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Dad carrying little girl on his shoulders and a bride and groom at the altar.
Uplifting News

Bride Pays Tribute To Her Late Dad On Wedding Day - No One Was Prepared For What Happened Next

Amy Rose Perry was only 7 years old when her father, Nathaniel Machain, passed away after a three-year battle with appendix cancer. He was 36. Twenty-five years later, Amy wanted to honor her father on her wedding day. While he couldn't be there to walk her down the aisle, she wanted him to know that he was always with her.He got the message...and then he sent her one right back.

Bride in blue pajamas cries in hair salon and a bride hugging a man.

Bride Gets a Shock At the ​Hair Salon on Wedding Day - Leaving Her In Tears

Weddings are a time of joy, love, and sometimes, unexpected surprises. For Helena Morgan, her wedding day was made even more special by the arrival of her younger brother, Army Sergeant William Watson. His presence turned an already beautiful day into a moment of unforgettable emotion and joy.

Elderly couple and a black and white picture of a young couple at their wedding.

Couple Elopes In 1964 - 60 Years Later, Husband Gives Wife Her Dream Wedding

When Gary and Linda Manna eloped in 1964, they knew they would be together forever. What they didn’t know was that one day they would actually be able to have the wedding of their dreams.

100-Year-Old Veteran Wasn't Interested in 96-Year-Old When They First Met - Now Theyre Getting Married
Uplifting News

100-Year-Old Veteran Wasn't Interested in 96-Year-Old When They First Met - Now Theyre Getting Married

Eighty years ago, a World War II veteran named Harold Terens landed in France as a 20-year-old Army Air Forces corporal. It was shortly after D-Day, and the vet had seen and experienced a number of hardships and victories since enlisting in 1942.This summer, Terens will return to France as part of the 80th anniversary celebration of the country’s liberation from the Nazis. There, according to the Associated Press, the 100-year-old will mark the occasion by marrying his fiancée, Jeanne Swerlin. Never Too Old for LoveTerens and Swerlin, who is 96, will marry in a town called Carentan-les-Marais near the beaches where the U.S. troops landed, reports the publication. The couple met in 2021 when mutual friends thought they would hit it off. At their first lunch together, they barely looked at each other because Terens was still grieving the death of his wife Thelma and wasn't interested in other women. But when friends brought them to dinner the next night, it was love at second sight.“He was introducing me to the whole world, ‘I want you to meet my girl, my sweetheart,’ and I didn’t even know him more than two days,” Swerlin recalled. “Being in love is not just for the young. We get butterflies just like everybody else.”A few months ago, Terens got down on one knee and recalled Swerlin being “hysterical.”“I thought I’d have to help him up, but he’s so macho,” she said.The wedding will take place June 8 in a chapel built in the 1600s and will be officiated by the mayor, Jean-Pierre Lhonneur. Legally, Lhonneur is only allowed to marry town residents, but he believes the local prosecutor will allow an exception in this case.“It will be a pleasure for us,” Lhonneur said.Finding Love AgainThis won’t be the bride or groom's first wedding. Terens married his first wife, Thelma, in 1948. They had two daughters and a son, and Terens went on to work for a British conglomerate. Thelma passed away in 2018 after 70 years of marriage, leaving behind eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.Swerlin married when she was 21 years old and became a full-time mom to two girls and a boy. Her first husband passed away when she was in her 40s, but she found love again and married her second husband. They were married for 18 years when he, too, passed away. Swerlin found her third love, a man named Sol Katz, after that. They lived together for 25 years before he died in 2019.Katz’ daughter, who met Terens when her kids and Terens’ grandchildren went to camp together, was the first to introduce the vet to Swerlin.“She gave my dad such joy,” the daughter explained. “I didn’t want her to be lonely.”Looks like she got her wish.“I love this girl — she is quite special,” Terens said.“He’s an amazing guy, amazing,” Swerlin said. “He loves me so much, and he says it. And my god, he’s the greatest kisser!”It’s Never Too LateHearing about a 100-year-old and a 96-year-old finding each other and feeling like high school sweethearts is downright heartwarming. It reminds us that it’s never too late for love, new chances, or a shot at life. We never know what the world will throw at us, and sometimes, it can feel like the bad outweighs the good.But if you keep putting yourself out there and remain open to unexpected opportunities, the good can also outweigh the bad.If these two could find each other after losing so many loved ones and experiencing the hardships of war, then anyone can. We all deserve good things in life, but the first step to getting them is to believe in ourselves and our ability to love — no matter how old we are!More from Goalcast:Widow Remarries Years Later – Asks Her Previous Husband’s Dad Onto the Dance Floor for This ReasonMan Meets His Wife During World War II in a Club – 74 Years Later, He’s First to Take the Same Dance Floor Once AgainWWII Veteran Has Kept a Photograph of a 14-Year-Old in His Pocket for 78 Years – Then His Mystery Girl Showed Up

