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25+ Fun Date Night Ideas for Every Relationship
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25+ Fun Date Night Ideas for Every Relationship

Date nights aren't only a chance for some alone time, they're an opportunity to create special moments.

The old dinner-and-a-movie may be a classic, but it’s not exactly breaking new ground when it comes to fun date night ideas. So why not mix things up with some new activities?

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The following cute date ideas and first-date tips are divided into categories to help you figure out the perfect excursion for you and your main squeeze (or potential partner). 

Whether you’re going on a first date, or your 50th, these fun date ideas will surely inspire your next romantic outing!

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Cute Date Ideas for a First Date 

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Photo by Felipe Bustillo on Unsplash

Ah, your first date. Such a milestone, right? When choosing the first activity you’ll do together while getting to know each other, consider the following: First, you want the conversation to flow, so it’s important to go where there’s enough distraction to keep you talking. In short, finding a place with lots of stimuli is key. 

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Second, you don’t want to accidentally drink too much alcohol because you’re nervous. So, it’s a good rule of thumb to steer clear of bars on a first date. And, finally, it’s always best to meet in a public place for safety and to give you an easy out if the date is not going great.

Got all that? The following first date ideas fit all of this criteria and more for making this initial activity together a success. 

Get Coffee

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Photo by Good Faces on Unsplash

By far the most popular first-date idea, grabbing something at a coffee shop is a low-stakes way to get to know someone. If you hit it off, you can continue getting to know each other by taking a walk, window shopping or getting a meal together.

If you don’t quite click, no biggie. After finishing your beverages, simply go your separate ways. 

Walk Your Dogs

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Photo by Kate Wallace on Unsplash

Not only is this a great (and cheap) date idea, it’s also super-cute. Plus, it’s the perfect way to see if your furry friends hit it off, too. 

Don’t have dogs? Why not visit an animal shelter and give some lonely pooches a little love? You’ll get to see each other’s softer sides, and do something nice for animals in need. 

Play Games at an Arcade

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexel

This first-date idea is interactive, fun and casual, making it an ideal choice for people just getting to know each other. An arcade isn’t super-romantic, but it can get cozy when you’re standing shoulder-to-shoulder, battling each other in a fighting game. Plus, a little healthy competition can be a good ice-breaker. 

Take a Trip to the Farmer’s Market

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Photo by Nana Lapushkina from Pexels

Meeting up at your local farmer’s market is a great way to get to know each other’s culinary tastes, and to make easy conversation. If your outing turns romantic, you can even feed each other produce samples, making this the perfect date to help you segue into the second date. 

Browse Your Local Bookstore

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Photo by Budgeron Bach from Pexels

If you’re both into reading, what could be more fun than swapping literary tastes at your local bookstore? You can read each other passages from your favorite books, talk about favorite authors and, perhaps, even pick out a book for the other to read before your next date. 

Fun Date Night Ideas

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Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

If you’re looking for a little adventure, the following fun and creative date night ideas focus on activities and experiences that can really bring a couple together. Doing new things, together, is a great way to bond. Some research even shows that having novel experiences together can strengthen a relationship. 

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So, jump into the favorite date night ideas and get ready to laugh, play and move out of your respective comfort zones. 

Take a Painting Class

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Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA from Pexels

Look for a local painting class (or a painting and wine class) where you and your date can channel your inner artists. You don’t need to consider yourself creative to take an art class. In fact, it may be more fun if neither of you has any natural talent.

At the end, swap paintings so you can each take the other’s home with you. 

Do Something Thrill-Seeking

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Photo by Doruk Yemenici on Unsplash

Trapeze lessons, bungee jumping, braving the rides at a local carnival — there are a number of ways to get your adrenaline pumping together. Thrill-seeking together is a fun way to bring you closer and have an experience you can look back on for years to come. 

Go to a Sports Event

good first date ideas

If you prefer spectating, get tickets for a local sporting event. You can root for your team, share some stadium food and spend time together as sports fans. If you don’t have a professional team in your area, college sports are sometimes even more fun to watch. 

Sing Karaoke

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Photo by Daniil Onischenko on Unsplash

Find a local karaoke bar, and make a night of it. If you’re feeling brave, sign yourselves up for a song or two. Or, just watch and cheer on the locals belting out their favorite tunes. Either way, you’ll have a blast. 

Do a Winery or Brewery Tour

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Photo by Kym Ellis on Unsplash

Taking a tour of a winery or brewery gives you all the fun of a bar experience with a little more novelty. Even if you know nothing about beer or wine, you’ll still have a good time trying different options. You might even learn a thing or two about the varieties you sip. 

You can also recreate this date at home by buying different types of beer or wine and doing your own tastings. 

