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tony robbins

Tony Robbins Says Everyone Should Do This with Their Money Before Turning 30

Tony Robbins Says Everyone Should Do This with Their Money Before Turning 30

As we start to enter the workforce and earn our own money, it’s hard to know the right path to take. But, according to Tony Robbins, there’s some important steps to be taking before we hit 30. Robbins recently told CNBC there are two essential steps to take to be in good shape for your future. Invest “Are you a consumer or are you an owner? You are not on target unless you become an investor. You don’t want to just buy an Apple phone — you want to own Apple.” Now, of course he doesn’t necessarily mean buying stocks at Apple, but he recommends investing in index funds, so you can have a small stake in lots of companies. You can also contribute to a 401(k) plan or retirement savings accounts. This will open the door to compound interest, which can lead to future wealth. Automate your contributions The goal is to get to the level where “the income that you get off those investments will allow you to live the life you have today without working,” says Robbins. One way to do this is to automate your investments —so that is when your employer may do a paycheck deduction or you can have money taken out of your checking account and transferred to an investment account. “I don’t care what age you are, if you don’t automate it, you’re not going to get there,” says Robbins. This takes away even having the option of spending that money. Also, if you don’t see the money, you’ll learn to live without it. Most people say, ‘I don’t have any money to invest. I can’t put the money aside to do that,’” says Robbins. “You have to decide that a certain amount of money that you make is going to be yours to keep,” says Robbins, “and that you’re going to be an owner — an investor — not merely somebody that’s constantly struggling to buy more things.” Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook Still curious about whether or not your personal finances are on track? We recommend Tony Robbins' "Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook". >> See it on

4 Lessons from Self-Improvement Master Tony Robbins

4 Lessons from Self-Improvement Master Tony Robbins

Nearly a decade ago, I purchase a Tony Robbins classic CD set titled “Ultimate Edge". Even today, it’s resting comfortably on my bookshelf where it’s more than earned its place. Over the years, I, as well as many others, have learned a lot from Robbins and his unique teaching style. It’s not easy to become a household name as what is essentially a life coach or self-improvement teacher, but he’s done it better than anyone before him. With everything I’ve learned since getting that first program of his, it was hard to pin down the most important lessons I’ve learned from his teaching, but I’ve managed to distill down the top four things I’ve taken from everything Robbins has taught me over the years. The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment. – Tony Robbins When I got that first CD set, it took me roughly two months to get through it. I went through every CD, every lesson, and every exercise. It’s been so long that it’s hard to remember everything I’ve taken from it, but since that time I’ve regularly followed Robbins and taken a lot from his various videos, podcasts, and even his Netflix special (which I highly recommend everyone watch). Some of the below lessons have to do with his teaching principles. However, a lot of it has to do with the example he sets as a human being. That’s been much more influential than anything to me and something I highly respect. 1. Do it now One of the single most important principles I took from that original CD set is the importance of starting immediately after you set a goal, however small. In Ultimate Edge, after you finish a lesson, Tony always has you take some sort of immediate action; he does the same thing in his seminars. It doesn’t really matter what it is, the point is just that you start generating energy right away so that you can fully harness the power of momentum. After you set a goal, pick something small you can execute on, like listing out necessary tasks, purchasing a software, contacting someone important, or asking yourself important questions if you need some clarity. This will help you start generating momentum right away, momentum which you can then build upon over time to accomplish something great. 2. Stop caring what others think Anyone who has followed Robbins for some time knows that what you see is what you get with him. He’s extremely real and raw and will tell you how it is to your face. He’s often over the top and can be a bit cheesy, but that’s him. Tony knows who he is and isn’t afraid to be himself. That’s a quality that I really appreciate and something truly rare. But it becomes even more impressive when you consider that he has to weather much heavier criticism than the average person. If you sit through one of his seminars, he does some funny stuff, but it’s mostly just gimmicky motivational exercises that are necessary to keep everyone’s energy up (also the reason he has seminars– you have to step away from your usual environment) in between the actual work– the exercises, interventions, etc. But he gets a ton of crap for being some scam artist and is often misunderstood because of this. However, he doesn’t change his process because he knows it works. He doesn’t bend to his critics or what he fears others are thinking of him. He does his own thing. 3. Happiness is found in progress I always tell people happiness comes in one word: progress. One of the biggest things I’ve taken from Robbins that has fundamentally influenced how I live my life is his understanding of what makes us happy. One of the greatest mistakes I’ve found people make in searching out happiness is in thinking that there is some singular thing that, when found, can provide the happiness we so desire. However, this is a huge misconception about the way that life works. The truth is much more subtle and lies embedded in the very fundamental nature of life itself. Life is ever-changing, always moving. For us to find happiness we must find it in most skillfully adapting to that nature of constant change and movement. That’s where progress comes in. As life moves on, to focus on moving forward, little by little, fills us with a sense of purpose and fulfillment that nothing else can. And this makes us continually happy provided we’re always working on progressing, however little that might be. 4. Your belief structure is the most important thing Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives. I’ve learned a lot of great lessons from Tony Robbins, but nothing has been more important than what he’s taught me about our belief system. Our belief structure has an enormous amount of power. It can both destroy us and lift us up, almost single-handedly resulting in either our happiness and success or regret and failure. However, I love Tony because he doesn’t just preach motivational posters (“Belief in yourself.”), he offers incredibly specific, time-tested and proven methods (through hundreds of his own students, his exact methods) for changing how you think and act. One of this favorite ways? Daily affirmations, or what he often calls “incantations” (probably to distance himself from the overuse of the former). Robbins has a highly structured and well-thought-out morning routine, part of which includes a set period of time where you repeat incantations which you’ve pre-written for yourself. For example: “I can do this. I have the confidence to stand in front of 100,000 people” “I love and appreciate those around me”, and “I’m unstoppable. I have an unshakeable resilience that can face any challenge” While you’re reciting these, Tony often suggests you do some sort of physical activity to get your blood flowing and adrenaline pumping. This isn’t some hype-driven suggestion, though, he knows that connecting the right emotions to these incantations is what really allows them to settle into our subconscious and impact our inner dialogue effectively. This all might sound a little hoaky, but the reality is, Robbins has shown through his students how effective it really is. This is just one way that he shows others how to rewrite their belief system, but it’s one of my favorite because it offers a simple and accessible strategy for doing so. Over the years, Tony Robbins has taught me, and many others, a lot about life. Ten years ago, I applied all that I learned through his program and it made a big impact on my life– and continues to do so today. If you haven’t yet, take some time to explore his knowledge and see what you can learn from him yourself. Nowadays, that’s easier than ever to do for free with podcasts narrated by Tony himself as well as countless YouTube videos of his speeches, interviews, and interventions.