11-Year-Old Grabs Microphone at Fathers Wedding - Reveals the Truth About His New Wife
Uplifting News

11-Year-Old Grabs Microphone at Fathers Wedding - Reveals the Truth About His New Wife

Unfortunately, not everyone grows up with two parents. Sometimes, kids are raised by a single parent due to divorce or life circumstances. It can be hard, but the single-parent/child bond can also be an incredibly close one. When someone new enters the picture, it can mean a big period of adjustment.So, when one 11-year-old boy told the truth about how his dad’s new wife was there for him on their wedding day, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.A Beautiful SpeechIn a video shared to Newsnercom, an 11-year-old boy grabbed the microphone at his father’s wedding. At first, no one knew what he was going to say, but he was prepared. As everyone waited in anticipation, the boy began nervously reading from a prepared speech.“I feel very, very blessed being here today,” he began as his dad and new mom looked on. “Not only because I have such an amazing father, but because I get to see my father marry someone as equally amazing as him.”The proud father smiled, and his bride beamed as the boy continued. He explained how, when he first met Ashley, he was worried she wouldn’t like him very much because he thought she was just a “common friend” of his dad’s. When he realized she was more than a friend, he was a bit “grossed out” but quickly changed his mind.“She was very caring and treated my father well. Seeing my father happy around her made me understand that she was pretty cool,” he continued.A New Family of ThreeThe thoughtful kid also explained how, for years it was just him and his dad. He didn’t feel like they needed anyone else and that they always had a great time together. Then Ashley came around, and he had a big realization: they hadn't been complete until she joined their family.“It was different in a way that made us even stronger,” the wise boy continued, adding how his dad has always been a terrible cook and Ashley “saved” him from that.“With lots of love in my heart I just want to say thank you, Ashley, for everything. You make my dad a better person by enlightening our lives and being so welcoming. I always thought we were the ones welcoming you into our lives, but the truth is you opened your heart and welcomed the crazy Moderno boys into yours.”He added that now he has the “coolest” stepmom and step-grandmom. Then he wrapped it all up with a cheers. The family hugged and toasted together, celebrating their new life.Adapting to ChangeThis story is touching and heartfelt because it reminds us that family is more than just the traditional unit we see so often in media and pop culture. Families can be blended, adopted, or chosen, and sometimes, it isn’t until we participate in one of those things that we really feel as though we’ve found our people.This boy’s speech is also a great reminder that sometimes change really is a good thing. So if you’re struggling, try and see the positive in a situation and understand where and how it might be good for you, and even make you stronger. If an 11-year-old boy can do that (and give such a great speech about it!), certainly we can, too.More from Goalcast:Single Dad Reaches His Stepdaughter’s School for Mother’s Day Event – But He Wasn’t Dressed as Himself9-Year-Old Girl Loses Her Mom – Years Later, She Pens a Message About Her Single DadBride Makes Her New 4-Year-Old Stepson Sob by Reading the Wedding Vows She Had Specially Written for Him

Teacher Keeps a Secret From His Students - When They Find out the Truth, They Show up at His Wedding Rehearsal
Uplifting News

Teacher Keeps a Secret From His Students - When They Find out the Truth, They Show up at His Wedding Rehearsal