Visit a Theme Park

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Photo by João Rabelo from Pexels

Channel your inner child by heading to a theme park. Ride the rides, see the sights, and watch the fireworks. Find that sense of wonder together, and you’ll see a new side of yourself and of your partner. 

Romantic Date Ideas

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Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

If you’re looking for more romantic date night ideas, the following options are meant to be a little more private and personal. Making special time for you and your other half can give your relationship a needed boost or help you celebrate a milestone. 

Go to the Drive-in

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Photo by Jona on Unsplash

Whether you love comedies, dramas or horror, seeing a film at the drive-in is definitely more romantic than being squashed between strangers in a traditional theater. You can bring your own snacks, blankets and drinks to customize your date, and cuddle up together in the relative privacy of your car. 

Take a Cooking Class

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Photo by AllGo on Unsplash

Cooking together can be very romantic. However, you might not know where to start, or have the skills needed to pull off a delicious meal at home. That’s why taking a cooking class can be romantic and practical at the same time. 

After learning how to cook a few dishes, you can then recreate your meal at home for your anniversary or Valentine’s Day, if you choose. However, if cooking doesn’t interest you, dance classes are another fun and romantic way to learn a new skill and spend some special time together. 

Go to a Concert

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Photo by Thibault Trillet from Pexels

Choose a band or solo act that’s special to you both, and book tickets. Being able to look forward to a date builds anticipation. The night of the show, you can dress up, get dinner and make a whole celebration out of it. 

Pack a Picnic

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Photo by Subodh Bajpai from Pexels

Going on a picnic is always a cute date idea. It’s low-key, it’s easy and super-romantic. Either do it yourself at home, then pack food for your excursion, or else order food you can take to-go. Then, choose a spot with beautiful views, or good people-watching, that’s secluded enough so you can feel a bit removed from the action. Finally, enjoy your spread — and time with each other.

Go on a Staycation

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Get a break from your everyday life and book a night at a posh local hotel. Sit by the pool, order room service, and act like a tourist for 24 hours. This is a great idea for an anniversary or birthday to celebrate you and your partner with a bigger date activity. 

Go Camping 

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

If you prefer the great outdoors over a luxury hotel, try camping for a night or two. You’ll need to work together to put up the tent, build a fire and make meals. Then you can spend the night cuddling for warmth. Bonus points for bringing an astronomy book so you can star gaze and pick out the constellations together. 

Daytime Date Ideas

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Photo by Budgeron Bach from Pexels

While we often think of dates as nighttime activities, there are a number of fun things you can do during the day that can have romantic potential. 

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The following date ideas are great ways to take advantage of daytime hours, and can add some variety to your life. 

Have Brunch

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Photo by Colin Michel on Unsplash

Dinner dates may be the go-to for couples, but brunch dates are highly underrated. Start your day with breakfast (and mimosas, if you’re feeling extra fancy), and then you can chill the rest of the day (and night). 

Breakfast in bed is another great option if you don't feel like getting out of your pajamas. 

Take a Hike 

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Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev from Pexels

Not only does this count as one of the best cheap date ideas, getting outside with your partner (and working up a sweat in nature) is healthy, too! Pick a hiking route with gorgeous scenery, pack some snacks (and water!), and take in the sights around you. 

If you’re feeling like making this date extra adventurous, you could try horseback riding through the woods or on local trails, with a guide to point the way. 

Go Thrifting or Antiquing 

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Check out your local secondhand shops to see what gems you might find. You could come away with some amazing vintage T-shirts, cool knick-knacks, or even keepsakes like records or jewelry. 

Not into rifling through other people’s stuff? Visit some high-end furniture stores and try out all of the fancy couches while imagining your future dream home. 

Visit a Museum or a Botanical Garden

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(Jacobs Stock Photography Ltd / Getty)

For a little culture, go to your local art museum to see which paintings and sculptures speak to you. You don’t have to know anything about art to appreciate what the museum has to offer. And there are always guidebooks and tours to lead the way. You’ll come away with new knowledge, and added appreciation, for the arts. 

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You might also check out your local botanical gardens for a stroll among the flora. It gives you a chance to appreciate the plants, flowers and trees native to your area. Chances are, you’ll learn a lot about the natural world right around you. 

Water Sports

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Photo by Sebastian Voortman from Pexels

If you’re a more athletic couple (but don’t want to try rock climbing), why not rent kayaks or paddle boards for a sporty outdoor date experience? As long as you live close to water, you’ll get the chance to do something fun outdoors together — don’t we all spend too much time in front of screens? — while doing something great for your bodies, too. 

After all of that paddling, you can grab a nourishing meal, and maybe a drink, to reward your hard work. And if it’s winter? Well, there’s always ice skating!