Tony Robbins: Take Control of Your Mindset

Tony Robbins: Take Control of Your Mindset

Tony Robbins: Take Control Tony Robbins urges us to consider the importance of priming, and how we can overcome the negative thought patterns of our 2 million-year-old brains to create happiness. Transcript: This is not like positive thinking bullshit, it's about what actually changes biochemistry, and what will get you to why you're on fire. A new set of patterns that are more elegant, more rewarding, more impactful than the ones that society will continue you to do if you let it. I'll give another example. You know, in America, many of you are [inaudible 00:00:20] countries here, but in America a lot of people see individuals that come from Asia as being superior in Science and Math. And there's a different mindset in those countries about Science and Math, and when those people come here they work incredibly hard and incredibly focused. They believe, and the belief structure is they do really well if you're Asian. Now in our culture in the past, many times people have been focused on the fact that if you are a man you do well with Math and Science, but if you're a woman it just not your cup of tea, you're not quite as strong in it. There's no basis for that whatsoever, but it's a cultural anchor that people have begun to believe in. So here's what's interesting, they took the Math part of the SAT test and they took a group of women at Harvard, and all they did to change the test is change the first question of the test. On half the test, they said "What's your gender?" On the other half of the test, they said, "What is your nationality?" All right, "What's your ethnicity?" Well, interesting, when they're asked what their sex was, and they're all women, they performed 11% lower, and if they're asked "What is your ethnicity?" And they said Asian, they were 11% higher. A 22% difference between the two, and the only difference was the first questions asked. Because it primed you either for your higher level of skill based on your conditioning, or a lower level of skill based on social conditioning. That is the power of priming, so my point is really simple. If you're going to get the results that you deserve and that you want, you want to prime yourself a success. Prime yourself with love. Prime yourself with courage, rather than hope that you show up that way based on the triggers of your environment. When you get in your head, what does that really mean? It means you're believing the most limiting thoughts. And you have to remember we all have a two million year old brain. And it's not designed to make you happy, it's designed to make you survive. So it's always looking for what's wrong. Whatever you're looking for is seek and ye shall want? Fine. And one of the biggest thing it messes is up is expectation. Trade your expectations for appreciation, and your whole life changes. Because when you're expecting things and it doesn't happen, you get upset. What if you lived your life and you made a decision, and the decision was, life is too short to suffer. It's too short to be stressed, pissed off, fearful, worried. But our minds, our survival software, is always looking for a [inaudible 00:02:53]. Our job is to great [inaudible 00:02:56] and the only way to do that is to draw a line in the sand and say, "I'm not going to suffer. I'm going to be honest. I start to feel that stress, I'm going to breathe and I'm going to realize we're the only creatures on the planet that can think of thought and become angry." Think of thought, and become playful. Think of thought and be worried. Think of thought and feel well. So when you get clear what you want, and you see this done and feel it and create it in your mind and your heart, and you celebrate it, there's a sense of [inaudible 00:03:25] your body, but you have to take control and train this brain. If you don't train this brain, it'll use you instead of you using it.