This choir director received the surprise of a lifetime.Love is a powerful emotion, especially when it touches other people. It also comes in many different shapes and forms, and even though some may try to judge it, at the end of the day love is love. One middle school choir director had that message drilled into his very core on the day of his wedding rehearsal when he received the surprise of a lifetime from his students.Guarding His Personal LifeA Massachusetts middle school choir teacher named Christopher Landis loved teaching his kids. He was also beloved by the students, and many of them got to know him during their time together. So when a man started coming by to see Landis on a regular basis, the kids were curious about who he was.“That’s Joe, he’s my friend,” Landis would reply. In reality though, Joe Michienzie was Landis’ fiancé. Landis was just afraid to tell his students the truth because he was scared they would judge him or that it would upset their parents.Still, kids are smarter than we sometimes give them credit for and it didn’t take long for them to figure out that Michienzie was more than a pal. When their parents learned about the situation, they formulated a plan.A Memorable RehearsalOn the day of the engaged couple’s wedding rehearsal, they held a brunch. There, Landis noticed people were pulling out their phones, but he wasn’t sure why. That’s when he received the surprise of a lifetime: his students began filing in.“I saw the first student come in and I was like, ‘Oh my goodness,’” Landis explained to InsideEdition. “I don’t think it hit me until all of these students came in and they were smiling and all dressed up. Then I started crying, and they started crying.”According to the publication, Michienzie was in on the surprise. The parents had contacted him after learning about his engagement to their kids' teacher, and they asked if they could get the students to perform.A Moment of AcceptanceNeedless to say, Landis was shocked. He had no idea the kids knew about his relationship, let alone the fact that the parents and his fiancé had been secretly working for months together on an epic surprise.It wasn’t over there, though. Once inside, the kids sang a version of All You Need Is Love by The Beatles. It was the reminder Landis needed that love is love, and not only was there love between him and his fiancé, but his students loved him for who he was as well.“I felt like when the kids came to sing they were basically saying, 'It's OK. We know who Joe is.' So now I say, 'Joe, my husband,'” Landis added.Always Be YourselfThe best way to be authentically happy in life is to be yourself and, as hard as it might be at times, to trust that others will accept you for who you are. That’s the powerful lesson behind this beautiful story, which reminds us that sometimes we’re scared to show ourselves to others for fear of judgment.But, by living in the moment, being true to ourselves, not judging others for who they are, and leading by example, good people do come into our lives. The world isn’t perfect, but by showing the type of kindness and acceptance that Landis showed to his kids, his kids reciprocated it tenfold.In the end, he learned that it’s okay to be himself, just as he taught his kids that it’s okay for them to be their true selves, too.More from Goalcast:Retiring Teacher Left Stunned When Her Students – Past and Present – Surprised Her at Disney, Her Favorite PlaceMath Teacher Who Commutes Four Hours Every Day Gets Life-Changing Surprise from StudentsStudents Notice Something Strange About Their Favorite Physics Teacher —His Confession Takes Them by Surprise

Elderly Neighbors Are Unable to Attend Young Couples Wedding  So They Hatched a Plan
Uplifting News

Elderly Neighbors Are Unable to Attend Young Couples Wedding So They Hatched a Plan

