn't hold back."This company, I feel like, don't care about their employees. There ain't a whole lot of future in a type of company like this," he said. "It would be nice if the company had some type of incentive or some type of recognition for people that does a good job. There's no incentive besides just having to feed your family."And yet, despite a lack of recognition and incentive, despite being unfairly overlooked for a promotion, despite all of it, somehow Kurtis still had the motivation to go the extra mile.When the lesser among us would have become bitter and masters of sub-par performance — after all, you give what you get — Kurtis wasn't deterred."A lot of the stuff that I do is not under my title. I treat this job like the job that I always wanted because when I do get the job I always want, I want to be ready for it...I gotta put myself in a position to achieve better."KurtisHow Being Homeless Changed One Employee’s LifePhoto by MART PRODUCTIONKurtis confided in Forman that for a period of his life, he struggled with alcoholism and bounced around from job to job. At one point, he was homeless.Eventually, he stopped drinking and surrounded himself with "good people." His life changed. But he never forgot what it was like to be at rock bottom. And he never forgot the difference one person can make.He lives by the motto, "The more I give, the better I am." And part of giving means giving back to the homeless shelter that once helped him. During his lunch break, he asked Forman to accompany him to the shelter (where he regularly volunteers as a mentor) to hand out Forman Mills gift cards, cards which he had purchased with his own meager earnings. It really hit a nerve with the CEO. Kurtis's selfless actions reminded him of why he started his business in the first place — to serve the people in inner-city communities. The effect was so profound, in fact, that it ended up sparking an entire company-wide movement.An Employee Receives a Life-Changing OfferPhoto by PhotoMIX CompanyForman was so moved and inspired by Kurtis and his attitude of giving back that he decided to implement a new community outreach program. And he appointed Kurtis to head it up, doubling his salary."When Forman Mills started, we were all about the community," Forman said. "And now I realize we've been concentrating on growing and profiting and making our stores bigger...we really need to get back to our grassroots." He then revealed that he didn't want Kurtis, or any employee of Forman Mills, to ever be homeless so he was buying him a house for up to $250,000."Five years ago man, I was just out, just roaming the streets, this is beyond my wildest dreams. My life just changed," a shocked Kurtis told the CEO, crying and hugging him.When he broke the news to his fiancée, Chinesa, she had the best response, telling him, "I told you you were worth it, I told you."Good things really do come to the people who deserve it. A Company CEO Learns a Valuable Lesson: “It’s About the People”Not only did Kurtis inspire Forman to invest a million dollars a year back into the community, but he also inspired him to give back to the people who made his company what it is today.In a town hall meeting with employees, Forman, struggling to hold back tears, announced that he was implementing a profit-sharing program. "I realized we're not going to go anyplace unless you guys have a stake in the outcome," he shared. The journey he took going undercover was a transformative one, not just for himself, but for Kurtis and his entire company as a whole.Thanks to the actions of one employee, Forman realized the ultimate truth: True success isn't measured in financial growth but in the positive impact one person can make in the lives of others.More from Goalcast:Undercover Boss Observes Struggling Employee at Work – Little Did He Know What Was Coming NextBoss Goes Undercover at Work — And a Shocking Truth About His Employee Is RevealedHardworking Employee Captivates His Undercover Boss – What Happens Next Changes His Son’s Life

Uber Driver Takes a Look at Lonely Elderly Passengers Living Conditions - Decides to Give Him More Than Just a Lift
Everyday Heroes

Uber Driver Takes a Look at Lonely Elderly Passengers Living Conditions - Decides to Give Him More Than Just a Lift

When Uber driver Lauren Mulvihill picked up 89-year-old Ronald Dembner from the Veteran's Hospital in Henry County, Georgia, she immediately sensed it wasn't going to be a typical fare.It was obvious that he was struggling and in bad shape. But it wasn't until they arrived at his home that her worst suspicions were confirmed. Expecting to be greeted by family members, she was greeted by something out of a nightmare episode of Hoarders instead. Mr. Ronald's home was covered in a thick layer of filth and littered with trash. Piles of debris and grime plastered the counters, carpets, and walls, and the stench was overwhelming. Widowed and previously deceased by his two sons, he had no one to assist him. Even the home care nurses had stopped coming to visit as a result of the deplorable living conditions. He was completely alone, except for his dog, Homer, who had taken to defecating in the house. Unable to clean up after himself or Homer but terrified of losing his home and his dog, Mr. Ronald was too afraid to reach out for help. Mulvihill, however, was not. Uber Driver Calls in the TroopsHorrified by what she witnessed, the single mom of two decided to take matters into her own hands. She spent hours on the phone, contacting DFCS, the fire department, adult services, the Chamber of Commerce, Habitat for Humanity, and the Salvation Army.No one could offer any help."Everybody said, mentally he's fine, he's just older. So nobody will help," she told 11 Alive.Finally, with all other resources exhausted, she posted a call to arms on Facebook, creating the group, Helping Mr. Ronald. She explained the situation, writing in part:"I drove him home and he asked me to help him inside. It. Is. Appalling. The man lives alone and cannot keep up with his pets. The house is deplorable."She went on to explain that "the main issues are dog poop (1 dog) and general disrepair (no railing on the stairs, soiled carpet and furniture, etc)"She knew it would take an army to make things right. Luckily, she had found one, 2000 strong. The troops rallied. A Community Picks Up When an Elderly Veteran CannotDozens of volunteers came forward armed with cleaning supplies, tools, and an overwhelming desire to make a difference. Within a week, Mr. Ronald's home was stripped apart and deep-cleaned from top to bottom. Volunteers removed all of the garbage, the old furniture, and the old, moldy carpet.It was just the beginning. Help continued to pour in. One husband/wife team provided free fencing, a veterinarian saw to Homer's rabies shots and flea treatment, and a local caterer offered up free meals. Additionally, numerous tradespeople spent their off-hours working for free; installing new flooring, painting the walls, and rebuilding the deck, all with donated supplies from community members and area businesses.In addition to the structural improvements, Mulvihill also set up appointments for nurses and health care support to start coming to the home again. “He is so thankful, he cracks me up. He keeps saying, ‘I don’t know what I did to deserve all of this from all you guys,’” said Mulvihill. “It’s giving him hope that he will be taken care of.”When We Transform the Lives of Others, We Also Transform Our OwnWhile Mulvihill and her army of volunteers may have made a life-changing difference in Mr. Ronald's world, she says it made a difference in her world as well."I will never forget their help, their love, for the rest of my life. I will never forget it," she said. "We will never forget you either," she added, talking to Mr. Ronald.Because that's the thing when we help each other. It's not just about making a positive impact on someone else's life; it's about the profound effect it has on our own lives. When we extend our hand to lift others up, we inadvertently lift up ourselves too.More from Goalcast:Woman Learns Her Boyfriend Can’t Make It to Their Weekend Getaway – So She Asks Her Uber Driver to Take His Place InsteadUber Driver Helps Woman After Her Belongings Were Stolen at Coachella – So She Raises $200,000 for HimUber Driver Donates a Kidney to His Passenger – Here’s Why He Insists It’s Not a Coincidence