Tony Robbins: I Was Broke

Tony Robbins: I Was Broke

Tony Robbins - GiveTony Robbins tells a story about struggling financially but still staying optimistic and believing in generosity despite his difficult circumstances.Transcript:I was so broke that I had, I don't know, 21, 22 dollars whatever it was to my name. I’m living in a 400 square foot bachelor apartment. I’m feeling sorry for myself. I’m watching Luke and Laura on General Hospital, I mean, I was a mess. I was a total mess. I realized, I’m not paying my rent and I’m out of money. I don’t have any prospects for some new cash in the short term. While I was sitting there, there was this little boy that came in. He opened the door, and he was wearing this little vest, this little suit. I don’t know, probably nine years old something like that, you know, eight, nine, 10. He held the door open, and in behind him walks this beautiful woman who was clearly his mother. So, I definitely took it in. Then he sat down, he pulled out the chair for her. He was just so attentive to his mother. I mean, he was just so with her, that honestly I was moved. So, I finished my meal, and then I got up, then I paid the bill. It was like, six dollars in those days, you know, for all you could eat salad bar, whatever it was. So, I had whatever’s left, 17, 18, 19 dollars. I walked over to this little boy before I left and I said, “Hi.” I introduced myself, I said, “I’m tony.” He told me his name was Paul or whatever it was, I don’t even remember his name, this little boy. I said, “Paul,” I said, “You are a class act.” I said, “I saw you held the door open for your woman. I saw you pull out the chair for her.” I said, “Taking her out lunch like that, that is really cool.” He goes, “She’s my mom.”I said, “That’s even more cool.” I said, “Taking her to lunch.” He goes, “Well I didn’t take her to lunch,” he goes, “You know I think he said was eight, or nine. “I’m nine years old, I don’t have a job yet.”I said, “Yes you are taking her to lunch.” I reached in my pocket, I took all the money I had left. Whatever it was, 17, 18, 19 dollars. I dropped it in front of him. I had no plan to this, it wasn’t like manufactured. I wasn’t trying to impress this woman. He looked up at me, like, shocked and goes, “I can’t take that.” I said, “Sure you can.” He said, “How come?” I said, “Cause I’m bigger than you are.” Right? He laughed like crazy, I didn’t even say another word. I just walked out the door. I gotta tell you, it was the most powerful experience of my life because I had no fear, I had no scarcity, and I got home and I realized what I’d done. I was like, I have no money now. I have like, no money, nothing. The next day I got the old snail mail, and it came in around Noon. I pull out this letter, and there was a young that I had loaned $1,200 to, he had not paid me back. I was desperate for cash, I probably called him 10 times trying to track him down. Not a single response. I was so hurt at this. Here’s the letter from this guy saying, “I’m really sorry. I know you’ve been trying to reach me. I’ve been avoiding you. Here’s the money I owe, and I’m going to give you some interest as well.” At that point that was like more money than anything. So, once again, I’m sitting there tears going down my face. I’m an emotional character. I chose to believe, I don’t know if it’s true, but I chose to believe that it’s because I let go of just trying to take care of myself. I did what was right. Life’s not about me, it’s about we. That’s also why, when people are suffering it’s always ‘cause you’re obsessing about yourself. You’re obsessing that something happened, and now you have less. You think you have less. Or, something happened and you’ve lost something. Lost love, lost money, lost significance, lost attention, lost something. When you get an all suffering, this obsession with self, you can snap out of it. All you have to do is stop expecting and start appreciating. If you’re going to wait till you think you’re going to have something, you’re never going to have something of any size or scope. There’s something inside the human psyche that when you do what’s right and you get out of yourself there’s something that’ll click for you. So it’s a long way of saying, when you have nothing is when you need to get something.

