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Want To Raise Great Kids? Watch This Video

Great kids are made.

Parenting is the hardest job out there. These experts weigh in on what you should be doing to bring out the best in your children.

Are Great Kids Made or Born? Find out

Parenting is difficult, especially when raising kids in a world that says only certain kinds of achievements are worth recognizing. How do you raise kids who are true to themselves? Four experts weigh in on how to best nurture your child's true nature & build a rock-solid relationship with them in the process.

13 min

Motivational Videos

How Adam Sandler Saved Drew Barrymore Again

Growing up with no family whatsoever, Drew Barrymore desperately searched for a place to call home. But her dark past and abandonment led Drew down a tragic path, ultimately leading to a heartbreaking divorce. She was determined to close herself off for good, but Adam saw a rare and precious light inside of her. Why couldn’t Adam let Drew fight this nightmare alone? And what led Drew to face the biggest pain of her past once and for all?