Mother of 7 Graduates College as Valedictorian After 10 Years - A Note From Her Daughter Helped Her Overcome Various Hurdles
Uplifting News

Mother of 7 Graduates College as Valedictorian After 10 Years - A Note From Her Daughter Helped Her Overcome Various Hurdles

Ashley Payne's college graduation was unlike any other. While the occasion is momentous for anyone, it was made all the more special for Ashley as she balanced raising 7 children, and health complications, with her studies. Not only did Ashley complete her undergraduate studies at the age of 35, but she did so as the valedictorian of her class!How One Woman Was Inspired by Her Daughter’s Post-it NotePhoto by Lisa FotiosUnfortunately, Ashley's academic career was originally sidelined when she had a pulmonary embolism at only 18 years old -- just after high school. A sudden blockage of the arteries, the condition is grave, and highly unlikely for such a young person. “I was only 18 years old, and had zero cause for blood clots, so they kept me in the ICU for two weeks. This rattled my plan significantly,” Payne told a publication.Payne was forced to focus on her health, as life continued around her. Thankfully, she recovered fully, and soon began having children. Motherhood quickly became a full time job, and further delayed her education. Payne and her husband, Joseph, focused on growing their party rental business, and on raising their children.She even began working as a doula and a birth assistant before earning an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse degree in Midwifery.However, in 2019, 10 years and 7 children later, she felt well enough to return to school, and enrolled at Keiser University. However, tragedy would strike again when she lost her mother. She referred to her mother as her "greatest cheerleader," and struggled to continue her studies through the grief. However, Payne told a local publication that words from her daughter written on a sticky note ultimately kept her going:"Aim for the moon, and if you miss, you may hit a star.""She sent me to school with a Post-It note in her tiny handwriting,” Payne said via a press release from the university. “If she can realize the vast opportunities this world has to offer, so can you,” she told the audience at her commencement speech. How Family Support Helped a Woman Graduate CollegeThe support of her growing family carried her through difficult times and encouraged her to continue her studies, even as she became pregnant with two more children during the course of her education. As she took the stage at her graduation from Keiser University, she did so as valedictorian, addressing the crowd with powerful words of encouragement. Not coincidentally, she was also the valedictorian of her high school class, over a decade prior! In her university commencement speech, she referenced the note her daughter wrote, and how much the support of her family truly helped her. She graduated as a registered nurse with a Bachelor's degree in Science and Nursing, and intends to continue her studies and obtain a Master of Science degree in Nurse-Midwifery at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota.Her story is inspirational in the truest sense of the word. Despite facing seemingly insurmountable hurdles, Payne persevered. Not only did she make it through her degree, but she did so at the top of her class. Keiser University Chancellor Arthur Keiser, PhD, even beamed to a local publication: “We are incredibly proud of Ashley for being named valedictorian of her graduating class with a perfect 4.0 GPA.”How One Woman Proved the Importance of PerseverancePhoto by Goutinho De Flávio GFHer story is ultimately one of support. Whether from family or friends, encouragement from others is invaluable. The belief of those close to us can inject us with a newfound drive, confidence, and enthusiasm. Though motherhood made Ashley's studies all the more taxing, it is also what ultimately propelled her to keep going when it seemed too daunting. Her daughter, Lorelai, had no idea how powerful that one note would become. She recalled, "I can't believe the impact it has even now; I'm getting interviewed about this. I didn't know that that's what I'd be doing when I wrote this at 9 years old."We are all capable of encouraging those in our life in the way Lorelai did, and it is paramount that we do so when given the opportunity. Ashley's story is one of determination, perseverance, and familial support. As she continues on her journey towards obtaining her Master of Science degree, her story continues to inspire and motivate us all to pursue our goals relentlessly, and support those close to us doing the same. More from Goalcast:Inspired by Her Son’s Dying Wish, Woman Graduates From College in His Place With the Highest RankWoman Gives Birth to Baby Boy – Less Than 24 Hours Later, She Rushes to Graduate College With a PhD56-Year-Old Grandfather Always Dreamed of Playing College Baseball — His Dream Just Came True