The Decision That Transformed Tony Robbins' Life Forever

The Decision That Transformed Tony Robbins' Life Forever

Tony Robbins’ name is synonymous with happiness and success, but he had to learn self-development the hard way. He was abandoned by his father at a young age, suffered from his mother’s abuse, and struggled with financial difficulty until, one day, he took a decision that altered the course of his life. Watch this 7 minutes inspirational video to witness a life transformation like you’ve never seen before. Transcript: "When I was 11 years old, we had a really, really tough Thanksgiving, where there was no money and no food and my mom was screaming at my father about how he couldn't even take care of his own family. And it was horrible. And I have a younger brother, younger sister, I'm the oldest, so I was trying to keep them from hearing this conversation. Then a miracle happened. Bang on the door, I'm the oldest and they're screaming, so I go answer the door. And I answer the door and standing there is this giant man, I was this little boy, and he's holding this huge box of food. And beside him on the ground was a black pot with an uncooked turkey in it. And he said, "Is your father home?" And I said, "Just one moment." I was like, unbelievably floored. I thought, this is a gift from God, this is gonna change it all, this is gonna make my mom and dad happy, it's gonna be unbelievable. So I go and my father's screaming at my mother through a closed door, to the bedroom door. And I said, "Dad, Dad, there's a guy at the door!" And goes, "You answer the door." I said, "I did, he's gotta see you." So all right, and I kinda tease, and I said, "Dad, you gotta come!" So he said "Fine." He made one last yell at her and he walks to the door, and I'm waiting there, just can't waiting to see his face. My dad opens the door and this man's standing there with this big box of food, and my father did not get happy. He looked at this man and he raised his voice to him, and he said, "Look, we don't take charity!" And then took the door to slam it in the man's face, but the man was a good sized man, he put his foot there and smacked his foot down. He said, "Sir, sir." He said "Please take this, I bought it." He said, "We don't take charity!" And he went to slam it again, and this time the guy put his shoulder against it so he couldn't do it. And my father's staring at him, it's like these two males starting to get in this intense mode, and one's just trying to give a gift, and I'm freaking. And then the guy said something that I'll never forget, and moments I wished he hadn't said, but he found a way to force my father. He's holding this thing and he looked at me and then he looked at my dad, he said, "Don't make your family suffer because of your ego." Now my dad's level of energy increased, but he was also trapped, so he took the food, slammed it on our table and slammed the door in the man's face and never even thanked him. And I didn't know what to do. Part of me wanted to cry, part of me was crushed. And I watched my father storm off and went on back to scream at my mother. I remember that day, just thinking, I don't understand. You gotta realize you can't lose anything, you can transform things, but you can't lose anything. Now, you can try and pretend you've lost something. You can be upset with somebody and go, oh my God, I lost their love, or they've lost mine, or I've lost respect. How do you lose respect? You can't lose something that's already inside of you. Love is not something you have to go looking for, when it's where you come from. My mom was 5'1", I'm 6'7", to give you an idea. How she could give birth to me is mind-boggling. She loved the attention she got partying or dancing, but she would never go to the grocery store. I did that every day of my life, I went on my bicycle to the grocery store, made the meal, she never came out of this room. We lived in a 1,200 square foot house, and my forefathers all lived in the living room at different times. She was very powerful and intense lady. But again, I'm not saying this to be positive, it's just really true. Everything in my life has come from all those things that are there, all of the drives. Now, I could've just beat myself up or felt sorry for myself, but fortunately, I didn't do that. I remember sitting there in my 400 square foot bachelor apartment in Venice, California. All alone and crying. I remember feeling like my life didn't even matter, as if the events of the world were controlling me. I also remember the moment my life changed, the moment I finally said, I've had it. I know I'm much more than I'm demonstrating, mentally, emotionally, physically, I'm more than what my life is showing right now. I made a decision in that moment to just alter my life forever. I decided to change virtually every aspect of my life. I decided I would never again settle for less than I could be. Who would've guessed this decision would bring me to such an incredible moment now? I know I'll never forget the day that it really hit me that I was truly living my dream. I was flying my jet helicopter from a business meeting in Los Angeles, traveling to Orange County, on the way to one of my seminars, and as I flew over the city of Glendale, California, I suddenly recognized a large building. And I stopped the helicopter and hovered above. And as I looked down, I realized this was the building that I'd worked in as a janitor a mere 12 years ago. In those days, I'd been concerned about whether my 1960 Volkswagen would hang together for the 30 minute trip to work. My life had been focused on, how am I gonna survive? I felt alone and I felt fearful, but that day, as I hovered there in the sky, I thought, what a difference a decade can make. I did have a dream back then, but at the time I seemed like it would never be realized. Today, though, I've really come to believe that all my past failures, all my frustrations were actually just laying the foundation for the understandings that've created the new level of work I now enjoy. Finally, we reached Irvine, California, and as I began to look below, I was a little disturbed when I saw that the off-ramp to my seminar was jammed with bumper-to-bumper traffic for more than a mile. I thought to myself, boy, I hope whatever else is going on tonight gets started soon, so the people coming to my seminar can arrive on time. But as I started to descend down to the helipad, I began to see a brand new picture. Thousands of people being held back by security just where I was about to land. Suddenly, I began to grasp the reality. The traffic jam had been caused by people coming to my event. When I walked in the arena from the landing pad, I was surrounded by hundreds of people who wanted to give me a hug or tell me how my work had positively impacted their lives. And as I looked out on the audience, I saw 5,000 smiling, cheering, loving faces. And at that moment I realized, I am living my dream. No matter how bad your life is, the first thing you should do is to help somebody else, who's worse off, because it'll put everything in perspective. I don't care how bad it is. You're missing a leg, you lost your job. The way outta that is to strengthen your mind, read, feed your mind, but go help somebody else. I feed two million people a year, because somebody found my family when I was 11 years old. And that pride just doesn't go away. Everybody wants a change, but nobody wants to work out. Everybody wants muscle, but nobody wants to train. We don't realize that the process of training ourselves, the process of conditioning ourselves actually feels incredible, once you get that initial momentum. You gotta decide you're gonna commit to mastery. The only thing that's gonna make you happy, my friend, in this year or any other, is to step up."