It's no wonder with a nickname like "the concrete jungle" New York City can get a bad rep for being a tough town to crack. Lifelong New Yorkers, Terri and Jean are flipping that old narrative on its head.Recently, the elderly duo went viral for the sweetest — and most neighborly — reason!When the pair discovered the young couple who lived down the hall from them were getting married, they knew they wouldn't be able to make the trip out for the destination wedding. Instead of sending their "regrets" — they did something so much better.It Was Friendship at First Sight@elenawonders / InstagramTerri and Jean became fast friends with their new neighbors Dave Steel and Elena Nicolaou.The hilarious roommates were quick to extend an open-door invitation to their home whenever the young couple were feeling in need of a little company."We started visiting her and the older woman, Jean, she takes care of and lives with — they love our dog," Nicolaou."Dave would sometimes cook them dinner, and we would eat together. Jean, who is 86, calls us her grandma," Nicolaou contined. "Both have lived in the neighborhood for decades — Jean since the '80s and Terri her whole life."It's safe to say, Terri and Jean had been around the block — literally. But even in older age, the feisty ladies still kept their youthful spirit — and it was infectious.Their “Mobility Issues” Stopped Them From Attending the WeddingTerri and Jean were the bride-to-be's biggest cheerleaders. Over the course of her engagement, they were thrilled to talk about all things wedding: From the cake to the wedding dress and everything in between."Whoever said New Yorkers were unfriendly have never lived here!"Elena NicolaouEven though the young couple would have loved for their neighbors to attend the festivities, Jean's "mobility issues" ruled that plan out.But their Plan B was so much better!They Got Creative!If these ladies could make it through quarantining, they could make just about anything fun indoors.Terri and Jean decided they'd throw their own "ceremony" for the couple and with a little help from the 99 Cent store, their vision came to life."We dressed up, read vows, laughed throughout the ceremony and had pizza all together."Elena NicolaouThankfully Nicolaou — who's an editor at — caught the whole thing on camera. Obviously she knows what it takes to break a good story!Watch the Home Video: "Our neighbors in New York threw us a wedding ceremony in their apartment since they were unable to attend ours. This happened two weeks before the official wedding. This is the RECUT version with more footage from the festivities…"From Terri playing the father, officiant and bouquet-catcher to Jean's acapella serenade for them to dance to, it was a perfect "wedding."It’s Not How Much You Spend, It’s Who You Spend Your Time With The couple got married for real just 2 weeks later but even thought their neighbors couldn't attend — their special rehearsal remained meaningful."These two women were so supportive of our relationship and we felt surrounded by pure love," Elena shared. "There were no expectations and hurt feelings and complications like in our real wedding — just simple awesomeness.""The experience definitely showed me that weddings are NOT about the money you spend but the feeling behind it and the people who are present." Elena NicolaouTerri and Jean's story shows there's more than one way to celebrate the people you love. Little experiences like these are definitely the foundation the best memories are built on. More from Goalcast:Bride Finds Out Something About Her Fiancé and Cancels the Wedding – Decides Not to Let the $15K Reception Go to WasteBride Wears Her Wedding Dress – And Sobs When She Finds Out What Her Mom Had Planned Behind Her BackHigh School Sweethearts Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary – Little Did They Know, They Would Be In “Tears” After Their Date

Bride Leaves Empty Seat for Late Son - Breaks Down When This Person Takes His Place Instead
Uplifting News

Bride Leaves Empty Seat for Late Son - Breaks Down When This Person Takes His Place Instead

When you lose someone, the sadness surrounding their death never really goes away. Grief comes in waves, and those waves ebb and flow. Some days will always be better than others. Weddings are a unique situation though, because on a day meant for joy and new beginnings, you can’t help but remember those who should be there celebrating with you.That’s why this touching story of a mom who lost her son before her wedding day has people around the world tearing up.A Sad GoodbyeAn Alaskan woman named Becky Turney went through the unthinkable a few years ago when she lost her 19-year-old son, Triston. The mother was devastated, but she took solace in knowing her son was a donor. Triston’s heart, lungs, and other organs went toward others in need, and he ended up saving four lives.As time moved on, Becky continued to mourn her son. But she also tried to live her life, and a couple of years later she was getting ready to marry the man of her dreams, Kelly Turney. He had been with Becky for the past seven years and knew everything she had been through.So as the days to the wedding ticked down, the pair planned on having an empty seat in Triston’s honor. The couple also had a sign printed in his memory.“I'm in heaven for your wedding so what shall I do? I'll come down to earth to spend it with you. So save me a seat, just one empty chair. You may not see me, but I will be there,” the sign read.The Ultimate SurpriseThe couple rehearsed the wedding with the empty seat, and they didn’t really speak of it again. However, Kelly was secretly planning a big surprise for his bride.When the big day arrived, Kelly walked down the aisle and stopped at the seat she had put aside. There, a 21-year-old man named Jacob Kilby sat instead. Kilby had been born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and received his first heart transplant when he was two. A few years ago, that heat deteriorated, and he had a heart attack. Triston’s heart saved his life.Kelly had worked for months to fly Jacob out for the wedding and hid him until the last possible moment. Then, he introduced the man as his sixth groomsman.“I lost my mind. I squealed like a little girl,” Becky, who had only ever spoken on the phone with Jacob previously, told Today. “It was incredible.”Not a Dry EyePeople teared up as Becky wept and connected with Jacob. In a series of photographs from the wedding photographer, Amber Lanphier of Love Adventured, Becky and Jacob are hugging and smiling. One photo even shows Becky listening to Jacob’s heart with a stethoscope.“There really are no words, and that’s the coolest part because the pictures, they say it all,” Becky added. “I’ve never ever been surprised like that, like ever. I’m the girl who secretly unwraps all the Christmas presents under the tree and puts them back. So for him to pull this off was just incredible.”For Jacob, it was a meaningful way to say thank you to the mother and to honor the memory of the man who allowed him another chance at life by donating his heart.“I wouldn’t be here without it,” he added. “Here in Alaska, we’ve definitely created a bond that’s unforgettable and very rare. By us sharing the story, it will hopefully encourage other people to do the same.”Finding a PurposeThis story is a powerful one because it reminds us of the power of purpose. The death of Becky’s son was tragic, yet it allowed four other people to live.Often in life, and especially when we lose someone who was close to us, we struggle with purpose. That’s why it can be helpful to find a way to make meaning out of our loss. Connecting with donor recipients is one example. So is creating a memorial fund in a loved one’s name or raising funds on their behalf. Many times we see families asking for donations to a charity instead of giving flowers at a service.Sometimes, purpose following a loss can also be found within. Set new goals for yourself, pursue a new passion, or forge new relationships. By staying focused on the future and trying to do something positive for yourself, you have the power to continue on the path to healing.More from Goalcast:Fallen Police Officer Leaves Eight Children Behind – 13 of His Colleagues Then Show Up at His 8-Year-Old Daughter’s HomeA Heartbreaking Sacrifice: How One Girl’s Tragic Death Saved the Lives of StrangersHer Son’s Dying Wish Was to Have a Child — So This Famous Spanish Actress Made His Dream Come True Herself

