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Stuart Scott: Never Give Up
Stuart Scot: Never Give Up

Stuart Scott: Never Give Up

Stuart Scott - Together We Fight

The late sportscaster Stuart Scott shares his story about how he found strength and meaning in his battle against cancer, with the help of his loved ones.


"Man, I crashed. I had liver complications. I had kidney failure. I had four surgeries in a span of seven days. I had tubes and wires running in and out of every part of my body, and guys, when I say every part of my body, every part of my body. As of Sunday, I didn't even know if I'd make it here. I couldn't fight, but I listened to what Jim Valvano said 21 years ago, the most poignant seven words ever uttered in any speech anywhere: 'Don't give up. Don't ever give up.' I'm not losing. I'm still here. I'm fighting. I'm not losing. Even with all that, the fight is still much more difficult than I even realized.

"I'm not special. I can't do this 'don't give up' thing all by myself. The people that I love, my friends and family, they could fight. My girlfriend who slept on a very uncomfortable hospital cot by my side every night, she could fight. The people that I love did last week what they always do. They visited, they talked to me, they listened to me, they sat silent sometimes, they loved me. This whole 'fight this journey' thing is not a solo venture. This is something that requires support. When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live."

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