Tony Robbins On Crediting Others For Your Success

Tony Robbins On Crediting Others For Your Success

Tony Robbins - Blame Them Motivational speaker Tony Robbins explains that it is important to give credit to the people in your life who have given you both happiness and pain that shaped you into the greater person you are today. Transcript: "Because if you’re gonna blame people for all the shit, you better blame them for all the good too. If you’re gonna give them credit for everything that’s fucked up, then you have to give them credit for everything that’s great. ’Cause life is not so simple and black and white. My mother beat the shit out of me. She loved me. She was freaked out I was going to leave. I was her source of everything. I blame her for all the beauty in my life. I blame her that I have the woman I have in my life, because I cherish my wife because I know what the opposite is. I blame her for the capacity to feel and care. I blame her for my insatiable hunger to end suffering for any human I can. ’Cause I suffered a ton. If she had been the mother I had wanted, I would not be the man I am proud to be. If we can realize that life is always happening for us, not to us, game over. All of the pain and suffering disappears." - Tony Robbins

What It Takes To Create A Lasting Change In Your Life - Tony Robbins

What It Takes To Create A Lasting Change In Your Life - Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins - Have A Vision Tony Robbins explains the importance of having a vision when making New Year's Resolutions. Transcript: "When you resolve something, to have a resolution is to resolve it. When you resolve, this is how it's going to be, that's when you cut off any possibility except the thing you've committed to. It's like the old adage, "If you want to take the island, you burn the boats." Because when you burn those boats there's no going back. You're going to find a way to make things work. Most people, they're stating what they hope will come together and if it doesn't happen, then they're disappointed but they're not too disappointed because they're not too vested. What does it take to successfully create a lasting change in your life? To not only have a New year's resolution you follow through on but really have a lasting change. Well, the first step for lasting change is very much like making a New years resolution. Fundamentally it's the same. The first step is you've got to have a vision. A vision for what it is you really, truly want. Not what you think you want or what you should have. What are most people's New year's resolutions, "I'm going to stop eating sugar. You know, I'm going to stop smoking. I'm going to lose 10 pounds. The problem with that is it's not very inspiring for most people. You know, it's not telling you what you're going to get. It's only what you're not going to do and it's kind of hard to have you move forward with that. A vision is about what you're here to create. A vision that really works is one that excites you. Reasons come first, answers come second. If you get a compelling vision and you've got strong enough reasons that will push you through the tough times, you're going to do things other people don't do. Instead of collapsing even if you get off target, you won't go, "Oh, I blew it." You'll get right back on target, make the change, make things happen. I know you've done this in many areas of your life. Just think about it again. I'm not teaching you something really new here today. I just want to remind you what your soul knows. You've got to change. You've got to improve and you've got to go through a simple process fundamentally to make that progress." - Tony Robbins