Bride Finds Out Something About Her Fianc and Cancels the Wedding - Decides Not to Let the $15K Reception Go to Waste
Uplifting News

Bride Finds Out Something About Her Fianc and Cancels the Wedding - Decides Not to Let the $15K Reception Go to Waste

*Featured image contains photo by Dimitri Kuliuk and Diana TitenkoWeddings are supposed to be the start of a couple's "happily ever after," but for this particular bride, her happily ever after doesn't actually include her groom. Just days before the ceremony, the California bride discovered something about her fiancé that made her say, "Yeah, NO" and she called off the wedding.Unable to cancel her non-refundable lavish $15,000 reception, she decided to turn lemons into lemonade.How a Bride Turned Her Nightmare Into a Dream for Families of Children With Special NeedsPhoto by MunozPhoto_The bride, who wishes to remain anonymous, reached out to Parents Helping Parents (PHP), a San Jose-based nonprofit that provides support to children and adults with special needs, as well as their families.It's a charity near and dear to her heart, having helped her own family in the past.She made a phone call and offered up the whole shebang — including the venue, the food, the DJ, a photo booth, and even a dazzling display of fireworks.Not surprisingly, PHP employees were shocked. And beyond thrilled. "I think this donation is extraordinary," executive director Maria Daane told NBC Bay Area. "I've never heard of anyone ever calling a nonprofit and saying, 'We want to donate a $15,000 party in two weeks to you.'"Maria Daane via NBC Bay Area(And she said she likely never will again.)With no time to spare, the nonprofit sent out invitations to the families it helps, dubbing it the "Ball for All." RSVPs came pouring in. And by the time the big day rolled around, more than 100 children, parents, caretakers, and PHP staff showed up to the ballroom at the Gilroy Eagle Ridge Golf Club ready to party.Turning a Personal Set-Back Into a Source of JoyGuests were all smiles as they ate and danced the night away. Liz Schwartz, the mother of a daughter with special needs, said it was a "rare and special treat.""It’s wonderful to be included and to have this celebration of who our community is.” Liz SchwartzOftentimes, families of children with special needs can feel isolated, navigating a complex and unique journey that many people outside of their circles may not understand. They don't always get to partake in the same events as their peers, which is why this was so special. The celebration, born out of the bride's sad and unexpected turn of events, not only brought joy to the faces of the attendees but also served up a much-needed sense of community.In one special night, the families and caretakers were able to just kick back, relax, and enjoy themselves. As did their kids. The event wasn't just about a canceled wedding; it was about rewriting the narrative for families of children with special needs. And it was pure magic. Finding the Good in the BadDespite her heartbreak, this bride managed to do something amazing and give back to a community that had given so much to her and her family.No one would have blamed her if she had just locked herself away and shut out the world for a while. Instead, she chose to turn her misfortune into an opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others.It just goes to show that the old adage is true, every cloud truly does have a silver lining. Sometimes, we just need to make it ourselves. More from Goalcast: Woman Hears FedEx Driver at the Door While Her Fiancé Is Away – Is Shocked When She Catches Him Doing ThisBride Is Devastated When Her Fiancé Calls off Their $35K Wedding – Decides to Invite Some Unexpected Guests to Her Reception InsteadBride Spends Her Entire Life Savings on Her Wedding – Receives Shocking News That Her Fiancé Is Missing