Group Date Ideas

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Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

Sometimes it’s fun to get together with other couples for a group date (or simply a double date). Doing this shakes up your typical date routine, gives you a chance to socialize, and provides new ideas for what you can do on your dates. All of that helps to keep things spicy and interesting in your relationship. Novelty is always a good thing, right?

The following ideas are activities you can certainly do with just the two of you. However, they will probably be even more fun with a group.

Go Bowling

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Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

More fun than going to the local library, bowling is definitely more of an old school activity, but it’s great as a group date. You can hang out and chat, while also doing something somewhat active, as well as compete with each other. 

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However, if the idea of sticking your finger into random balls and wearing rented shoes gives you the heebie-jeebies, you can opt for another group sporting activity like miniature golf, actual golf or pickleball. 

Try to Get Out of an Escape Room

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Photo by Zachary Keimig on Unsplash

Escape rooms have become increasingly popular. If you’re not familiar with the concept, you’re locked in a room filled with clues, and you have to figure out how to get out, typically by working together as a team. 

This is a fun night for a group date, because it’s easier to escape when more people are working on a problem. Everyone can find a way to contribute, solving codes to unlock the final door. After your big escape, you can celebrate with drinks. 

Take a City Tour

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Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels

Your town likely offers a number of tours that are fun to do as a group. From ghost tours to food tours, there’s something for any kind of group that will give you the inside scoop on local history. You’ll learn a lot and even see your city in a new light, plus make a lot of memories along the way. 

Book Tickets for Dinner Theater

Dinner and a show, anyone? From comedy shows to magic shows to mystery dinner theater, going as a group to one of these events is always an experience. Dinner theater is a great idea for group dates when people don’t know each other all that well because you’ll definitely have something to talk about when the show is over.

Play Laser Tag

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Photo from Pexels

Another date idea for channeling your inner child, playing laser tag is a fun way to stir up some competition with your partner. Plus, it’s way more fun playing among friends than random people. 

Breaking up into teams, you can opt to band together with your other half or be opposing to each other—whatever sounds more enticing to you. If laser tag is too tame for your group, you can always go paint-balling, which is a little more intense.  

Fundraising, Anyone?

This is not always available, but if you can find one, think about attending a local fundraising event. Choose a good cause that shows off the spirit of giving in your heart, and you may come away with more than a good feeling. Showing off your generosity and participating in something as a couple may teach you that by giving, you’ll actually receive. 

At-Home Date Ideas

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Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels

If you’re not able to get out of the house much these days -- maybe you have kids but no reliable babysitter -- there are plenty of home date night ideas.

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 With the following date ideas to guide you, you’ll have so much fun that you’ll almost forget that you haven’t even left the house. Just be sure to set a day and time with your partner so you can both anticipate the date and prep accordingly. 

Cook Together

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Photo by Gary Barnes from Pexels

Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest. Instead of ordering in, take the time to cook together. Chances are that you don’t do a lot of this during the week, especially if you have kids and you divide and conquer tasks in those few hours between work and bedtime. Pick a recipe that fits your cooking abilities and work together to create the perfect meal. 

Do a Board Game Night

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

There are plenty of board games you can play with just two people, from classics like chess to modern favorites like Hive. That's not even counting video games, or even trivia night. Playing games together lets you have some easy fun while also engaging in a bit of healthy competition. 

If you’re not into games per say, you can always do a puzzle together and help achieve a common goal. 

Plan a Movie Night

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

A little more structured than binge-watching, you can choose a movie together, pop popcorn and maybe even make a themed cocktail or mocktail to go along with the film. Then, cozy up under some blankets and settle in. Watching movies at home can be far superior to squishing into theater seats—especially since you can always hit pause when you need to use the bathroom or grab a snack. 

Take a Virtual Class

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Photo by Alena Darmel from Pexels

In light of the pandemic, you can learn nearly everything from your laptop these days, with skilled people offering tutorials on their talents via paid platforms like Masterclass or for free on YouTube. Pick a skill you’d like to learn, from guitar to painting to cocktail mixing (even a dance class!) and spend some time together perfecting your abilities. You’ll come away with new knowledge and fond memories.

Build a Backyard Campfire

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Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

Turn your backyard into a cozy place to cuddle, stargaze and eat s’mores together. Even if you’re tight on space, you can easily fit a small, portable fireplace to burn some wood and find some romance by a roaring fire. You may still be at home, but creating a new setting can make your space feel like new. 

Make Time for Each Other

In the end, all of these fun date ideas are about creating special moments for you and your partner (or for your potential love interest if you’re just getting to know each other). It’s one of the best ways to achieve your goals in a relationship. You don’t need to go on the perfect date in order to get that quality time in, you just need to find an activity that speaks to you and have an open mind about trying new things together. 

Know that it’s more about the company, not about the activity itself. Take the pressure off by choosing joy, having fun and making lasting memories together.


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