Mindshift: Change Your Mind (Motivational Video)

Mindshift: Change Your Mind (Motivational Video)

Mindshift: Change Your Mind (Motivational Video) In this amazing motivational video, we are encouraged to make use of the power of our mind to overcome our obstacles. Video by Ping Pong Studios. Transcript: There is nothing as powerful as a changed mind. You can change your hair, your clothing, your address your spouse, your residence. But if you don't change your mind the same experience will perpetuate itself over and over again because everything outwardly changed but nothing inwardly changed. If you want something out of life if you want to change yourself, if you want to acquire something If there's some goal that you want to reach, changing your behaviors, overcoming negative habits. It's challenging, it's hard Most people go through life never discovering what their talents are. Most people never develop their talents. The only thing that's gonna make you happy my friend in this year any other is to step up. It's to raise the standard, it's to discover what you're capable of and feel that incredible power of pushing through whatever's holding you back and get to the other side of more of your true self. That's what this game is all about When you step into your fears and continue to push yourself to go on.... something happens for you. If you look at somebody who's really successful and you think "Wow I mean they're so amazing they're such a genius. You gotta dig underneath and you remember something. People are rewarded in public for what the've practiced for years in private. If you don't develop the courage to do that which has been given you to do, and you spend a lot of time going around trying to convince other people, or trying to get their approval. What will happen is, that you will lose your nerve, and other people convince you that what you're doing doesn't have any value, and you'll give up on your dream. How much time do you have left? How much time do you have left? When you start thinking about that we don't know. Most of us don't use the stuff that we have brought into the universe. Stop wasting valuable time. If you want something you have got to be relentless. You've got to learn how to become resourceful, you've got to learn how to become creative. The power to hold on in spite of everything, the power to endure, this is the winners quality. The hunger, the ability to face defeat again and again without giving up. This is a winners quality. What this power is I cannot say. All I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man or woman is in that state of mind in which he or she knows exactly what he or she wants, and is fully determined not to quit until they find it. There's greatness in you! And you've got to learn how to tune out the critics outside, and the critic inside. I'm gonna harness my will! And I'm not going to let anything stop me. I deserve this. Most people give up on themselves easily. You know the human spirit is powerful? There's nothing as powerful. It's hard to kill the human spirit. You are unstoppable! Live your life with passion! With some drive! Most of us go through life with our breaks on Holding back! Decide that you're going to push yourself! You've got to focus on you. And as you convince you. As you sell yourself everyday, everyday, everyday, you will begin to see a difference in the things that you're doing. Selling yourself on your ability to perform a job, to achieve a certain objective, telling yourself everyday here I go again and I've got what it takes. This is my day, and nothing out here's going to stop me. And you'll never see me coming. Speakers List: Bishop T.D. Jakes Tony Robbins Les Brown

Your Time Left (Motivational Video)

Your Time Left (Motivational Video)

Your Time Left (Motivational Video) How much time have you spent worrying instead of doing something you love? Epic Motivational Video by Ben Lionel Scott. Speakers The G Project zefrank1 Tony Robbins Jaret Grossman Ray Lewis Music Jetta - I'd Love To Change The World Immediate Music - Hope of Aurora Dean Valentine - Full Of Sound And Fury Main Theme - Hans Zimmer (Instrumental Piano Cover)

Tony Robbins - Serve Something Greater Video

Tony Robbins - Serve Something Greater Video

Tony Robbins - Serve Something Greater Video Transcript: "Any state that's a beautiful state is really the core essence of who you are without fear. The decision to say, "I am not going to suffer," that if suffering arises ... Pain is one thing; suffering is another. Suffering comes when we obsess about ourselves, what we're getting or not getting, what we should have done, what others should have done for us. It's the me, me, me, me, me game. Here's what people don't get. You can end suffering by stop focusing on yourself and focus on something you want to serve greater than yourself. No one knows what's going to really happen in your life, life is full of uncertainty, but here's what you can know: you can decide no matter what happens, you're going to have a great time." - Tony Robbins