Bride Who Lost Her Dad Is Unable to Have a Father-Daughter Dance - Little Did She Know, Her Brothers Had Something Planned
Uplifting News

Bride Who Lost Her Dad Is Unable to Have a Father-Daughter Dance - Little Did She Know, Her Brothers Had Something Planned

A wedding day, a celebration of love etched with moments of joy, often includes a sentimental dance between a bride and her father.For Kaley West Young from Utah, the absence of her late father cast a shadow over this cherished tradition. Little did she know, her thoughtful brothers had a heartwarming surprise in store.The Surprise the Bride’s Brothers Had PlannedPhoto by Becerra Govea PhotoKaley, resigned to the fact that her father couldn't share this special dance, was caught off guard when, during her wedding, her brothers stepped in. The surprise began with one brother revealing Michael Bolton's Fathers and Daughters, a poignant choice that echoed through the room. One by one, Kaley's five older brothers took turns dancing with her, enveloping her in the love and memory of her departed father.As the emotional bride swayed with her brothers, a recorded voice echoed through the venue — it was a message from her late father, David Jean West, who passed away in March 2015. "Hi Kaley! My name is Dave West, and I’m Kaylie’s dad. And I love her very much, 1,800 times worth," her father's voice resonated, adding a layer of profound emotion to the already tearful moment."I was completely in shock. I know people joke about having an out-of-body experience but that is what it truly was being in the middle of the ballroom and surrounded by my family, and my husband’s family, and our friends and people we care about with my brothers stepping up," Kaley shared in a post-wedding interview. "It was an incredible moment."Days later, the heartwarming video was shared on social media, catching the attention of Andy Young, the songwriter and award-winning vocalist behind Fathers and Daughters. He reached out to Kaley and her brothers, expressing his gratitude and saying, "I’m humbled and honored that the west brothers choose my song #FathersandDaughters to dance with their sister Kaley at her wedding. Their video brought me to tears."How 5 Men Proved That Love Transcends the Physical BodyKaley, still in disbelief that they caught Michael Bolton’s attention, expressed her gratitude. "I was in complete disbelief that he saw (the video), and it’s very touching for him to even respond. It was very kind of him and it made that moment even more special."Her older brother, Kevin West, revealed the meticulous planning that went into the surprise. "A few months back, we told Kaley we had a surprise for her and that we were working on something but we kept it a surprise the entire time," Kevin explained. The brothers sifted through memories, incorporating sound bites from their father's home videos into Bolton's song.For Kaley, this touching tribute is a reminder of the enduring power of love. "This video isn’t about me or my family; it’s about the most important thing in life which is our loved ones," she expressed. "Every single person experiences loss, or will experience loss, in those moments can be deep sorrow and despair. However, I want it to be a reminder that you are never alone. Love transcends beyond the physical body and whoever is going through a great loss, no matter what it may be, you are never alone and you are loved."In the poignant dance with her brothers, Kaley found solace, turning what could have been a moment of sorrow into a celebration of enduring love. In her words, "Love transcends beyond the physical body," and indeed, the love she shared with her father lived vibrantly in that room, making her wedding day unforgettable.More from Goalcast:Bride Wears Her Wedding Dress – And Sobs When She Finds Out What Her Mom Had Planned Behind Her BackHigh School Sweethearts Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary – Little Did They Know, They Would Be In “Tears” After Their DateBride Makes Her New 4-Year-Old Stepson Sob by Reading the Wedding Vows She Had Specially Written for Him